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The Last Prom: A Misty Night Story
The Last Prom: A Misty Night Story
The Last Prom: A Misty Night Story
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The Last Prom: A Misty Night Story

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An old fashioned murder mystery that will keep you guessing to the very end.

Release dateDec 30, 2021
The Last Prom: A Misty Night Story

Miles Cornelius

Cornelius James Walter Miles Cornelius is originally from Porterville California where he grew up. He attended Alta Vista Elementary school where he graduated in 1982. He attended Porterville High School from 1982-1986. In 1988 he moved to Oregon and joined the Navy in 1990 and was a cook for four years. In 2001 he went to college at Eastern Oregon University where he earned a bachelor’s degree of Science in Liberal Studies with minors in Anthropology\Sociology and Health.

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    The Last Prom - Miles Cornelius

    The Last Prom: A Misty Night Story

    Miles Cornelius

    Copyright © 2021 Miles Cornelius/Misty Night Novels All rights reserved

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    ISBN: 979-8781023301 (Paperback)

    ISBN: 979-8781025398 (Hardback)

    Hardback Cover design by: Miles Cornelius

    Paperback Cover design by : team_captivator

    A Misty Night Story

    Printed in the United States of America

    First Edition Paperback: December 2021

    First Edition Hardback: December 2021

    The author would like to dedicate this book to his sisters, DeAnna, Judy, and Virginia and to the Porterville High School graduating class of 1986

    June 1967

    The hour was midnight and the sleepy town of Sotterville was enveloped in darkness. Streetlights illuminated the darkness, casting light and shadows upon the buildings that lined the main street of town. The hospital was no exception. With only a few lights beaming down from open windows, it was shrouded in stillness. Off in the distance, a siren could be heard and as it approached the hospital, the red lights lit up the emergency room doors. Two paramedics jetted from the front seat of the ambulance, moving quickly to the back, they opened the doors while another paramedic from the back of the ambulance quickly helped to remove the stretcher from within. The emergency room doors swooshed open as bright fluorescent light filled the void between the hospital and the ambulance. As the paramedics rushed to bring the woman on the stretcher inside, they were met by the residing physician. What do you have? the Doctor asked. Heavy labor, the husband is on the way, for some reason he refused to ride with us. A nurse met them as they entered the hospital. Put her in room one, the doctor said, give her 2 ccs of Morphine and prep her for delivery. As they entered the room the woman began to scream. The doctor looked over at the nurse, Where is that Morphine Nurse? The nurse quickly moved over to a small cabinet and opened the top drawer. She removed a needle and a small bottle. She looked at the label to make sure it was the drug she needed. She hurried as fast as she could, plunging the needle into the bottle, she held it up and pulled back the plunger. As she walked over to the woman, she noticed that her stomach was larger than normal, and seemed to move, the woman screamed again. The doctor removed the woman's nightgown as he strapped her legs into two stirrups that were on the edge of the bed. The woman screamed again as the nurse plunged the needle into her thigh. She stepped back in horror as the woman's stomach moved again, this time she saw what looked like the imprint of a tiny face on the woman's skin. I have never seen anything like that doctor. the nurse said. The doctor looked at her and back at the woman's stomach. Get around there and hold her hand. he looked at the woman in labor, Okay ma’am, I am going to need you to push. The woman shook her head as the nurse took her hand. She screamed again as her stomach looked as if it was being pushed out from the inside. The doctor took a step back. We are going to have to do a cesarean delivery, nurse, get the anesthesiologist down here right now. The nurse moved away from the screaming woman, keeping her eyes on the stomach as it moved back and forth, like the baby inside was trying to claw its way out of her womb. The doctor tried to calm the woman down, Ma’am, we are going to have to do a cesarean on you to help bring your beautiful baby into the world. he smiled, but the woman did not hear him. She felt as if her insides were being ripped apart, she screamed again as a stream of blood trickled from her mouth then she passed out.


    Tragedy strikes in many ways and at different times. It can happen anywhere, and it can come from many sources. There are many tragic events that have happened to the human race over the centuries. From buildings burning, earthquakes, icebergs, tornadoes, and hurricanes. These events have caused the deaths of many human lives. But no tragedy on the planet is worse than those that have been caused by human hands. This is the tragic story that befell the students and faculty of Sotterville High School in California in 1984. Sotterville is a town of about ninety thousand people nestled in the San Juan King valley in central California. During the summer months, the temperatures can sit in the high nineties and even upwards towards a hundred degrees. Our story takes place during one of the hottest summers Sotterville ever encountered. Monday morning, June 1st to be specific, the week of senior prom. The day was just like any other day, birds were singing, the sun was bright, and it was already ninety-eight degrees outside. Homer looked over at his alarm clock, it read seven and he couldn’t wait to get this day started. He was excited about going to the prom this year, it would be his first time to ever go to a dance. He had always been a shy boy who had trouble making friends. It was not always this way, when he was younger, everyone seemed to like him. From first grade through fourth grade, he had lots of friends and the occasional girlfriend. But something seemed to change for Homer after that. Over that summer between fourth and fifth grades, he began to change. He became more reclusive as he wanted to focus on learning. He started reading more and really getting into what was being taught at school. That was when his troubles really started. People that used to be his friends began calling him names, like nerd, or geek. As he got older, it seemed to get worse. Soon, he was being picked on every day. He did his best to stay away from everyone at school, but it was hard to avoid them. BY the time he was in high school, most of the bullying stopped, but there were those who really thought they were better than everyone else that still liked to try and push him around. Of course, by now, he really did not care. He had a few friends that he hung around with. Mark, Todd, Steven, they were like him and they were his friends. Then there was Sara, she was a special friend. But not anyone he would date, he did not date at all. He had always wanted to go on a date, and all through high school he never even had a girlfriend. This was one of things that he had picked on for. He had been called gay, but he knew he was not. He liked girls; he was just too shy to ever ask them out. But now that he was a senior and high school was almost over, he would be going to college. He always felt that once he went to college, he would find the girl of his dreams. He knew she was out there, and he knew that once he found her, he would be her whole world. He was laying in bed thinking about how this would be his last week in high school and how great it was going to be. His alarm clock sounded, just like it did every day, only today he felt like it sounded cheerier. He reached over and shut it off, like he always did, but it felt like more a triumph than anything else. He yawned and stretched as he rose from his bed. He smoothed out his dark brown hair and made sure it was out of his eyes. He was wearing red and white striped pajamas, and as he rolled out of bed, he smoothed the pant legs out. He hated it when they rolled up on his legs while he was sleeping. He wanted to just sleep in his underwear, but that would be inappropriate, and his mother would make him put on the pajamas anyway. He took them off and threw them on the bed, walked over to a mirror he had on the back of his bedroom door, and looked at himself in his underwear. He stood five feet nine inches and weighed about 120 pounds. He felt like he was in good physical shape, but also, he felt weak because he never worked out. He raised his right arm and flexed his muscle, too small he thought. He slipped out of his underwear and looked at his naked body in the mirror. He frowned at himself, there was no wonder he could never fit in with the jocks at school, and it was no wonder they made fun of him so much. He turned in disgust and walked into the bathroom that was adjoined to his room. Her always felt special that he had his own bathroom, he felt like he had more privacy this way. He turned on his shower and when he felt the water was warm, he stepped in. He loved the feeling of a hot shower first thing in the morning, it made him feel clean. When he was finished, he stepped out and dried himself off. With the towel wrapped around, he went back into his bedroom and proceeded to get dressed. He put on a pair of jeans and a plain black T-shirt. As he tied his shoes, the thought about the prom, he was going to ask Racheal to the prom. He shook his head; she is too pretty and would most likely say no. He has had a crush on her since the third grade, but he knew she would just laugh at him if he asked her, so he put that thought out of his head. Then he thought about a couple of girls he knew, but they would just laugh too. He was going to have to go to the prom by himself. He was okay with that though; it would be cheaper and maybe he would be able to pick up a girl there. He glanced over at his clock, it was almost a quarter to eight, no time for breakfast, he would need to get his ass to the bus stop so he didn't miss it. This was the part of the day he liked the least. There were a couple of guys that rode the same bus as him, and they always picked on him. One of these days he was not going to put up with any longer, he would just snap and put an end to the endless torture he faced. Regardless, he grabbed his backpack and headed out the door.

    He did not stop and make time for breakfast before he left his house. He knew that it would only slow him down and he really wanted to get to school. He only lived two blocks from the bus stop, so it did not take him very long to walk there. He walked down the street thinking about the prom and how much fun he was going to have. He had not gone to any of them before, and this would be his first one, and he was super excited about it. As he approached the bus stop, he saw Doug and Jerry, they were standing there with Sara, they were always with her. She was a vision of beauty. Standing five feet eight inches, long blonde hair, two eyes that were perfect blue, like two shallow ponds with the sun shining on them. Doug and Jerry, who were both jocks. Doug was the quarterback of the football team, why he didn’t have his own car, Homer never knew. Jerry was on the basketball team and played center, he was not as mean as Doug, but he played off of Doug's rude comments, and to Homer, that made him just as bad. Doug seemed to feel he was better than everyone else and acted that way too. Jerry was Sara’s boyfriend, and that was why he was with her. Sometimes he would actually be nice to him, and Sara was always nice to him. He admired that about her. The bus stop was on the corner in front of a small neighborhood market, even though they sold very little groceries, they still called it a market. As Homer approached, Doug took notice of him. Look, here comes Homo. The other people standing around the bus stop laughed, except for Doug and Sara. Why don’t you leave him alone this morning? Sara said, poking Doug in the arm. Doug looked at her and smirked, "Why? Someone needs to

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