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The Neighbor's Boy
The Neighbor's Boy
The Neighbor's Boy
Ebook172 pages2 hours

The Neighbor's Boy

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I wanted to push him away yet hold him close. I wanted him to get off me, yet I gripped him tighter at the thought. I wanted someone to come and knock some sense into my brain, yet he was already knocking all my senses out. I wanted it to stop yet hoped it would never end.
After a traumatic divorce, Whitney Adams was finally able to start putting her life back together again. Whitney wanted a new start. A new life in a new town. So, packing up what little of her life she had left, she moved down south to Savannah, Ga. She purchased a new home, and thanks to her best friend will be starting ar new job. Everything was finally going her way. That is until she meets the neighbor's boy.
He was younger than she expected but everything she didn't expect or even know she wanted or needed. Now torn between what she thought she wanted and what she might need. Whitney finds herself with some big life decisions to make. All Whitney wanted was to have a new start in life. Did starting a new one include a new man?

PublisherNatasha Renee
Release dateSep 14, 2021
The Neighbor's Boy

Natasha Renee

Natasha Renee lives in Northern Virginia with her husband and two young kids. She has always been a lover of books since the moment she learned how to read. Her writing career started out with poems and short stories and soon she decided to try to write a full novel. So putting pen to paper she got to work and wrote her first story, Chasing Luna. It took a lot of encouragement from friends and family to share those stories and her imagination with the world.When she's not writing, she spends her time reading, and traveling the world with her family. Happy and excited about becoming a new author Natasha looks forward to sharing her vivid imagination and the lives of the characters in the stories that she has created with everyone that reads her books.

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    Book preview

    The Neighbor's Boy - Natasha Renee


    Ipulled into the driveway squealing like a little girl who’d just won an extra-large stuffed bear at the county fair. After parking, I jumped out of the car and ran around to the front door. I was so excited.

    It's mine! Finally, mine! I exclaimed jumping up and down as I looked up to my brand-new property.

    The small one-story cottage-style house was beautiful. It had three bedrooms, two baths, an open floor concept with a large kitchen, and a beautiful formal dining room. The exterior had light gray wood sidings with black window panels. There was an oversized porch, perfect for sitting, to watch the sunset while sipping on some ice-cold lemonade. It had white trimming and the winning feature for me was the deep red double-pane front door. It was perfect. Absolutely, perfect.

    Ok, not that perfect.

    It was in desperate need of some hardcore work. Some of the sidings had paint peeling and one of the window panels was hanging on for dear life. Not to mention that every room inside the house needed a new coat of paint and a few minor repairs. And don’t get me started on the plumbing. But other than that, it was perfect. Perfect for me. And it was all mines.

    After opening the front door and all of the windows to let in a breeze, I ran out of the house and back to my car. I’d already had the driveway cemented a week before I came. It had been in pretty bad shape. Barely resembling the nice smooth surface, it now was.

    I popped the trunk and pulled my suitcase out or at least, I tried. I had overstuffed my suitcase and was now struggling to pull it out of my trunk. I huffed and puffed groaning as I tried to lift the heavy bag by the handle. It didn’t budge. This was a two-man job. Too bad my best friend Faye couldn't follow me to the house. She was the one who helped me put this monster of a suitcase in the trunk in the first place. But she had to get back to work so I was flying solo. I may just have to unpack a few things at a time and carry them in the house until I was able to lift the whole thing.

    Excuse me, miss? You need some help? said an amused, deep voice from behind me, startling me half to death. I jumped, bumping my head on the lid of my trunk.

    I turned while rubbing my head and had to squint as I stared up at a tall man in front of me. The glare from the sun made it hard at first for me to see his face. But he backed up a few steps and his features came into focus.

    A handsome baby-faced man smiled down at me. His skin was kissed by the sun and he had a head full of locs that brushed over his shoulders. His features were strong, with a defined jaw and a cute dimple in his left cheek. He had dark brown eyes that were shielded by thick long eyelashes with equally thick eyebrows. His lips were full, even while stretched into a smile that flashed pearly whites almost as bright as the sun itself.

    Oh, I'm sorry. Are you ok? he asked as I continued to rub my head and stare up at him with a dumbfounded expression on my face. He was the most handsome man I've met in a long while. He took a few more steps back and my eyes wandered down his body. He wore a white tank top that had molded to his muscular frame due to sweat. I could make out the contour of his pecs and as my eyes traveled further south to where the tee formed a nice mold around his abs and tapered waist.

    He was built like a football linebacker, tall and muscular with broad shoulders and a thick neck. Right now, my eyes zeroed in on a bead of sweat that traveled down his throat and disappeared into the collar of his shirt. The rest of his exposed skin glistened in the sun, making his body shine. I had to take a deep breath before I spoke.

    Oh, no...… I’m sorry. I'm fine. You just startled me. What did you ask me? I smiled while moving my eyes slowly back to his handsome face.

    Yeah, I asked if you needed help. You looked like you were struggling with something in your trunk, he replied with a little chuckle. His eyes roamed my body quickly. And I could feel my cheeks getting warm. It wasn't caused by the unusually warm February weather either. I haven't had a man check me out in a while, and the man before me was making my body react in a way that it hasn’t before.

    Oh, yes. Thank you. I'm trying to get my suitcase out of my trunk. I seem to have over-packed. I said moving aside for him to get behind me.

    Sure, I can grab it for you, he said. His sweaty arm brushed against my shoulder as he passed and I felt the slickness of the sweat there. I didn't mind it. I got the faint scent of fresh grass as he passed.

    He heaved up my suitcase with both arms like it was nothing and walked towards the front of the house and up the stairs. I walked close behind and got to admire the defined muscles of his back. I had the urge to reach out and slide my hands over it, rubbing in the sweat on malt chocolate skin, just to make sure my eyes were not deceiving me.

    I needed to cut it out. I know I haven't been with a man in a while, not since my divorce. In actuality, not since before my divorce. But I wasn't ready. Plus, I didn't know him. That didn’t mean I couldn’t admire the view, and what a glorious view it was.

    Thank you, I said as he set my suitcase down in the middle of the living room.

    No problem, he replied as he turned to face me, gifting me with a gleaming smile.

    Who was his dentist?

    My name is Whitney, by the way, I said as I reached out my hand, finally greeting him properly.

    Hey Whitney, I'm Ezra. I live next door, he replied shaking my hand. His hand was warm, strong, and a little callused. By the feel of it, he did a lot of work with his hands. I could just imagine how they would feel on my skin.

    Woah, where did that come from?

    Oh, so how’s......

    EZRA a woman yelled or screamed more like it from outside my door. We both turned toward the sound.

    Oh, sorry, I got to run. My mom needs me he said pulling his hand free and headed towards the door. It was nice meeting you He called before disappearing out the door and down the stairs.

    Your mom…… I trailed off. I couldn't believe it. I gave a little chuckle. He looked like a grown-ass man. A good-looking grown-ass man.

    I shut my door, but right before I did, I spotted Ezra next door pushing a lawnmower.

    How old is he? I wondered as I grabbed the handle of my bag and wheeled it down the hall to my new bedroom.


    Waking up in my own home and my own bed in my very own house was the greatest feeling in the whole wide world. Now, granted, I was in my house sleeping on an air mattress that I’d borrowed from my best friend Faye. My back was sore and my neck was stiff, but I was still a very happy girl.

    I didn’t have any furniture yet, but I knew that would come in time. One step at a time, I said. One glorious step at a time.

    I rose out of my air-filled bed and stretched up to the sky, trying my best to break up the stiffness in my body that occurred overnight. I went into the bathroom to wash up. I love my master bathroom. It had a southern feel to it. It was very spacious with a huge vanity that had plenty of room for two sinks and an oval mirror hanging over it. It had a shower tub combo, which was the deciding feature for me to buy the house. The tub was a claw foot tub and I planned on separating the two so that I could truly enjoy my baths.

    After washing up, I dug in my suitcase and pulled out my workout clothes. Once dressed, I downed a glass of water and headed out for my first morning run in my new neighborhood.

    I set off running down the block and away from my home gaining a steady pace. I ran through the neighborhood admiring the different styles of houses. I was in love with the atmosphere. Even in the early morning, the neighborhood was alive with movement. I passed a few joggers like myself. A few people waved as they ran by.

    I felt at home and at peace, being in a neighborhood of my own people living their lives to the fullest. And I knew that I would fit right in where I was, because that was my goal too, to live my life to the fullest.

    I ran a good distance through the neighborhood but I didn’t want to risk getting lost on my first run. Once I get used to the different routes I will venture out and discover new areas. So, after a couple more blocks, I made a U-turn and headed back home.

    I rounded the corner on my street and slowed my pace as I got closer to home. I could see, in the distance, the figure of a man. The same man that helped me with my suitcase the other day. Or at least I think that is him. He was on his hands and knees in the flowerbeds of my neighbors' across the street from my house.

    He saw me jogging up to my house. I had every intention to wave in greeting and then go into the house to begin the few repairs I can do on my own, but when we locked eyes my feet carried me over his way at their own accord. He stood up and met me on the sidewalk in front of my driveway.

    Good morning. You’re a runner, huh? he asked while dusting the dirt off his hands.

    Oh, yes! I try to run as often as I can, I said catching my breath.

    Ezra, honey, you all finished with the flower beds? Mrs. Darcy wants to see if you will have time to trim her edges today? came a voice I recognized as the same one that interrupted us yesterday.

    Yeah, mom. I’m almost finished, he replied to the woman walking across the grass towards us.

    She stopped and smiled at me at the same time as giving me a good look up and down. She was a pretty older woman who I could tell was Ezra’s mother. She had the same dark brown eyes and thick eyebrows. She also had a head full of locs that were peppered with gray around the edges.

    Ma, this is Whitney. She’s our new neighbor he introduced.

    Yes, I heard we had a new neighbor that was moving in Mr. Paul's old house. It's so nice to meet you. I’m Diane Cole, she said after she assessed me.

    Hi, Mrs. Cole It’s so nice to meet you. Whitney Adams, I replied shaking her outstretched hand.

    Diane, please. So, are you all moved in? she asked.

    No, not yet. The movers do not come for another week.

    A week? Well honey, what are you going to do with no furniture for a whole week? she asked a little loudly.

    Mom, I’m sure she’s fine, Ezra said coming to my rescue.

    Yes, I have an air mattress and the things I would need for the week so I will make do. But thank you for the concern I added. She seemed pleased with my response and I had to give Ezra a silent thank you for getting her off my back. But it didn’t last long.

    So, what church do you go to? she asked.


    Yes, you do attend church, correct? she asked pointedly. I knew that if I didn’t answer her correctly I was going to receive a nice and long godly lecture.

    Yes ma'am.


    Yes, Diane. Although I don’t have one here yet. You see, I…

    Of course, you do. Why don’t you join me and Ezra at Calvary next Saturday? We’ll save you a seat, she said. I knew saying no was not an option, so I smiled and gave a quick nod.

    That would be great. So, you’re a Seventh-day Adventist? How did you know I would be? I asked.

    I just overheard a few things, she said with a smile.

    Being nosey was Ezra’s reply. I snuffled a laugh.

    Being informed? she replied sharply in his direction. I will see you next Saturday? she asked me.

    Oh, yes. Thank you for the invite Diane

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