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The Overcomers
The Overcomers
The Overcomers
Ebook272 pages3 hours

The Overcomers

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Everything that Harris Borden had warned them about had come to pass.

Both Harris and Taupe had been captured by the evil Veritas Corporation, with Taupe the subject of a mad scientist’s designs to remove God forever from the human brain. Would he be successful?

Josh was on the run from the law, accused of murdering a good friend. Could he continue to help others, even while running for his life?

And where was Connie? Suddenly it was as if she no longer existed. With reporter friend Ezra Huddleston—as well as all of Veritas—determined to find her, Connie’s fate was becoming more precarious every day. Could they all find a way to do God’s work even while they are running, hiding, or in captivity?

From the streets of Los Angeles and Seattle, to the halls of Washington D.C.; from the deserts of Somalia to the snows of Montana, the saga of the Heretics continues.

PublisherGlen Robinson
Release dateJan 19, 2022
The Overcomers

Glen Robinson

Glen Robinson is the author of 24 books. He lives in north Texas, where he is a retired professor of communication. He writes in several genres, including Christian suspense, historical fiction, nonfiction, science fiction and fantasy.

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    The Overcomers - Glen Robinson

    By Glen Robinson

    Prevail Publications

    Copyright © 2022 by Glendal P. Robinson

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher at the address below.

    Prevail Publications

    321 CR 805A

    Cleburne, TX 76031

    Except for God, of course, all characters, names, corporations, institutions, organizations, events, or locales in this novel are a product of the author’s overworked imaginations or, if real, used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real people, places, or things, living or dead, is a product of yours.

    Heretic Series, Volume 3, First Edition

    Cover art and design by Peter Hernandez,

    Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

    Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are taken from the King James Version, Public Domain.

    Moja, Mbili, Tatu, Swahili traditional song. Public domain.

    This Little Light of Mine, written by Harry Dixon Loes (1920). Public domain.

    Jesus Loves Me, written by Anna Bartlett Warner (1860). Public domain.

    Jesus Loves the Little Children, written by Clarence Herbert Woolston (1864). Public domain.

    * * *

    Table of Contents

    Dramatis Personae


    1: The Woman Who Wasn’t There

    2. Invisible

    3. Faith and the Brain

    4. The Fugitive

    5. Kiboko

    6. The Truth About Veritas

    7. What’s In a Name?

    8. Homecoming

    9. Battle Plan

    10. Poison Manna

    11. Al-Shebaab

    12. Caught

    13. Mogadishu

    14. A New Way of Thinking

    15. Grief Flight

    16. Transparency

    17. Lock and Load

    18. Into the Lion’s Den

    19. The Face of Christ

    20. Strange Alliances

    Author’s Notes

    Other Books by the Author

    * * *

    Dramatis Personae

    The Heretics

    Harris Borden, ordained minister, founder of The Heretics. Known for fighting demons and evil Universal Corporation/Brotherhood of the Altar for more than 22 years. Officially lives in Saint Petersburg, Russia, but spends time in U.S. training new Heretics members.

    Taupe, former drug addict and gang member in South Chicago. Now a Heretics specializing in martial arts and close quarters fighting.

    Joshua Brown, (Edgar Berkowitz), brother of Ruth Washington, member of Heretics since he was 12, now 34. Owns bookstore in Austin. Has facial burns from ship explosion in San Pedro Harbor fourteen years before.

    Peewee, RV driver and protector for Bobby.

    Bobby, close friends with Josh and Ruth, paraplegic from ship explosion in San Pedro Harbor. Technical wizard for Heretics.

    Ruth Washington, (Melanie Berkowitz), married to Douglas Washington, second in command to Harris Borden, for a long time in charge of Heretics while Harris was imprisoned. Now heads the Hollis Foundation that bankrolls Heretics business (estimated $800+ million).

    Douglas Washington, former adjunct professor of history at University of Texas, former U.S. congressman, now lobbyist in Congress. Married to Ruth Washington, tied to the Heretics, but not a member.

    Connie Simesçu, 19-year-old college student at UT Austin, recently joined Heretics. Has gift of languages, currently knows 25.

    Adam Target, son of billionaire Ian Target. Former boyfriend and friend of Connie. Fledgling member of the Heretics.

    Elijah Brown, alias for Harris Borden when he was fleeing the law. Also occasionally used by anyone in Heretics when they are representing the group.

    Ezra Huddleston, boyfriend of Connie’s sister, Madelyn Simms. Reporter. Responsible for saving Connie from kidnapping, and for her closer relationship with God.

    Dr. Sofia Yanef, Bulgarian scientist. Connie’s cover identity when she infiltrates Veritas.


    Ian Target, billionaire, father of Adam Target, brother of Prof. Selah White. Responsible for kidnapping Connie and attempting assassinations of other Heretics members. Sought by Interpol.

    Dr. Anais Singleton, refers to himself as Veritas, which is also the term for his organization. A former biochemist for the SAS.

    Dr. Selah White, sister of Ian Target, former UT professor, arch witch.

    Arturo Weeks, person responsible for watching Connie when she visits Veritas labs.

    Dr. Lee Ye-Jun, (Kim Seo-Jun), Korean scientist at Veritas Labs.

    Connie’s Family

    Dr. Madelyn Maddie Simms (Simesçu), Connie’s older sister, professor at Chisholm Tech University in Dallas. Also gifted in ancient and modern languages.

    Alina Simesçu, mother of Connie and Maddie.


    Robert Demos, road manager for Yuki Kimoku, Japanese pop singer.

    Fatima Shirdon, resident of Kakuma Refugee Camp, informal administrator of camp.

    Saleh, student in Connie’s class.

    Niles Jackson, sells DVDs in refugee camp.

    Mahjoub Sharif, one of camp fathers at Kakuma Refugee Camp.

    Belinda Waters, sister to Niles Jackson, missing for several weeks.


    Stan and Abigail Willis, former caretakers of the Children of God Mission in Seattle, WA.

    Edith and Bernard Colville, former caretakers of the Children of God Mission in Tacoma, WA.

    Kenny, Bernice, Mary, children found in Seattle Underground by Josh.

    Charles Henderson, lawyer hired by Ruth to represent Josh.

    Washington D.C.

    Prodyat Paddy Maytrovinishi, assistant to Senator Harvey Bullard, formerly intern to Congressman Douglas Washington.

    Franklin Hawthorne, assistant director of the National Security Agency.

    Elizabeth Burke, director of the National Security Agency.

    Senator Albert Bemis, contact who recruited Ruth and Douglas Washington to root out corruption in Washington.

    Scalawag, anonymous source that provides information on Veritas to Ezra Huddleston.

    Nils Andrussen, CEO of Transparency International.


    Harold Innsmuir, former editor of the Austin Times.

    Lee Shapiro, former detective in Austin.

    Dora, Connie’s roommate in the residence hall.

    Trash/Crash, (Rupert), adolescent homeless friend of Connie’s.

    Sgt. Stevie Swanson, homeless vet, friend of Connie’s.

    Los Angeles

    Richard Escobar, pastor of West Hills Congregational Church. Murdered.

    Harley Cooper, head deacon, West Hills Congregational Church.

    Hermán Villardos, lives next door to mission. Best friend of Richard Escobar.

    Oliver Swing, LAPD detective.

    * * *


    For Katie. May your path be smooth and straight, your wheels never falter, and may you continue to inspire others just by living your life and overcoming adversity.

    * * *

    Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. –1 John 5:5 NIV


    Austin, Texas

    It was late, but Connie hoped that Adam was still up. Thankfully, as she neared the bookstore, she saw that the lights were still on. The front door was locked, but she figured Adam was either on his computer going through inventory or paying bills. She rapped on the glass door, and a minute later, Adam appeared at the door.

    He was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants and looked like he had been asleep.

    Well, it’s late but I’m glad you came, Adam said, opening the door.

    Adam, I’m so glad to see you, Connie said. She rushed forward and hugged his neck, tears falling freely. Adam hesitated, surprised, then reacted by hugging Connie back.

    Everything okay? Adam asked.

    No, everything is not okay, she said. Dad died tonight.

    Oh, baby, I’m sorry, he said. Come on inside. I’ll put some coffee on.

    Not only that, but Harris has been arrested.


    Taken. By Veritas.

    Oh my—, he said. Wow. That makes the news I have a lot less important.

    What news is that?

    Maybe it’ll help a little, Adam said. He handed her a box of tissues. Miracle came back. He’s upstairs. Why don’t you go up and see him and I’ll get coffee? And then we can talk all night if you want.

    Sounds great, Connie said, still sniffing. Let me go see my precious puppy.

    She took the box of tissues with her and climbed the stairs to the apartment. She opened the door and poked her head inside.

    Miracle? she called. When there was no answer, she stepped inside. There was no dog inside, and it appeared as if nothing had changed from the last time she was there. She wandered around the small apartment, but saw no trace that Miracle was there.

    Well, a hundred-pound dog couldn’t hide that well, she muttered. She turned to go back out the door and down the stairs. She saw that her denim jacket with the sequined Eat at Mac’s message on the back—the one that had already saved her life once—was hanging on the back of a chair there. Smiling, she put it on over her formal dress.

    Now I feel more like myself, she said. She opened the door and started to go down the stairs, only to see Adam standing below her.

    Is the coffee on? Connie asked.

    Not quite, Adam said. He raised an automatic pistol and aimed it at her.

    Adam, what are you doing? Connie said.

    Something I don’t want to do, he said. But it’s what Dr. Singleton wants. It’s what Veritas wants. I’m so sorry. He pulled the hammer back on the pistol. Connie, I love you.

    Connie turned and threw her left arm up just as Adam fired. The bullet grazed the armored denim jacket that Connie was wearing and deflected off, embedding in the wall behind her. But the force of the bullet was enough to throw her backward into the room.

    This time, she wasn’t knocked unconscious. She felt the sting of the bullet as it slammed her arm and shoulder, but it hit at an angle, so she didn’t get the full force of it. Even so, she felt her arm go numb.

    Connie? she heard Adam say below her. Connie, are you all right? Please say you’re all right.

    Oww, Connie groaned, and she stood and slammed the door between her and Adam. "No, I’m not all right!" she shouted back at him. She turned the new deadbolt that Adam had added after the recent break-in.

    She heard him climb the steps and rattle the doorknob.

    Connie, please let me in. I need to explain, he said. I promise I won’t hurt you.

    ‘Yeah, like that’s going to happen, she said. You shot me. Go away!"

    I’m sorry for what happened. I’m sorry about the gun. That’s all done. Veritas doesn’t have any control over me now.

    Connie bit her lip and began to cry again.

    Adam, I wish I could believe you, Connie said. I need to believe you. Who else do I have in this world?

    There was a long pause, and Connie pulled out her cell phone, wondering if she should call the police. But if they were all Veritas, like they were at the performance, what then? Then she remembered that she had the number for Detective Shapiro.

    She dialed it and she heard his voice mail. She left a message.

    Detective Shapiro, she said quickly. This is Connie Simesçu. My ex-boyfriend, Adam Target is shooting at me with a pistol. Please come and help me. We’re at the Reborn Bookstore on Guadalupe. Please hurry.

    When she hung up, she realized that she smelled smoke. She put her hand to the door, and it felt warm. Then white smoke started to creep under the doorway.

    Adam, what are you doing? she shouted. You’re going to burn your bookstore down!

    See what you’re making me do? Adam said. This bookstore has already been through one fire. What’s another fire to reclaim the woman I love?

    You are absolutely crazy, Connie said. And you’re not reclaiming me. You’re trying to kill me.

    If you’re going to spend the night splitting hairs, we’ll never get anywhere.

    Adam, please put out the fire, Connie said, trying to sound as rational as possible.

    Do you promise to forgive me? Adam asked.

    Yes, I’ll forgive you, Connie said, coughing. The smoke was now filling the room she was in. She grabbed a T-shirt that lay nearby and soaked it in the sink. Then she put it over her nose and mouth.

    Unlock the door and come down, Adam said.

    Adam, put out the fire! she shouted. Connie saw the door glowing orange, and suddenly realized that she would not be able to get out that door, even if she wanted to. She was trapped.

    Suddenly she heard a crash behind her. She turned and saw glass on the floor from the skylight. She walked over to it and looked up into a familiar face.

    Hello there, Crash said. Would you like some help?

    Connie nodded. Sure, but I don’t think you’re strong enough to lift me the ten feet to the roof. And I think my arm is broken.

    Crash grinned. That’s why I brought help.

    A thick nylon rope with a harness fell to the floor in front of her. A second later, Stevie’s face joined Crash’s in the skylight above Connie.

    Strap in, Stevie said. We’ll have you out of there in no time.

    Even with her formal dress and a broken arm, it didn’t take Connie more than a minute to get the harness on her. A minute after that, they were on the roof together. Connie immediately realized that the air outside was a lot fresher than the air in the smoky room.

    Well, she said. I’m not really dressed for jumping across rooftops. She smiled at her two rescuers. But thanks for coming.

    I’ve done you one better, Crash said. I’ve been watching the way things are going. Stevie and I think it’s time you run. Too many people you care about are getting hurt. We don’t want you hurt too.

    Run? Connie echoed. That’s not the first time I’ve heard that tonight. But run where? Where can I disappear to? I don’t even have a change of clothes.

    Stevie reached behind him and dropped a duffel bag in front of Connie.

    I got a chance to meet your roommate Dorie, Stevie said. Said you were leaving on a long trip, and that you needed her to pack for you. Sweet girl.

    Connie stared at them, then shook her head, still confused.

    Look, between me and Stevie, we can keep you safe here on the streets, Crash said. Trust us.

    Yeah, you already did so much for us, Stevie growled. Let us do this for you.

    * * *

    When Detective Shapiro arrived at Reborn Bookstore, it was already fully engulfed in flames. Firefighters had arrived and were focused on keeping the fire from spreading to the shops on either side of the bookstore. Two black-and-white patrol cars were there as well, mostly to keep the curious back. Shapiro noticed that an officer was standing by Adam Target, who sat on the back entrance of an ambulance, receiving oxygen.

    Shapiro stepped up to the police officer who stood by Adam and asked him, Has he said anything?

    The officer nodded. He confessed everything. Shot at his girlfriend. Set the fire.

    Adam pulled the oxygen away. It wasn’t my fault, he said. I was told to.

    Okay, Shapiro asked. And who was it that told you to shoot Connie?

    Anais Singleton, Adam said. He’s to blame.

    Shapiro nodded, then shrugged. That’s that billionaire in the news. It’ll make for an interesting court case. He turned and looked at the inferno in front of him. Then he walked over to the fire chief a few steps away.

    I believe there is still a young woman inside, Shapiro said. Any chance of her surviving this?

    The fire chief shook his head. It was fully engaged when we got here. If there was a woman inside, she’s gone now.

    How long before we can check for a body?

    As hot as that fire is? the fire chief said. It’ll be several days at least.

    Shapiro stared at the fire. No, he wasn’t willing to give up on Connie Simesçu yet. He had seen her survive too much already. V


    The Woman Who Wasn’t There

    Dallas, Texas

    One Year Later

    Ezra Huddleston, veteran reporter, nominated for the Pulitzer three times and lost three times, feared by many politicians, and revered by those in news circles, known throughout the media, was out of work. He had been fired. Fired.

    He sat on the park bench that faced his small apartment in the famous Deep Ellum neighborhood of Dallas, feeding the pigeons on that cold March morning, feeling sorry for himself. The pigeons didn’t seem to care about his turn of events, or even the fact that his rent would soon be due and that he didn’t know how he would pay it.

    One particularly large pigeon seemed to be bullying the others into submission, and as the other birds scattered, the pigeon took the feed for himself. That annoyed Ezra.

    Hey, he scolded the bird, his breath coming out in white puffs. Learn to share. You remind me of my boss. Or his daddy, the big boss. I hate bullies. He waved his hand and the pigeons scattered.

    Looks like you’re being a bully yourself, he heard a woman’s voice say behind him. He turned and saw a tall, dark, beautiful woman approaching him. It was Maddie Simms, his former fiancée. I thought the idea was to feed the pigeons, not scare them. She smiled slightly at him, and he smiled back.

    Hello, Maddie, Ezra said, not getting up. What brings you out here?

    Got room on that park bench for two? Maddie said.

    Ezra shrugged. It’s a public bench. He slid over and she sat down.

    A little cold to be sitting out here, isn’t it?

    I like it here. It’s a good place to think. The apartment’s too small.

    So get a bigger apartment.

    Ezra chuckled. Yeah. Right.

    Sorry. I heard you lost your job.

    Ezra sighed. "That’s always a strange way a putting it. I didn’t lose anything. I know exactly where my job is. They took it away from me."

    Can I ask why?

    The usual, Ezra said. They told me not to cover a story, and I did it anyway. There was someone they like who got involved in a scandal. I exposed him for the crook that he was. He got embarrassed and Big Daddy Newspaper Owner wanted me gone, so I’m out the door.

    Now what? Maddie asked. You got anything lined up?

    Ezra shrugged again. Something will come up. God will take care of me. He always does.

    What if I hire you?

    Ezra looked at her and shook his head. I don’t need your charity.

    No charity, Maddie said. I need your skills. She stared at him silently for a long moment before continuing.

    It’s Connie.

    Ezra stared back.

    Connie’s dead, Maddie, he said softly.

    She’s not, Ezra, Maddie said. I can prove it.

    Look, I know what you think you saw at your father’s funeral, Ezra said. How you saw someone that looked like her on a hilltop watching from a distance. That’s just too vague, too nonspecific to act on. You have to give me something more than that.

    How about this? Maddie said. She reached into a briefcase that she carried with her and pulled out a book. It was an annual from the local high school. She flipped it open to the senior class pictures and Ezra saw that it was Connie’s graduating class from a few years earlier. There was a photo of the spunky brown-haired girl he knew as Connie Simesçu looking back at him.

    So? Ezra said, looking at Maddie. What does that prove?

    This is the printed edition, Maddie said. But if you pull up the online edition, Connie’s picture is missing. In fact, her photo is nowhere to be seen in that edition. She’s nowhere in the school records. She pulled out a tablet and logged onto the school’s website. A minute later, the annual showed the same page, minus

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