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The UFO Abduction Book: Extraordinary Extraterrestrial Encounters of the Terrifying Kind
The UFO Abduction Book: Extraordinary Extraterrestrial Encounters of the Terrifying Kind
The UFO Abduction Book: Extraordinary Extraterrestrial Encounters of the Terrifying Kind
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The UFO Abduction Book: Extraordinary Extraterrestrial Encounters of the Terrifying Kind

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An astonishing collection of stories of extraterrestrial abduction, time travel, experimentation, teleportation, and alien-human hybrids.

“Brad Steiger’s book does an excellent—indeed, essential—job of setting the scene and providing a foundation of the facts as they were known at the time it was written. It is to be hoped that, in time, this provocative and disturbing reality will come into ever greater focus.” —Whitley Strieber, from the foreword

Here is the startling proof—in one comprehensive, eye-opening volume.

Brad Steiger, the world-renowned authority on unexplained phenomena, presents a collection of UFO encounters and abductions. His provocative theories provide answers to the most puzzling questions: Why are they here? What do they want? And how will they change the fate of the human race?

Included here are stories of airplane disappearances, alien experimentation, close encounters of many strange kinds, and hybrid children. Alternately entertaining and terrifying, this is a book for anyone who has gazed into the night sky and wondered if we are alone in the universe.
Release dateFeb 1, 2022
The UFO Abduction Book: Extraordinary Extraterrestrial Encounters of the Terrifying Kind

Brad Steiger

BRAD AND SHERRY STEIGER have written 44 books together dealing with the inspirational, the miraculous, and the mysterious. These include Christmas Miracles (winner of the 2002 Storytelling Award from Storytelling World magazine) and Dog Miracles. Fourteen of their titles explore the wonder of animals and the incredible bond that they share with humans. The Steigers have appeared on Hard Copy, Inside Edition, and Entertainment Tonight; in specials on HBO, Discovery, History, and A&E; and were featured in twenty-two episodes of the syndicated series, Could It Be a Miracle?

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    The UFO Abduction Book - Brad Steiger

    The UFO Abductors

    Lois is a businesswoman who lives in Arizona. I am a regular churchgoer, she confides. I am well respected in the community.

    But in November 1978, along with her friend Gina, something happened to Lois that defies any easy explanation.

    Lois and Gina were driving from Denver to Phoenix that November. While they were negotiating a lonely stretch of highway, they saw a hitchhiker standing at the side of the road. Although Lois had never before picked up a hitchhiker under any circumstances, she found herself slowing her automobile and stopping.

    Even at a distance, there seemed to be something decidedly different about this hitchhiker. He was dressed casually in a plaid flannel shirt and jeans. He was so clean-shaven that it appeared as though he had no beard at all. His hair was long and blond, and his eyes were a brilliant sky-blue.

    With a peculiarly warm smile of welcome, he leaned forward toward the window that Gina had opened. I'm so glad you've come, he said in a soft, almost musical voice. We've been waiting for you.

    Lois remembers that there was something strangely familiar about the hitchhiker. As crazy as it might sound, she said, it was as if I had known him all my life. Gina is usually kind of shy around strangers—especially males—but she was smiling from ear to ear, as though she were greeting an old friend.

    Her memory becomes very sketchy after the hitchhiker's statement that they had been waiting for them. She doesn't remember driving her car off the highway. It was more as though something had picked up her Pontiac and floated it toward a large craft that was hovering over the desert. Lois does, however, recall the stranger continuing to calm their fears by speaking to the two women in soothing, loving tones.

    Gina and I were separated, Lois stated, nodding her head in self-confirmation, and I didn't see her again for quite a while. The beautiful hitchhiker disappeared, and I was surrounded by smallish entities with large, staring eyes. Their mouths were straight lines that I never saw open, but I seemed to hear voices—perhaps by telepathy.

    Lois's clothing was removed, and she was told that she must lie on a table so that she might be examined.

    I obeyed everything they said without question, Lois said. It was as if I had been hypnotized or something. I just did whatever they told me.

    Lois has endured a number of physical illnesses in her life, and she found the beings' bedside manner no cooler than that of the average Earth physician. "Nothing they did hurt that much, she shrugged. They took some blood, some samples of hair and skin here and there. I was not married at that time and had no children. I had a sense that a lot of the tests had to do with my fertility . . . or lack of it."

    Lois was given a gown to wear. They still seemed to be examining my clothing, my purse, everything that I had with me. I had been really nervous when the hitchhiker brought us aboard the space vehicle, but he kept saying over and over that Gina and I had nothing to fear, that they would not hurt us.

    Although she still had not seen any sign of her companion, Lois was ushered into a room with a soft couch where she might relax. There appeared to be a vast window in the room that looked out toward the night sky.

    It really seemed as though we were moving through space, Lois commented. It was like we were traveling to another world.

    Lois had no concept of how long she might have been in that room, staring spellbound at what seemed to be colors and lights swirling past the window.

    The next thing I remember is when an elderly bearded man in a robe came into the room, Lois told us. He looked like a regular, normal earthman. He was a bit above medium height and well proportioned.

    She remembers only snatches of their conversation:

    Why have you taken me on board this craft?

    Because you are one of us.

    Who are you?

    You will remember in the fullness of time.

    Who are the little guys with the big heads and large eyes?

    You will remember in the fullness of time.

    Why did they examine me as if they were doctors?

    To see how you are. To see if you are well.

    Why do you care about me?

    Because you have the key.

    I have a key? What key do I have?

    You will remember when the time is right.

    The next clear memory that Lois has is of waking in her car along a lonely desert road, far from the main highway. Gina was once again beside her. They were both hungry and thirsty. They looked at each other but said nothing.

    After the two confused women drove to the nearest town, they discovered to their amazement that five days had passed. They hurriedly made reassuring calls to the anxious friends and relatives who had been expecting them.

    In the years that have passed since the UFO abduction, Lois and Gina have seldom exchanged memories of the incredible experience. Actually, Lois explained, Gina refuses to discuss it at all. She regards the whole thing as some kind of high spiritual encounter that should not be denigrated by analyzing it. She thinks that we were blessed and that we should let it go at that.

    Lois, on the other hand, remains disturbed by the abduction and by the thoughts of what may have occurred during all that missing time. Then, too, shortly after her marriage, she began to experience poltergeist phenomena in her home.

    Doors would open and close of their own volition, she stated. Telephones would ring at weird times of the night, and there would never be anyone there. Lights would blink on and off. My husband went nuts with all this happening. He thought he had married a witch.

    Lois would have periodic dreams of the blond, blue-eyed hitchhiker at the side of the road. He would open his arms in welcome, smile, and tell her that she had the key.

    One night when her first child was about five years old, the child awoke screaming, calling in terror for her mother. When Lois ran into the child's bedroom and took her in her arms, the girl sobbed: Mommy, Mommy, they're in the house, and they want to see you. They say that they've come for the key.

    Lois swore to us that she had never told her young daughter about the hitchhiker, the UFO, the abduction experience—anything. I had never even told my husband about the experience, she stated firmly. And yet here was my daughter repeating the same phrase to me that I had been told directly. I had the ‘key.’ Somehow the beings had contacted my daughter in her dreams and managed to get her to pass on a message to me.

    After this nightmarish contact, the physical manifestations in the home became so violent that the family was forced to move. As an additional tragic side effect, Lois's marriage ended.

    Lois has told no one of her experience. I have kept all this weirdness to myself. I have virtually suffered in complete silence for all these years, she said. I have really undergone a hell because of that experience. I still have no idea what they meant when they said that I had the ‘key.’ The whole thing is really driving me crazy.

    Ultimately Lois made the decision to contact my wife Sherry and me in an effort to gain more answers about her abduction experience through the use of hypnotic regression.

    And there are signs that Lois's experiences are far from over. Just recently, her second daughter, who is now four years old, looked up from her toys to remark: Mommy, it won't be long now before the hitchhiker comes back to see you.


    For over twenty years, I have participated in the hypnotic regression of dozens of men and women who claim to have been abducted for brief periods of time by crew members from UFOs. Many of these contactees claimed to have been given some kind of medical examination. In some instances, they had peculiar punctures and markings in their flesh.

    In the greatest number of alien encounters, the UFOnauts were described as standing about five feet tall and being dressed in one-piece, tight-fitting jumpsuits.

    Their skin was gray, or grayish green, and hairless.

    Their faces were dominated by large eyes, very often with snakelike, slit pupils.

    They had no discernible lips, just straight lines for mouths.

    They seldom were described as having noses, just little snubs if at all; but usually the witnesses saw only nostrils nearly flush against the smooth faces.

    Sometimes a percipient mentioned pointed ears but on many occasions commented on the absence of noticeable ears on the large, round heads. And, repeatedly, witnesses described an insignia of a flying serpent on a shoulder patch, a badge, a medallion, or a helmet.

    It has seemed to me for years now that the UFOnauts may be reptilian or amphibian humanoids, and I believe that they have been interacting with Earth for millions of years.

    An archaeological enigma with which I dealt extensively in earlier works (Mysteries of Time and Space/The Reality Game) had to do with what appear to be humanoid footprints that are found widely scattered in the geological strata suggestive of 250 million years ago.

    There are many possible solutions to the mystery, but consider these two:

    The amphibians evolved into a humanoid species that eventually developed a culture that ran its course or was destroyed in an Atlantis-type catastrophe—just after they had begun exploring extraterrestrial frontiers. Certain UFOnauts, then, may be the descendants of the survivors of that amphibian culture returning from their space colony to monitor the present dominant species on the home planet.

    Some of today's UFOnauts may, in fact, be a highly advanced reptilian humanoid culture from an extraterrestrial world, who evolved into the dominant species on their planet millions of years ago—and who have interacted with our world's evolution as explorers, genetic engineers, or observers.


    The concept of amphibious aliens visiting Earth would have drawn a raucous horselaugh from Ashland, Nebraska, City Patrolman Herbert Schirmer before the morning of December 3, 1967. Shortly after midnight on the morning that changed his life, Schirmer was struck by a mysterious ray when his cruiser approached a grounded UFO just past the intersection of Highways 6 and 63. Later, during a hypnotic session, Schirmer recalled boarding the UFO and communicating with its crew: "He [the alien in command] is telling me the ship is operated by reversible electromagnetism, which has something to do with gravity.

    "I'm standing in a room that is about twenty-six feet in area. The ceiling is about six feet high. The lighting here is red, and it is coming down from strips in the ceiling.

    "They have been observing us for a long period of time, and they think that if they slowly, slowly put out reports and have their contacts state the truth, it will help them. He is explaining to a certain extent that they want to puzzle people. They know they are being seen too frequently, and they are trying to confuse the public's mind.

    "There is some kind of program of breeding analysis. Some people have been picked up and changed so they have agents in our world. They are very smart about the brain and how to change it.

    "They were from four and a half to five and a half feet tall. Their uniforms were silver gray, very shiny.

    "They wore boots, gloves, and they had a thumb and four fingers. Their suits came up around their heads like a pilot's cap. On the right side of their helmet they had a small antenna, just above where the ear would be. I never did see any of their ears. Their chests were bigger than ours. They were built very wiry and muscular. They walked with a very straight posture.

    Their eyes are the one thing that I will never forget. The pupil went up and down, like a slit. When they looked at me, they stared straight in my eyes. They didn't blink. It was real uncomfortable. There was just a very thin eyebrow above the eye, slanting up just a bit. Their noses were flat. Their mouths looked more like a slit than a regular mouth.


    In 1969, I and my research associates, hypnotist Loring G. Williams and Glenn McWane, were bombarded with the claims of dozens of contactees who said that they had had an implant left somewhere in their skulls, usually just behind the left ear. These contactees/abductees came from a wide variety of occupations, cultural backgrounds, and age groups.

    We employed private detectives and medical doctors, as well as exhaustive hypnosis sessions, in an attempt to learn what archetype had been fed into their particular group consciousness. We never found any implants that were detectable to X-rays, but our hypnotic sessions turned up an incredible amount of fascinating, albeit bizarre, information about underground UFO bases, hybrid aliens walking among us, and thousands of humans slowly turning into automatons because of readjusted brain wave patterns.

    During a six-month period, we encountered as many as twenty-five abductees who gave us the same word-for-word accounts of having received an implant. In some cases we were told beeping sounds would indicate that a message was about to be received or a UFO observed.

    Since we had determined that the implant was not physical by our earthly definition, what was it? If it was purely a psychological aberration, how could it be that so many men and women were sharing the same delusion, fixation, or fantasy?

    Some of these individuals were totally unimaginative people. They read nothing to speak of beyond newspapers and occasional news magazines. To suggest that they were avid science fiction buffs would be preposterous. Most of them were not buffs of any field of human endeavor. How was it such unspectacular individuals were selected as abductees/contactees in the first place?

    The accounts came in at a dizzying rate of speed. One that I received was from an intelligent woman in Oregon who had originally maintained an extremely skeptical attitude toward such matters but who had had the following experience:

    Just before sleeping, I became aware of strange sensations at the base of my skull. There were two beings around me, and I realized that they were operating on my head. I felt the movement of instruments, but only slight discomfort, and I knew that something was being implanted. Immediately upon becoming aware of all this, I was put to sleep. A few days later, during a reading by a psychic, I was startled to hear him say, ‘You've just had an operation on your head. Something was put into your skull. Something like a radio receiver. It is for receiving space communications.’

    The Oregon report is very typical of those who claim to have received implants. There is an initial awareness of aliens and strange sensations at the base of the skull. Once the implantation has been accomplished, the contactee usually undergoes a kind of cosmic-consciousness peak experience that involves a personal transformation. Many of the contactees subsequently complain of occasional periods of discomfort, followed by heightened awareness. Most mention occasional beeping sounds in the ear, but they also attest that the irritating noise serves as an alert to extended contact.

    One contactee reported that when he hears a beep in his ear, he is able to step out of his house and observe two UFOs overhead. Two well-known contactees, one from British Columbia, the other from Massachusetts, indicated that similar sounds in their ears informed them when they could trip their camera shutters and take photographs of UFOs or UFOnauts.

    Since we could easily demonstrate that no actual electronic instrument had been implanted in the skulls of the contactees, just what was taking place? If we are not talking about physical additions or adjustments, might we be confronted by the manipulation of certain psychic or energy centers of which we know very little at our current level of physiological knowledge?

    In comparing notes with a fellow researcher at a UFO conference, we found that we had each discovered a number of contactees for whom the UFO experience had begun back in very early childhood.

    There is something almost primeval in the alleged examinations aboard UFOs. In those primitive societies that emphasize pubertal initiation or rites of passage, the young child or the supplicant is snatched away by masked members of a secret society or by stony-faced elders. They are taken to a place of testing, often unconsciously womblike in design or shape. When they have endured the testing process, they are returned to the village a new person, a transformed individual.

    So, too, is the UFO abductee taken away by secret people whose faces, with their large, expressionless eyes and slit-like mouths, appear masklike. The place of testing is not only womblike, but an egg-shaped enclosure. And after they survive the rites of initiation, the abductee is returned to society as a transformed individual.

    It is possible that beings from other worlds or dimensions are surreptitiously entering our plane of being and examining our species for purposes of their own. On the other hand, it may be that the abductees are having genuine encounters, but of a nature whose true and total significance we have yet to determine. Is humankind continuing to relive a cultural memory of trial and initiation? Or are we the unwilling subjects of interdimensional alien experiments?


    Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle of the University of Wyoming in Laramie hypnotized and regressed Barbara Schutte of Wever, Iowa, and discovered that she had been a four-time victim of UFO abductors.

    It was in September of 1981 when Barbara awoke dizzy and nauseated with strange bruises on her body and decided that she would seek help to explain what bizarre occurrence had taken place during the night.

    She had been troubled by a vague memory of someone holding her down and examining her mouth. When she consulted Dr. Sprinkle, it was determined under hypnosis that she had been escorted to a small room with bright lights. She had been placed on a soft couch by abductors who appeared to her like little children. They make me smile, she said. I don't see any ears. They have no hair. Their eyes are black. They have baby-soft skin, lighter than ours.

    She next found herself in another room. She was now frightened, and she felt a sharp pain in her back. A tall alien that reminded her of a soldier, with a V-shaped device on his uniform, was with her.

    Her abduction, Dr. Sprinkle determined, had taken place in April 1973, when Barbara was twenty-two years old. In a second hypnotic session, Dr. Sprinkle learned that Barbara had first been abducted when she was only eight years old.

    The encounter that occurred in 1981 had been the one that had brought her to Dr. Sprinkle, and it had taken place while she had been lying in bed. She had heard something outside, and she remembered feeling frightened. The next thing she knew, she was being taken outside to a derby-shaped craft with flashing lights. She remembered undergoing an examination and being dealt sharp pains in her leg and her head. When she awakened, she was

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