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The Abduction of Queen Guinevere
The Abduction of Queen Guinevere
The Abduction of Queen Guinevere
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The Abduction of Queen Guinevere

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After many years of an outwardly stable marriage of convenience to Queen Guinevere, King Arthur is stunned one day when a strange knight, Prince Meleagant of Gorre, storms into his palace and challenges him for Guinevere’s hand. After Meleagant seizes the Queen by force and takes her away to his distant castle, Arthur is forced to dispatch a young knight of his realm, Sir Lancelot, to rescue her. But in the ensuing adventure, both Arthur and Guinevere will be forced to confront the lies and evasions in their long relationship with each other.

Drawing upon the medieval legends of Queen Guinevere’s kidnapping in such works as Chretien de Troyes’ The Knight of the Cart, this tale is a meditation upon desire, betrayal, adultery, and, ultimately, the failure to sustain lasting love and connection.

PublisherBarak Bassman
Release dateJan 23, 2022
The Abduction of Queen Guinevere

Barak Bassman

Barak A. Bassman received a B.A. in Classics from Grinnell College and a law degree from the New York University School of Law. He practices law in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and lives in the Philadelphia suburbs with his wife and two children. He is the author of Elegy of the Minotaur and Repentance: A Tale of Demons in Old Jewish Poland.

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    The Abduction of Queen Guinevere - Barak Bassman

    The Abduction of Queen Guinevere


    Barak A. Bassman

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    The Abduction of Queen Guinevere

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    Copyright © 2022 BARAK A. BASSMAN. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical without the express written permission of the author. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the author and publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

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    Published by Telemachus Press, LLC at Smashwords

    7652 Sawmill Road

    Suite 304

    Dublin, Ohio 43016

    ISBN: 978-1-956867-17-6 (eBook)

    ISBN: 978-1-956867-19-0 (Paperback)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022900652

    Version 2022.01.13

    Table of Contents

    I. The Challenge

    II. The Difficulty of Being King

    III. The Kidnapping

    IV. The Heavy Heart of the King

    V. Lancelot Triumphant

    VI. Betrayal and Shame

    VII. The Queen’s Tale

    Other Books by Barak Bassman

    About the Author

    The Abduction of Queen Guinevere

    I. The Challenge

    It had been a splendid day at Camelot—sunny and warm, the air not too heavy, and he had felled a large boar during the morning hunt. Now reclining on a couch in his great hall, King Arthur was discussing with several knights his plans for hosting a new tournament in the coming months.

    But then, as twilight was gently descending through the tall windows, a knight in silver armor burst into the hall, tore off his helmet, pointed his forefinger at the King, and said: Arthur, son of Uther Pendragon, King of Logres, you have stolen my wife and taken her into your bed. I demand you return her to me now, without any delay, and pay over just and fair compensation for the wrongs I have suffered.

    Arthur was dumbfounded. He could not recall the last night he had shared a bed with his own wife, much less with any other woman. Still, the stranger was clearly a man of noble birth, given his expensive armor and weapons. Bearing in mind the rude visitor’s high rank, Arthur did his best to respond in a manner that was both respectful and firm:

    My Lord, I am sure you are mistaken. I visit the bed of only one woman, my lawfully wedded wife, Queen Guinevere. I assume that you have spoken the way you did because you are suffering from an affliction that has hobbled your reason. Lay down your sword and shield, and let my servants dress you in a fine, soft mantle. I employ the finest healers in all of Britain, and I am sure one of them can restore you to good health. In the meantime, please tell what your name is and who your wife is. I will send out messengers to bring her to you here to comfort you and aid in your recovery.

    But the stranger did not lay aside his weapons. His body trembling and his eyes full of hate, he spoke again: Your arrogant words only make your crimes even more outrageous and unforgiveable. My name is Meleagant, prince of Gorre. Guinevere is my wife. Return her to me or defend yourself in a trial by combat.

    Arthur now was certain that this man was utterly bereft of his reason and in urgent need of a healer. So he tried again, gently, to bring him around to a sensible course: My Lord Meleagant, you are most welcome here in Camelot. I once fought alongside your father, King Bagdemagus, an excellent knight and an honorable man. You have his bold and daring spirit. As you are a man of such noble lineage, your words must be the result of some unfortunate ailment—maybe a fever of the brain—or perhaps a demon torments your dreams at night. As all the people of Britain know well, Queen Guinevere’s father, the good King Leodegrance of Cameliard, gave her hand to me in marriage, with the Round Table as her dowry, in sincere and humble gratitude for my aid in driving the Saxons from his lands. The Bishop of Cameliard performed the betrothal ceremony in the cathedral at Cameliard, in front of hundreds of witnesses. There can be no doubt that Guinevere and I are husband and wife, in the eyes of God and man alike.

    But Meleagant continued to press his case: That betrothal was unlawful, as Guinevere had already been given to me. Guinevere’s mother had been a dear friend of a wondrous fairy. This fairy had also taken a liking to me when I was a young knight. Overcome by her enchanted beauty, I had sought her hand in marriage. But she refused me: While she had once loved a mortal man, he had betrayed her, and she feared I would be no better. Still, she wished to see me wed to a woman of outstanding beauty and virtue, and thus she prevailed upon her friend, the Queen of Cameliard, to betroth her daughter Princess Guinevere to me. Thus, I had been lawfully engaged to Guinevere before you had ever spoken to her father.

    And there is more proof that you are not her rightful husband. For many years now, you

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