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Marvelous Messages from Your Body: Awaken Your Beckoning Heart, #1
Marvelous Messages from Your Body: Awaken Your Beckoning Heart, #1
Marvelous Messages from Your Body: Awaken Your Beckoning Heart, #1
Ebook69 pages1 hour

Marvelous Messages from Your Body: Awaken Your Beckoning Heart, #1

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About this ebook

 Use the Meaning of an Ailment to Guide Your Life

Your body knows when . . .


• Your job is stressful and you need encouragement to remove the strain


• A difficult relationship is making you ill, and it's time to resolve it


• You've sidelined your heart's desire and are being urged to pursue it


• You've been lying to yourself, and it's time to reveal your true self


Ailments cause us to stop, think, and/or change our life's direction.  We wrap them in bandages, rub them with creams, surgically remove them, sometimes curse them. All the while they are speaking to us, providing us with life guidance and leading us to a deeper connection with our higher self and the Divine.


Migraines? Sinus? Chest congestion? Lower backache? Bad digestion? 

Female issues? Tennis elbow? Replaced knee? Carpal tunnel? 


Quickly uncover your body's personalized messages and start using their advice right away. Discover the Marvelous Messages waiting for you.


Based on her book, Hatch – A Change Your Life Guide, intuitive Jamie Linn Saloff penned this short, symptom-interpreting guide. Discover the hidden meanings wrapped within your ailments by using the same eye-opening method she's taught her clients for years. 

Release dateOct 15, 2021
Marvelous Messages from Your Body: Awaken Your Beckoning Heart, #1

Jamie Linn Saloff

Author, teacher, story weaver, spiritual counselor, seer of visions, pathfinder. . . for over thirty years Jamie has taught type-A-driven free spirits how to become happy, healthy, and wealthy by listening to their body groan and their soul weep. Jamie strongly believes in the inherent power of our ancestry and in "looking back to leap forward." She has frequently appeared as a radio personality, guest blogger, and workshop leader. She has written and been featured in countless articles, blogs, newsletters, and newspapers. Jamie has trained with many professional practitioners, healers, and coaches including Elaine and Mark Thomas, Tom Cratsley, Donna Eden, Bill Coller, Lisa Williams, Shirley Caulkins Smith, Sharon Klingler, Sig Longren, Joey Korn, Daniel Hardt, (and many more). She is certified Reiki I. She is a minister and multi-certified graduate of Lily Dale's Fellowships of the Spirit. In her free time, Jamie enjoys needlecrafts, making jewelry, and golf. She spends time studying spirituality, metaphysics, and parapsychology. She is a Mac geek and spends way too much time on the computer. She lives in PA and NY with her husband and a very spoiled cat. She has two grown sons.

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    Book preview

    Marvelous Messages from Your Body - Jamie Linn Saloff


    "If medicine is adequate

    to the curing of disease,

    why are chronic diseases so prevalent?"

    Andrew Jackson Davis,

    The Great Harmonia, Vol I, circa 1850

    The main purpose of this book is to show how a physical symptom can be interpreted as a message from your heart and soul.

    The message may be a nudge to do that thing you’ve been putting off, that thing your heart’s longing to do.

    It might be to remind you how something or someone in your life is detrimental to your soul’s sacred path.

    You may have a desire to resolve a long-term life situation but fear taking any action, don’t know what action to take, or believe a resolution isn’t possible.

    This book shows a way to acknowledge the message that is uniquely yours, interpret it into an understandable form, and discover the steps offered to you through its message.

    When you listen to your body and follow its guidance, your life takes on new meaning and direction. Amazing possibilities are awakened in your life.

    Table of Contents

    Is This You?

    Before You Begin

    Your Healing Mindset

    Let’s Get Started!

    Narrowing the Field

    Talking to the Mechanic

    You’re Not Done Yet — There Is More

    The Ah-ha Dictionary and Your Keywords

    A Word of Caution



    The Fix

    Discovering Your Guided Action Step

    If You’re Still Unsure About the Fix


    More Healing Steps

    Body Image

    Innate Challenges

    Ancestral Healing


    A Favor?

    Next Steps

    About Jamie Linn Saloff

    What Others Are Saying About Jamie


    Copyright Page

    Table of Contents


    Front Matter

    Body Matter

    Body Matter

    Title Page


    For Timothy


    Visit Jamie's website at:

    "If I succeed in changing the minds of men

    enough to investigate

    they will see that disease is what follows an opinion,

    and that wisdom that will destroy the opinion

    and make the cure.

    Then the cure will be attributed to

    a superior Wisdom,

    not a power...."

    "I prophesy that the time will come

    when men and women shall heal all manner of diseases

    by the words of their mouth."

    Phineas Parkhurst Quimby,

    The Quimby Manuscripts, p. 277 & 286

    Is This You?

    Have you recently struggled with any of the following?

    Physical pain, chronic illness?


    Recurring injuries?

    Exhaustion from lack of downtime? Sleepless nights?

    Unrest and a feeling that something is missing?

    Overwhelmed? Are you being hit from all sides and from others’ calls for help?

    Irritability, quick to snap?

    Doubting yourself when you’re normally self-assured?

    Dissatisfaction, frustration, indifference? Stress?

    Depression, crying jags, lack of joy?

    Have you carried an unfulfilled desire that has tugged at your heart for years?

    Pain speaks to me. For many years I’ve helped others use their aches and pains as a means of rejuvenating

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