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Juliet's Kiss
Juliet's Kiss
Juliet's Kiss
Ebook70 pages56 minutes

Juliet's Kiss

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Ava Jenkins never imagined landing the dream role of Juliet in the Shakespearean classic Romeo and Juliet would turn her world upside down. She sacrificed everything to pursue her love of the stage, and she always thought she would return home, but that was before her career soared. Now she has a choice to make: return to Australia to h

PublisherPeta Flanigan
Release dateMay 17, 2018
Juliet's Kiss

P.L. Harris

P.L. Harris writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense and young/new adult with a twist of mystery and intrigue. She also writes cozy mysteries under the pen name Polly Holmes for those that like to play amateur detective from the comfort of their own homes. Her books are rich in storyline and location with characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. She is a proud member of Romance Writers of Australia and America, Peter Cowan Writers Centre, and has a Certificate in Romance Writing. By day, a Drama teacher who thrives on encouraging youth of today to explore their own inner hero or heroine. By night, an avid writer who loves to create a world that takes the reader on a wonderful emotional journey. P.L. Harris is an award winning author. Hidden Secrets was a finalist in the Oklahoma Romance Writers of America’s 2017 IDA International Digital Awards, young adult category. Callie’s Dilemma, also a finalist in the Virginia Romance Writers of America’s 2017 Fools of Love Contest, short contemporary romance short category. In His Protection was a finalist in the 2018 Romance Writers of Australia Emerald Pro Award. She lives in the northern suburbs of Perth, Western Australia, with her Bichon Frise, Bella. When P.L.’s not writing or reading, she enjoys spending time with her family and experiencing what Perth has to offer. You can visit P.L. Harris at her website: or follow her writing journey on Facebook: P.L. Harris author Page: P.L. Harris Readers Group:

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    Juliet's Kiss - P.L. Harris

    Juliet’s Kiss

    P.L. Harris


    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organisations is entirely coincidental.

    Published by P.L. Harris

    Copyright © 2018 P.L. Harris

    ISBN: 978-0-6481800-2-9

    Edited by Nina S. Gooden (


    All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or any other device now known or invented hereafter without permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    These forms include, but are not limited to xerography, photocopy, scanning, recording, distributing via internet means, informational storage and retrieval system.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the internet, any web address or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid.


    To all the thespians out there who know the dedication and hard work it takes to bring a Shakespearean classic to life.

    Never give up on your dream.

    Also by P.L. Harris

    Lovers of Love

    Callie’s Dilemma

    Second Chance at Love – A Bouquet of Love

    Christmas Fever – All Wrapped Up. A Christmas Anthology

    Mask of Desire

    Juliet’s Kiss

    Lovers of Mystery and Suspense

    Hidden Secrets – Young Adult Novella

    Amateur Sleuths

    Cupcakes and Cyanide

    Publishers Stocking P.L. Harris Books


    Serenity Press

    Gumnut Press

    Blue Swan Publishing

    Evernight Publishing

    Chapter One

    Ava Jenkin’s sweaty hand pressed the phone against her ear. She was barely able to believe the words her sister uttered. Dad’s sick, really sick.

    What do you mean he’s sick, like a bad cold sick or worse? Ava felt tiny footsteps of worry skulk up her spine. Since their mum had passed away, her dad had always been a pillar of strength, physically and mentally. Surely, Rachael was exaggerating the situation.

    Worse, Ava…much worse, and I really think you should come home as soon as you can. Maybe by the end of the month, Rachael said with a quiver in her voice.

    End of the month? That would mean she would miss the Festival of Love. Portland’s largest arts event, held every Valentine’s Day.

    By then we’ll have his test results back and we’ll be able to plan for the future.

    Future? What future? I’ll have no future if I go back home.

    Come home? Are you serious? said Ava.  Rachael’s words were like a knife to her soul. The end of the month is less than three weeks away, surely you can wait to find out what’s wrong with him before you summon me back home?

    Rachael cleared her throat. Something she always did when things weren’t going her way. Wait a minute, Dad wants to talk to you.

    Rachael…Rachael? Silence greeted her call. Ava willed herself to stay calm.

    Ava, love, it’s Dad, he said in a semi-muffled tone.

    Her dad’s voice speared her heart and an instant pang of guilt knotted her stomach. Hi, Dad, it’s so good to hear your voice. I miss you. Rachael tells me you’re sick.

    He grunted in annoyance. I miss you, too, love. I told her not to bother you when you’re so close to opening night. I know I’m getting on, but it’s nothing to worry about. Now, tell me how the play is going. Your mother would have been so proud.

    Oh, Dad, it’s wonderful. She felt her cheeks warm with a blush. How can it not be, when I’m playing the most famous role ever written by Shakespeare; Juliet.

    That’s my girl. Don’t worry about me love, I’ll be fine. His normally jovial tone had returned to his voice. Hang on a moment, Rachael wants to speak. Love you, my darling girl.

    A wave of homesickness hit her hard. Love you, Dad.

    Rachael paused as if waiting for their father to move out of earshot of their conversation. He’s not exactly going to tell you the truth now is he? You can act anywhere, Ava, even here in Perth. Why does it have to be on the other side of the damn world, in Portland for God’s sake?

    Frustrated, Ava dodged the horde of commuters as she headed for the theatre stage door. A sense of loss pitted in her stomach. "Oh, come on, Rachael. I’ve worked so hard and given up so much. The Festival of Love is a huge event in this part of the world. It’s not like the festivals back home. People travel from all over the world to attend this event, and playing Juliet here is

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