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How We Met
How We Met
How We Met
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How We Met

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It all started with a dream that linked two souls to each other. J.P., the man who was known for his celebrity status, became obsessed with the face and the experience he had in this dream. Ella, who was an aspiring writer, started to end her losing streak and pursued a life that would help her be free but also lead her to him. Their story was always theirs to tell. They met at the wrong time, fell in love randomly, realized their reality unexpectedly, and what started became their ending.. Ella, who was an aspiring writer, started to end her losing streak and pursued a life that would help her be free but also lead her to him. Their story was always theirs to tell. They met at the wrong time, fell in love randomly, realized their reality unexpectedly, and what started became their ending.

Release dateSep 6, 2021
How We Met

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    How We Met - Binx Francia

    How We Met

    Binx Francia

    Ukiyoto Publishing

    All global publishing rights are held by

    Ukiyoto Publishing

    Published in 2021

    Content Copyright © Binx Francia

    All rights reserved.

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    The moral rights of the author have been asserted.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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    "I always wondered how I'd fall in love. I had a different view than people my age. I always believed that love was something more than give and take, more than life and death. It's not the efforts, nor is it the declaration. I always perceived love as something built in to your body. A jolt, a gut feeling, that the moment you fall in love, you fall. An eternal free fall that is either in slow motion or fast forward. No one catches you until you find that hand, a hand that's reaching out to you so that you don't fall alone.

    I'd always say I've only fallen in love four times in my life. First is my first love. He wasn't really that typical man I'd fall for but he was the first to show me that my perception of a relationship, is possible. He adored me. Worshiped the ground I walk on. He'd open doors, break down barriers, everything to keep me happy. It just broke my heart that my fear overcame my heart. I was devastated at the fact that I let go. Well, I can't change the past.

    Second man, wasn't really the relationship you'd want. It started with just attraction, physical attraction. Then, I fell. It was a ton of bricks, no... It was a demolition of the biggest building you'd ever seen. The realization was hell when I knew. He's also the first to break my heart when he just made a different girl his priority.

    Third, too quick, too soon, too late. Let's just leave it like that. It was a forceful push to get into it. I was still getting over the second one when he, we entered the relationship. It lasted a few months; I knew it wouldn't last but I tried my very best to make it work. I would go hell and back for that man. Turns out, being cheated on the second time was way worse.

    Fourth and worse. Longest and the most serious relationship I've been in, down the drain because of distance. I knew it's mostly pressure. The fact that he had other things in his life that he couldn't juggle. Had no passion, had no other want nor need but the roof on his head and money to eat what he wants. He tried his hardest to amp up his life, his personality. He didn't change because I wanted him to, he changed because he needed to for us. Pursuing a job far from me gave him a chance to be tempted. Until he didn’t want me anymore. I tried, hell bent, died and survived. Gave my all.

    All these men were experiences that I would never forget. I'll never go back to them, of course. The fact that the pain, the effort, the love, the trust left me broken and unwanted. Never again. Then again, I always have that question asked. Are you scared to fall in love again? My immediate answer - never.

    I have a past. I can't change it. I'm not the typical. I'm proud I can’t change that. Although, if I lay out what I mean, you won't let me fall in love because of the messed up and damaged goods I bare. The general thought is, I'd find someone who would accept me for me without faltering nor fault. A ‘Dreamer’. I know, but I can't help it.

    Let me be specific as to what the word L-O-V-E is for me. The perspective, the need, the want. Here it is -

    Merriam Webster defines love as strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. Scientifically, Oxytocin is at fault. Physically, pheromones' is always at fault. Unfortunately, all three reasoning only imply infatuation. All because it’s defined. Any person that tries to define love has tried and failed. No one can define it. They simply try to do so to put meaning into the word. I can't emphasize this enough. That's not love for me.

    Generally, love is what you wish for. Most people would say, love is waking up to the same face everyone morning. Love is a good cup of coffee with someone that loves watching you sip it. Love is endless supply of gifts. Blah blah. Whatever. You know what love is? Putting him as a priority. - Usual rebuff to people that has shallow meanings. When you put them, before you? All talk, no game. Love is sacrifice. Love is acceptance. Love is love.

    Love, I believe is - being complete with someone. It's a moment of truth that you've met the right person that fills all that void. It's that person that fits like a glove. A person that makes everything seem like you’re in a dream. Roman mythology stated that man was created with two heads, four hands, and two pairs of feet. The god, Zeus, was jealous of how unique man was so then separated them by cutting them into two. It’s not just body he tore, it was the soul of man. Maybe that’s why we wander around the world searching and waiting for the other. Maybe it’s the reason why we call them better half.

    I believe that myth. It's something that actually fits the bill. We do wander the earth to help be complete or at least feel complete. Everything is just right. With wrongs that can be changed, pasts that can be accepted, that feeling that no matter how hard life knocks you down, someone falls with you to break your fall. As if being alone was never an experience.

    It's that serendipitous moment that you see him, looking at you. You lock eyes, and poof! Magic. It was real. The electricity was felt. It flew through you like wind. It was it. The realization, more than just a demolition. It was the atomic bomb that landed on your heart. Love was there. Created a ripple effect and will end up as it started.

    "Love was when we met, or maybe that one moment where everything seemed to be a dream but not that. When we met, I was complete. I knew, that was it, it was you–"

    Three years ago today, there were two people who believed that love was a dream. An intangible experience that none of them really understood until they’ve met each other. Today, marks that day. The day they met was a surprise. It was straight out of a movie as their meet cute was technically uncommon. 

    As he understood it, they were linked moments before. Linked in ways that he could never understand how or why she was there. Although, things started out blurry for her, she found herself thinking of an image of him. A face never fully complete with details that only a person living it would see. Odd, their start, but simple.

    7,292 miles away, a woman devoted to her family, struggles to keep a relationship afloat making her question her own priorities. Like any other driven woman, she strived for others a little too much and made her dive into the idea of pursuing one’s passion. Until finally, she wandered away on her own trying to link herself back to the truth of herself.

    He, on the other hand, world-renowned, not much awards but internationally wanted by women, found himself lingering on an idea, as well. A woman to love, a family to raise, and sewing roots. It was a ‘want’ that he never realized he’d need till that moment. He saw a face, heard a voice, and painted a picture. 

    The picture that motivated one to believe imaginary can be reality. The picture that motivated another to see beyond their reality. The couple that made it real and the moment that we all waited for. Now, I’m only celebrating today. Although, today was something we knew coming. Way passed the dream, way passed the chase, and it all started with her.

    Turning back time, witnessing these two, entering a journey they’d never believed possible. One sparred with the idea of what she wanted and yearned for in her life against adulthood with all its quirks. The other fought with the idea of true commitment as he definitely decided true love was fictitious, or so he thought. 

    The woman in this story, is right here. Listening to this speech. Unaware of what I really mean. Clueless of what’s to come. She would never realize it until today. The series of events leading to this event. Hoping that an epiphany will fall upon her as confessions will be laid out. To remind you of what I mean, the day was 13th of July. 

    Tis Twined Dreams

    ‘This actually feels like Deja vu. Have we met before?’

    The sound of her voice, soothing. Her smile, breathe taking. She's beautiful, "Maybe in a dream, I guess."

    BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! An alarm setting off on the side of his bed followed by a ring coming from his phone. It was his agent, Terrance.

    Hey, man! Where are you? Your shoot starts at 1PM and its 12:30PM, Terrance's voice was agitated and frustrated. He couldn't decide which one.

    Don't worry. I’m the talent anyway. They can wait, of course, he didn't mean that. He was never late for a commitment.

    J.P. Smith was living the dream. Not particularly his dream. His dream was that girl, with a voice so melodious that he kept repeating her words in his head. He was an actor, an A-lister, bounded by his rugged good looks and distinct acting method, or so they say.

    He always had the passion for performing arts. Even as a child, he started to star in school plays and get into modelling in high school. Typical boy-next-door meets stardom. He also had a knack in reading literary books, quotes Shakespeare when asked about his career path and passion.

    Today's events were the usual schedule. Photo shoots across town, early dinners with producers, night out with co-stars, and getting endless compliments on how great his last movie went or comments on how unfortunate his last relationship was. It was the routine. His life written in every tabloid, magazine or online article; his calendar planned out day by day for the past fifteen years and until end of time; also, being used by numerous people just to get fame and fortune.

    However, the dream was distracting. The day was playing out as it should. Blindly following the usual step-by-step of the day, he repeats, replays those words with her voice, Deja vu. Her voice was very distinct. Not the type you'd hear every day like a commercial. The kind where if she whispers in a crowd, you'd know it's her. J.P. just wasn't sure who she was.

    He arrives at the photo shoot five to one and everyone was shocked and on their toes. People were running around hurrying things along so that they can start, but J.P. was... indifferent. Fifteen years in the business, you'd think he'd still feel ecstatic and nervous or something else but no, he felt tired. You put on a mask every day, exercise his face muscles on every photo and he just ends the day drained and alone.

    He loves his fans, loves his career, but everyone else is moving on, marrying off the love of their lives, giving birth, and being fathers. He’d sometimes wonder if he'd ever settle down. Find someone who'd understand, know the whole of him, and just be there on the living room couch snuggled up together.

    Meanwhile, at the other side of the world. The woman in his dreams was crying her eyes out. Oh, E. this is the last damn time! she yells at herself.

    Another man ruined her after a three-year long relationship. There she is on the floor of her favorite park near her office, begging God to take the pain away and just let her die. Ella, you have to live to survive this, she said to herself while wiping off tears from her cheeks.

    This was the third consecutive man that had cheated on her and all she could do is walk. After having that moment in the park, she just found herself walking. No destination, all she knew that her feet were at it. Right foot over left, through grass or gravel, she was walking. It was 4AM in the Philippines at the time and she had nowhere to go but home. Home to her parents, waiting for the story on how they ended. All they needed to know is that it's just done.

    Ella has had enough of her streak. She wanted to have fun after this, put herself first. Love and find herself again. She gave her identity to this man and lost more people she could count in the middle to keep it steady. All she tried to do is to hold on, until the end.

    The break-up was the day before. She had booked a hotel to visit him up north to a province 9 hours away. Ella asked him if he could maybe see her there but he kept refusing. She even reached the point of, I'll forgive you for everything that has happen, just let us fix this, but all she heard back is, No, I don't want to fix it. That was that.

    Ella never had the courage to force anything onto anyone. She looked back and reflected, she actually never forced anyone to do anything that they did not want to do. Even when she was faced to fight for her love, she couldn't fight for something she knew was a dead end. The day was just full of acceptance and realizations for her but she needed one last try to take it all out. She did.

    She comes home, drenched in rain, went to her room, and slept. As she woke, she pretended that nothing happened. Ella cooked breakfast for the family, read her book as her parents watched TV in the living room, and never spoke a word about the break-up. It was her way of coping to the situation. All she needed to do is pretend that she doesn't hurt, that there is no pain. Ella already cried, drank, and slept long enough to release all the pain. She had all the right to rant, but she didn't. She left it in a box, tucked away behind her head, and moved forward.

    Now there's a difference, Ella said.

    Ella is a very perceptive and emotional being. Kept most of her feelings to herself until she couldn't. She'd write instead and as she wrote, she said the same things, move forward. She went on with her entry in her blog -

    "It wasn't the time to linger. I've lingered, for years. With a man who didn't deserve me but chose me. Then I chose him. I've done what I can and survived. Now, all I need to do is move forward... to move on."

    She never really talked about how she felt. Their relationship was a world of two. Everything, time, and act was done together. They revolved all things to each other even when their obligations were being trampled and forgotten. Even when her mom never liked him. After all that he neglected. Their world revolved around them.

    Then, it was over. Tragic but she knew. Ella knew that it would be over. The minute that they were together, Ella knew it wouldn't last at all because she knew who he was; who all of them were. It never lasted because they never saw, or they never understood why she loved that way. All she could ever do was to make it work. She knew it would end in the beginning yet she made sure to at least let them feel what love was to her.

    J.P.? You okay, man? Terrance waving at his face.

    Hmm? What? J.P. snaps back to reality.

    Is there a problem, bro? I mean do you need a pill or something? Terrance added.

    J.P. was just not up for the shoot. He's been feeling a bit lonely lately and has been wanting the time off. Maybe he finally has the time to find the one, he just couldn't shake the feeling

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