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The “Nonsense Papers”: Humanity the Engineered Error: the Vaccine Wars, the Surveillance State, and the Post Human of Tomorrow Part 2; Ufo Anthology Volume 3
The “Nonsense Papers”: Humanity the Engineered Error: the Vaccine Wars, the Surveillance State, and the Post Human of Tomorrow Part 2; Ufo Anthology Volume 3
The “Nonsense Papers”: Humanity the Engineered Error: the Vaccine Wars, the Surveillance State, and the Post Human of Tomorrow Part 2; Ufo Anthology Volume 3
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The “Nonsense Papers”: Humanity the Engineered Error: the Vaccine Wars, the Surveillance State, and the Post Human of Tomorrow Part 2; Ufo Anthology Volume 3

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Split into two parts, Volume three of the Nonsense Papers series sheds light into the new vaccine era for humanity. In the final part, misinformation, and altering of data by government agencies to hide deaths by emergency use inoculation are continuing over the last year. The push for injecting all citizens around the world under the guise of “public safety” has been the message hammering into our minds. No one is safe from draconian laws set in motion to punish those that refuse to get with the program. Slander, ridicule, and loss of jobs are a result of those who question unknown motives of our world leaders.
A new breed of separation of humanity has occurred with the vaccinated and unvaccinated. The elimination of a “live and let live policy” has commenced as the Biden administration pushes new laws and penalties to those who want no part of the lies and propaganda. A one-sided view presented by mass media coerces those they deem “hesitant” to omit the details and conform. Alternative outlets strive to reach people with the other side; however, Social Media giants, and Big Pharma stand in their way and censor any attempt to broadcast. Humanity has dug its own grave where we have left no means for escape. The future indeed looks lost….
Release dateDec 13, 2021
The “Nonsense Papers”: Humanity the Engineered Error: the Vaccine Wars, the Surveillance State, and the Post Human of Tomorrow Part 2; Ufo Anthology Volume 3

James W. Astrada

James W. Astrada has degrees and certifications in environmental studies and sustainability, as well as a BA in Spanish. His interests include ufology, environmental issues, biotechnology, animal rights, religion, cultural studies, theosophy, and the occult/mysticism. He is the author of the "Nonsense Papers" series.

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    The “Nonsense Papers” - James W. Astrada

    Copyright © 2021 James W. Astrada.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6632-3215-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-3216-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-3214-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021923744

    iUniverse rev. date: 11/19/2021


    Preface: The Human Failure

    Chapter 1 The Vaccine Wars

    Chapter 2 Surveillance of the Mind

    Chapter 3 Science and The New Frontier

    Chapter 4 The Engineers and Humanity

    Chapter 5 Human Conflict, Alien Creation

    Chapter 6 Humanity and Mind Control

    Epilogue: The Posthuman


    To my wife, Frannie: I thank the universe, a sentient race of beings or the gods for having you in my life as a woman of pure light. You have helped me through the dark times with your loyalty, compassion, love, and dedication. This real marriage to you has erased past mistakes and poor judgments. There is no better example of a woman that can make a man genuinely happy. I love you.

    To my father Anibal, even though you eagerly awaited the third book with anticipation, I was unable to get to you in time. The fact that this pseudo-pandemic did not allow me to say my proper goodbyes, I know you are in a better place. You are at peace now and I am grateful that I was able to reach you through my writings. Rest in peace mi Viejo, your next journey is underway.

    In memory of my father Anibal Carlos Astrada

    (September 5th, 1941- April 25th, 2021)



    The Human Failure

    The world is in transition for a new way of living. With the implementation of fear concerning viruses and germs, more and more individuals are rushing to inoculate themselves with the promise of effectiveness from the dreaded COVID-19 (Wuhan) virus. Although it will be revealed throughout the second part of the Great Reset that this is not the case, coercion and peer pressure has succeeded in making people inject themselves with experimental biotechnology that has brought more death than the virus itself [1]. Perhaps the question of why we allow ourselves as humans to allow the indoctrination of coercion (to peer pressure us) into trading what is considered a false sense of safety for freedom transpires so commonly. The manipulation of information is not a new concept, as is the control of the flow of information by the mass media. The new technocracy has blindsided science and has perverted the very framework of how science betters the human condition.

    Since the gloves are off, humanity has already allowed the technocratic order the promise of protection from a questionable virus, whilst allowing them to rearrange us at the cellular level. Although it will take more time to investigate why this orchestrated pandemic was initiated in the first place, the focus now is to expose the very grotesque nature of our human masters in charge of the planet. Whether they are in cahoots with an extraterrestrial race or not as many conspiracy theorists claim, the answer is far from being discovered. Although many would not agree, humanity has transformed into a weak race bent on taking offense or controlling thought if it does not agree with the majority. The very definition of free thinking has taken a backseat in our goal of transcendence into the next level of our evolution. The hunt for those who express ideals whether ignorant or not, has infected the very fabric of our culture, entertainment, and policies.

    The idea of the human mindset (whether regressive or not) has always been sought after and studied by psychologists. Whether we have a fixed or growing mindset is said to predict the outcome of our successes and failures. So basically, it is up to every person to do one’s part in making the species a better example for tending to the planet Earth. If a benevolent organization controls the flow of information, then perhaps humanity might allow itself room for growth. Right and wrong are points of view, henceforth finding a solution or conclusive decision becomes a challenge. The argument still stands on whether the information will damage or result in positive outcome for humanity.

    Utilizing the coronavirus as the example in this argument, one can visualize that the information seen on the mass media results in a negative outcome for all humanity by engaging in disinformation about vaccines efficacy, the virus, and its origins. Other important factors include the unvaccinated and vaccinated death rates, hospitalizations, and the downplaying of actual alternative medicines that are cures for the virus. If the majority follow the mindset of believing whatever the mass media presents as facts, they are more likely to encourage misinformation and deception.

    The revealed agenda indicates that the American public seems to be the only target for forced inoculation. As of September 2021, Biden’s draconian mandates for vaccinations only targeted employers with over 100 employees exempting Congress. For some reason, the legislative and judicial branches of government were the exemption from this law [2]. Only creating more tension for the public, these bizarre regulations create trouble for those fighting to support their families.

    Since social media over the years has become the most popular method of communication and news, a dramatic change in trust has shifted negatively for journalism. According to the Gallup Poll, the trust and confidence in the mass media by Americans over the last two decades has dropped from 53% in 1997 to 32% in 2016 [3]. When the main source of information intended to give a transparent view on the subject goes out of its way to blackball the other side of the story, an indication of foul play is at hand. There are always two sides initially to a story which must be heard. The only side received over the last two years has been that of the mass media controlled by pharmaceutical companies bent on selling their biotechnology regardless of the dangers.

    With alternative treatments scrutinized by mass media, the push for emergency use has dominated the country. Social media outlets and the current administration have made those willing to take a stand against the misinformation lose their credibility, and often become recluses, forced to seek alternative sites that are harder to find to get the message out. Stew Peters is an example of information against what the mainstream media has been broadcasting concerning the virus. Stew Peters is an American television host, broadcaster, and podcaster in the United States [4]. His main drive during this year, was to provide the American public with the truth regarding the virus and giving the people what the mainstream media omits.

    For the second part of the deletion of humanity, focuses on the negative results in taking the experimental inoculation, the topic of science as either the destroyer of humanity or its savior, the surveillance of the humanity, the possibility of alien disclosure and their role in our transformation, and the manipulation of the mind.

    Where humanity is headed by 2030 is a complicated question. With our very bodies undergoing changes at the cellular level due to these mRNA jabs, the result is death within a close timeframe. As humanity enters the vaccine wars, those who refuse the experimental inoculation are under attack and used as the scapegoat for the deaths that are transpiring. With the CDC (Center for Disease Control) at the helm of this misinformation campaign, most corporate and federal jobs are now mandating the vaccine for all workers for the new claimed delta

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