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Stuff You Should Know: An Incomplete Compendium of Mostly Interesting Things
Stuff You Should Know: An Incomplete Compendium of Mostly Interesting Things
Stuff You Should Know: An Incomplete Compendium of Mostly Interesting Things
Ebook418 pages7 hours

Stuff You Should Know: An Incomplete Compendium of Mostly Interesting Things

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About this ebook

From the duo behind the massively successful and award-winning podcast Stuff You Should Know comes an unexpected look at things you thought you knew.

Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant started the podcast Stuff You Should Know back in 2008 because they were curious—curious about the world around them, curious about what they might have missed in their formal educations, and curious to dig deeper on stuff they thought they understood.

As it turns out, they aren't the only curious ones. They've since amassed a rabid fan base, making Stuff You Should Know one of the most popular podcasts in the world. Armed with their inquisitive natures and a passion for sharing, they uncover the weird, fascinating, delightful, or unexpected elements of a wide variety of topics.

The pair have now taken their near-boundless "whys" and "hows" from your earbuds to the pages of a book for the first time—featuring a completely new array of subjects that they’ve long wondered about and wanted to explore. Each chapter is further embellished with snappy visual material to allow for rabbit-hole tangents and digressions—including charts, illustrations, sidebars, and footnotes. Follow along as the two dig into the underlying stories of everything from the origin of Murphy beds, to the history of facial hair, to the psychology of being lost.

Have you ever wondered about the world around you, and wished to see the magic in everyday things? Come get curious with Stuff You Should Know. With Josh and Chuck as your guide, there’s something interesting about everything (…except maybe jackhammers).

Release dateNov 24, 2020

Josh Clark

Josh Clark is the founder of Big Medium, a design agency specializing in connected devices, mobile experiences, and responsive web design for the world's most forward-thinking companies. Josh has written four other books, including Tapworthy: Designing Great iPhone Apps (O'Reilly, 2010), and he speaks around the globe on what's next for digital interfaces. In 1996, Josh created an entirely different kind of user interface: the Couch-to-5K (C25K) running schedule, which has helped millions of skeptical exercisers take up jogging. (His motto is the same for fitness as it is for software user experience: no pain, no pain.)

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Like most inveterate readers, from childhood I read whatever I could lay my hands on. Not just fiction, I also read the back of cereal boxes, entire encyclopaedia volumes, trivia pursuit game cards, brochures, and my grandparents stash of Reader’s Digest magazines, among other things. This habit exposed me to a rather random selection of nonfiction topics, some of which piqued my interest more than others, and occasionally sent me ‘down a rabbit hole’, an indulgence that was considerably more difficult in the decades before the Internet (yes, I’m old). All of this preamble goes some way to explain my interest in Stuff You Should Know.Stuff You Should Know: An Incomplete Compendium of Mostly Interesting Things originates from the popular podcast of the same name founded by Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant in 2008. Admired for their enthusiasm and their sense of humour, the duo indulge their sense of curiosity delving into the weird, fascinating, delightful, or unexpected pieces of any given subject. The book contains new content, though there are often links to previous podcast episodes, so old fans and new readers alike should be satisfied.It’s fair to say that not everyone will feel they need to know, or care, how Murphy Beds came to be, where the Scotland Yard Crime Museum is, or why Cyanide Pills are so popular among spies, but I found almost all of the random topics explored in Stuff You Should Know to be interesting (I couldn’t care less about Income Tax). Josh and Chuck explore a mix of history, psychology, cultural relevance and trivia germane to each specific subject, complemented with charts, graphs, illustrations and additional asides in a concise yet playful manner.Whether you are a trivia buff, in need of new conversational topics, a game show hopeful (especially for The Price is Right), or just insatiably curious, Stuff You Should Know will both inform and entertain.

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Stuff You Should Know - Josh Clark

Stuff you Should Know: An Incomplete Compendium of Mostly Interesting Things by Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant

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Hey and welcome to the book everybody. We’re Josh Clark and Charles W. Chuck Bryant. And this is An Incomplete Compendium of Mostly Interesting Things.

Here’s the first interesting thing: we’ve been podcasting since 2008, and we’ve talked about writing an SYSK book for a long time now, but there came a point a while back when we thought it would never happen and we kind of stopped thinking about it, so we’re just tickled that it has all finally come together in this book you are holding or listening to right now. Actually, we’re not exactly sure what’s interesting about that little bit of personal trivia, to be honest. We know there’s got to be something, though, because we feel like there’s something interesting about everything.

Understanding this idea—that there’s something interesting about everything—is one of the core beliefs that make up the fabric of the entire Stuff You Should Know universe, and this book is no exception. It has had a profound effect on us as podcasters, as writers, and as humans in the world. And it has informed everything we do, most directly by supercharging a very specific trait we both possess: curiosity.

The belief that there is something interesting about everything has opened our eyes, our ears, and our minds to the world around us in ways we never could have expected before we started working together all those years ago. From the odd to the mundane, from the overlooked to the underappreciated, from the infinite to the infinitesimal; whether it involved a person, place, or thing, whether it was an idea or an event, a process or a system, real or imagined, every day we found something that made us sit up, take notice, and say "huh, that’s interesting … we should talk about that."¹

Twelve years and 1,300 podcast episodes later, we decided to take the same approach with a book. This book. We said, how about Josh picks thirteen random topics that we’ve been curious about recently, and Chuck picks fourteen; we’ll see what kind of interesting stuff we can find, and then write about it.², ³

The results, if you are a fan of the show already, will hopefully feel familiar. That was the idea, at least. There’s lots of stuff you should know; there’s some weirdness and some humor; there are some counterintuitive explanations, some unexpected realizations, some accidental puns, more than a few awesome band names, a heaping helping of dad jokes, tons of dives down little rabbit holes,⁴ and several dozen illustrations by an artist named Carly Monardo that we are totally in love with (the illustrations, not Carly, though she is wonderful and a total badass).

We also worked with a co-writer, a great guy named Nils Parker, who helped us tremendously with research, writing, and generally guiding us through what’s what with publishing a book. Having a hired gun to help us out was a tough pill to swallow at first, both of us being writers, but as the book project unfolded in earnest, all of our illusions (delusions, really) quickly fell away and we were grateful for Nils’s help right out of the gate. Had he not been around, you might be picking this book up in 2030 rather than 2020. Nils has gotten the SYSK vibe so thoroughly that he’s become as much a part of the SYSK gang as Jeri and Frank the Chair, so be sure to add him to your holiday card list.

Together, like a Voltron of edutainment, we pounded out and honed this book into a sword of wisdom for you to wield at the water cooler and at cocktail parties, anywhere you feel like impressing people. Use it wisely.

Oh, and it just so happens that sword analogy is also a really great segue for our next point.

In The Book of Five Rings, the seventeenth-century samurai Miyamoto Musashi wrote, from one thing, know ten thousand things. Musashi was a master swordsman and he knew that discipline fully. But he didn’t only know that. He also learned metallurgy to understand how to make the strongest sword; physiology and anatomy to understand the physical vulnerabilities of his opponents; human psychology to understand their mental vulnerabilities; geometry to understand angles of attack; physics to understand leverage. The list almost certainly goes on.

What Musashi was saying is that if you master one thing completely, it will teach you about so many other things in the process. And while we agree with the great samurai and are very grateful that we never faced the slashing end of his fury, we have respectfully chosen to take the opposite approach to knowledge. From the very beginning of Stuff You Should Know, we’ve had one overarching goal: to teach people as much as we can about the world, one topic at a time. What we learned writing this book is that from ten thousand things (or in this case, twenty-seven things), you can know one thing. And that is, when you look closely enough, everything is connected, one way or another.

Just as with everything else in the world, there is a deep interconnectedness to the randomness within the twenty-seven chapters of this book. You can read it front to back, back to front, or jump around;⁶ whichever reading adventure you choose, what you will find are connection points and narrative threads that join them. That’s why each chapter can stand on its own or be read in any order. It just kind of happened that way, and we are pleased as punch that it did.

The first thing you’ll notice is the first thing we noticed: just how many podcast episodes we’ve done related to topics that we only touch on in each chapter. These connections back to the show are denoted by a microphone icon and indicate a relevant podcast episode whose title we have listed in the appendix.

What you might then notice is how wide and far these connections go as we move through the chapters and through the world. We go back in time millions of years with prehistoric wildebeest and elephants to learn about water dowsing. We travel trillions of miles into space to better grasp the magnitude and proportion of massive personal wealth. We travel the globe to meet common criminals in Britain, brilliant distillers in Mexico, Benjamin Button mice in Massachusetts, and extraordinary figures from the islands of the South Pacific. You’ve got in your hands a guided tour of interconnected time and space, and for a pretty fair price when you consider it like that.

Our hope is that in reading this book you feel more connected to the world around you: to the person next to you on the train and the stranger on the opposite side of the world, to the beginning of human history and to the end of eras you weren’t alive for, to places you may never go and people you will probably never meet. More than anything, we hope you learn some new stuff along the way. That would be pretty cool, too.

Okay, well, that’s probably enough setup, let’s start the book already!

Josh Clark & Chuck Bryant

Atlanta, Georgia

Summer 2020




There are really only two types of facial hair: beards and mustaches. Every style of facial hair you’ve ever seen is one of these two, or a combination of both.

Think about it like part of a Linnaean taxonomy of human traits that we just made up but totally makes sense, where facial hair is a Family, beards and mustaches are each a Genus, and their many varieties are individual species that could interbreed, as it were, to create hybrid subspecies like the duck-billed platypus of the facial hair Family, the soul patch.

This might seem self-evident when you take a second to think about it, but then why would you be thinking about this at all unless you work in the relatively booming beard care industry or you’re a pogonophile—a lover of beards and the bearded. The Economist wrote about that very philia in a 2015 article about the growing trend of beardedness while reporting from the National Beard and Mustache Championship that was taking place in Brooklyn that year … obviously.¹

If you are breathing right now, then you must be aware that the beards the Economist reported on were part of more than just a passing trend. Facial hair grew more popular over the rest of the decade until it became a full-blown phenomenon of twenty-first-century maleness. It even had a cameo in the novel coronavirus pandemic that started to spread around the globe in early 2020. Media outlets stumbled on a 2017 infographic from our friends at the Centers for Disease Control right here in our hometown of Atlanta. It showed which facial hair styles were okay with a standard face mask and which styles were less ideal because they crossed the seal, allowing all manner of nasty little things access to your wide-open mouth.²

Infographics are neat, especially the unintentionally interesting ones, and this particular one got our attention. It shows thirty-six distinct styles: Fourteen mustaches, twelve beards, nine beard-mustache hybrids, and a clean-shaven option. When we noticed that more than two-thirds of these styles were less than optimal for proper mask usage, the chart revealed something we hadn’t thought of before: facial hair doesn’t seem particularly functional, at least not in the way we typically think about functionality in the high-tech, go-go, N-95 mask wearing world of today.³ And if that’s true, then the question is: why do we have facial hair at all?

It’s here that we found, to our great excitement, that scientists aren’t exactly sure. But they have come up with a best evolutionary guess that makes a lot of sense, if you take a step back to see the forest for the trees—or the beard for the whiskers, as it were.


As it turns out, facial hair is not a functional physical human trait in the way we thought it was for many years. It’s an ornamental one. In fact, of all the physical features on the human body—including other kinds of hair—facial hair is the only one that is purely or primarily ornamental. That is, it doesn’t actually do anything or perform any kind of specific physiological function. Just take a look at what the rest of our hair does for us:

Body hair helps with thermoregulation.

Head hair protects your scalp from the beating sun, but also traps heat in if you’re in a cold weather climate.

Eyelashes are like screen doors for the eyes, keeping bugs and dust and little debris particles out whenever they’re open.

Eyebrows impede sweat from getting in your eyes.

Armpit hair (the technical term is axillary hair, which we are pretty sure we’ve talked about before, maybe in the body odor episode?) collects and disseminates pheromones while acting like the WD-40 of bodyhair, reducing friction between skin on the underside of the arm and skin on the side of the chest as we walk and swing our arms.

Pubic hair also helps reduce friction, as well as provides a layer of protection from bacteria and other pathogens.

But facial hair? You will notice it doesn’t appear on that handy list of adaptive hairy traits.

In the early days of studying this kind of stuff, evolutionary biologists thought it might serve thermoregulatory or prophylactic purposes similar to body hair and pubic hair.⁶ Beards and mustaches are around the mouth, after all, and the mouth takes in food and other particles that might carry disease. Beards and mustaches are also on the face, which is connected to the head, which loses a lot of heat out of its top if it isn’t covered by hair. It all makes sense when you look at it that way.

Except there’s a problem with this theory: it leaves out 50 percent of the population, i.e., females. Natural selection is ruthless, and it has sent A LOT of species the way of the dodo—for instance, the dodo⁷—but rarely, if ever, does it select for a trait in a species like that and leave half the population hanging, especially the half that makes all the babies (i.e., the most important half). If facial hair were meant to perform important functions, it would be present across both sexes. Instead, thick, mature facial hair is present almost exclusively on the male half of the species, and its only job is to sit there on the face of its wearer as a signal to everyone who crosses his path.


What signal does facial hair send? Well, here’s where it gets a little complicated, as ornamental traits go. University of New Mexico professor Geoffrey Miller, one of the preeminent evolutionary psychologists in the field, put it this way: the two main explanations for male facial hair are intersexual attraction (attracting females) and intrasexual competition (intimidating rival males). Basically, facial hair signals one thing to potential partners (namely virility and sexual maturity, hubba hubba-type stuff) and something else to potential rivals (formidability and wisdom or godliness⁸). Taken together, these signals confer their own brand of elevated status to the men with the most majestic mustaches or the biggest, burliest beards.⁹

The signal that facial hair sends also tends to be stronger and more reliable between males, who are more commonly rivals, than it is between males and females, who are more commonly partners. In fact, evolutionary biologists will tell you (if you ask them) that while some females really like facial hair, and some don’t, and some couldn’t care less, more often than not attraction has as much to do with beard density as anything else. That is, if you’re in a place where there are a lot of beards—say, a lumberjack convention—then a clean-shaven face is more appealing, but if you’re surrounded by bare faces, then a beard is best.¹⁰

In evolutionary genetics, this is called negative frequency dependence (NFD), which is science-speak for the idea that when a trait is rare within a population it tends to have an advantage. In guppies, for example, males with a unique combination of colored spots mate more often and are preyed upon less. This is a huge competitive advantage. It’s like going to Vegas expecting to lose $1,000 but hoping to break even, only to end up winning $1,000 instead. That’s a $2,000 swing! It’s the same thing for a trait with NFD selection. The trait goes from fighting for its life to being the life of the party. The downside is that the competitive advantage can result in overpopulation of others with the same trait very quickly, because of all the getting it on the very interesting-looking guppy does—which means it loses its rarity and becomes common. Not to worry, nature has a solution for that: as more guppies bear that same trait, it leads to a decrease in interest from mates and an increase in attention from predators. What was once the hot new guppy thing becomes old news, in other words.

This yo-yoing back and forth between common and uncommon doesn’t just explain the variability in the attractiveness of facial hair from population to population; it also explains why the dominant theory for the evolution of facial hair has begun to resolve around intersexual competition. Because it’s not enough simply to be attractive: you also have to be more attractive than the people around you, and in enough of the right ways to stand out. This goes a long way toward understanding the ebb and flow in the popularity of facial hair across time. Sporting a killer ’stache or a bushy beard is only effective, evolutionarily, as long as it still makes you part of the hot new guppy thing around the pond. When it makes you old news, shaving becomes the more effective choice.


Throughout history, people have donned facial hair or shaved it as a response to the choices of their enemies and rivals. The ancient Romans went clean shaven for four-hundred years because the ancient Greeks, their rivals during the Hellenistic Period, celebrated beards as symbols of elevated status and high-mindedness.¹¹ For the 270 years the English lived under threat of Viking invasion (and, in some parts, actually lived under Viking rule), a period from 793 to 1066 CE tellingly called The Viking Age of Invasion, Englishmen went clean shaven as a cultural reaction to their bearded Viking invaders. During the Protestant Reformation, many Protestants grew out their beards in protest against Catholicism, whose priests were typically clean shaven.

What’s even more fascinating is how great an impact rulers and other high-status individuals have had on facial hair trends. The emperor Hadrian brought beards back to Rome in the second century CE and the entire leadership class of the Roman Empire followed suit, including a number of Hadrian’s successors. In the Middle Ages, Henry V was the first king of England to go clean shaven, and because he was such a great monarch English society and the subsequent seven kings followed in his beardless footsteps. It wasn’t until Henry VIII came along, in all his egotistical, profligate, murderous glory (we need to do an episode on him), that the beard made a comeback, undoubtedly as a way for him to distinguish himself from his predecessors.

It’s not just facial hair, yea or nay, where the choices of rulers and other high-status people have impacted the choices of those around them and for generations to come. You can see it in the evolution of specific facial hairstyles as well. Remember that chart of facial hairstyles issued by the CDC in 2017? Each style has a name. Nine of them—a full 25 percent—are named after influential figures, mostly in the arts. A few of the styles have normal names, but are so obviously connected to the one or two prominent people who made them famous that you’re more likely to identify the popularizer than you are the official name.


About Political Philosophy

The Great Man theory of history, advanced by a nineteenth-century Scottish philosopher named Thomas Carlyle, held that leaders and rulers have an outsized impact on the direction of the story of humanity. Others say it just seems that way because those are the people whose deeds are more likely to be recorded—history is written by the victors, after all—and as such, they are the ones who are still reported on centuries later. In the realm of facial hair, however, it really does seem to be the case that leaders and rulers had an outsized impact on trends, since they were frequently the social influencers of their day. And what’s more social than a nice beard/mustache combination?

Beards and Mustaches of Today and Yesteryear



Changing tastes and the influence of high-status men in competitive environments are all well and good, but nothing moves the needle one way or another on the popularity of facial hair like a good crisis. Indeed, it was the coronavirus pandemic that brought the amazing CDC chart to our attention, and not in the most positive way. London’s Daily Mail published a piece about it under the headline: Could your facial hair put you at risk for coronavirus?¹³ This is not the first time facial hair has fallen under scrutiny in the midst of a disease outbreak. In a 1916 piece in McClure’s magazine, one doctor managed to blame facial hair for the spread of nearly every communicable disease known to humanity. There is no way of computing the number of bacteria and noxious germs that may lurk in the Amazonian jungles of a well-whiskered face, he said, but their number must be legion. With more column inches, who knows what other ailments the good doctor would have tied to beards. Reporting like this tends to generate a rising tide of clean-shaven faces.

Then sometimes, a crisis goes the other way and leads to a period of increasing beardedness. A period like the one that produced the 2015 Economist article about pogonophilia, the CDC facial hair chart in 2017, and the expansion of the National Beard and Mustache Championship in 2019 from eighteen categories to forty-seven. The crisis that created this increased facial hair growth? The 2008 global financial crisis.

As banks failed, facial hair grew. As 401Ks got smaller, beards got bigger. Why is that? Well, those same evolutionary psychologists who will tell you about the attractiveness of facial hair will also tell you that there is no more important time to signal your fitness to rivals and potential partners than during times of crisis.¹⁴ Because if things are going bad and resources are scarce, and facial hair is a reliable signal of formidability and wisdom, then all other things being equal, may the best beard win.

So what happens to facial hair when a health crisis meets a political or an economic crisis? Your guess is as good as ours, but if and when it happens, you can be pretty sure it’s going to look funny.




We love toys. New toys, old toys, big toys, small toys.¹ Toys that need batteries, toys that only require your imagination. It doesn’t matter to us. We love toys the way Brick loves lamp.

We talk to each other about toys more than any other topic besides maybe those Nazi SOBs and earth

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