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Finding Their Omega: Alpha Security Company, #1
Finding Their Omega: Alpha Security Company, #1
Finding Their Omega: Alpha Security Company, #1
Ebook78 pages1 hour

Finding Their Omega: Alpha Security Company, #1

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

No woman wants the attention of an alpha. Huge, brutal, dominant... They take what they want, no matter who, or what, it is. And now I have two focused on making me theirs.


"…just one dose of Representine could change your life forever! Become the alpha you've always wanted to be. Enjoy life to the full at the top of the food chain and have men and women falling at your feet!"


Representine. That drug changed my life. The instant my ex became an alpha, I was gone, thrown out on the street with nothing but the clothes on my back… and a small amount of savings I'd hidden away. But living costs money and with those funds dwindling quickly, I need a job and fast…


I'll take anything. I really am that desperate.


I just didn't expect it to be for Mason and Dante. The two young and handsome alphas have haunted my dreams for years.

Now I'm at their beck and call…


Please be aware: This is a much darker and grittier world than my other series.


A Continuing Story: Please be aware this is a serialized romance in three parts. 

PublisherMina Carter
Release dateNov 9, 2021
Finding Their Omega: Alpha Security Company, #1

Mina Carter

Mina Carter was born and raised in Middle Earth (otherwise known as the Midlands, England). After a slew of careers ranging from logistics to land-surveying she can now be found in the wilds of Leicestershire with her husband, daughter and a cat who moved in and never left. Suffering the curse of eternal curiosity, Mina never tires of learning new skills which has led to Aromatherapy, Corsetry, Chain-maille making, Welding, Canoeing, Shooting, and pole-dancing to name but a few. A full-time author and cover artist, Mina can usually be found hunched over a keyboard or graphics tablet, frantically trying to get the images and words in her head out and onto the screen before they drive her mad. She's addicted to coffee and Dairy-lea cheese triangles.

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    Book preview

    Finding Their Omega - Mina Carter



    "…j ust one dose of Representine could change your life forever! Become the alpha you’ve always wanted to be. Enjoy life to the fullest at the top of the food chain and have men and women falling at your feet! Finally be matched with the omega of your dreams, willing to fulfil your every sexual desire! You deserve it. Call one of our clinics today…"

    My lip curled back as I smashed the remote’s off button. It clattered when I threw it across the coffee table and slumped back on the lumpy sofa.

    Representine. Just the word gave me hives, never mind the creepy-ass adverts showing betas morphing into full-blown alphas with wide, film-perfect smiles. It was the architect of my life’s destruction—an artificial hormone treatment that forced the body through puberty again. With careful genetic therapy and a shitload of luck, someone could change their dynamic and be something other than what nature had intended them to be.

    Oh, I knew all the science. Why wouldn’t I? My ex-husband had been chasing that particular golden goose for years. Convinced he’d been miscategorized, he’d tried everything over the years to change his dynamic and become an alpha. Finally, through Representine, he’d done it.

    I never expected he’d kick me out the day after.

    Cradling my coffee mug against my chest, I looked out the window. Rather than the plush lawns and carefully tended gardens of my former home, the ratty apartment looked out onto a parking lot. Beyond it was more cheap housing and inner-city scrubland. It wasn’t salubrious. It was cheap and the best I could afford with the dwindling money in my account.

    I cast a look at the envelope on the table in front of me. It was marked "From the office of the Affairs of the Alpha Council." The opened edge was creased, even though I’d only taken the letter out once.

    I didn’t need to open it to know what was inside. The words of the letter inside were engraved in my memory for all time. It was short and official—a notification that my marriage was over. Not a divorce. Nothing as nice as that. It simply informed me that due to a mistake in my husband’s dynamic labeling, his code had changed and our marriage was no longer valid. Furthermore, all assets from the annulled marriage rightfully belonged to him.

    We weren’t divorced. In the eyes of the law, our marriage had never taken place. I couldn’t even sue the bastard for half of everything because he was a prick. No marriage, no way to divorce. I had no rights at all.

    I closed my eyes. More than twenty years just… gone because Robert was an alpha, and alphas ruled the world and everything in it. Betas, like me, were second class. Workers. Drones. Not quite the bottom of the food chain. Those would be the omegas. I shuddered. No woman wanted to be coded as an omega. Little more than sex slaves, the lucky ones were pampered and cossetted. The unlucky ones… fucked and bred with little care by asshole alphas until nothing was left of them.

    I sighed and finished my coffee, absurdly relieved and proud of the bright yellow mug in my hand. Yes, it was cheap, but it was mine. I’d bought it with my own money. I’d been kicked out of my home with nothing more than the clothes on my back and the one small bag I’d been allowed to take. I was watched every step of the way by officers from the Alpha Council to make sure I didn’t take anything that didn’t belong to me.

    I wouldn’t have. I didn’t want anything from Robert. Ever again. Not even his name. So I’d changed it back to my maiden name.

    All thanks to a little blue vial.

    He’d tried to get me to take the treatment, hoping I would represent as omega for him, but I’d refused. Hell yeah, I’d refused. At least as a beta, I had a life. Rights. Well, some anyway. More than an omega had. An omega was her alpha’s, or alphas’, property. Omegas had nothing. Were nothing. They weren’t allowed to hold down jobs, drive, or have a bank account. Hell, their passports—if they were even allowed one—were linked to their alpha’s. They couldn’t do anything without the permission of their alpha owner.

    My cell pinged with a text. I picked it up, my heart jumping a little as I recognized the number for the employment agency. The message was short and simple. I had an interview. Today. I leaped up from the sofa and rushed to get ready. A job would mean security and being able to pay the rent, already late, to keep a roof over my head for another month.

    I couldn’t be late. Too much was at stake.

    Less than half an hour later I was ready and out the door, my mood brighter than it had been for weeks. I hadn’t worked in years, not since my son was young, but it didn’t matter. I’d always enjoyed office work, and the text had said the role was for a personal assistant. I could do that. Looping my small purse over my shoulder, I turned to lock the door.

    It was a mistake to turn my back on the stairwell landing. The skin at the back of my neck prickled a half second before hot breath washed over it. I cringed at the feeling of a large, bulky form behind me, knowing who it was before my landlord spoke.

    Hey, darling. Fancy catching you here.

    Hi, Mr. Davis, I said brightly, sucking my breath in as I turned while trying not to touch any part of him. That proved quite the difficult task when barely an inch of airspace separated us. My stomach roiled at his fetid breath. Oral hygiene was not Davis’s strong point. Neither

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