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Endgame 2030!: The Truth about Bioweapon Covid-19, Agenda21 & The Great Reset - 2022-2050 - US Civil War - China - The Next World War?
Endgame 2030!: The Truth about Bioweapon Covid-19, Agenda21 & The Great Reset - 2022-2050 - US Civil War - China - The Next World War?
Endgame 2030!: The Truth about Bioweapon Covid-19, Agenda21 & The Great Reset - 2022-2050 - US Civil War - China - The Next World War?
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Endgame 2030!: The Truth about Bioweapon Covid-19, Agenda21 & The Great Reset - 2022-2050 - US Civil War - China - The Next World War?

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The (planned) 'dark winter' with massive energy and food shortages in the West is inexorably coming

The deliberately triggered systemic crisis appears to be definitely entering the next phase as the shelves of some major U.S. supermarkets such as Wall-Mart begin to empty, and one of the country's largest shelf-

Release dateNov 15, 2021
Endgame 2030!: The Truth about Bioweapon Covid-19, Agenda21 & The Great Reset - 2022-2050 - US Civil War - China - The Next World War?

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    Endgame 2030! - Chris A. Jones

    ENDGAME 2030!

    The Truth about

    Bioweapon Covid-19, Agenda21 & The Great Reset


    US Civil War – China – The Next World War?

    Truth Leaks Books


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    Europe is falling

    The 21st century version of Arbeit macht Frei, the term with which outcast Untermenschen were greeted some 80 years ago.

    The German state of Hesse has passed a motion 'allowing' supermarkets and other food stores to deny entry to unvaccinated people. Permitted" in quotes, because the German government uses exactly the same sneaky tactics as the rest: leave it unofficially to companies, organizations and/or local authorities, but meanwhile put them under great pressure behind the scenes to carry out your policy. In short: Germany is busy repeating Nazi history, because the Jews were also excluded from stores in the 1930s. And just like then, no international protest will follow - worse, other countries will follow Germany's lead sooner or later.

    Supermarkets and other stores in Hesse may now decide for themselves whether to apply the 3G or 2G rule (vaccinated, tested, cured). The chancellor of the state, home to 6 million people, confirmed that it is going to be the 2G rule (vaccinated or cured. The PCR test is absolute nonsense anyway, as you know).

    The German state of Hesse has passed a motion 'allowing' supermarkets and other food stores to deny entry to unvaccinated people. Permitted" in quotes, because the German government uses exactly the same sneaky tactics as the rest: leave it unofficially to companies, organizations and/or local authorities, but meanwhile put them under great pressure behind the scenes to carry out your policy. In short: Germany is busy repeating Nazi history, because the Jews were also excluded from stores in the 1930s. And just like then, no international protest will follow - worse, other countries will follow Germany's lead sooner or later.

    Supermarkets and other stores in Hesse may now decide for themselves whether to apply the 3G or 2G rule (vaccinated, tested, cured). The chancellor of the state, home to 6 million people, confirmed that it is going to be the 2G rule (vaccinated or cured. The PCR test is absolute nonsense anyway, as you know).

    "Are we going to starve unvaccinated people to death now?

    Officially, exceptions are possible for medical reasons, but previous reports and government documents have shown that these are only extremely rare exceptions given only to people about whom medics say they are certain to die from a Covid injection. Chronic diseases, disabilities, old age, and most allergies are not included.

    'What is the purpose of this decision?" writes Steve Watson (Summit News). 'To literally starve people who refuse vaccines to death?'

    Yellow stickers and buttons

    In recent months, shocking images have come out of France and Chile, with ordinary people, including the elderly, trying to enter a supermarket or shopping mall but sometimes being stopped in very aggressive ways. In Great Britain, store staff threatened to call the police after a man who had an official exemption for a mouth mask refused to wear a yellow sticker. Perhaps this rings a bell for you?

    Last year, an American TV doctor advocated requiring unvaccinated children to wear a yellow button. Earlier this year, CNN openly propagated that unvaccinated people should indeed starve to death.

    Comparisons with Nazi Germany and/or the Holocaust are not allowed by politicians or the media, presumably because the parallels are so frightening.

    Ist das Gespenst wieder da?

    If the German people do not rise up en masse against these extremely serious 'Impfen macht Frei' human rights violations and war crimes, they will prove that they have fallen into the same trap as some 85-90 years ago. The same dark spirit that got hold of almost all people back then and ultimately made WW2 and the Holocaust possible, has returned again, 'with a vengeance', to win the final victory this time - albeit by other means than tanks, bombs and soldiers.

    And I fear that this time it will not stop at 'only' 70 to 85 million dead worldwide. That number may well completely pale in comparison to the monstrous number of victims that the globalist 'Great Reset' - Agenda 2030 climate-vaccination sect that has taken over almost the entire West internally threatens to make in the coming years.

    The irony is that the very religious group whose holy book literally foretells all that is now happening before

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