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Buzz: Night Howler's MC New Orleans, #1
Buzz: Night Howler's MC New Orleans, #1
Buzz: Night Howler's MC New Orleans, #1
Ebook117 pages1 hour

Buzz: Night Howler's MC New Orleans, #1

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Buzz- intelligent, aggrieved and revengeful.

Markayla- blameless, lovely and charming.

An unexpected turn happens when Buzz seeks revenge for his sister's murder. He falls in love with the enemy's sister!

Markayla didn't know what her step brother had been doing. She was simply an innocent bystander in this messed up scheme of kidnapping and murder.

When Buzz takes Markayla from her everyday life and fills her in on what her step brother is really doing, she is in disbelief and filled with disgust.

But as Buzz and Markayla learn more about each other, passion grows between the two.

Buzz wants revenge, but can he get his revenge for his sister without Markayla being endangered by her obsessive step brother? Can Markayla escape the clutches of her possessive step brother and be the woman Buzz needs? Or will they be torn apart by a murderous, manipulative individual?

Can be read as a stand alone. Characters from the Wolfsbane Ridge MC series make appearances in this title.

PublisherMarissa Ann
Release dateSep 29, 2021
Buzz: Night Howler's MC New Orleans, #1

Marissa Ann

USA Today Best Selling Author Marissa Ann grew up in two very different worlds, the big city and the rural South. Mobile Alabama offered her the opportunities to not only see other cultures but to experience them as well. Every weekend she spent most of her time on the beach of Perdido with her dog, Buddy. It didn't matter what time of the day, even midnight, they could be found walking along the shore in search of seashells. Buddy passed away in 1997 and she still misses him today. You never forget your true best friends, even the four legged ones. When she wasn't in Alabama with her dad, she was in North Mississippi with her mom. Mostly spending time with her Grandfather who taught her not only how to grow a garden but how to completely live off the land as well as to love animals. Today, she spends her time in rural North Mississippi with her husband, the kids and all of their animals on a hobby farm. She always said she would write books one day even though many thought she never would. She made a promise to a childhood friend who left this world for the next in 2015. That she would finally write and publish at least one. Her first book hit the market in 2018 and she's never looked back. She now has several out with many more scheduled for release. Her favorite books have a lot of romance with action and suspense mixed in. She loves to hear from others about her books OR theirs. [email protected]

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    Book preview

    Buzz - Marissa Ann

    Author’s Note

    Thanks to all my fans for your patience for new releases. You guys ROCK!

    Hope you enjoy this fresh start of a new series from a few characters you have already met. If you want to keep up to date on what I have going on, look to the back of this book with how you can contact me.



    Several years ago, my little sister was raped and murdered. Her killer was never caught. She had been emailing a guy she had met in an online chat room. Even though the authorities had his name he used online, every lead came to a dead end. It didn’t stop me from continuing the search.

    A few weeks ago I caught a break. Another programmer I knew from when I was still in the service stumbled across the same name with a different unique IP address that constantly bounces around making it almost impossible to follow.

    However, follow it I did and where it winds up leading me has me second guessing what I am planning.

    I’ll take something from him. His beautiful sister Markayla. But we don’t hurt innocents. I will protect her as best I can. I plan on her step brother paying for what he did to my sister with his own blood. What I don’t plan for is falling hard for my enemy’s sister.


    Even after all of these years I can’t believe my mother was stupid enough to fall for my step father. I have never doubted he had something to do with her disappearance. I’ve just never been able to prove it.

    You would think that with her gone, I’d be free of the Marcus family. Unfortunately for me, my step father adopted me when he married my mother.

    My step brother absolutely hates me and I am certain that our Papa is the only one keeping him from doing whatever he wants to me.

    The look I see in his eyes any time I run into him while I am out with friends or a date scares me to my core. I refuse to let him know just how scared of him I really am.

    If anything ever happens to Papa or I become expendable in his eyes, I will need to run and run fast. Getting away before he gives me to Joe to do whatever he wants with me, will take a miracle.

    Chapter 1


    The last six months of my life have been a living hell. Papa Tony left out of the country on business leaving Joey, my adopted step-brother essentially in charge of the family business here in New Orleans.

    He’s the reason I now rarely sleep. He and his cronies forced me to move out of my apartment and back into the main house surrounded by guards. According to him, Papa Tony demanded it and no one says no to Papa Tony. Not even me.

    Papa Tony was always a hard man that never really showed any type of affection for anyone. I rarely ever saw him hold my mothers hand. I asked her about it once; she just said he had very good reasons as to why. Sounded stupid and cryptic if you asked me.

    When Joey forced me back into the main house, he had his guards take away my phone as well as my computer. While I never saw my phone again, I stumbled across a computer that I thought was mine but looking at it now, I know that it isn’t. 

    For a couple weeks now my guards that are always shadowing me have become lax in their duties by leaving me unattended at a local coffee shop that I go to daily. 

    I’ve purposely cultivated my daily routine to be as boring as humanly possible in hopes that they would back off a little so that I can make plans to get as far away from here as I can.

    There are a lot of files on this computer that I found that I want to break the encryption to get into them. They have to be truly important to have such sophisticated code hiding them. Hopefully something that I can take to the authorities to put Joey behind bars forever. The shithead truly scares me.

    I have to find a way to break this code before they figure out this computer is missing. I use the cafe’s free wifi to look for someone on the dark web that might help me. This morning there is an encrypted message that I can easily get into that was sent to my email.

    Someone responded to my inquiry about this specific code. All they sent was an address with a time to be there. Hoping that I am doing the right thing and not about to get caught, I close the computer to scan the area to see where the guards are at.

    Getting up, I head towards the restrooms knowing the ladies room has a window just big enough that I can crawl out. From there, I can grab a cab several streets from here before they realize that I’m gone.


    Since tracking down the computer that is connected to my sisters’ murder, I’ve figured out that the girl that has it couldn’t possibly be connected directly. She looks way too innocent for one thing plus we started tracking her on the web.

    Apparently she’s a programmer but doesn’t have the same skill set that I do. Not many have those skills though. Geniuses aren’t born every day after all. Does that make me conceited? Probably but even I know that I’m super smart. It’s just facts.

    When she advertised within a group on the dark web looking for a hacker that could read a specific code, I jumped on it fast not wanting another to get in my way. After answering her directly, I went in and erased any trace of what she had posted so that it could not be traced.

    I left my email super cryptic just naming a place within the park with a time to meet me. It’s still fairly public but we can hide in plain sight while watching who comes or goes.

    I’ve seen the goons that are normally with her at the cafe. It’s why I’ve been unable to just snatch her away to a place where I could question her without a lot of fuss. 

    Basically I didn’t want to call up Skeeter, the President of my club, to tell him we needed a cleanup of bodies on Main Street. He just might kill me for that one. I certainly have no qualms about getting bloody as long as they aren’t innocent like my sweet little sister was.

    She was a beautiful girl. So sweet and bright, she was everything I wasn’t. She viewed the world around her like it was full of miracles and wonders yet to be explored. I was always trying to warn her of the evils of the world while she would just laugh and say that I was so cynical.

    She wanted to be a doctor and would have been amazing at it if her life hadn’t been cut short because of some dickhead that just wanted to snuff her out as if she didn’t ever exist. 

    I plan to snuff out the mother fucker that took her from me. The only

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