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Summary of The Widow By K.L. Slater
Summary of The Widow By K.L. Slater
Summary of The Widow By K.L. Slater
Ebook83 pages54 minutes

Summary of The Widow By K.L. Slater

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This is NOT the original K.L. Slater's book

This is a well-Detailed Summary of The Widow By K.L. Slater



The Widow is a gripping psychological thriller from the author of Gone Girl and The Wife Between Us. It's one hell of a roller coaster ride and in parts left me gasping and holding my breath. Reviewer: 'The Queen of twists is back. Can't believe how many twists this book revealed'. 'One of my favourite books of the year!

I was hooked from page one and the thrills never ceased. Huge on the creep factor and shocking twists! Wish I could give this more than a huge five stars' 'Intense, clever and heartbreaking… truly an awesome experience'.

Release dateNov 26, 2021
Summary of The Widow By K.L. Slater

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    Summary of The Widow By K.L. Slater - Justin Reese


    3 December 2019


    Behind me, I could hear the guttural roar of the yellow digger, its dull black bucket plunging into the depths. White tarpaulin sheets stretched high and wide across the middle section of the field. The smell of damp, clogged earth stuck in my nostrils and throat. The sound of the digger's incessant drone filled her head with its relentless drone, bringing her closer to facing the horror that she dreaded and they all craved. My sinuses were blocked solid and I had to drag air in through my mouth.

    I found myself praying silently: Please God, don't let them have found her. But the air seemed drenched with a dark foreboding, and I knew it would be bad.


    About seven weeks earlier: 20 October 2019


    Due to essential work being carried out in the village, they combined the events earlier this year. 'They're beautiful!'. 'Maybe I'll turn it off more often if that's your response.'. He grinned, sipping his drink.

    I laughed, but his comment did make me think. I probably wasn't as affectionate with him as I used to be. Donna asked me to pick her daughter Ellie up from school so she could check out Paul's work. She suspected he was up to something with another woman on his travels, and she wanted to go through his work diary. Michael had been known to call Paul 'the love rat' behind his back.

    Donna's tirade was reserved for the recipient of her husband's interest rather than Paul himself. Zuzana Baros had met Irene Wadebridge, Michael's boss, while working for the agency Irene used for her home help. She'd hit it off quickly and Irene had offered her a job. 'Jeez, not exactly appropriate attire for a few fireworks in a muddy field,' Donna remarked spitefully as she took in Suzy's outfit. She seemed very nice, though, and told me she'd moved over to the UK from Poland hoping to make a new life here.

    'Say hi to Kate!'. I smiled at Suzy's son Aleks, trying to break the ice between us. 'I have to say, it sounds revolting!' she grimaced when asked what mushy peas tasted like.

    'Not if I see you first,' Donna murmured as Suzy walked away, her narrowed eyes tracking up from the other woman's heels to her long fair hair. Michael was as angry with Paul as I'd ever seen him - he fumed as Tansy skipped ahead. When Amos died ten years ago, she'd appointed Michael as her property and land manager. She was sharp as a tack mentally, but thanks to arthritis and sciatica, she often struggled with her mobility. When Michael discovered the affair, he cut back on the amount of time he spent with Paul.

    Donna took him back almost instantly and they were a happy family again - until Paul realised the grass wasn't always greener. Donna blamed herself for her sister's disappearance and resented Ellie for being out of her sight.


    21 October 2019

    'That would be so cool!' said Tansy, jumping up and down like she was on a little pogo stick. I'll ask his mummy later then,' I said, smiling. Aleks could walk home with us, then you could pick him up from our house at about five thirty and we could have a coffee and a chat. I think Aleks would enjoy it,' I said to Suzy's mother, Donna.

    'What on earth would you want to go and do that for?' she demanded. The Polish mother was clearly nervous about meeting new people. Kate had been asked to cover for an absent assistant in Sycamore Class that afternoon. It was a lovely few sessions including PE and art and design, with the more serious literacy and maths lessons having been covered by the teacher during the morning.

    The icing on the cake was to come at the end of school when Jill grabbed me for a quick word. Their son Aleks was acting a bit shy, so Suzy decided to bring him out of his shell. 'What have I done to deserve this?' he asked as he gave Suzy a bunch of freesias.  His mother Suzy had said they'd come to England to start a new life, but she hadn't given much detail about their old life.

    The boy looked so forlorn that I almost scooped him up into my arms. But I shut the door in her face and didn't want him to feel left out or alone.


    Zalipie, Poland


    Jakub and Ana Krol met

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