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Beginnings: Beginning's End Series, #1
Beginnings: Beginning's End Series, #1
Beginnings: Beginning's End Series, #1
Ebook251 pages4 hours

Beginnings: Beginning's End Series, #1

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About this ebook

USA Today Bestselling author, W.J. May, brings you the story of how the prophecies began--before Evie, before Katerina--starting from the very beginning. The Beginning's End Series is a prequel and continuation of the bestselling YA/NA series about love, betrayal, magic and fantasy. Welcome to W.J. May's world of paranormal, full of shifters, fae, fairy, witches, dragons, dark magic... and did I mention the vampires?


Learn to fight, it is the only option


You've read the ending, but there is a beginning to every story…


Centuries before the creation of the five kingdoms, when the great houses were still forming and the realm was ruled by fae, a small band of companions set out on a journey.


Kiera had never left her village. It was a stroke of luck that she wasn't there when the dragon attacked. Without any friends or family, without a shred of hope that anyone might believe her, she strikes off alone into the forest, looking for people that can help.


The world is new and untamed. The people are leaderless and wild. There has never been an alliance to unite them, but an alliance is exactly what the realm needs.


Because a darkness is coming.


One that threatens to consume them all…


Be careful who you trust. 

Even the devil was once an angel.











































PublisherWanita May
Release dateJan 20, 2022
Beginnings: Beginning's End Series, #1

W.J. May

About W.J. May Welcome to USA TODAY BESTSELLING author W.J. May's Page! SIGN UP for W.J. May's Newsletter to find out about new releases, updates, cover reveals and even freebies!   Website: Facebook: *Please feel free to connect with me and share your comments. I love connecting with my readers.* W.J. May grew up in the fruit belt of Ontario. Crazy-happy childhood, she always has had a vivid imagination and loads of energy. After her father passed away in 2008, from a six-year battle with cancer (which she still believes he won the fight against), she began to write again. A passion she'd loved for years, but realized life was too short to keep putting it off. She is a writer of Young Adult, Fantasy Fiction and where ever else her little muses take her.

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    Beginnings Blurb:

    A picture containing text Description automatically generated

    USA Today Bestselling author, W.J. May, continues the highly anticipated bestselling YA/NA series about love, betrayal, magic and fantasy.

    Learn to fight—it is the only option...

    You've read the ending, but there is a beginning to every story...

    Centuries before the creation of the five kingdoms, when the great houses were still forming and the realm was ruled by the Fae, a small band of companions set out on a journey.

    Kiera had never left her village. It was a stroke of luck that she wasn't there when the dragon attacked. Without any friends or family, without a shred of hope that anyone might believe her, she strikes off alone into the forest—looking for people that can help.

    The world is new and untamed. The people are leaderless and wild. There has never been an alliance to unite them, but an alliance is exactly what the realm needs.

    Because a darkness is coming.

    One that threatens to consume them all...

    Sometimes, it just takes a leap of faith...

    BE CAREFUL WHO YOU trust. Even the devil was once an angel.

    A collage of a person Description automatically generated with medium confidence

    Beginning’s End Series

    A picture containing text, bunch, different Description automatically generated













    The Queen’s Alpha Series

    Timeline Description automatically generated













    The Omega Queen Series

    A picture containing text, posing, bunch, different Description automatically generated














    Have You Read the C.o.K Series?

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    Beginnings Blurb:

    Beginning’s End Series

    The Queen’s Alpha Series

    The Omega Queen Series


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Curiosity Book 2 Beginning’s End Series

    Find W.J. May

    More books by W.J. May


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    I never planned for this to happen.

    If there’s one thing you could say for us, it’s that we didn’t plan much. Nothing we did was intended. All of our greatest moments, the bitterest of heartbreaks and most thrilling of adventures, seemed random strokes of luck.

    Eden wouldn’t call it luck. He’d call it the stars.

    Those little drips of fortune were etched into the cosmos long before any of us were born. The story is already written, he’d always say. There’s no point in avoiding such things; the only thing that’s left is to play our part.

    Well, we played our part. And I’d like to think we did it well...

    Chapter 1

    T hose fish heads aren’t going to chop themselves!

    The girl stared down at her hands. Pale from too little sunlight. Scarred from cooking over an open fire. Beneath the grease stains were calluses reserved for those who gripped reins all day, or devoted their lives to the swing of a sword. She’d gotten hers from decapitating fish.


    She startled back to the present as a door swung open and the sounds of a crowded tavern filtered inside. A discordant chorus of voices, punctuated every few seconds with a deafening shout for more ale. Those two words haunted her dreams. It didn’t help that she slept above the tavern.

    Nice of you to join us.

    The man scowling in the doorway could hardly be counted as a man at all. While the general shape was there, he was sporting an extra three feet in every direction. It made him invaluable as the proprietor of such a rowdy establishment, and somewhat difficult when it came to stairs.

    The fish, he repeated slowly, as if she couldn’t be counted on to remember. I needed that stew to be ready ages ago. The people are hungry.

    That stew will make them ill.

    Instead of voicing this opinion aloud she gave a sarcastic salute and poured a bucket of freshly caught trout upon the counter, grabbing a cleaver as the man slipped back through the door.

    I shouldn’t have done that.

    Her cheeks flushed with belated guilt as she gave the blade a cursory rinse.

    She was lucky to have a job. So many people didn’t. Since scraping its way through an especially bleak winter, work in the tiny village had been scarce. Fortunately, for all his menace and bluster, the proprietor was actually a good man. He kept her on staff. And no matter what might be happening in the rest of the world, there remained a universal truth: people always needed a drink.

    With the skilled hands of one who’d done it many times before she positioned the fish and swung the blade fiercely, imagining each one to be the face of a recent patron. A goblin who tried to walk out on his bill. A shifter who’d grabbed her around the waist as she tried to pass by.

    There were more than enough to keep her occupied, and before long she was merrily hacking away—dreaming now of bigger things: ogres and giants and trolls. Some people might fend them off with swords and spears, but she didn’t need anything more than her handy cleaver. They fell, one after the other, crumbling to the floor in a revolting display of blood and gore. Some tried to flee in terror before feeling the kiss of her deadly blade. Some were screaming for—

    More ale!

    She paused with the cleaver still raised above her, a ribbon of piscine blood trailing up the inside of her arm. The fish were quickly abandoned, dumped into a large pot as she hurried out of the kitchen and back to the main bar—grabbing two pitchers as she went.

    Marcel, her fellow bartender, was in the corner with some fishermen, trying to settle what was quickly escalating into a violent dispute. Talbot, the proprietor, had taken his place behind the bar, watching the crowd with one eye as the other measured drinks.

    Busy night, he murmured, unfazed by the general clamor as he continued to pour. Did you finish with the fish?

    She swept up beside him, tying back her hair. I annihilated them...

    He chuckled under his breath, flicking a piece of tail from her shoulder then quickly easing the frothing pitchers from her hand. It’s too festive out there tonight. Why don’t you stay behind the counter? Pour the whiskey. Let me handle the ale.

    Festive. Tavern code for ‘dangerous’. It was the word they used when it was a little too full, tempers were a little too heated, and the men had already been served a little too much drink.

    Marcel had no such codes, but he didn’t need them. The man was part shifter.

    Are you sure? she asked, trying to hide her relief. It’s no problem.

    The man nodded, squinting slightly, like he’d gotten something in his eye. It was a dance they’d done many times. A brusque series of grunts and deflections, hiding the affection beneath.

    He was gone a moment later, leaving her alone behind the bar.

    Pour the whiskey...

    The first time she’d wandered into such an establishment several years before, she’d felt each layer of chaos and mayhem like it was a tangible thing. An invisible mist that could be shoved aside when necessary. Or, left untended, would suffocate as it swelled to envelop the entire room.

    She remembered being almost knocked down by the force of it, as if the swelling crescendo of impatient voices and the frenetic energy underneath was a gale strong enough to blow her away.

    Of course, she’d only been ten or eleven at the time—highly susceptible to such nonsense.

    The subsequent years had hardened her, the way life in a village hardened everyone. Like a new stone left to tumble slowly down the length of a well.

    You’d be smooth once you reached the bottom.

    But you could never see the sunlight quite the same.

    There was a swell in the general commotion as the door was flung open and a group of shifters swept inside. Most of them tended to stay on the eastern side of the forest with the rest of their pack, but in a rare bit of cooperation they were helping the villagers clear some of the trees that had fallen in a recent storm. They were being well-paid for their efforts. The whiskey would be on the house.

    By the gods! A raven-haired man detached from the rest of them, collapsing onto a rickety bar stool with a roguish wink. I believe you’re even lovelier than the last time I saw you!

    Kiera flashed a tight smile, already reaching for the bottle. Can I get you a shot?

    He caught her wrist, grinning all the while. Only if you pour one for yourself.

    Her eyes flickered down to his fingers, but that fixed smile remained. There were many levels of escalation that needed to happen before she would consider calling for someone. Most of those levels could be deflected with little more than a smile and a drink.

    Ah, but then who would be steady enough to hold the bottle? she asked teasingly, tapping her head as though she’d thought it through. It’s the start of a long night, we must think ahead.

    He laughed louder than was appropriate, already having downed a pint of ale on the walk over. Those fingers loosened of their own accord, pointing to his own head in solidarity. Then he picked up the drink and shoved down a few seats further to make room for the others.

    They took no notice of the girl behind the counter. They were caught in a story instead.

    —wedged in the fork of two redwoods. Heavy, it was. And covered in such thick branches, we could not dislodge it with all our combined might.

    And you summoned the men from—

    Yes, we summoned the men from Alger. But it wasn’t enough, the storyteller replied impatiently. "But listen, that’s not the point. A deer wandered out from the forest. No idea why it didn’t shy from the noise—the thing must have been a touch mad. It walked straight up to us, sniffing at the air, pausing a moment beneath the trees...and that’s when the thing gave way!"

    He slapped the countertop, to a roar of surprise from the others.

    I’ve never seen an animal move so fast, he continued, wiping his face, but its hind legs were pinned, and the front could do nothing but scramble! You should have heard the squeals!

    There was a bark of laughter as the wolves bantered amongst themselves—never bothered by such things. The rest of the tavern continued on as usual. Only the girl had frozen in place.

    What happened to the deer? she asked without thinking.

    She usually tried to keep free of such conversations, but her curiosity had been piqued.

    The man who had been speaking looked up in surprise, not realizing she’d been listening along to the story. His eyes swept her up and down before answering, resting on certain parts.

    We cut its throat. It’s drying out in the village barn.

    She blinked, then smiled. Try the soup.

    The rest of the night passed in similar fashion—an increasingly intoxicated parade of people who blurred the line between man and beast. That mist was there, pulsing as though it had a life of its own, but she was skilled at navigating it by now. She simply kept out of the way, doing exactly what she was supposed to. Smiling, diverting, pouring the drinks. There were times her mind wandered away completely, and she was anchored only by the practiced movement of her hands.

    Oddly enough, there was something almost serene about it. Unlike all those other times of the day—folding the beds, washing the linens, gathering food for breakfast—no one was speaking directly to her, asking things that required more than a quick dip of the wrist. She could detach until the clamor was nothing more than a distant hum, reveling in the quiet peace of her own thoughts.

    The deer was an ache, one that would linger long after the men were sleeping off the night’s follies. She had always been overly-attached to such things, cording with instant sentimentality.

    Perhaps I could search that part of the woods in the morning, she thought to herself, hands flitting over the various bottles. Make sure it wasn’t a mother who left behind some young. I could even—

    May I get a shot of whiskey?

    She turned in surprise, staring at the man who’d just sat down at the counter.

    His accent was unfamiliar. As were his manners.

    I’m sorry? she echoed, forcing herself back to the present.

    His eyes twinkled as his lips curved into the faintest of smiles. were miles away. Why don’t you tell me about it? he asked cheerfully, leaning back in his chair. Then we can be there together.

    She blinked quickly, sure she must have misheard.

    The village was smaller than most, but situated close enough to a major road to receive the occasional traders or merchants as they passed through. The tavern was home to them all, and over the years she’d made a delighted study of every creature who stepped through its doors.

    But she had never seen this man before. She would have remembered.

    We can be there together? she repeated, eyes drifting over the mop of golden curls and dimpled cheeks. I’m sorry...have we wandered into a play?

    He let out a burst of laughter, unconcerned with the people bustling round. Perhaps just a whiskey, then. I can soothe my wounded pride.

    She smiled at this, perhaps her only genuine smile since the moment she’d woken up. They locked eyes for a fleeting moment as she poured the thick amber liquid into a glass.

    It wasn’t just the accent, though that alone was peculiar. And it wasn’t just his clothes, though they were fitted in a way she didn’t recognize. Everything about the man—from his handsome face, to the way his fingers wrapped around the glass—everything was something new.

    My name is Charles.

    He ignored the drink and extended his hand.

    She hesitated a moment, then shook it. Kiera.

    It was the

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