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Wrath: When El Diablo sends me to infiltrate the DA’s office and find out who’s involved in the corruption there, I’m all over it. Being a lawyer, I’m singularly suited to El Diablo’s purpose, and I know the system inside and out. I am also adept at blending in, even with my muscles and tatts. We’ve known since Justice from Salvation’s Bane took a prison sentence he didn’t deserve that someone from the DA’s office was in the back pocket of the wrong people. Those wrong people are in the form of a rival MC who rule their territory with an iron fist and are trying to encroach on Salvation’s Bane as well as Black Reign.

Then I meet a sexy little platinum-haired escort and all bets are off. I’m attracted to her like I’ve never been to another woman, and it’s messing with the Zen-like calm I’m famous for. If I can’t pull myself together enough to complete this job, I’ll fail my club and, more importantly, my mentor, the club president, El Diablo. That’s something even this unholy attraction can’t cause. But what’s a man to do when all that stands in the way of the happiness of a sexy single mom and her feisty but vulnerable daughter is club business, and a few Saint Bernard puppies?

Celeste: I’m in a financial jam of the worst kind. I need to make enough money to pay for my daughter Holly’s medical bills. The sheer volume of money I need is overwhelming. Working doesn’t touch it, and no one wants to hire me full-time because of the cost of insurance. The only way to finish Holly’s leukemia treatments is for me to keep up the payments to the hospital and clinic. If I can’t, then Holly’s chances of remission may only be a lost dream. Out of options, I accept an offer to be an escort. Not only that, but I soon find myself working for a motorcycle club as a “cam girl,” doing live sex shows. Glamorous? Not at all. But it’s more money than I can make working three jobs. Imagine my surprise when the man who paid for my services as an escort turns up in the control room of my first cam show. He’s sexy as sin, and much more than he appears to be. He’s also got me completely under his spell. Which sucks because he’s quite possibly the rudest jackass I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting.
Release dateJul 16, 2021

Marteeka Karland

Erotic romance author by night, emergency room tech/clerk by day, Marteeka Karland works really hard to drive everyone in her life completely and totally nuts. She has been creating stories from her warped imagination since she was in the third grade. Her love of writing blossomed throughout her teenage years until it developed into the totally unorthodox and irreverent style her English teachers tried so hard to rid her of. Want to see what's up with Marteeka? Website Facebook Facebook Page: E-mail at [email protected] Blog: BookBub: Amazon:

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    Book preview

    Wrath - Marteeka Karland

    Chapter One


    I think you’ll like corporate law, Vincent. The man currently schmoozing up to me was a weasel. If I could have my way, I’d’ve tossed the fucker off the balcony of the huge suite the firm of Lawson, Hughsman, and Gray had procured. The firm was having a little romancing session at the Four Seasons Resort in Palm Springs for several lawyers they were considering bringing into their fold. Including me. I was supposed to be scoping out Nathaniel Lawson, the son of the founding member of the firm. He was the personal attorney of the new District Attorney in the city. He was the man responsible for keeping away lawsuits and criminal investigations into anything Harold Collins might be threatened with so the DA’s office at looked clean and untarnished. This guy, Stewart Gray, was a pompous windbag and as big a scumbag as everyone else in that fucking firm. And the fucking DA’s office. I hated all of them. But I couldn’t show it.

    Perhaps, I replied vaguely. As long as it makes me money.

    Oh, there’s plenty of money to be had, Gray chuckled. Join us. We heard about your work taking down the former DA, William Barrison. Who knew the son of a bitch was so corrupt? Hid it for more than a decade, but you brought him out into the open. Thanks to you, the city is a much safer place.

    I live to serve. I grinned slightly. As long as it makes me money.

    We both laughed.

    This was a bust. Nathaniel Lawson was on his best behavior, other than the high-end call girls and even higher-end drugs at the party. They were considering five other prospective partners. Only one of them would get the spot in the firm, and I was beginning to think this whole angle was a bust. I just wanted to get out, get with Black Reign, and rethink this whole setup. We needed a different approach.

    Well, my friend, Gray continued. "If you want to make money, I guarantee you, you’ve come to the right place. Lawson, Hughsman, and Gray can make you a lot of money. He emphasized a lot and gave me a knowing look. With money comes power. With power comes perks." He gestured toward a long table with pretty much any kind of quality drug or liquor a man could want. There were Cuban cigars, Legacy rum, some kind of expensive absinthe, and, of course, heroin, cocaine, and various other mind-altering substances.

    As if that whole line had been a setup, a door opened just beyond the well-stocked table and several very beautiful, very sophisticated women entered. See what I mean? Gray looked positively gleeful, actually rubbing his hands together as he eyed each woman like a kid in a candy store. Yours to enjoy, Vincent. Take your pick. There’s nothing they won’t do. Live out your nastiest fantasies with as many of them as you like for as long as you like. He clapped my shoulder. These are just a very few of the perks you can enjoy as one of us.

    Normally, I’d have smiled politely and passed, but one woman caught my eye in a huge way. She was ethereal in her beauty. Long, platinum-blonde hair, flawlessly pale skin. She’d dressed in red, naturally. Some skimpy little number I couldn’t even register. All I saw was the woman. Short and slight, she had rounded hips but was very slender. Her legs were perfectly formed. Just the right amount of muscle to grip a man tight during sex. She looked out of place among the other women. It wasn’t something I could put my finger on, but she just didn’t fit.

    Nervous. She looked nervous. Where the other women smiled and sought out a partner, this girl seemed unsure of herself. She smiled politely when she had to, but she didn’t have that shark-like quality the others did. If she was looking for the wealthiest man of the bunch -- and when did an escort not do that? -- she wasn’t doing a good job. In fact, she seemed to avoid eye contact whenever she could. Lord knew more than one of the men in the room tried to get her attention. She was easily the most beautiful woman in that room. Instead, she wandered around, looking at the artwork on the walls. She avoided the table with the alcohol and drugs.

    My very first thought the second I could see her from head to toe was that if I fucked her the way I wanted, I might break her delicate frame. My next thought was, I can be gentle. It was a Goddamned lie, but I told myself that anyway.

    Ahh, I see one of them has caught your eye? Which one?

    I glanced at Gray, standing next to me. He leaned forward in anticipation. Did he have his eye on the little blonde, too? Where do you get these girls? I knew, of course, but I wanted to hear what he had to say.

    He shrugged. Most are from a high-end escort service out of Miami. One or two are local, I think. All of them were vetted and screened medically. All disease-free and with an IUD, verified by our physician.

    I gulped down the rest of the scotch in the lowball glass I held. Without saying anything else to Gray, I approached the young woman before anyone else had a chance.

    Come with me. I wasn’t big on words and, really, if she was a paid escort there was no need for them.

    Her eyes widened, and there was the slightest quiver to her bottom lip before she lowered her eyes and ducked her head slightly. Hmm… A little more demure than I’d like, but I could work with it. I took her hand, and I’ll be Goddamned if she didn’t tremble. My gaze snapped to hers.

    You OK? I was a bastard, and I wanted this girl, but the farther away we got from the other women with their cloying perfumes and the more her unique clean, fresh scent wrapped itself around me, the more she wrapped herself around my insides. It was like discovering a new life form. I was eager, excited, and just plain in awe of her. She looked like a fuckin’ angel.

    Of course, she said softly. Where are we going?

    To be alone, I said gruffly, my grip on her hand tightening. She went willingly, but the trembling didn’t stop, and her palm became damp with sweat. She was nervous? What high-end escort got nervous? That wasn’t an act. You can’t fake a physical response. I shook it off, trying not to think about why she’d be nervous. I knew these lawyers weren’t good people, but even though they put up smoke and mirrors for the DA’s office and other high-power clients, we’d found nothing on human trafficking or child pornography. Well, other than the last DA. Which I’d exposed. His… business partners had taken care of the rest. The Brotherhood wasn’t known for its gentleness. No one had found the body.

    She followed me, having to nearly run to keep up with my long strides. I led her to the hotel room the firm had secured for me. I’d had no intention of using it, but I’d had it swept for bugs and anything that might compromise me in any way. Even the drugs and booze had been replaced by my brothers in Black Reign. Not that I’d intended on using anything. It was all there for appearances. Control was something I maintained at all times.

    The room was spacious, with a sitting room that opened onto the balcony overlooking the ocean. I’d spent that morning watching the sunrise. It had been one of the most peaceful times I could remember. I watched her face closely as we crossed the room. As I expected, her gaze was drawn to the open balcony doors and the sound of the sea crashing against the beach. She glanced at me but immediately ducked her head.

    We can sit outside a while if you like. I’d brought the girl here for sex. Normally, I’d have simply taken what I wanted, but I found I also wanted to see what she’d do. What her reaction would be.

    Those clear blue eyes widened, and she nodded, a faint smile parting her lips. She grinned slowly, the smile growing slightly when a breeze wafted in from the open doors.

    Fuck. Me.

    By all that’s holy, the girl was… stunning! The transformation from shy to happy was so profound, I nearly fell to my knees. This time, it was she who led me. Never letting go of my hand, she walked outside and to the railing. She closed her eyes and inhaled.

    It smells so nice, she said softly. The air coming off the ocean. It doesn’t smell the same on the ground, but up here… Fuck. Her voice was musical. A little high-pitched, but sexy as fuck.

    Yeah, I said, suddenly unable to say much of anything. All I could do was stare at her. Beautiful.

    She glanced up at me, and her smile faded slightly before settling into something a little nervous but not unwelcoming. I’m at your service. Would you like to stay here or go back inside? How the fuck could she make my cock pound with the need to release with only that sexy little voice of hers? I’d fucked more women than I could count in my years, but never had I willingly made conversation with a woman I intended to fuck. Now, I found myself wanting to engage her in more just so I could listen to her sweet voice.

    I motioned to the comfortable furniture next to us. We can sit here, if you like.

    I think that would be wonderful.

    As she sat, I noticed the slinky little red number she had on rode high up her thighs. Until now, I’d noticed the color but not really the dress, which revealed more than it concealed. That had never happened with a woman before. Always I’d notice her body, but this one had me captivated with the seeming innocence and elfin looks contrasted with the sexual being she was.

    She was a puzzle. I didn’t like puzzles. Rather, I didn’t like unsolved puzzles.

    How did you end up here tonight? I figured it was best to just dispense with the pretense. We both knew what was expected to happen, but I wanted information first.

    One delicate, pale shoulder rose and fell. It’s fast money.

    And you needed money?

    Why else would a person… She trailed off, unable to say she was prostituting herself out.

    A number of reasons, I imagine. Money might be first on the list. But some women do it for the power. Others for the thrill. I guess I just wanted to know where you fall.

    Definitely the money, she murmured, looking back out at the ocean. Her face softened and relaxed a little when she did. The serene expression on her face nearly made my chest ache.

    You like the ocean?

    She turned her head back to me. It always seems so peaceful. I love the sound of the sea crashing against the rocks and shore, and the scent is so clean. She looked back. At least, from up here. Up close, it smells a little funny.

    I grinned. It was nearly like talking to a child. Which did nothing to break my interest in her. Just meant I’d card her ass before I fucked her. I suppose it does. I reached over and took her hand. She let me, but her palm was sweaty with nerves. That alone had me proceeding carefully. What’s your name, sweetheart?

    Celeste. When I didn’t say anything, she sighed. Celeste Pleasant.

    Beautiful name. Why do you need money, beautiful Celeste?

    Surprisingly, she met my gaze now. It wasn’t a bold stare or even defiant. It simply… was. My reasons are my own. Besides, anything I say you wouldn’t believe, and I wouldn’t blame you.

    Intelligent girl. And perhaps not as naive as I’d thought. Well, Celeste Pleasant. My name is Vincent Black. You already know I’m here with the firm of Lawson, Hughsman, and Gray. I’m not part of them, but they’re courting me, so to speak. I’d hoped that if I gave her a little of myself, maybe she would relax a bit. I had nothing to hide on that front. Anything I had to hide was more to do with Black Reign and my association with them.

    You’re not like the others, she said. You seem more… I don’t know. Real?

    I don’t know about that. But I’m less drunk and much less high.

    That got her to smile. I thought a little giggle almost escaped. Yes. You are. Why is that?

    I like to be in control. If I’m under the influence, I have no control.

    I understand. I feel the same.

    Are you still here to have sex with me?

    She took a deep breath. I’m here to do whatever you ask. If that’s sex, then yes.

    But you don’t want to have sex with me. I made it a statement, trying to be gentle but wanting to feel her out. Normally, I could give two shits, but I thought Rycks had more of an influence on me than I wanted him to because I didn’t want to scare this girl. I wanted her to be eager for this experience. Not just willing.

    I didn’t say that. She shook her head vigorously, her eyes going wide. I’m looking forward to it, actually. She slid from the plush couch to kneel at my feet, pushing my knees farther apart so she could fit between them. Her fingers went to the fly of my pants, and she deftly unbuttoned them and slid the zipper

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