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Here Comes King Jesus!
Here Comes King Jesus!
Here Comes King Jesus!
Ebook38 pages29 minutes

Here Comes King Jesus!

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About this ebook

For born again believers who know Jesus and eagerly await His coming

This short book is directed toward the born again Bride of the Messiah. It is an examination of what to expect prophetically, over the next few years. The author has spent a great deal of time examining these issues over the past decades and the end obviously has drawn close. A lot of scriptural evidence is presented, plus a bit of clearly labeled speculation. The upcoming events are a spiritual event that ranks with the Flood, the Exodus, and the Crucifixion & Resurrection. This time the Messiah is coming back to defeat and eliminate the satanic world order, and sit as King of Kings on his throne in Jerusalem. It has all been extensively prophesied. Like when Jesus of Nazareth came, and fulfilled all the prophecies which spoke of Him exactly, we expect that He will do the same this time. In other words, what the Lord has promised, He will accomplish.


This is not an academic work with a painstaking defense of positions. The ideas and prophecies are presented clearly for you to consider. It's blunt, open, and transparent about difficult topics few talk about. No one else will understand it at all. If you are not a believer, you may get offended or get saved. It will be your choice. My task is simply to get this to as many believers who want to read it, as possible. It is edifying, and very uplifing. It's a real joy to see that what is coming has been clearly promised. It gives a solid plan as we proceed through the rush toward the End.

PublisherRadiqx Press
Release dateNov 16, 2021
Here Comes King Jesus!

David Bergsland

David's art & design career began in 1967 with the promotional materials for his rock band. After he was graduated in 1971 with a BFA in Printmaking from the University of Minnesota, he immediately began working in publishing, beginning as an illustrator. By 1979, he was working as a graphic designer in West Virginia. In the early 1980s in Albuquerque, he developed skills as a graphic designer, typographer, and art director in-house for a commercial printer. Beginning in 1991, he began teaching the commercial printing program at a large technical-vocational school. By 1996, he was developing and heading up the Business Graphics digital publishing program at that school. In 1994 he began designing fonts which he used to format his first textbook, "Printing In a Digital World", released in 1996. He began teaching online that same year as well as publishing ebooks for his curriculum. By 2002, he was publishing through Lulu, then Createspace, then Kindle, and then all the rest. He began writing and publishing full-time in 2009. Though most of David's books are about typography, graphic design, font design, and book design, he has also been teaching scripture since 1974. Since that time he has normally taught one to three Bible studies a week. Once he began writing and publishing full-time, he started releasing verse-by-verse, and topical Bible studies. His vision is to share his experience with young authors.

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    Book preview

    Here Comes King Jesus! - David Bergsland


    Here comes King Jesus!

    A message for the Bride

    David Bergsland

    Independently published

    Written, designed, and formatted by David Bergsland, ©2021

    Released November 17, 2021 • All Rights Reserved • [email protected]

    I felt the need to share with my fellow pilgrims in the Bride as we approach the time when all decisions are complete.

    The earth is about to change for the better.


    Completing the Messiah’s Bride

    We have two choices: increasing the Bride or saving America

    The encouraging prophetic hope

    The remodeling & cleanup of earth

    Start your courtship conversation

    Pray about openings, give hope

    Our blessed hope, realized

    A note about the book

    This brief booklet is the result of an intense talk with the Lord over the past couple of years since my wife died. Things have gotten very serious. Increasingly, I’ve been asking the Lord what He wanted me to do.

    We are certainly living in the time of the signs. The generation that won’t pass away is now in our seventies. The time is drawing near. It’s getting really exciting.

    My desire is to get your mind off the troubles in the world. The question is Are you surprised? The really bad times won’t really hit until after we’re gone. But the birth pangs are a bit unpleasant.

    I wanted to offer a chance to chill out, take a breath, and look at where we are going—soon.

    Completing the Messiah’s Bride

    October 2021: at my computer, Radiqx production office

    The month and a half after Labor Day was a time of intense prayer and self-examination for me. I’ve never felt so strongly that I need to know what the Lord has for me to do for these final days, weeks, months, and maybe years. I phrase it in that manner because I am very aware of the times we are in and where the Lord is in regard to His Bride—and I know that the leaving of the Bride is imminent. No, I have no date. But it’s time to be watching

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