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My NDE beneath the SEA: The Near Death Afterlife Experience of Michael William AngelOh
My NDE beneath the SEA: The Near Death Afterlife Experience of Michael William AngelOh
My NDE beneath the SEA: The Near Death Afterlife Experience of Michael William AngelOh
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My NDE beneath the SEA: The Near Death Afterlife Experience of Michael William AngelOh

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IS THERE LIFE AFTER DEATH..? This Book reveals the published manuscripts, of my drowning in the Ocean, and subsequent NDE (Near Death Experience) and visit to Heaven and back. Michael William AngelOh published his first internationally best-selling Book commemorating his NDE now celebrating its 5th Anniversary in Publication.

My NDE beneath the SEA : The Near Death Afterlife Experience of Michael William AngelOh.
Top-20 Indie Author of 2021, Featured International Book Review Author.
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Release dateOct 21, 2021
My NDE beneath the SEA: The Near Death Afterlife Experience of Michael William AngelOh

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    My NDE beneath the SEA - Michael William AngelOh


    To you… dear Reader

    (The NDE translation of Michael William AngelOh)

    ©2016 A Beautiful Dreamer Publication. All Rights Reserved

    Within thirty days of the original publication date of this manuscript on August 28th, 2016, I had discovered some previously lost, yet significant details found in my Private Diaries regarding my NDE Storyline which I now include in the Second Printing of this Book. This would include twenty-four new paragraph content postings, thirty-six additional paragraph segmentations, and an embellished Front Cover and Chapter graphic designs. I should also explain that I have intentionally capitalized certain words in this manuscript which hold special significance to this Storyline and me. Those selected keywords are as follows; The Higher Power, The Holy Spirit, The Heaven Seven, Sacred Heart, Mother, Being, Soul, Soul Travel, Thoughts, Words and Deeds, Afterlife, Heaven, Light, Anniversary and of course the names of the Creator. How did I know the timing for this updated manuscript was right..? This morning on 092816 my wrist watch stopped at 8:28 am. Good enough for me. My Heart’s sincere desire is that the renewed manuscript presented here will be ever more of a mighty blessing to all who journey through this life-changing and evolving experience, along with me.

    I do not know if the publishing of these manuscripts on the 50th Anniversary of my drowning NDE (Near Death Experience) in Santa Cruz California was timed by me unconsciously. Perhaps it’s just a coincidence that this year’s 50th NDE Anniversary just happens to be on a Sunday, the same day it occurred, exactly fifty years ago, to the day. Perhaps it’s simply a piece of the synchronicity puzzle of a larger picture I am not yet fully aware, exists. I’d rather believe, however, that it may be a fortuitous destiny whose timing has turned out to be, as it is. I do know, publishing my NDE story some fifty years after its occurrence has provided me with a great deal more reflective insight into the meaning of death and my own personal dying experience. Informational wisdom I might not have recognized otherwise if I had published this manuscript in earlier years. During these subsequent years, I’ve both read and heard of a significant number of other NDE stories. Although they have greatly helped me to understand my own personal experience, I have based the chronicles of my NDE story in this manuscript directly from my own original Personal Diary postings. These postings were made long before the word NDE was coined in 1975 in Dr. Raymond Moody’s book; "Life after Life," and certainly well before I ever knew other NDE stories, were in existence. I had always privately thought that my NDE episode was just my own personal and paranormal experience that no one else would ever understand. Now I know, that supposition was not quite right.

    I have had a total of three separate NDE episodes during my lifetime, and I can say that the one I will describe herein had the most significant effect on my daily life, and my personal identity and self-perception. This NDE has caused me to both rethink and rename this experience in more present-day terms from what is described as the traditional NDE, to what I would now coin and describe as an; "RDE" or a; Real Death Experience. From the exposure, I’ve had with other NDE reports I can safely say my own personal NDE seems to have gone well beyond many of the near-death stages I have read about. Ever since my NDE in 1966, I’ve heard voices and seen visions that might otherwise be considered abnormal. The voices I hear now, sound like the voices I had heard during my NDE episode. I can describe them as sounding like multiple primarily feminine voices, speaking together in harmony as one voice. These voices have both high and low range vocal tones and frequencies. At times I hear this group of hushed voices whispering or speaking primarily into my right ear. At other times, I will hear them as if they were speaking directly into my mind such as in a thought form, but with the harmonic vocal resonance which I have described.

    These telepathic transmissions are very different from the usual fifty to sixty thousand thoughts one mind might transmit, during the thought process each and every given day. I can communicate with these Celestial voices by asking a question if I need help with a decision. This is what I have since referred to as the; "Decision Light Process." During this request for help with a question or for counseling guidance, what I also think of as Prayer, I will simply sit as quietly and still as I am able for a thirty to sixty-second period. Then I mentally or audibly ask my question, to which an answer or decision may be needed. After posing the question, I focus on receiving a reply from one or more of my Spiritual Guardians which can come in the form of an audible response, but in most instances, comes mentally or telepathically as a; "Decision Light Process." My Guardians will use a Green, Yellow, or Red, Light flash of color that they will project within my mind as a response to my inquiry. "Green" means; Go, or Yes. "Yellow" means; Wait, or step back and hold off from making a decision, and Red means; Stop, or No, to the question or decision at hand. In each and every instance I can recall this Decision Light Process, has resulted in making the correct call and presenting the best answer that was needed at the time, and every time. It is a process I use daily with great confidence, and Peace of Mind.

    These voices I commune with on a daily basis, have both faces and personalities connected to them. The reason I know this is because I was able to meet them in person during my NDE. I was able to hear them and see their faces and so recognized them in the same way, I would recognize a friend or family member. They are quite large in size and seven in number. They have wings and are Beings of the purest radiant Light I have ever seen. I have since come to know these Celestial Beings as my very own; "Guardian Angels. I will describe them in greater detail later in this manuscript, and will be referring to them in these writings as; The Heaven Seven." For the sake of script continuity, I will continue to refer to this experience as an NDE, even though I will continue to think of it as my own and personal RDE story. I have also been advised by The Heaven Seven, not to reveal my true physical or personal identity in all matters of external communications. I have not as of this time been told why this has to be as I have asked The Heaven Seven the reason for this, and the only answer I have ever received is; So be it...

    There comes a point in everyone’s life, where all that truly matters is the healing and harmony of one’s entire sense of perception and self-identity. Any contribution to personal transformations experienced may then evolve. These individual lifetime realizations may then be shared with others as an offering for the possible enlightenment, encouragement, and personal or private metamorphosis in the lives of friends, family, and unknown random others. May you choose this special time with the words, impressions, and images presented herein, to reflect upon the ultimate realities and perceptions you may currently hold, in your own personal lifetime journey. May this manuscript lead to the discovery of your own; Reason for Being. My Heart’s desire for you would be that, in each and every day of your existence, in all of your personal encounters, with all of your relations, through every one of your lifetime experiences, that they may all be blessed by the personal recognition and a more intimate sense of; Spiritual Revelation. This then is the pledge to life for any Soul, that they depart from this world leaving it off better, than when they had initially arrived on it at birth. May each Soul recognize their own Divine mandate and intimate Spiritual primary directive for Being and living a life on purpose. This would include the relief of suffering whenever and wherever it is found along the way in life, through the simple daily encounters exchanged with each and every; Thought, Word, and Deed while remaining fully focused on one’s individual; "Soul, Role, Goal." To then leave a campfire of personal discovery and intimate revelations burning for others to see, acknowledge, and utilize on their own sacred travels along the path of the Spiritual Life, fulfills one of the primary purposes for existence, as a human Being. This then is the calling I have received some fifty plus years after my NDE. Seems like such a long time ago but then again, it also seems like, it has been timeless.

    "The Saints shall exist in the Light of the Sun,

    and the elect in the Light of everlasting life,

    the days of whose life shall never terminate,

    nor shall the days of the Saints be numbered,

    who seek for Light,

    and obtain righteousness with the Lord of Souls…"

    ~Book of Enoch the Prophet 56:3


    My Reason for Being

    (The NDE translation of Michael William AngelOh)

    ©2016 A Beautiful Dreamer Publication. All Rights Reserved

    Anyone who knows me recognizes that I simply love Holidays because they provide an occasion to honor and celebrate something or someone that makes everyday life more meaningful, honorable, and memorable in living. These are the special qualities and characteristics which turn Holidays, into Holy Days for me. Most Holidays I honor and have written about in my weekly online media publication; "The Sacred Sunday Journals. This publication primarily focuses on American and National Holidays such as; Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Veterans Day. Other Holidays I also cherish are celebrated globally such as; Christmas, Easter, and New Year’s Day." There is, however, a Holiday I honor each year which is much more intimate in nature, and on which my life has been influenced infinitely greater than any of the other Holidays with the exception of Easter. This Holyday I celebrate as both a Memorial and Anniversary day. Although it's not a Holiday posted on the calendar or on which any Local State or Federal offices are closed, it's a day I observe year after year, and celebrate as a day of deeper personal recollection and Spiritual Reflection.

    On this day, my phone, internet, cable TV and e-Mail services may still be active, but go completely unattended. It’s a day off from all work as well as a personal disconnection from all my usual worldly duties, social interactions, and pre-scheduled daily occupations and responsibilities. It is a day of Fasting, Prayer, Meditation, and Silence, and although the day of the week changes each year, the date is always the same; August the 28th, or more simply; 0828. This date holds an exceedingly special and personal significance for me because, it commemorates the Anniversary of my "NDE" (Near Death Experience) which occurred on an early Sunday afternoon in 1966 when I drowned in the Ocean, directly in front of the boardwalk, at the beach in Santa Cruz California. The impact of this day playing in the Ocean as a child continues to directly influence my life in many profound ways up to this very day, some fifty years after its occurrence. It is the central reason I have both considered and decided to publish my Near Death Experience Story. I have transcribed this manuscript directly from my own Personal Diaries, which entries have been posted over these many years since the age of nineteen.

    This record and recollection of my death and return to this earthly life in 1966, has greatly helped me in promoting a deeper insight and more complete understanding of the daily human experience of life, death, and the process of dying itself. This story represents my own recollected perceptions and personal experiences regarding my transport to a time and place, I have since discovered has been called; "The After Life." My desire then would be that my personal story documented here may also serve as a genuine comfort to others, who may be interested in or may have encountered their own personal NDE, RDE, or OBE (Out of Body Experience). I invite anyone who wishes to honor these Spiritual Realizations and insights, to take a moment at Noon today with special attention given to Sundays to; "Light a Candle," and take a moment for Interior Prayer, or Personal Reflection. Usually, my Interior Prayer Time is a spontaneous call out for mercy, upon the busy and congestive contents roaming about within my mind. It’s my own Heart’s call to reveal and develop a

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