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20 Entertaining German Short Stories For Beginners And Intermediate Learners + Audio and Classic Stories Learn German With Stories German Short Stories Book 2: German Novels for Beginners
20 Entertaining German Short Stories For Beginners And Intermediate Learners + Audio and Classic Stories Learn German With Stories German Short Stories Book 2: German Novels for Beginners
20 Entertaining German Short Stories For Beginners And Intermediate Learners + Audio and Classic Stories Learn German With Stories German Short Stories Book 2: German Novels for Beginners
Ebook87 pages45 minutes

20 Entertaining German Short Stories For Beginners And Intermediate Learners + Audio and Classic Stories Learn German With Stories German Short Stories Book 2: German Novels for Beginners

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Brush up your German, grow your vocabulary, and ignite your imagination with these 20 entertaining and culturally relevant German short stories! 

Probably the best way to learn German is by reading an entertaining German story book for beginners, a book that is specifically written to enhance the students' German read

Release dateAug 4, 2018
20 Entertaining German Short Stories For Beginners And Intermediate Learners + Audio and Classic Stories Learn German With Stories German Short Stories Book 2: German Novels for Beginners

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    20 Entertaining German Short Stories For Beginners And Intermediate Learners + Audio and Classic Stories Learn German With Stories German Short Stories Book 2 - Academy Der Sprachclub

    Learning German through entertaining stories


    Reading entertaining short stories to improve your German is an easy way to improve your language skills. This book contains a selection of 10 short stories all prepared specifically for beginners and so-called advanced beginners They come with questions and key-vocabulary. The aim of this book is to teach different topics, words and phrases associated with them in a short period of time


    Advance with each story

    Each of the short stories take about 2 minutes to read and average about 80 to 350 words. Important words and phrases relevant to each topic were selected carefully. The vocabulay gets slightly more complex as you advance reading the stories, the last stories contain most of the previously mentioned vocabulary.


    The content is intended mainly for elementary to intermediate level learners, but it will be useful for more advanced learners.The short stories have been arranged according to their degree of difficulty.

    Follow our tips & how to use this book

    For the absolute language beginner it' might be more beneficial if you listen to the stories first. After reading each story you should review the key-vocabulary section and reread the story once more or repeat reading them until you get a grasp of the story.


    Vocabulary will be introduced at a reasonable pace, so you’re not overwhelmed with difficult words and much of the vocabulary will be repeated in the exercise section. Some stories are focused on dialogue. These stories contains naturally spoken dialogue, so you can learn conversational German as you read. However, it is more important to finish reading the story without stopping than to understand each and every word. The simple truth is that you won’t get everything your first time around which is completely normal

    1. Das Handtuch - The Towel


    Herr Tamm ist ein Geschäftsmann. Er besitzt einen kleinen Imbiss, dort verkauft er meistens frittierte Schnitzel und Pommes.

    Mr. Tamm is a business man. He owns a small restaurant where he mostly sells schnitzel and fries.


    Er hat viele Stammgäste und die meisten Gaste  mögen seine Gerichte.

    Nach Feierabend besucht er häufig in eine Sauna um sich zu entspannen.

    He has a lot of regular customers and most of the customers like his food.

    In the after-work hours he frequently visits a sauna to calm down and relax


    Vor kurzer Zeit ging Herr Tamm wieder in die Sauna. Eigentlich ist es eine typische Sauna Landschaft, wie man sie häufig in Deutschland findet. Sie sind eingerichtet mit Saunen und Schwimmbad.

    A little time ago Mr. Tamm went again to the sauna. Actually it is typical Sauna facility as they can be found a lot in Germany . They are furnished with saunas and a swimming pool.


    An diesem abend schien die Temperatur in der Sauna besonders hoch. Herr Tamm saß schon auf der Bank als die Tür aufging. Ein Mann kam herein. Herr Tamm erkannte den Mann sofort. Er war ein bekannter Kunde. Allerdings hatte der Kunde ihn vormals denunziert, weil der Kunde glaubte, der Imbiss sei dreckig.

    That day the temperature of the sauna seemed to be especially high. Mr. Tamm was already on the bench when the door opened. A man came in. Mr. Tamm recognised the man immediately. It was a known customer. However, once the customer had denounced him because he thought the restaurant was dirty.


    Auch der andere Mann erkannte Herrn Tamm.

    Der Kunde lächelte: Guten Abend Herr Tamm, wie geht es Ihnen?

    "Alles in Ordnung, vielen Dank."

    Schwitzen reinigt die Haut, sagte der Mann.

    The other man also recognized Mr. Tammt.

    The client smiled: Good evening, Mr. Tamm, how are you?

    All fine, thank you.

    Sweating cleans the skin, said the man.


    Herr Tamm hatte genug und verließ die Sauna. Er ging zum duschen. Diesmal duschte Herr Tamm lange, denn er hatte sich sich über den Mann geärgerte . Nach dem duschen ging Herr Tamm in die Umkleidekabine. Einen großen Saal mit vielen Schränken.

    Mr. Tamm had enough and left the sauna. He went to shower. This time Mr. Tamm took a long shower, because he got annoyed by the man. After the shower Mr. Tamm went

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