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Evidence That Mercury Causes Alzheimer's Disease provides scientific proof that mercury can cause Alzheimer's disease. The cause of Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been a mystery for well over a century when it was first identified by Alois Alzheimer, M.D., a German psychiatrist, in 1907. It has affected mil

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    Evidence Mercury Causes Alzheimer’s Disease


    Robert Siblerud

    Copyright © 2023 Robert Siblerud.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author and publisher, except by reviewers, who may quote brief passages in a review.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021922148

    ISBN: 978-1-957054-00-1 (Paperback Edition)

    ISBN: 978-1-957054-01-8 (Hardcover Edition)

    ISBN: 978-1-956736-99-1 (E-book Edition)

    Book Ordering Information

    The Regency Publishers, US

    521 5th Ave 17th floor NY, NY10175

    Phone Number: (315)537-3088 ext 1007

    Email: [email protected]

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Foreword: Dr. Joachim Mutter

    Preface: Dr. Robert Siblerud

    Chapter One: Alzheimer’s Disease 101: Understanding the Malady

    Chapter Two: Mercury: A Very Toxic Element

    Chapter Three: The Dental Amalgam: The Greatest Source of Mercury Exposure

    Chapter Four: The Relationship Between Mercury From Dental Amalgam and Health: It’s Worse Than You Think

    Chapter Five: The Relationship Between Amalgam Mercury and the Heart, Eye, Hearing, Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinson’s Disease: It May Surprise You

    Chapter Six: The Effect Of Amalgam Mercury On Mental Health: Mercury’s Affinity for the Brain

    Chapter Seven: Evidence that Mercury Causes Alzheimer’s Disease: The Scientific Proof

    Chapter Eight: Two Pioneers: Providing Evidence that Mercury Causes Alzheimer’s Disease

    Chapter Nine: It’s All in Your Head: The Hal Huggins’ Story

    Chapter Ten: Beating Alzheimer’s: How Tom Warren Did It

    Chapter Eleven: Mercury Free: Dr. James Hardy’s Experience

    Chapter Twelve: Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease: Reducing the Risk





    For over a century, scientists have been searching for the cause and treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Could it be as simple as mercury toxicity? After you finish reading this book, I think you will agree that is probably the cause. Where is the mercury coming from? Governmental organizations tell us it is from fish, air (contaminated by coal burning power plants), and some medical treatments including vaccines and dental amalgams. According to the World Health Organization, the greatest source of mercury exposure originates from silver dental fillings called amalgams, which contain 50% mercury. Mercury vapors are continuously being released from amalgam fillings and inhaled. It enters the blood stream from the lungs, and then crosses the blood-brain barrier and into brain cells where it becomes ionized and entrapped for up to several decades.

    Dr. Siblerud’s earlier research showed that the mental health of young adults with amalgams is significantly worse compared to a control group without amalgams. This suggests that mercury is already causing changes in the brain at a young age. As you will see in this book, there is anecdotal evidence of some people recovering from AD following amalgam removal and detoxification. Of course not everyone does recover. I had one AD patient who had his dental amalgams removed as well as root-filled teeth plus other metals. He was also detoxified but showed no improvement. On the other hand, I had some amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients (ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease) that improved following amalgam removal. The disease progress stopped and the patients got better following removal of amalgams and other dental metals. The ALS patients were detoxified and shielded from electromagnetic fields, and given healthy foods and supplements. There are some similarities between Parkinson’s Disease and AD, with many Parkinson’s Disease patients developing AD. A number of my patients with Parkinson’s Disease got better after the treatment. To detoxify mercury, they were given DMPS (ca. 100), DMSA, and later Penicillamin or Tiopronin and Irminix (Chapter Eight).

    As you read in this book, there are many health disorders that improve or are eliminated following amalgam removal, and you will begin to understand that mercury is one of the most toxic elements there is and can cause a multitude of health disorders where the cause is not known.

    Then you will ask yourself, how was this allowed to happen? This is the saddest part of the story. You will discover in the book about three amalgam wars beginning in the 1800s, where enlightened dentists have tried to stop the dental profession from using mercury because they knew how toxic mercury was.

    Around 1980, the third amalgam war began, which was started by a Colorado dentist named Dr. Hal Huggins (Chapter Nine) who found many health disorders that improved or were eliminated following amalgam removal. He reports a number of his Alzheimer’s disease patients recovered following amalgam removal. Other successes include multiple sclerosis patients, Parkinson’s disease patients, and ALS patients to name a few other disorders.

    Organized dentistry rewarded him by revoking his dental license. Today, in most states in the U.S., if dentists mention that dental amalgams are harmful, they can have their license revoked. Why is this cover-up happening? One of the dental professions greatest fears is liability for all the health problems they have caused by using mercury fillings. This sounds similar to the tobacco industry. Governments will not fund research regarding amalgam mercury toxicity. Dr. Siblerud’s research was funded by a private source. Most scientific journals are reluctant to publish articles regarding amalgam mercury toxicity, no matter how good the research was, again trying to preserve status quo. In the meantime, many people have suffered from illnesses that could have been prevented resulting in countless dying indirectly from amalgam mercury toxicity.

    My own life was almost destroyed when I was 18 years old working as an educated electrician. I suffered from severe amalgam mercury toxicity. I had diarrhea, tiredness, insomnia, burning feet, tinnitus, tremor, too much saliva, severe depression, cold feet and hands, weakness, hair loss, and many more symptoms. I began to recover after amalgam removal and a change in nutrition along with detoxification of heavy metals, I lost 30 kg of weight. All of my back teeth had been filled with mercury amalgams since childhood. I then studied medicine and became an environmental medicine physician.

    I worked as a physician for over seven years at the University Medical Center of Freiburg (Germany) becoming interested on how mercury may cause AD and other illnesses. I had a number of scientific papers published and was involved in research that could explain how certain genes in AD that were involved with apolipoproteins, which could increase the risk of AD. Our research found that the apolipoprotein E2 allele could prevent AD, while the apolipoprotein E4 allele could increase the risk of AD. The E2 allele has two cysteines that can remove mercury from the cell. The E4 allele could not remove mercury from the cell because it had no cysteines. I also co-authored a paper with Dr. Siblerud explaining how the physiological and pathological aspects of AD could be explained by mercury toxicity (chapter 9).

    Many dentists have stopped using dental amalgams, and the AD rate is declining. Several European countries have also banned dentists from using mercury amalgams.

    This book provides so much evidence that shows how mercury from dental amalgams is causing AD and many other health disorders. Hopefully, it will provide the stimulus to enact legislation around the world to ban the use of dental mercury amalgams.

    Dr. Joachim Mutter

    Environmental Physician


    This book is about my journey into the scientific world trying to find the cause of unexplained illnesses. Originally, I was trying to find the cause of mental health problems. I had a loved one who developed a mental illness and was helped by nutrition and supplements recommended in alternative health literature. I then asked myself, why weren’t all psychotherapists using nutrition in their practices? I was upset about this and decided the only way to change the system was to get credentials. I entered the masters’ program in nutrition at Colorado State University. Because I was still practicing optometry, I did my thesis research on nutrition and myopia, and found a very significant hair mercury finding that I could not explain.

    About that time, a dentist named Dr. Hal Huggins from Colorado Springs was claiming that mercury from silver dental fillings (amalgams) was causing all kinds of health problems. I wondered if my hair mercury finding had anything to do with amalgam mercury. Because my office was located across from campus, and it was easy to attend classes and get back to my practice, I entered the Ph.D. program in physiology. I decided to do my dissertation on health effects of dental amalgams. Dr. David Robertshaw, the head of the physiology department, was my major professor and agreed to mentor the research.

    My research found many health problems that could be associated with amalgam mercury, including a number of mental health problems. Nutrition was a means of neutralizing mercury toxicity, as I later found out.

    To my dismay, I found a world of politics in the scientific community trying to preserve status quo, and then a world of denial by the dental community ignoring the science of amalgam mercury toxicity. The dental boards threatened to revoke licenses of dentists who spoke of the harmful effects of dental amalgams. I am sure this denial was based on fear of litigation, if it could be proven that amalgam mercury was harmful.

    In the meantime, millions of people in America and worldwide have suffered countless health problems, including neurological disease, mental health problems, and Alzheimer’s disease, which has claimed millions of lives over the past four decades since this problem of amalgam mercury toxicity was brought to the public’s awareness.

    The dental schools have known about the hazards of amalgam mercury and refuse to do research, including the University of Colorado dental school who helped fund my Ph.D. research in the 1980s. Colorado State University illegally dismissed me from the Ph.D. program after I completed all the required course work and agreed-upon research. They were trying to prevent me from publishing my research findings regarding amalgam mercury toxicity. (I brought a lawsuit against CSU and the judge ruled that I was illegally dismissed.) In the meantime, countless people have suffered from dental mercury poisoning. Since then, I have had 20 scientific papers published about amalgam mercury toxicity.

    I received a grant to study Alzheimer’s disease and its relationship to amalgam mercury in the 1990s. The Alzheimer’s Association refused to cooperate in recruiting patients for the study stating that mercury did not cause Alzheimer’s disease, again trying to preserve the status quo. As a result, I was unable to complete the study regarding mercury and Alzheimer’s disease. It was when I was researching the scientific literature for a book I was writing about preventing Alzheimer’s disease that I could explain 70 pathological and physiological changes occurring in Alzheimer’s disease that could be caused by mercury toxicity.

    Then I knew, I had the scientific proof. To get the word out, I needed to write a scientific paper about my findings and a book explaining how dental amalgam mercury was causing Alzheimer’s disease. The paper was submitted to a number of top scientific journals but was turned down. Finally, it was accepted by a top rated peer-reviewed journal, the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. I have discovered that the scientific community does not want to get involved in alternative health care even though there is good science backing it up. Otherwise it would disrupt the status quo and possible funding for their own research.

    Hopefully, this book will stimulate further research regarding Alzheimer’s disease and its relationship to mercury toxicity. There is enough scientific evidence to ban dental amalgam mercury in America. A number of European countries have banned amalgams, and Alzheimer’s disease has decreased in these countries. Many American dentists have also curtailed the use of amalgams, and I would like to thank them on behalf of humanity. The overall use of amalgams in the United States by dentists has declined as has the Alzheimer’s rate.

    I still wonder why the dental profession was allowed to place one of the most toxic elements in people’s mouths for nearly two centuries. I personally believe this has been a crime against humanity. Form your own opinion after reading the book, and I am sure you will agree with me.

    Dr. Robert Siblerud

    Environmental Physiologist

    Chapter One

    Alzheimer’s Disease 101

    Understanding the Malady

    As you will discover in this book, the cause of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) may literally be right under our nose, the mercury in dental fillings. Before we explain how mercury may be causing AD, it is important to understand the disease itself. Alzheimer’s disease was first identified in 1906 by Alois Alzheimer, a German psychiatrist, who performed an autopsy on a demented female patient. A year later, he reported his findings of abnormal waxy fragments (amyloid plaques) and twisted fibers (tau tangles) that now define the disease. Since his discovery over a century ago, the number of AD patients being diagnosed each year has increased, where AD is now the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, killing over 120,000 people each year.

    Alzheimer’s disease is the most common of 70 types of dementia, and some health care experts predict that by 2050, approximately 2 billion people worldwide will suffer from dementia, costing about $1 trillion in medical expenses annually. In 2010, worldwide costs of the disease totaled $604 billion. In the United States, approximately 5 million people suffer from AD, at an annual estimated cost of $250 billion. The number of Americans expected to be diagnosed with AD is projected to reach 14 million by 2050. World wide, the Alzheimer’s Disease International estimates the number of people affected by dementia will exceed 80 million people. By 2050, it is estimated that 22 percent of the world’s population will be older than 60 years. About one in ten individuals over the age of 65 and one half over the age of 85 will develop dementia.

    The statistics are frightening. However, one recent study reported that the rate of AD may be on the decline. This is encouraging and may be related to a decrease in mercury exposure as we will discuss later. There are a number of methods that can reduce the risk of AD and delay its onset, and these will be discussed in the last chapter. But first, let’s discuss the most common types of dementia.


    Alzheimer’s disease is the most common of the seventy plus types of dementia. Only after autopsy, showing the presence of plaque and tangles, can AD be definitely diagnosed. It is important to identify the dementia types to insure the proper treatment for the memory loss. Mercury has also been suspected in other types of dementia.

    Lewy Body Disease (LBD): LBD accounts for 10 to 20 percent of mild cognitive impairment and dementia in older adults. It is a degenerative disorder associated with abnormal tissue called Lewy bodies found in certain areas of the brain. Lewy bodies contain certain deposits of protein called alpha-syncline, that are associated with Parkinson’s disease. The neurotransmitters acetylcholine and dopamine are reduced in the brain of Parkinson’s disease patients. Early symptoms include confusion, daytime drowsiness, sleep disorders, attention difficulties, poor concentration, and short term memory difficulties. Physical movements similar to Parkinson’s disease may occur and possible visual hallucinations. In later stages, an MRI can detect brain atrophy.

    Parkinson’s Disease (PD): PD is caused by loss of neurons that make dopamine in parts of the brain that control muscle activity such as walking, standing, speaking, and eating. If a PD patient lives to be 85 years, there is a 67 percent chance of dementia. The chance of becoming demented increases 5 percent for every year the person has PD. Dementia comes three or more years after movement-related symptoms appear. Evidence suggests there is also a relationship between mercury and PD that will be discussed later.

    Frontal Temporal Lobe Dementia (FTLD): FTLD affects the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. It is associated with deep areas of the brain being affected, including basal ganglia and the hypothalamus that regulates hormones. FTLD accounts for 10 percent of all dementia and often begins in people under 65 years. As the disease progresses, it causes an irreversible decline within 2 to 15 years. The most common cause is abnormality of the tau protein that provides structure to the neuron. The tau protein twists, causing the neuron to die in a tangled mass. Mercury can cause this.

    Early symptoms may include apathy, loss of normal social inhibitions such as saying anything one thinks, inability to understand or use language, reduction in the amount of talking, inability to perform complex tasks, and senseless actions such as waving goodbye. During the early stages, there is a normal MRI test and blood profile. A SPECT scan may show mild reduced activity. Vascular Dementia (VD): VD results from an insufficient blood

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