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Secrets and Lies
Secrets and Lies
Secrets and Lies
Ebook86 pages40 minutes

Secrets and Lies

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It should have been the perfect escape...

New cities. New beginnings. New love.
The teens leave Summervale behind and start their new lives elsewhere.
Apart from Bobby. He’s still there. He has a new job and a possible new love interest...

They begin planning for the future, and are just starting to relax, when a mysterious blood covered note appears, plunging the teens back into a life of fear, murder and mysteries to solve.

Darcie had hoped to start a new life in California with Dane, write a book on her life and be done with her past. When uncovering the secrets of her father’s legacy only deepens the mystery, she knows she can’t truly leave Summervale in the rearview mirror.

In the thrilling fifth book in the bestselling Summervale series,
it goes to show, you can’t truly escape your past.
It will eventually come back to haunt you.

PublisherL.L Hunter
Release dateJan 31, 2022
Secrets and Lies

L.L Hunter

L.L. Hunter is the bestselling author of over 50 published works, including The Nephilim Universe and The Summervale Series. She has studied and worked in a range of professions, including dog grooming, forensic science, and the dramatic arts, but has always known her true calling was to be an author. When not working on her next novel, she can be found at home in Australia, reading somewhere comfortable with her fur babies, drinking wine, or watching true crime documentaries.

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    Book preview

    Secrets and Lies - L.L Hunter


    The Serial Killer’s Daughter

    My name is Darcie Ryder, and I am the daughter of a convicted serial killer.

    But that’s not all I am.

    I know that now.

    I used to let the sins of my father define me.

    But not anymore.

    My story is not a happy one.

    It’s dark and twisted, and frankly, quite depressing.

    But that’s life when you were raised how I was, by a man who told lies and kept secrets as a job.

    You might say, like father, like daughter. Here I am now, two years on from the day my father was finally locked up behind bars, finally having my story published.

    I didn’t always want the world to know my story, reading my words, having my secrets aired like dirty laundry.

    But a series of events led to where I am today, going over the final pass of the pages of my manuscript, my book, my story that is about to be launched into the world.

    You could say I’ve had to grow a thick skin, and I have. Call it adaptation.

    When you’re the daughter of a serial killer, a narcissist, a psychopath, one’s reputation is often left in shreds.

    But I didn’t let that ruin me.

    I’ve learned to live with the fact that, yes, my father is a murderer, and I am not so innocent myself.

    Chapter One



    California was a lot sunnier than Summervale in more ways than one.

    I left my dark mood and skeletons back in that small coastal town.

    I knew the exact moment we left the border of Summervale. It was like I was bound by some dark force, a curse, tying me to that town. And as soon as our car crossed the border, the spell was broken.

    There is nothing paranormal about Summervale, but there may as well be.

    It was built by my ancestors on a literal foundation of blood, bones, and secrets a few hundred years ago.

    The woman of which I look exactly alike. You could say I was her doppelganger.

    But I didn’t want to let their past and the town’s past define my future.

    Dane and I were getting the hell out.

    Just before we left Summervale, before graduation, I had written an essay for my college applications only a few days before the deadline and was shocked when I was accepted to not one but three colleges.

    We had rented an apartment down the street from Stanford, Dane’s university. It was a gorgeous two-bedroom condo. Fellow college students rented out the whole complex, and it was known as one of the many ‘frat’ houses on the block.

    I wasn’t keen on the idea of living in a frat house at first, but Dane eventually changed my mind when he bought me an antique writing desk and set it up in the spare room. The view was amazing. It was set in front of an idyllic bay window, which got a lot of sun. The condo was on a hillside and had sweeping views of the ocean.

    Most days, Dane had classes and football training as part of his scholarship, so he wasn’t around a lot. I had quite a bit of time to myself before I started at the college of my choice.

    It had been just over a week since we arrived in California and moved into our apartment. And since then, Dane’s mom had managed to sell both my father’s cars and wire me the money. I had used some of it to buy myself a small car, and the rest I had set up in a savings account. I had no idea what I wanted to use the money on, so it sat in the account earning interest.

    I had found myself a part-time job at a local bookstore, and when I wasn’t there, I was touring the different colleges I had been accepted to or working on my novel.

    Oh, I guess I forgot to mention that the essay I wrote for the college application, entitled ‘The Serial Killer’s Daughter,’ was since published in an online magazine at one of the colleges where I had been accepted.

    Since then, the story had failed to leave my head.

    The night we moved in, I couldn’t sleep, so I began writing.

    And I hadn’t stopped since.

    The essay was only three thousand words of the novel, but I had written about thirty thousand words since then, and I wasn’t done yet.

    I had no idea what I would do with it or if I wanted to publish the rest of it.

    All I wanted to do right now was get the story out of my head and onto paper or a Word document on

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