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The Gnome Situation: The Leslie Kim Serials, #2
The Gnome Situation: The Leslie Kim Serials, #2
The Gnome Situation: The Leslie Kim Serials, #2
Ebook127 pages1 hour

The Gnome Situation: The Leslie Kim Serials, #2

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Leslie Kim is back for another adventure on Kapaton. In Mythical Investigations, he took down the Grootslang and solved the mystery of an Undine. In the second book in the serial, Leslie must stop a mysterious substance that is killing Gnomes on Kapaton everywhere. Leslie is shaken by the death of his father, but he can't return to Earth until he earns back his passport by solving the case. Working with his trusty AI and Vampire girlfriend, Elena, he must work against the clock to save lives. Complications ensue when a government conspiracy threatens Leslie's job and his life.


The Gnome Situation is the second book in the Leslie Kim Serials. The Leslie Kim Serials have mythical creatures, aliens, and a whole lot of mysterious happenings. Most importantly, they feature Leslie Kim and his AI, Frank, as they work together to solve the most bizarre cases the universe has to offer. 

PublisherEliza Stopps
Release dateOct 27, 2021
The Gnome Situation: The Leslie Kim Serials, #2

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    Book preview

    The Gnome Situation - Eliza Stopps

    The Leslie Kim Serials

    Book 2

    The Gnome Situation

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    The Gnome Situation (The Leslie Kim Serials, #2)

















    Also By Eliza Stopps

    Outer Space Landscape outline

    The Leslie Kim Serials

    Book 2

    Eliza Stopps

    The Leslie Kim Serials: Book 2

    The Gnome Situation

    By Eliza Stopps


    Copyright © 2021 by Eliza Stopps. All rights reserved.

    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, businesses, events or locals is purely coincidental. Reproduction in whole or part of this publication without express written consent is strictly prohibited.



    Saturn outline

    We’ve got a body.

    Elena's somber announcement echoed through the intercom system of Leslie’s ship. He sat up on the side of his bed. His bones seemed to creak since his run in with the Grootslang.

    Okay, Leslie said through a stretch.

    Can you meet me out here? Elena asked. I think you should see this.

    On my way. Leslie replied. Send me the coordinates.

    I’ll see you soon, then. Bye.

    Elena ended the call and Leslie hurried to get dressed. A flexible tee shirt and slacks would be fine for today.

    His small room opened into the living area, which included a small kitchen. At the front of the ship was the driver’s compartment.

    Frank, have you downloaded the coordinates?

    Yes, master. I am pleased to announce that your route is set. Would you like me to brew coffee?

    No, that’s fine. Increase the temperature by 5 degrees please.

    Leslie grabbed an energy packet from the kitchen and unsealed the top. He inhaled the contents of the bag and the boost of caffeine hit he system immediately.

    Start the thrusters, we’re out of here.


    She has been dead about two days.

    Elena stood outside the door of his ship, ready to guide Him inside the Dome where the crime scene was being hidden it was Kapatonian tradition to hide the body with a hologram. This time it projected a large white dome with the writing: IDID Property – Do Not Disturb.

    Do you know who she is? Leslie asked. He hopped down from ship and accepted the lanyard that gave him the appropriate credentials.

    Not yet. Unfortunately, her face is burned beyond recognition. You’ll need to gear up before we go inside.

    Leslie rolled down the door to the ship and tried to lock the door on the bottom.

    Hold on a moment, I just need to jiggle it into place. Leslie explained.

    He shook the handle until he could hold it in just the right spot to turn the lock.

    Are you done? Elena sighed.

    All set. Leslie grinned back at her, spinning his key around his finger.

    Elena cringed. Put that relic away, you’re embarrassing.

    Leslie chuckled as he followed her to a small tent outside the dome. Two clear, rubbery curtains were held open for them by guards out front. Inside were nearly folded white suits, boots, and clear helmets.

    Wow, I’ve always wanted to see what it was like in a fishbowl. Leslie remarked.

    Elena made a point to ignore him.

    Check your pockets for anything sharp. You don’t want to end up with a tear, she warned.

    Leslie ran his hands up and down his torso and thighs. Nothing pointy here except where it’s supposed to be.

    Be certain. If you are exposed, even for a moment, you’ll be quarantined for a minimum of 2 weeks.

    Leslie slipped into the white suit. It felt like one of the Kapatonian work uniforms. The fabric was unlike anything he’d felt on Earth. After his limbs were inside, it sucked close to his skin like a vacuum seal bag. The rumples from his clothes beneath the suit made it especially uncomfortable. Once the large helmet and boots were on, the guards let them exit.

    Leslie scanned his credentials by the opening of the holographic dome and followed Elena inside.

    Once they entered the dome, the sound of rushing water greeted them. A large culvert was directing wastewater from the filtration center. The water flowed uninterrupted except in the spot where a small body was crumpled.

    What is stopping it from flowing down stream? Leslie asked.

    She is melted into the pavement. Take this, Elena handed him a small cylindrical tool, it’s a light and it will be your hands for this. If you want to take a sample press here and it’ll grab it for you.

    Got it.

    There was only one other button on the tool, so Leslie assumed that was the light function.

    As they got closer to the body, Leslie’s stomach churned. The body was exceedingly small. Another gnome.

    Yes, gnome female. Initial observations by the team suggest that she’s around 40 years old. Elena turned on her light and pointed it toward the body’s feet. She is barefoot, in her pajamas. I don’t think she was supposed to be out.

    The skin along her legs and stomach, where her shirt was pulled up into the water, was decaying. It was a mottled gray and blue, holes speckling the skin like Swiss cheese.

    What could cause something like this? Leslie asked. None of the other bodies were this bad.

    He moved up stream and shined the light on her face. Besides the exposed teeth and jaw, there wasn’t much skin remaining.

    I don’t know. Maybe it’s getting more potent. Elena said.

    She knelt onto the pavement and took a sample from her leg. We’ll have a team study it. What are you thinking?

    Leslie shook his head and instinctively reached to run his fingers through his hair, only to hit the side of his helmet.

    Maybe she was drawn to the water because her skin was burning. When the Grootslang attacked me, it felt like I was on fire. Leslie remembered the pain vividly.

    He shined his light along the body. A small white triangle was sticking out of her pocket. Leslie leaned down and carefully pulled it out.

    You can’t touch the body; it could burn through the suit. Elena exclaimed.

    Leslie looked at his hand, but it didn’t appear to be damaged. In his fingers was a small Identification card. It was similar to the ones they used to access the crime scene.

    Genevieve Pulmer, Leslie read. Housekeeping.

    Stay put, Elena spun on her heels, I need an evidence bag over here!

    One of the guards grabbed a small clear tray and brought it over to Leslie. He sat the card carefully onto the test and the guard whisked it away.

    Alright, you’re going to need to go through decontamination. Elena said.

    I have barely had time to observe the body, Leslie protested.

    I’m not taking the risk that your suit ends up corroded. Do you want to spend more time in Quarantine? Go through decontamination and I’ll meet you back at the office later. Elena commanded.

    Follow me, the other guard motioned to Leslie.

    You are not evolved enough to appreciate the tender taste of Space Sludge, Nelly spun in his chair with an extra-large order in hand.

    Leslie rolled his eyes, rocking gently in the office chair. He was starting to get sick of Nelly's self important commentary. They had only been working together for a few weeks and the Kapatonian was really grinding his gears. Yeah, well, when you can tell me where exactly they manufacture that crap, then maybe I'll consider it.

    Nelly's purple skin turned a shade of copper.

    I think it's taken from the third moon. There is no proof that there are any negative effects from food manufactured on the moons -

    Yeah, yeah, you just keep telling yourself that.

    He winked at Nelly, then sat straight in his chair as Elena entered the office through the large metal doors.

    You two slackers get any work done down here?

    She pushed Leslie's chair out of the way to access the computers. Elena plugged a drive into the computer and started uploading files.

    He groaned, this meant she had managed to uncover some more evidence on their case. They were still tying up the strings from the Grootslang case that ended three weeks ago. After Nora's death, he dove headfirst into the investigation. There were so many unanswered questions, and with all the procedural restrictions the Kapaton Government places on IDID, it has been a mess working through it all.

    Someone thinks they spotted the featherwing dragon out in the canyon, where we found the Grootslang, she mumbled, half to herself.


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