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The Meow Guardians
The Meow Guardians
The Meow Guardians
Ebook155 pages2 hours

The Meow Guardians

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This Christmas the holiday spirit is under threat and only a special stray can save it!


The name's Ginger, AKA Agent Meow 01. Usually, I spend my free time searching for scraps and getting chased by dogs, like the stray cat that I am.


But this Christmas, everything changes.


When the dog agents from PAWs mess up and leave the human world hanging by a thread, it's Ginger to the rescue. With my combination of brains, stealth, and daring, I'm the agent they call when the fur starts to fly. Except this time, I've got a new partner.


A house cat.


With the clock ticking, this mission seems doomed to failure with so many pheromones about.


Will the Christmas spirit be saved, or will we turn our tails and let the world burn?

Release dateDec 6, 2021
The Meow Guardians

Maria Vermisoglou

My name is Maria Vermisoglou and I'm a Bestselling fantasy author who loves throwing her heroes into impossible situations. I draw inspiration from books, travels and...the ceiling. (So, blame the ceiling!) I started writing 4 years ago when an idea came to me. That idea started all... When I'm not writing, I love a good riding on the fantasy dragon but a book can also be exciting along with a cup of tea. I'm currently residing in Crete as a librarian, battling monsters and supernatural creatures from overcoming the world. In July 2018, I was nominated as the second place winner in the First Annual Indie Awards as the Favourite New Female Author. Website: Facebook page: Bookbub: Goodreads:

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    Book preview

    The Meow Guardians - Maria Vermisoglou

    The Meow Guardians

    Maria Vermisoglou

    Cats are proof forces of nature come in all sizes

    © 2021 Maria Vermisoglou

    Visit the author’s website:

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author, except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Cover by Raquel Anne

    Editor: Partners in Crime Book Services


    1. Chapter One: Duty Calls

    2. Chapter Two: Different Worlds

    3. Chapter Three: Sewer Cat

    4. Chapter Four: Pink Fluffy Monster

    5. Chapter Five: The Top of the World

    6. Chapter Six: The Switch

    7. Chapter Seven: Serendipity

    8. Chapter Eight: Paws

    9. Chapter Nine: A Shard of Hope

    10. Chapter Ten: The Last Day

    11. Chapter Eleven: Christmas Miracle

    About Author


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    Chapter One: Duty Calls


    It was a sunny morning in an otherwise chilly winter. I lay on a tree branch, reveling in the warmth on my skin. The birds chirped, making my stomach rumble from hunger. While I could leap high, I couldn’t fly, so they rarely became my meal. Besides, all that feathered costume took too much time to dismantle. Sitting under the sunlight was pure bliss until a sharp noise penetrated my ear.

    Agent Meow 01, do you copy?

    I yawned and stretched my tired body. Can nobody sleep around here?

    Agent Meow 01, do you copy?

    Yes! I copy, cut, and paste if you want. I let the sunlight filter through my eyelids, sat up and scratched my ear. What is it?

    Agent Meow 01, the mission is about to start. We need you in headquarters.

    Of course, how could I forget? Oh, wait! I didn’t forget because it’s freaking November and the mission starts every December! My voice rose with every word, masking the fear building inside me. If they were calling me a month early, things were worse than bad. A squirrel gawked at me from the oak tree across and tightened its grip on the acorn it held. I pounded my clawed paw, and its fur thinned. With a shake of its pointy ears, the squirrel leaped into the tree hollow.

    There were some complications, which is why we need you forthwith. Please proceed to headquarters with utmost haste.

    I clicked my tongue and huffed, watching my quiet morning dissolve, and problems arise in my future. I’ll be there in a few. After a thorough cleanup of my claws on the branch, I licked my paws, removed some insects who had taken refuge in my fur and leaped from the tree.

    Cooold! I screamed. I thought the snow would have melted by now.

    An ugly coat of white blanketed the street from the night before when it had snowed like crazy. I retreated, my eyes darted in every direction, in search of dry land. My back collided with the tree, signaling the end of the path. Still, my paws were dipped in the snow, making me shiver from whiskers to tail.

    Some passerby laughed at my predicament, but carried on their way. Probably because I was a cat. And a secret agent. But they had no knowledge of the latter because they were humans.

    People in gumboots crossed the crunching streets, shivering in their coats. Children yelled, throwing snowballs, and I glared at them, observing the wet balls of death flying through the air, in case any of the snowballs closed in on my location. Cars moved on the streets at a snail’s speed, the drivers cursing.

    Well, if you hadn’t been living in abandoned buildings and pipes, you might have realized that, the voice from my earphone sounded amused.

    I will have you know pipes have a great reserve of rats. Do you know how delicious they are? I licked my whiskers at the thought of their juicy flesh as they went down my throat.

    You're not made of sugar, agent. Get on with it.

    I rolled my eyes. I’m a dame, but made out of red granite not sugar.

    My body trembled, and my teeth chattered like castanets in a flamenco dance. When a father passed in front of me hauling his son, who was covered from top to bottom with warm clothing, I felt a pang of jealousy. Wet drops brimmed in my eyes, blurring my vision and obscuring the polar weather. I quickly detected the best path to the headquarters without becoming an ice cube and grinned when I came up on the first means of transport. I jumped on an old lady’s shopping trolley when she happened before me and waited till she reached the red light in the avenue, leaped on an oh-so-terribly cold bush and continued my journey, changing means of transportation, avoiding the patches of snow as much as possible. Annoyed at the constant rattling of my teeth, I clenched my jaw and sped up to get away from the icy mattress before I suffered a heart attack. Oh, how I hated cold!

    When Tails of the City, a local pet shop, swam in view, I breathed in relief and pressed my legs harder, licking my mouth in anticipation of the warm secluded room with the machine that spat heat. My nose twitched at the prospect of treats and canned fish. Mice I could catch, but I would never get near that treacherous water.

    Hey, kitty, are you hungry? The shopkeeper welcomed me with a smile.

    I blinked. Is she expecting me to answer to that stupid diminutive? Keeping my eyes on her face, I waited.

    Someone is not in a good mood today. Her mouth quirked. Is it the snow?

    I hissed.

    The woman enveloped with the wet smell of dog food laughed and padded to the back of the store, giving me the chance to slip to the aisle with the cat products. Passing by the discarded empty boxes, I gritted my teeth, resisting my urge to jump right in and proceeded to my destination. I lifted my head, sniffing around, and my senses turned crazy. The massive packages lined up on the shelves teased my nose, causing my mouth to water. So many wonderful flavors to choose from and so not the time to do it. I climbed on the top shelf which hosted transportation boxes, beds, and finally came to a stop in front of the pink cat cube.

    I entered and pressed the button that made a monitor come to life.

    The pet shop was the entrance to a secret base for the Pat & Purr, which was an organization for cat agents. We had many bases across the globe, with state-of-the-art technology and special toys to help our mission.

    The computer voice asked the familiar series of questions, so I answered quickly before the human came looking for me. The lights on the screen faded, and the floor opened beneath my feet. I slid down a pipe, and I yelled, enjoying the trip. I loved amusement parks, especially slides that transferred you from one place to another at lightning speed.

    After my soft landing on the white carpet, I walked to the sliding doors that parted and I entered the heart of our organization.

    Pat & Purr, the secret cat organization that worked for humans under their nose. I’m telling you, if it wasn’t for us, they would have destroyed the planet. Not that they haven’t tried it already.

    It was quiet. Very quiet. The main room, where on a normal day, my colleagues would type in their computers, assess distress signals, fabricate modern devices or chase their tails, was empty.

    I swallowed the nervousness dancing in my stomach and studied the desks where the monitors sat quietly, the chairs against them and shifted my gaze, in search of any sign of life. The sticky notes on the pastel blue tapestry where we sometimes stuck memos didn't shed any light on the mystery, so I moved further to the agency.

    This is strange. Am I too early? My ears folded, and I meowed loudly. I am losing my form.

    Nah. They’re waiting for you in the mission room.

    I rolled my eyes when Sandy, a dirty white cat with a burned tail and goggles on his swollen eyes, came into view behind the master computer.

    I didn’t realize I was such a famous figure. Aren’t you coming?

    Nah. I have to run some algorithms and put the final touches on your accessories. Time is of the essence, so I’ll just listen from the radio. He lifted a screwdriver as a greeting. Have fun, Ginger.

    Chuckling, I padded the way to the mission room, my thoughts swirling. Sandy’s words did nothing to ease my nervousness, adding more mystery to the tangling jungle of unexplainable occurrences. My paws tingled once they touched the fluffy rug, and I rolled on my back, dug my claws on the carpet, rubbed the itchy spots and relished the sensation of velvet against my fur before I got back on my feet.

    Pat & Purr had pipes leading to offices and storage rooms, and of course, the playroom. We cats loved slides, boxes, and naps. Our organization was built to give us a haven to be ourselves without the presence of humans.

    I slid down the red pipe and landed right outside the door which harbored the mission room where we held all our important meetings. My paw froze in the air and I stalled. I’ve never been to the mission room. Even my tail was nervous. Like all cats, I could feel change and this one blew unpleasant vibes. When I pushed the door, my whiskers flicked from the massive presence of cats, which explained the emptiness in the offices. All cats were gathered here.

    The mission room didn’t only look like a mission room, but it smelled like business, too.

    Grey walls coated the circular room that broke the tradition of colorful rooms of the agency. The floor emitted the vibrant aroma of freshly cut wood, although claw marks decorated their surface and the paint glistening on the walls gave the impression they were painted recently. My anxiety spiked when I gazed at all the furred bodies and the papers flying around. Arrays of chairs spread in the room where cats were already sitting. The silence was deafening. Only the voice from the speaker sounded, peppered with scratching noises of ears, tapping of claws against the wood, and stretching of stiff limbs. The glowing monitors drew my attention to the tail of the mission room. I felt the food I swallowed yesterday stirring in my stomach. I flashed back to my first day as an agent, when I’d met the Board of cold-blooded killers. Otherwise known as Pat & Purr’s Board. The vested cats typed feverishly on computers while they answered phone calls. When the Russian blue penetrated me with his yellow eyes, I decided to scram.

    This can’t be good. I inspected the room, confused by the vast meow population, in search of a place to curl while the speech was still underway. My eyes fell on an empty seat and I grinned, but my grin melted when I realized it was in the house cats’ seats.

    While agent cats generally got along with each other, since we all sought the same goal, there was a broad gap between strays and house cats. We strays were laid back, ate what we could find and struggled with everything. Since we lived in the streets, we had to protect ourselves, toughen up and sharpen our claws for imminent attacks. The menu of our enemies contained many pages.

    House cats had the whole enchilada. A house to pass the chilly winter nights and hot summer days, nice food waiting for them every minute of the day—they were fat!—and love. But they were whiny, slow and indifferent. We stray cats called them cat queens. If we dared to sit next to them, they would call us every name under the sun, not accepting to be close to a cat of lower status than theirs. Rubbish! We all lived on the same earth

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