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The Billionaire's Heart: Wealth and Kinship, #1
The Billionaire's Heart: Wealth and Kinship, #1
The Billionaire's Heart: Wealth and Kinship, #1
Ebook161 pages2 hours

The Billionaire's Heart: Wealth and Kinship, #1

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About this ebook

Self-made billionaire Adam Nicolis has backed away from his pack of friends. He's focused on raising his daughter alone. After losing his wife in an accident, he's barely getting by after two years without her. Finding himself in a situation he can't get out of, he reluctantly goes with his friends on a Mediterranean cruise to the very place he'd run from more than a decade before.

Zoe Ross has just made a drastic change in her life. Divorced and in a new career, she's excited about the next steps. Being a makeup artist for the performers on a cruise ship should be a fun change and hopefully she'll get the chance to see places she's only read about. She has to pinch herself to make sure she's not dreaming as she boards the huge ocean liner the first time.

When Zoe and Adam meet on the ship, there's an immediate connection. Adam is shocked by it and Zoe is more than intrigued by him. When a determined ex-girlfriend shows up to scoop Adam up since he's single again, he knows he has to come up with a plan to get rid of her. His crazy scheme will shock Zoe, yet draw her in for an adventure she'd never expected.

Will becoming Adam's fake girlfriend be her ruin? Or will he end up with the second chance he so needed for him and his daughter?

Release dateDec 28, 2021
The Billionaire's Heart: Wealth and Kinship, #1

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    Book preview

    The Billionaire's Heart - April Murdock



    I could tell something was going to happen as soon as I walked into the restaurant and saw Loukas, Silas, Zachary, and Tanner already sitting at the table, drinks in hand looking smug with themselves. There wasn’t one time I could think of when my cousin Loukas Mikos had arrived early or even on time for anything. He was known for being a party animal and age hadn’t changed him. As I walked over to them seated at a glass round table in the middle of New York’s newest restaurant, Zolo, they all lifted their drinks and cheered.

    Hey! Finally, you made it. Loukas stood up and side-hugged me as I returned the gesture. I was about to send out a search party. It’s not like you to be late. My cousin was far taller than myself and his imposing stature often meant people did things for him they wouldn’t normally do.

    And it’s not like you to be on time! Has the world ended? Did hell freeze over? The guys all laughed as they heard my little jokes and I took my place at the only empty seat.

    Did you get held up at work? Silas, my younger brother, leaned over and inquired about my tardiness.

    Yeah, he couldn’t find any more gullible rich people willing to invest in his crazy ‘get rich quick’ schemes! Zachary shouted across the table and the whole table erupted into laughter. I didn’t mind Zach taking a low blow about my work as a venture capitalist as it was easy to make fun of him about his own dubious job.

    Exactly! All the crazy rich people are buying up all the blood diamonds they can get their hands on. How’s that going, Zachary? Again, the table cheered as we exchanged our quick jibs at each other. Zachary Lewis was my closest friend from university. We’d met each other on the very first day when we were young fresh-faced freshmen and had remained friends ever since. Over the years, his cousin Tanner Lewis had also joined our circle of friends despite the fact he was a model and stole all the ladies from us.

    Now seriously guys…what’s going on? I know it’s been awhile since we all caught up, but we’ve never met at such a civilized time or place before. In truth, I hadn’t seen all the guys together for over six months and then Loukas called me out of the blue, insisting that I turn up for a meal at Zolo. No one wanted to answer and they all sheepishly looked at Loukas.

    Loukas? What’s going on? Loukas gave out a sigh and stretched his arms which made me nervous about what he was going to say.

    Do you remember the pact? With his dark brown eyes, Loukas looked at me seriously, which was unnerving.

    Of course, I remember the pact. Ever since the first year of university, we had all taken a vacation together, every year, no matter what—that was the pact.

    Well, we think it’s time to start the pact again. It’s been over two years since we’ve all traveled together. We think this would be good for you. I knew it was me who had broken the pact, but after Megan died, I just couldn’t face going away. I could feel the atmosphere of the table quickly change from lighthearted banter to a serious discussion.

    Is this an intervention or something, because I got to tell you I’m fine. I’m not an alcoholic or a drug addict… I don’t really feel the need for the group attack. I couldn’t help but get defensive as they all looked at me. They hadn’t been through what I had. None of them had lost a wife. They hadn’t had to pick themselves up after finding out the love of their life was dead.

    No Adam, that’s not what this is. Silas leaned over and rested his hand on my shoulder. This isn’t an intervention or an attack. We think you’ve done amazingly well with everything that’s happened. We just think you could do with a vacation. It’s time to get back to how things were, and this is what we’ve always done. I could hear from Silas’s tone that he was trying to tread softly with me, but I didn’t need to be handled.

    Look, this just isn’t a good time for me. I’ve got tons going on at work. I have to think about Abby and what’s best for her. You guys can go without me. I’m not trying to stop you. I threw my hands up into the air, hoping that they would accept my refusal and move on, but Loukas wasn’t ready to back down.

    Adam, we made a pact. We aren’t going anywhere without you and besides, this year it’s my thirtieth birthday and I want to celebrate it with everyone! I know you’ve already accomplished that milestone and picked out your chair at the retirement home, but I’m still young and wild at heart! Loukas downed a mouthful of his frothy beer as I thought through what he was saying. Since Megan’s death I hadn’t exactly been myself, but that was only natural. My priorities were about keeping my daughter, Abby, safe and happy. She was only three when Megan died, and I did everything I could to ensure that life continued the best way it could. I didn’t care if Loukas thought I was boring. He didn’t have a child to provide for, and he couldn’t possibly understand the responsibility of fatherhood.

    I want you to have a good thirtieth… truly I do, but I just can’t leave right now. I sat back in my chair thinking that would be the end of the discussion but Loukas had more in store.

    Well, we all got together and voted on this and I have to say that you lost. It’s a done deal. We’re all booked and heading out the day after tomorrow. Loukas paused, waiting for my reaction.

    What? What are you talking about? I could tell he wasn’t lying as everyone around the table were looking at each other nervously. I half-expected somebody to shout out that it was a joke, but they all stayed silent.

    We’re all booked on one of my company’s cruise liners for a transatlantic trip. We dock in Mykonos two days before my birthday and we’ll spend the last week catching up with family. The table went deadly silent and all we could hear was the background noise of the other diners. I myself didn’t know how to react as I was still waiting for one of them to say it was all a joke.

    Is this a joke? I looked at Silas, thinking that my brother would be honest with me.

    No. This is no joke. It’s all planned and paid for. Loukas answered me, knowing that I was going to protest.

    Well, you’re going to lose your money because I’m not going. I can’t leave Abby…that’s out of the question. I could see my little daughter’s face and the heartbreak she would feel if I said I was leaving her behind for two weeks. That wasn’t a possibility in my mind, not for one second.

    We know that, which is why Abby is coming with us. Abby and the full-time nanny, they are both booked to come along. Loukas leaned forward and looked at me with a cheeky smile. You see, we’ve been planning this for a long time. We’ve already had your assistant clear your calendar. And Natalie is fully aware that she’s coming on vacation to help with Abby. She was thrilled to be the lucky sort of nanny who gets to take a Mediterranean cruise paid vacation. And last but not least, we’ve told your family you’re coming.

    I made a mental note to myself to fire my assistant and then realized what he said about family. What do you mean you’ve told family? Silas dipped his head, knowing that I wasn’t going to be pleased with the answer.

    Adam, we’re going to Mykonos. We can’t go home and not tell family that we’ll be there. I know you have your issues with your parents, but they haven’t even met Abby. When I told your mom that we are coming, she was thrilled.

    You knew all this and didn’t tell me? I turned my focus back to my treacherous brother who was keeping silent.

    I think it’s a good idea. Silas looked at me like a lost sheep and I knew that Loukas had broken him. Mom and Dad haven’t seen you for too long and they want to meet their granddaughter. After all these years it would be good for you to reconnect with your roots.

    I let out a sigh as I thought that was the last thing I needed. I left Greece when my father tried to force me into the family business of running luxury hotels. He never forgave me for wanting to try to make my own way and I couldn’t forgive him for disowning me. Even when Megan died, they hadn’t visited or called. All I got was a pathetic floral bouquet and a sympathy card. I had a dead wife and a child to raise and all I got was flowers from the people who were supposed to love me unconditionally.

    I can’t believe you would all do this behind my back. You know how I feel about going home and you know that they did nothing when Megan died. They didn’t call, they didn’t visit, they didn’t even come to her funeral, and you think I’m going to forget all that and let them see Abby? I looked around in every direction, completely enraged by their proposal. I couldn’t believe the audacity of them to mess with my life, my family, just so they could have a vacation.

    Adam, I know you’re probably mad at us… I know I’d be angry, but we had to do something. We haven’t seen you for months, you don’t answer our calls. I can’t even get you to email me back. This is extreme because we had no other way of getting through to you. Zach looked at me with hopeful eyes. I could see he honestly wanted the best for me, and I trusted him with my life.

    I’ve been busy with work. You know what it’s like. We’re all successful here. We work incredibly hard and we don’t have time to be hanging out with the guys every day. I looked at them hoping they’d add some perspective to their position.

    Actually, I play squash with Tanner every Wednesday. Zach answered back knowing that they all met up regularly despite their busy work lives.

    Yeah, I talk to Loukas on WhatsApp every other week and he visits pretty regularly when there’s a cruise ship in town. Silas looked back at me and I was a little surprised to hear that he was keeping up contact with Loukas. Silas had stepped into my shoes when I left Greece and started running the family business. Thankfully, it was something he wanted, and he never held any grudge against me for leaving. He lived in Greece with our parents but visited me regularly, especially in the last two years.

    I looked around the table at their faces and realized I was the odd one out. I couldn’t pretend anymore that I hadn’t been hiding away, intentionally avoiding their communication. I couldn’t even explain why I’d pushed them away; I just knew that I had.

    So, we’re going to be on one of your shabby boats for a week. And that’s not meant to make me suicidal? I said. Loukas smirked as he realized I was being sarcastic, and they all laughed.

    Luxury cruise liner, thank you very much! We’ve won awards and everything. Loukas shouted back as they all started making jokes about the condition of Loukas’s cruise ships.

    I’ll go on the cruise with you, but I can’t promise you that I’ll be spending any time with the family in Mykonos. I took a sip from my beer, which was refreshing on my dry throat. I placed the beer down on the table and looked at Loukas. That’s the best I can do or I’m not going.

    I could see Loukas think over my proposal, but I could tell he would accept it just to get me on the boat. That’s good enough for me. I just want to celebrate my birthday in style, and I can’t do that without my cousin. Loukas winked at me as he lifted his glass of beer into the air.

    To the pact and finally getting the vacation we all need!! We all lifted our glasses and cheered. I took another mouthful of

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