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Divine Magic: Girl Magic, #4
Divine Magic: Girl Magic, #4
Divine Magic: Girl Magic, #4
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Divine Magic: Girl Magic, #4

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A death god is hunting for Janie. But she does not know its name or gender. Then the Three Furies visit her to tell her she needs to further curse media mogul Derek Lunessee. To help her with that task the Furies hold hands with her and transfer some of their God Power into her. She's never felt God Power, which only true Gods and Goddesses possess. Now, some of it is present in the cells of her body. Janie becomes more powerful than ever before. Demons from Tarturus and Hades come after her, including the demon prince Belphegor. Who wants her soul. Janie finds ways to survive her new dangers, and learns how God Power can make her something she has never before been. A demigod!

Release dateDec 25, 2021
Divine Magic: Girl Magic, #4

T. Jackson King

T. Jackson King (Tom) is a professional archaeologist and journalist. He writes hard science fiction, anthropological scifi, dark fantasy/horror and contemporary fantasy/magic realism--but that didn't begin until he was 38. Before then, college years spent in Paris and in Tokyo led Tom into antiwar activism, hanging out with some Japanese hippies and learning how often governments lie to their citizens. The latter lesson led him and a college buddy to publish the Shinjuku Sutra English language underground tabloid in Japan in 1967. That was followed by helping shut down the UT Knoxville campus in 1968 and a bus trip to Washington D.C. for the Second March on Washington where thousands demanded an end to the Vietnam War. Temporary sanity returned when Tom worked in a radiocarbon lab at UC Riverside and earned an MA degree in archaeology from UCLA. His interests in ancient history, ancient cultures and journalism got him several government agency jobs that paid the bills, led him to roam the raw landscape of the Western United States, and helped him raise three kids. A funny thing happened on the way to normality. By the time he was 38 and doing federal arky work in Colorado, Tom's first novel STAR TRADERS was a stage play in his head that wouldn't go away. So he wrote it down. It got rejected. His next novel was published as RETREAD SHOP (Warner Books, 1988). It was off to the writing races and Tom's many voyages of imaginative discovery have led to 23 published novels, a book of poetry, and a conviction that when humans reach the stars, we will find them crowded with space-going aliens. We will be the New Kids On The Block. This theme appears in much of Tom's short fiction and novel writing. Tom lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. His other writings can be viewed at

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    Divine Magic - T. Jackson King

    T. Jackson King

    Series Books

    Girl Magic (2020), Hard Magic (2020), Crazy Magic (2021), Divine Magic (2021), Demigod Magic (2022), Goddess Magic (2023)

    Other King Novels

    Slayer Geezer (2020), Fatal Geezer (2019), Deadly Geezer (2019), Killer Geezer (2019), Star Thief (2018), Star Fight (2018), Star Threat (2017), Star Glory (2017), Mother Warm (2017), Battlecry (2017), Superguy (2016), Battlegroup (2016), Battlestar (2016), Defeat The Aliens (2016), Fight The Aliens (2016), First Contact (2015), Escape From Aliens (2015), Aliens Vs. Humans (2015), Freedom Vs. Aliens (2015), Humans Vs. Aliens (2015), Earth Vs. Aliens (2014), Genecode Illegal (2014), The Memory Singer (2014), Alien Assassin (2014), Anarchate Vigilante (2014), Galactic Vigilante (2013), Nebula Vigilante (2013), Speaker To Aliens (2013), Galactic Avatar (2013), Stellar Assassin (2013), Retread Shop (2012, 1988), Star Vigilante (2012), The Gaean Enchantment (2012), Little Brother’s World (2010), Ancestor’s World (1996).


    First thanks go to best-selling urban fantasy author Darynda Jones. Second thanks go to Alicia Solomon, my fantastic beta reader.

    GenZ Word Definitions

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    © 2021 T. Jackson King

    This is a work of fiction. All the characters, products and events portrayed in this novel are either fictitious or are used fictitiously. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.

    Cover design by T. Jackson King; cover by Alexy Volkov via Dreamstime license; back courtesy of Hubble Space Telescope.

    First Edition Published by T. Jackson King, Santa Fe, NM 87507

    ISBN 10:  1-76852-542-2

    ISBN 13:  979-8-76852-542-2

    Printed in the United States of America


    The Pink Gal opened the metal door to her quonset hut at my knock. Even though it was just 7 a.m. on a Friday, Cassandra O’Neill was awake. As I’d expected since I’d sent her a whisper spell last night, just after getting home from my night shift at Café Tribal. And uppermost in my mind was the offer by the three Furies of divine vengeance against the demon princes of Tarturus and media mogul Derek Lunessee. I needed guidance. I needed to see the lovely pink hairball, pink eyebrows and pink fingernails of my magic mentor. Cassie. The fortyish woman who’d known my granny Lucille. The woman who knew Boulder’s chief vampire Master Brioc. And the White witch whose outer magic glow held 75 layers, a bit more than my own 69 layers. For she was the woman who treated me like I mattered as a real person, versus my famous persona on TV, the internet and YouTube.

    Hey there.

    She smiled warmly. Hi there, cute girl. Early for you.

    I nodded. Noticed her familiar Rexie the bald eagle perched on the back of her chair. That sat before the card table in the middle of the front room. She motioned me and Abner inside.

    You’re right. It is early. I stepped past the red glow of her wards and into the room where I’d learned so much about magic and my nature as an Absorber White witch. But I’ve got my Mesopotamian Languages class at 9 a.m. And of course my noon work shift. Plus classes this afternoon.

    Cassie moved to sit in her chair. Rexie flapped his brown feather wings and flew off to perch on a filing cabinet that lay to the right. On my left was her worn couch. I pulled out the chair on my side of her table and sat. Abner flapped his own wings and jumped over to the back rim of the couch. There to fix sky blue eyes on Rexie. Though both were flyers, neither cared much for each other. Pink Gal gestured at a mug filled with brown liquid that was steaming hot.

    Your morning coffee. Figured you might have been in a hurry today.

    Ahh, coffee. The nectar of life! And Cassie was right. I’d left Priya in my bed, gotten dressed quickly, then rode my Vespa to Cassie’s place with Abner flying above me. Easily keeping pace with the scooter. I picked up the mug. Enjoyed the sensuous Columbian coffee smell, then slowly drank some.

    Damn! It’s hot. But delicious. Thanks, Cassie.

    My mentor smoothed the pink tie-dye blouse she was wearing, shifted her seating and laid both arms on the table top, her searchlight green eyes fixing on me.

    "What’s happened? I can tell from your emotion flow you are upset. About something important."

    Her mind-talk to me carried the mind scent of mint with a hint of cinnamon. Cassie’s surface mind felt calm, confident and caring to me. Which of course was normal for her, since she was a tarot card reader for human norms.

    A lot. My voice sounded shaky even to me. I . . . I’d prefer to speak out loud with you, versus mind-talk linking.

    Cassie’s pink eyebrows scrunched together as she frowned. She leaned forward a bit, all her attention on me. What’s happened? Why are you so tense?

    I swallowed hard. My mouth was dry. Despite two cups of coffee at my Prez Adams apartment. My mind drifted to the feel of the mid-October wind against my face as I’d ridden my Vespa Elettrica the quarter mile to her place, which stood in the shadow of the St. Julien Hotel. In downtown Boulder. The wind felt like airy ice. Snow had fallen to the lower slopes of the Rockies, west of town. And sleet rain had fallen during the night. Soon enough we’d have icy roads. At least I’d be warm inside the Colorado University Boulder classrooms and in the Café Tribal during work.

    "Janie! Your mentor is waiting for your answer!"

    Damn Abner! The black flying fox bat was such a snarky familiar. Maybe being 373 years old did that to a familiar. Or maybe all bats were born snarky. I looked away from the vases of rainbow-colored fluids that also sat on one side of the card table and met Cassie’s emerald green gaze. Her oval face. Her look of concern.

    Uh, last night. While I was working the night shift at the café, three women came in. Dressed in classical Greek chitons with peplos folds. Each was as tall as me. With curly back hair. Narrow faces. And more golden magic layers than me. I sucked in a breath, felt my fast-beating heart thump away under the black shirt I wore as part of my Goth outfit, and wished for the impossible—a normal life. Where I was just a norm with no witch powers. No national fame. No history of saving the UN General Assembly from an explosive death planned by Guild of Humans terrorists. Cassie’s light brown hands moved together on the table top, her fingers linking together. Looking up, I blinked as her eyes drew me out of my night-long worry about what to do. Cassie, the tallest woman said her name was Alecto. With her were her sisters, Megarea and Tisiphone. I recognized them as the three Furies. They sat at a table by the front window wall.

    Surprise showed on Cassie’s face. And on her surface mind, since it was impossible for me to sit close to another witch and not perceive her feelings and thoughts.

    The Furies are primordial goddesses. Their origin is far older than the Greek gods of Olympus. Like Athena. Legend has it they are the offspring of Nyx, the goddess of Night. Which takes them back to the time of Cronus and the Titans. Zeus was said to be fearful of Alecto. What did they want?

    I licked my lips, wishing for water. Or maybe a shot of Jack Daniels. But the coffee warmed my insides. Alecto said they had come to me because of the attacks by the Tarturus demons and by Derek Lunessee. She said the demons had sinned against the gods while Lunessee had violated the duties of host to a guest. She asked if I wished her and her sisters to seek vengeance upon the demons and Lunessee.

    Cassie blinked. The green glow of her eyes grew brighter. Her mind sense became thoughtful. The offer of vengeance by the Furies is rare. Or so your granny told me. It matches what I’ve read in grimoires of magic. And rumors from elder witches that I’ve heard. She paused, took a deep breath, and gestured at me. Did this Alecto say how the demon princes had sinned against the gods?

    I nodded. Yes. I recall her words exactly. Drawing them from memory I spoke aloud. You are the wronged witch. The wronged guest. The target of Tarturus’ defiance of the will of the gods. Which is that you, White witch Janet Lucille Wilmott, shall live to continue your lineage. I shrugged. Then she gave me her whisper spell address and urged me to make a decision soon.

    Cassie sat back in her chair. She became inner focused. Beyond came a floating pitcher of clear water and two glasses. Had Cassie understood I felt thirsty? Beyond the coffee? They landed on the middle of the table, between us. The pitcher rose up and poured water into both glasses, then sat on the table. She’d done such mind magic tricks before. The ability came with having more golden magic layers than the usual 50 or fewer possessed by most witches, wizards and supers. It was a use of mind magic I rarely did in public, except for when I was around Priya and my squad buds. And Ethel, my public relations assistant who was back in New York City, working to coordinate my appearance before the Security Council. My mentor tapped the table top with her fingertips.

    That is fascinating news. I’d always felt you would be an important and powerful White witch. Just not the national heroine you’ve become. A tight smile blossomed on her face. Nice to hear the gods want you to stay alive in order to continue your granny’s Wilderwood line. Any plans to get preggy?


    My yell did not bother her. In fact her lips lifted into a bigger smile. Turd on a stick! She was baiting me, rather than reacting to the incredible offer by the Furies. Who surely could travel to Tarturus and there punish the surviving five demon princes, and any of their demon allies who might be present. Did I want Derek Lunessee dead? Nooo. I’d had the chance to kill him when I’d used a Portal to arrive in his private office. Where I cursed him with the inability to get an erection and also the loss of sexual passion.

    Good. You are far too young to be responsible for a new life. Her pink eyelashes fluttered. Do you now feel less fragile? Able to mind-talk with me? I would love to see your mind memory of the encounter with the three Furies.

    Actually I did feel better. More my normal self. The coffee was a part of my morning routine. Something that had not changed since I’d become a witch. Mentally I gave Cassie a five-star rating for being an older woman who understood the life uncertainties of being just 20 years old and a newly evolved White witch.

    "Sure. You are welcome in my mind. At any level. I am now recalling last night’s encounter with them."

    Swift as a plummeting peregrine falcon her mind entered mine. She ignored my intimate times with Priya and focused just on last night’s encounter. The physical appearances of the Furies seemed to fascinate her. As did the 387 golden layers possessed by each Fury.

    "So they left without eating or drinking. Interesting. What guidance do you need?"

    I sighed.

    "What should I do? I’ve already cursed Lunessee with impotence—until he agrees to stop harming my squad buds and their families. And my granny’s grave. As for the demon princes, granny made clear to me that I should never visit Tarturus."

    Cassie gave a sharp head jerk. "Exactly correct. Never visit Tarturus. If you must battle the princes, do it here in the Earth Realm. She paused, looked left to her eagle familiar, then right to where two-foot-tall Abner stood in a stiff perch, as if he were a bat gargoyle. I doubt our familiars have any experience with the Furies. Or other goddesses."

    Rexie screeched loudly. "I do not! All familiars are warned to never open a Portal to Tarturus."

    Abner spread his black wings. "For once I agree with your eagle. I have never met these Furies. Nor ever opened a Portal to Tarturus."

    Cassie gave a nod, then stared at me. "You could advise them you have dealt with Lunessee. But that you welcome any curse of madness or disease they choose to inflict on the five surviving demons. Her pink eyebrows lifted. Classical mythology says the Furies often bestow madness or disease upon mortals who murder, betray their filial obligations, kill their mother or father, and commit moral violations. Like the duty of host to guest. She reached out, grabbed her glass of water, drank half of it, then licked her pink lips. Or would you rather have the princes be extinguished?"

    Did I? They had sent hellhounds and goblins after me. The hounds’ white mouth drool had been a poison that grew stronger as a victim used more and more magic. József had saved me by feeding me some of his vampire blood. Otherwise, I might have truly died. Looking up I mind-spoke.

    "No, I do not want Beelzebub, Shaitan, Abadon, Mammon or Belphegor killed. But . . . A sneaky thought hit me. But I would love to see each demon prince become nauseous, sick to his bones, every time he thinks of an evil deed, or carries out evil, anywhere on Earth, in the Realm of Magic, or in any other dimension’s people-inhabited world."

    Cassie laughed loudly. It was a true belly laugh. "Ohhh, Janie, I love the way your mind works! Those princes will be constantly sick!"

    My own grin was huge. At last! Now I knew what to say to the three Furies. I reached out and put my right hand atop Cassie’s nested hands. "Dear Cassie, thank you for seeing me so early! I feel so much better now, having a real plan for dealing with the Furies."

    Cassie’s face lost its smile. A serious look overcame her. "I am glad I could be of help. But dear young woman, the next time you encounter the Furies, keep in mind they are goddesses. With divine power! Every god and goddess I’ve ever heard of has magic power greater than any possessed by a witch, wizard, supernatural, even elves. As shone by their incredible layers of magic. Sooo, be careful in what you say to Alecto. And in how you reply to any question or comment she might make. Cassie pointed at my chest. That Navajo amulet you wear will protect you from nearly all Black magic. But it cannot defend you against the actions of a goddess. Or a god. You track?"

    Soberness filled me as I thought of how the three Furies presented themselves at the café. They had ignored everyone present, both supers and mortals. They had eyes only for me. Crap.

    "I track. I’ll be very careful any time I am around them."

    "Good." Cassie pushed back her chair and stood. Rexie flapped her wings and flew over to settle on my mentor’s right shoulder.

    Abner landed on my right shoulder. "This White witch is wise. Wiser than a young witch like yourself. Heed her guidance. I have grown to enjoy your company."

    "Me too, you big-mouth batty!" Shifting to my mind-link with Cassandra, I did my best to reassure her.

    "Cassie, you do indeed have more wisdom than I do. Most of which has come from reading granny Lucille’s diary book. I stood up, my legs pushing back the wooden chair. Guess I’ll head out now. Got that Potions class in an hour or so. Bye!"

    I turned and headed for her metal front door. The sound of her leather flats slapping on the concrete floor of her quonset hut told me she was following me. Opening the door, I turned and reached out my left arm.

    "Let me give you a hug!"

    Cassie smiled big and stepped into my embrace. "Janie, you can handle these goddesses. Just part of learning to be a smart White witch!"

    We hugged. The warmth of her body felt good against my ribs. And the flow of her golden core magic into me felt both nice and supportive. Slowly I let go, left the mind-link with her, and walked toward my motor bike. Overhead came the whirring sound of multiple video drones. From AllWorld and other media. Crap! I felt so tired with being a national public obsession.

    As I got on the Vespa, I played with a new worry. Do I send a whisper spell to Alecto now? So we could meet before my first class? Or do we meet after class but before my noon shift at the Café Tribal? A third option was to invite her to take a table in the café after we open, with me taking an early lunch break to sit with them. And share my decision.

    Damn. This Friday is going to be damn busy!

    I PARKED MY BIKE ON campus at the corner space between the Ekeley Sciences building and the bigger Hellems Arts and Sciences place. Hellems was where my Potions class would be held. I chained the Vespa to a nearby bicycle rack. Ignoring the three vid-cam drones whirring away a hundred feet over my head, I took a moment to order my thoughts. Abner flew down and landed on my right shoulder. His claws dug into the black Goth jacket I wore over my shirt. I stomped the brown brick plaza with my knee-high black leather boots to awaken toe circulation. The ride over from Cassie’s place had been colder than sticking my head into the freezer in my apartment. I worked my jaw to loosen face muscles that felt too stiff.

    "Turd on a stick!"

    Abner bent his head down toward me. His pug-mouth brushed lightly against my straight brown-black hair.

    "What’s bothering you, youngling witch?"

    I shrugged to make my backpack, half-filled with my crossbow and some arrows and quarrels, feel snug on my back. "I half-froze on the ride over here!"

    A snoot came from the bat. "You could have used your inner core magic to warm your skin. Or even to erect a Barrier Wall around you to block the wind from reaching your skin."

    True. But my mind was occupied with the three options for meeting Alecto and her sisters. "Well, I didn’t! And you feel warm thanks to your flying. I hate you!"

    My familiar’s mind-link filled with amusement. "Just because I am your elder in magic is no reason to snap at me. Do the mortal thing. Kick the tires of your motor bike!"

    I hated it when the bat was more logical than me!

    With a sigh I stepped away from my Vespa. Looking around I saw a few guys and gals walking between the buildings. To my right stretched the grass oasis of Norlin Quadrangle. It was still mostly green, though some brown spots showed. Hellems sat at the southern edge of the quad while the Old Main building rested on the quad’s northern border. Distantly came the chirps and high squeaks of finches, nuthatches, robins and flickers. The wildness of their welcome to the late fall morning fed my inner spirit.

    Looking ahead I spotted the quad-side entrance to Hellems. The small stone plaza in front of it held two groups of bench walls that faced each other. The quad’s stone walkway ran between them to stop at the entrance. Fall colored trees flanked three of the plaza’s four sides. Dogwoods, Wasatch maples, and the wondrous golden aspens that fill the mountains and plains with leaves that move from orange to yellow every year, they filled the quad.

    Getting closer to the entry plaza I saw a clock above the Hellems entry. It said 7:50 a.m. More than an hour to go before the Potions class began. Three young women students, all dressed in knee-long wool coats and colorful scarfs around their necks, passed in front of me as they headed for the entrance. Their vocal chatter was less entertaining than bird chirps. My vamp super hearing brought to me every detail of their plans for the campus football team’s game this Saturday afternoon.

    Crap. I shut down my super hearing and my eagle eyesight to focus on the two bench wall groups. Each formed a circle with two side entrances. A small open space lay between the walls. Could one of the bench walls serve as a place to chat with the Furies? Yes!

    Stopping at the nearest bench wall cluster I reached out and sketched golden Greek letters in the air, using a tiny bit of my inner core magic.

    "Well, that’s the whisper spell Alecto told me to use to call her. Abner, think they will arrive here before my class starts?"

    My bat familiar shifted on my right shoulder, twisting to look at the quad.

    "Here they come. Fascinating. One moment no one is present on the walkway. The next moment they are here. Heading for us."

    I felt surprise. Then satisfaction. One of the many tasks for today would be taken care of quite soon. So fire!

    Alecto was in the middle of her sisters, who marched together with no sister falling behind. Their bat wings were folded against their backs, which were only partly covered by their chiton dress. Lots of bare brown skin showed. Yet none of them acted cold. Guess goddesses aren’t bothered by weather. Maybe they even create it! My watching of them caught a surprise. Each black-haired Fury carried a scourge, or whip, in their right hand. The leather straps hanging from the staff were brass-studded. The devices did not look like something I ever wished to experience.

    But the golden magic auras around each Fury astonished me. Each had 307 layers of golden magic enveloping their goddess bodies. I blinked. Granny Lucille had 97 layers when she died. That was the greatest number of layers ever possessed by any human or super. Until now. Until three goddesses stood before me and Abner.

    Good morning, Absorber White witch Janet Lucille Wilmott. Alecto gave me a nod. All three of them had their eyes fixed on me, totally ignoring the occasional passage of other students. You called us. You have reached a decision?

    Yes, I have. Gesturing at the curve of the bench wall, I gave her a true smile. Please sit. I will occupy the bench behind me.

    The three Furies moved a few feet and sat. Alecto was in the middle, with Megarea on her right and Tisiphone on her left. Sisters they might be, but their faces were distinctly different. Megarea, the goddess of jealousy, showed suspicion on her narrow, high-cheeked face. Above her brow lay a green laurel wreath. Tisiphone, the avenger goddess, looked ready to strike anyone with her scourge whip. It swished in her hand as she swung it in front of her bare knees. A green laurel wreath also crowned her curly black locks. Her expression, however, was fixed on me. As if I were the one to fire off a gun shot to start a race for vengeance. Alecto, being a head taller than her sisters, had a posture that signaled regalness. At least to me. While I could read the emotions being felt by mortals and supers, I read zero emotions from the three

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