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The Adventures of Micron Getting to the Bottom of the Truth.: The Truth Will Surface, #1
The Adventures of Micron Getting to the Bottom of the Truth.: The Truth Will Surface, #1
The Adventures of Micron Getting to the Bottom of the Truth.: The Truth Will Surface, #1
Ebook50 pages29 minutes

The Adventures of Micron Getting to the Bottom of the Truth.: The Truth Will Surface, #1

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This Covid-19 pandemic has been raging for two years yet only now is the truth coming out of what happened in the Chinese laboratory of the Wuhan Instutute of Virology controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. When cases of Covid-19 were emerging throughout the world, one of the first theories which seemed credible was that it leaked from a Chinese lab, yet it was stamped on by the medical fraternity closing ranks in what now has emerged for political reasons.


We thus, need to ask the question:

Was this Covid-19 virus, i.e. the SARS-CoV-2 engineered in a laboratory as SARS-CoV-1 was? By whom and by which laboratory?


Therefore, it is imperative we get to the bottom of the truth because we owe it to the many who have lost loved-ones and their deceased loved-ones; this book reveals with a new clarity what actually happened by using the real-time present-tense narrative of the decisive events and the rogue players who were complicit in this Covid-19 pandemic. 

Release dateJan 21, 2022
The Adventures of Micron Getting to the Bottom of the Truth.: The Truth Will Surface, #1

Chris Briscoe

The author, Chris Briscoe, loves science-fiction stories because they have the power to transport you to both the future and the past as well as to bring your deepest fantasies and adventures to life by catching your imagination. As a young boy, he first came into contact with the appeal of science-fiction through reading a comic that brought H.G. Wells book, "War of the Worlds" as well as watching H.G. Wells other epic, on the small-screen (T.V.) "The Time Machine". Chris has written these science-fiction and fantasy science-fiction books so as you would enjoy as much as he enjoyed as a youngster.

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    Book preview

    The Adventures of Micron Getting to the Bottom of the Truth. - Chris Briscoe

    Chapter One

    There's Been an Axis of Evil Mobilised Against the Truth

    My name is Michael Cron but since I made it my mission to save the world, my alias is Micron.

    We are in the midst of the biggest existential crisis as a world, and I am not talking about the so-called Global warming crisis - it's much worse than that because these people or this cabal of evil are trying to take over our lives, our freedoms and our world - even our bodies yet they are doing it in the name of our health and in the name of saving the planet. Our world is in the grip of a cabal of globalists who are intent to remove from us everything we cherished and thought were non-negotiable - like our right to bodily-autonomy, i.e. the right to choose what we allow into our body, our right to live free from tyrannical laws and unlawful emergency laws passed in the name of our health.

    And when I say cabal I mean a loosely united coalition though not entirely together-in-communication who are hatching a plan secretly devised to accomplish an evil or treacherous end, yet, the New Economic Forum is attempting to unite them together under their banner, The Great Reset, a consortium of shared ideals where a central power-centered state has control over everyone's social and economic affairs through one's surrender of their bodily-autonomy.

    Thus, the subject of which I report is of grave importance. I need to inform the world what is happening because it is imperative that we know what is happening. Unless you know and unless we act, it could be too late because there is a cabal of compromised people who are trying to take down the world, and us along with it: you can call them by various names, i.e.The Industrial Complex, The Deep State, the Globalist Cabal or the more recent rebranding of themselves, The Great Reset with their slogan, Build Back Better i.e. what used to be called The New World Order  but now has been rebranded as The Fourth Industrial Revolution where there is no longer a world of sovereign nations with their own integral borders all going their own way in different directions; but a new world order of one world-Government making world-laws where there are no borders and no nations - they condemn anyone who claims to be a national as nationalistic and even they may brand

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