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Becoming Bader
Becoming Bader
Becoming Bader
Ebook91 pages1 hour

Becoming Bader

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About this ebook

When Bader's parents died in a house fire, she ended her plans for law school and went home to run the family bookstore.
Five years later, the world is changing once again and Bader's life changes with it. Does she have what it takes?

Will she take risks with her heart and find her truth?

PublisherTK Eldridge
Release dateJan 5, 2022
Becoming Bader

TK Eldridge

TK Eldridge retired from a career in Intelligence for the US Gov't to write. The experiences from then are now being used to feed the muse for paranormal romance, mysteries, supernatural, and urban fantasy stories. When they’re not writing, they are enjoying life in the Blue Ridge mountains of western North Carolina. Two dogs, a garden, a craft hobby and a love of Celtic Traditional music keep them from spending too much time at the computer.

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    Book preview

    Becoming Bader - TK Eldridge

    Chapter One

    Five years ago

    The watcher curled gloved hands into fists and smiled. The screams had finally gone silent, letting the watcher know the people inside were dead. Then again, the flames shooting up as the roof collapsed were also a good indicator that anyone inside had no hope of survival. Firefighters poured water on what had once been a well-loved Craftsman style bungalow where a family had shared their lives.

    A phone was pulled from a pocket and placed to an ear. It is done.

    "All of them?" a voice asked.

    If they were in that house, they’re dead.

    And the book?

    I searched thoroughly. That book is not in the house.

    Was the daughter home from college yet?

    It’s not my job to determine whether someone who does not live there is in the home. It is my job to simply make sure that those who do live there are home at the time of execution. You know this.

    Wonderful. So it is likely she lives.

    Not my problem. I completed my task. Make sure my funds are transferred, or you will be my next task.

    Understood. Disappointing in the lack of completion, but as long as the parents are gone, the situation has improved. A shame you couldn’t find the book.

    "You misunderstand me. My task is complete. Any failure in this contract was on your end." The watcher ended the call and tucked the phone away once more. Their car was parked several blocks away, so they turned from the spectacle and left the scene.

    Chapter Two

    Present day

    Bader Winthrop smiled at the woman on the other side of the counter as she handed over the bag of books. Enjoy your purchases, Mrs. Marshall. I’m so glad we finally found a copy of that book you’ve been searching for.

    Thank you, Bader. Have a lovely rest of your day, the woman replied and turned to leave the store.

    Bader stepped around the polished wood counter and went to lock the front door, the sign flipped to ‘we’ll be back soon’. Time for lunch, Meph, she called out to the black cat perched in the front window among the books on display.

    She pulled her curly hair up off her neck and secured it with the hair tie that lived on her wrist. Weaving her way around displays, past cozy nooks where one could sit and read, Bader reached the break room where she paused to refill the water fountain for the cats. The twist of a key opened the door on the far wall and she stepped from the shop into her home. Willoughby, her mixed-breed dog, came running to greet her.

    Hi, Wills. You need to go out? Bader asked and took a few steps more to open the back door and let him out into the garden. Unusual to have in the city, Bader’s back yard made it possible for her to breathe most days. High brick walls surrounded a roughly ten thousand square foot space that could only be accessed through her apartment, or through the shop. The old gate to the driveway had rusted shut and been overgrown decades ago. A flagstone patio area, tucked into the L of the building, was a popular place to sit with her morning coffee when the weather allowed. Grass and more flagstone paths wound through beds of herbs, vegetables, and flowers. Three fruit trees and one ornamental cherry tree gave strategic shade throughout the yard.

    Today, the weather was typical for late spring, so Bader went in to get her lunch, then came back out and propped the door open so her roommates could wander in and out as they pleased. One hand spooned salad into her mouth while the other hand tapped the screen of her tablet. She liked to check the news and current events on her lunch break, since she didn’t want to be seen behind the counter of the bookshop with an e-reader or tablet in her hands. Wills parked himself next to her leg and rested his chin on her knee. Shaggy beige fur with streaks of darker brown told of some kind of terrier in his bloodline, but the shape of his head and his size had some say he must have a bit of Labrador Retriever or German Shepherd in his mix. Bader didn’t much worry about what he was made up of, she just loved him as he was.

    Sorry, Willoughby, no scraps for you today. Besides, you have a bowl of food inside, go nibble on that, Bader said as she scratched behind his ears. The dog sighed and padded into the house. The two cats, Mephistopheles and Mischief - a sleek black male and a gray tabby female – were sprawled on the warm patio in the sun.

    Bader turned her attention back to the tablet and froze. "Aw, hell. Another pandemic." She read an article that claimed a vaccine was being developed and should be ready in six months, but for now people needed to mask up and social distance.

    The last time there was one of these, I almost lost the bookstore. I’d better make sure our online shop is bug-free and ready to do the heavy lifting, Bader said to herself. Funny, the article doesn’t mention what the symptoms of this one are. She spent a few moments doing searches, but even the Center for Disease Control had no list of symptoms or things to watch out for. Now that’s weird. Even the CDC is silent. That hasn’t happened since the twenty-twenty spread that got politicized. Her musing ended when her smartwatch alert reminded her she had to reopen the store. Okay, kids. I’ll leave the door open because it’s supposed to stay nice today. Don’t bring any critters into the house, please?

    Bader cleaned up her bowl from lunch and headed back into the store, the door to her home locked once more behind her. She slid the tablet under the counter and went to unlock the front door and flip the sign back to ‘open’. Professor Eagan showed up about five minutes after Bader got herself a cup of coffee and opened a browser window on the shop computer.

    Hello, Professor. What can I help you with today?

    The professor was in his mid-forties with silver temple streaks in his short dark hair and blue eyes that always seemed to be looking at something not quite close enough to see clearly. His appearance was usually neat and orderly, but today he looked anything but. Shirt untucked from his slacks and buttoned crookedly, and two different shoes on his feet.

    Professor, are you okay? Bader asked.

    They’re coming for me, he said, his voice a hoarse whisper. I spoke to one of them and now they’re hunting me.

    Who’s hunting you?

    "The faeries. I looked up from my notes and there were two of them seated in my classroom. I had only seen them in their human form, not their fae form, and they were so beautiful, I couldn’t stop staring. Now they

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