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The Sleeping Phoenix
The Sleeping Phoenix
The Sleeping Phoenix
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The Sleeping Phoenix

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About this ebook

Back in the 90’s when I’d been assiduously side-stepping all the messages I was receiving from the healers I was visiting about “being a healer” myself, I had a visit one afternoon from a form of consciousness – an immense glittering white light – that called itself “an embodiment of the light.” It told me that the time had come for me to share what I had learned with others. This book, the third and most comprehensive of the Sleep Magic books, is a continuation of the sharing. It is an in-depth exploration of the technique and process of Sleep Magic. I hope that you find it useful.

Release dateJan 20, 2022
The Sleeping Phoenix

Victoria Pendragon

Victoria Pendragon was born and raised in the vicinity of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is the oldest of eleven. Her life has been defined, as are most of ours perhaps, by conditions that would seem to have been beyond her control. Eighteen years of various sorts of abuse and two diseases that should have killed her rank among the most outstanding of those.Victoria Pendragon’s study of metaphysics began in early childhood as an attempt to validate the lessons she’d been learning from the earth and the trees whenever she left her body. She has been working as a professional in the field of spirituality since 1995, has read tarot since 1964 and created in 2007, Sacred Earth Seven Element Tarot, a tarot deck designed to bring the world community together.Victoria Pendragon began training in art when still a child, eventually acquiring a BFA from The Philadelphia College of Art. Her work hangs in numerous corporate and personal collections, among them The Children’s Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Moss Rehab and Bryn Mawr Hospital Rehab.Victoria Pendragon has two children by her first marriage, a son and a daughter, both of whom amaze her. She is currently married to her third husband, a man whose kind soul has created for her an atmosphere of clarity and creativity in which she dances, writes, creates art and helps when asked.

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    The Sleeping Phoenix - Victoria Pendragon

    The Sleeping Phoenix: Sleep Magic Mastery

    Victoria Pendragon

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    * PREFACE *







    * WEIGHT *




    * ABUSE *



    * LIFE *

    * RIGHT WORK *

    In Summation


    Sleep Magic for Children



    © 2018 by Victoria Pendragon

    All rights reserved. No part of this book, in part or in whole, may be reproduced, transmitted or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic, photographic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc. except for brief quotations embodied in literary articles and reviews.

    For permission, serialization, condensation, adaptions, or for our catalog of other publications, write to Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 754, Huntsville, AR 72740, ATTN: Permissions Department.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Pendragon, Victoria – 1946 -

    The Sleeping Phoenix by Victoria Pendragon

    This book, the third and most comprehensive of the Sleep Magic books, is a continuation of the sharing. It is an in-depth exploration of the technique and process of Sleep Magic.

    1. Sleep 2. Healing 3. Self-Help 4. Metaphysical

    I. Victoria Pendragon, 1946 - II. Healing III. Metaphysical IV. Self-Help V. Title

    Cover Art and Layout:

    Book set in: Calibri, Gabriola

    Book Design: Tab Pillar

    Published by:

    PO Box 754, Huntsville, AR 72740

    800-935-0045 or 479-738-2348; fax 479-738-2448


    * PREFACE *


    We all know that one of the most truly amazing occurrences of nature is a complete metamorphosis—literally changing from one creature into a completely different creature. This is what I experienced personally. I started as one creature and that changed into a very different creature. This is a very real possibility for each of us.

    —Mary Ann Winiger

    I know firsthand about transformation on a very physical level. I was sexually abused on a regular basis from infancy until about the age of eighteen and was raped two times more before I was twenty-one. In terms of developmental psychology, I spent almost the full twenty-one years of foundation-building for life—(1–7 yrs.) physical, (7–14 yrs.) mental, and (14–21 yrs.) emotional—learning that I was a creature to be sexually used by men. I was, in the terms of common parlance, a mess. By the time I had reached my teen-age years I thought as much about suicide as my peers did about who they wanted to date next. I became rampantly promiscuous starting at around age fourteen and hated myself every time I engaged in sexual activity and for long after.

    Unable to escape myself, I ended up, in my thirties, losing my two children because I could not bear that they would learn that their mother had spent most of her life as little more than a part-time whore. Losing my children, losing the only pure love that I had ever known, devastated me, and within four years I had contracted a fatal and incurable autoimmune disease called scleroderma. It was not lost on me that my body was killing me; in so many ways it was what I had always wanted.

    But a most unusual thing happened along the way.

    I must go back to my beginnings for a moment to give you some understanding of what I’ll have to call my spirit self simply because I don’t know what else to call it. At around age four, when the worst of the abuse began, my spirit self, unable to tolerate the overwhelm of what was happening to her home, the body that she inhabited, slipped out and dived, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, into the ground, swimming through the earth as if it were water. It spiraled up into the root system of a nearby tree where it established a temporary home. It met the neighboring trees; it saw what was going on below; it learned to communicate without words; and it received instruction.

    This, then, became a regular part of my life. Among the things that I learned from the trees, via my spirit self, was that what I experienced when I slept—dreams—were as real as what I was experiencing when I was with them, with the trees. I had always experienced particularly vivid dreams and had been told that dreams were not real by the very same people who also denied the abuse that I knew was happening to me. I determined then that there was no adult in my life who could be trusted, that for the most part the adults who were in my life were liars and worse.

    I established a life for myself in which I became quiet and compliant in the face of adults and even other children; I lived in books, in the gardens, in the woods, in my dreams, and in the trees. And when I awoke each day I’d go to the window, look out at the light coming into the world, and hope that day would be the day that everything changed. But by the time I was in my forties and in the process of dying from a painful and disfiguring disease for which there was no known cure, in what little sleep I could manage, I began to have dreams that were elevating, dreams that transported me to realms of exquisite beauty and transcendent joy, but I’d forgotten my childhood roots; I got angry. Why was I having these dreams? Surely I didn’t deserve them. I had done nothing but screw up for most of my adult life. And why was I dying? Surely I didn’t deserve that either. But what did I deserve? I was confused. I was lost.

    Then, one morning, I awoke in a state of mind that I had never before experienced. I did not want to move; I did not want to get up; as far as I was concerned, it would be fine if I never got up, I could die there. After some amount of time passed, I began to wonder if this was what depression felt like; I’d heard stories about depressed people not wanting to get out of bed; I’d never understood those stories; I could not imagine feeling like that. But perhaps because of the ongoing pain, because death seemed at once inevitable and not coming fast enough, this was it, maybe this was depression. I accepted that, as I did most things. OK. I was depressed. It seemed not only possible, but considering the circumstances, probable. Except that, as it turned out, I wasn’t actually depressed. In retrospect, I may not even have been awake because the next thing I knew I was jumping out of bed, and moving that fast or that easily was something I had not done in months because, as crippled as I’d been rendered, I couldn’t. Spontaneously, I threw my hands to the ceiling and shouted out loud: Make me an open channel.

    I took a mental step back from myself, said, What was that? and decided on the spot that I had to go downstairs and paint the last thing I recalled seeing before I had opened my eyes and jumped from bed: a strange, desert-like scene with the words Seven reasons to live written in script underneath it. Something, somewhere, in sleep had broken through … something. I still don’t know what went on that morning, but what I do know is that I began to realize that the dreams I’d been so reluctant to embrace had been telling me to focus on them, not on dying, and not on the pain. The dreams were bringing me something and it didn’t matter if I understood it or not, it was good and I did deserve it.

    And so my approach to the disease I was experiencing changed and amazing things began to happen, among them that I became one of the few people to ever heal completely from scleroderma. I went on, again in spite of myself and my insistence that I wasn’t good enough, to become a very successful hands-on healer for about sixteen years. And then something very unusual happened again.

    I became frustrated with many of my clients, the ones who would come to me to feel better but would change nothing in their day-to-day lives that would allow them to stay better. So one day, feeling particularly distraught after a client who was completely ignoring my advice about how she had to make some changes if she expected anything in her life to change, had just left, I threw my hands up to the ceiling again, this time fully conscious of what I was doing, and begged the universe to please tell me whatever it was that I didn’t know about how I had healed so that I could please pass that information on to these noncompliant clients of mine.

    Within two weeks, I heard back from the universe through the words of a man named Louis Caraccioloa as he addressed a group of which I was a part about the efficacy of taking one’s problems to sleep. I recalled the amazing dreams that had nourished my soul when I’d finally become willing to open up to the message they had been bringing me. So I did what Louis had suggested. Instead of asking the universe for help, I asked my body, and in the morning I woke up, skipped yoga (which rarely ever happens!), sat down and started writing instead … and writing … and writing, channeling the process that would end up being named Sleep Magic … Magic because it really seems like magic. It isn’t, of course, but more on that later.

    Over the course of the next few months I converted all my hands-on clients to Sleep Magic, letting go of those who did not want to take responsibility for their own healing and helping the others to learn the technique until they knew it well enough to fly solo. I also began using the now codified technique to improve my own life because, why not? It was emotional cellular reprogramming that I could do on my own! I could work on transforming and/or releasing old and outdated cellular programming that I might still be carrying from my childhood. I was certainly contented by this point in my life, but I figured that there was always better to get!

    My clients were thrilled, one of them declaring that she had experienced better results from one year doing Sleep Magic than she’d had from twenty years in therapy. My husband began using the technique as well and within five years we had one of the best divorces on record, helping each other to pack and move, and giving each of us the opportunity to start new lives.

    Back in the 1990s when I’d been assiduously side-stepping all the messages I was receiving from the healers I was visiting about being a healer myself, I had a visit one afternoon from a form of consciousness— an immense glittering white light—that called itself "an embodiment of the light." It told me that the time had come for me to share what I had learned with others. This book, the third and most comprehensive of the Sleep Magic books, a technique for emotional cellular reprogramming you can do on your own, is a continuation of the sharing. It is an in-depth exploration of the technique and process of Sleep Magic. I hope that you find it useful.


    We really are spirits in the material world. Whatever words you might like to use, we are beings of light/energy. We are spirits inhabiting bodies, animal bodies, that have needs that are strictly their own. We are multipart beings and, to use a metaphor from the works of Ra Uru Hu, we are passengers in the vehicles that are our bodies. Our bodies, which are of this world, and not just in it, as we are, are the real masters of life.

    Our bodies are pure animal creatures with more than one center and more than one kind of intelligence, but we are taught from early childhood to use only one of those centers of intelligence, the organ that we call the brain, which generates the most confounding aspect of our being alive: the mind. We are taught to identify with our minds and, for the most part, almost encouraged to ignore our bodies except insofar as they might inconvenience others, hence learning experiences such as potty training.

    Our brains, which effectively operate much like computers, are programmable, as is every cell in the body. We run on electricity, on 1/100,000th of a volt (last I heard). In the first months of our lives, while we are in utero, and in the seven years that follow, we receive the programming that becomes the foundation of our relationship to life. This has been known for centuries but was finally proven in the twentieth century. In addition, we now know that between zero and two years, infant’s brains triple in size, and continue in a state of rapid development to twenty-one years of age (Christakis 2011).

    These first seven years of life are when the body learns how to be a body. The following seven years are when the body learns about feelings and emotions. That period of time can be used to establish a feeling relationship between the child and his or her own body so that, ideally, they will be able to establish relationships with others. The next seven years, until the age of twenty-one, deal with the acumen of the mind, with learning how to think and how to navigate in the world.

    Unfortunately, the innate intelligence of the body and its intelligence centers was forgotten long, long ago when humans began insisting upon identifying whatever they could, giving things names, so that they could have a feeling that they were controlling things but, as time passed, in the last half century or so, some of our most ancient intuitive knowledge has come out of hiding and is once again being embraced. The body, scorned by so many religions, mistreated by so many cultures, ignored by those who placed the mind at the top of the pyramid of life, is coming into its own once more, is being recognized as the authority on life that it is, and this is a critical need if we are to advance as a species.

    Here’s the challenge for each and every one of us. The cells of the body know best but what they know has no words. Our bodies communicate in feelings—they are emotionally programmed by the lives we have lived— while our minds communicate in words. Much of humanity has even been taught that thinking is more valuable than feeling, but it is not. Feeling has a range of expression so subtle that the thinkers who were the word- makers invented a word for it: ineffable. Ineffable means that something, while it can be felt, cannot be described by a word or words. That fact alone—that there exist states and conditions of which the body is fully aware but for which there are no words—gives the body an edge.

    There are certainly many different versions about what makes up a human being: body and soul; body, soul, and spirit; mind and body … I could go on. The one thing that all the suppositions have in common is body. Personally, I subscribe to a kind of quadrinity idea: body, mind, soul, and spirit. The mind, though it is really no more than a subset of the body, generated by the electrical activity of one organ—the brain—carries a tremendous amount of weight when it comes to living life as a human. In fact, for most human beings, the mind regulates the life. This is why we live in a world of fear and violence and poverty and depression and so much more that is just about as far from life-enhancing as a body can get.

    To elaborate briefly in order to clarify future discussion, here is how I view the human entity: the Body, which needs no clarification; the Mind, which is generated by the brain of the body, seems to be responsible for what we might call the personality, and is definitely responsible for the ego process; the Soul, which seems to act as a record keeper for all of the lifetimes lived as a human (and perhaps other lifetimes as well); the Spirit, the only one of the four that seems to have no direct relation to a human body … except that it does because it lives there and may be what brings the body life.

    Most people imagine that they connect with Spirit via their minds but Spirit is ineffable; it is a state of being that is beyond comprehension and well beyond a thorough description. If you have ever been visited by Spirit—pure spirit, not Spirit that has taken on a form so that you can relate to it—then you know that there are not adequate words to describe the experience although you may have been able to describe how you felt … maybe. But not all feelings have words either. The Inuit have more words for snow than the English language has for feelings.

    Feelings are born of the body and are the language of the body. (Emotions, just to clarify an important distinction, are provoked by something outside the body.) Spirit—which operates outside of all limitations including language—and the Body have a lot more in common than do Spirit and the Mind because the Body does not think, it only acts. Hence the efficiency and effectiveness of Sleep Magic as a tool both for making decisions and for coming into alignment with the desires of Spirit. The Body makes a very effective go-between for communicating with the Spirit level of your being. The Mind, tainted as it is by all the programming that it has taken on since the body began forming in utero, makes a very poor go-between but it can be trained to assist you in accessing the information that is correct for your life.

    Sleep Magic trains your mind to assist you in living the life that is appropriate to your Spirit Self and your body. Sleep Magic is not about satisfying ego desires and wants; it is about what the Spirit desires and what the body needs. It is a way to discover what your body prefers and what will keep you safe. In addition to those things, it can assist you with the emotional cellular reprogramming that is necessary to draw to you what Spirit wishes for you in this life.

    Just stepping back from your life and becoming aware of yourself in it is all you have to do to determine the type of Sleep Magic assignments that you need but bear this in mind: if what you want is not what your Spirit has in mind for you, then all the Sleep Magic in the world will not take you to that place. It may very well provide you with the potential of being a better human being but if you are so wrapped up in the demands of your ego’s desires, you will never be able to realize that potential.

    If you haven’t noticed by now, Sleep Magic is about you setting your ego aside and allowing Spirit to lead the way.

    Most people reading this book will have been raised in an ego-driven, goal-oriented society that is driven by fear. You can see how well that is working for the world simply by turning on the news. It’s not that it’s bad to have a goal but it’s useless to have a bad goal and it’s quite possible to have a goal that isn’t right for you no matter how right you think it is and no matter how many people have told you that it’s exactly what you should be doing. Other people don’t know; they can’t know. The only person that can reliably gauge what works for you is you.

    If you have an idea in your mind about anything at all that you want to have in your life, from a partner to a job to a lifestyle to a certain car or house, it is essential not just to question yourself (your mind) about the validity of your desire, but to check with your body as well because your body has a lot more information about you than your mind does. And it is your body that resonates most closely with Spirit, not your mind. Your mind can do no more than interpret and calculate; it’s good at those things. And once you discover how your body feels about your proposed direction, your very good mind will come in handy.

    An example of a Sleep Magic assignment:

    As I am reading this, I allow myself to feel gratitude for all that you, my beloved Body, have done for me in the course of the last day.

    I notice how we are feeling, and I give you permission to relax as we read this, allowing the words to deeply penetrate into our cellular consciousness.

    Now I picture us asleep in bed tonight; I imagine us resting comfortably.

    I know that you know that I have been thinking about ________________.

    I know, too, that you know how that will affect us, and I would very much appreciate knowing that, too, so that I can act appropriately.

    So tonight I give you permission to release whatever might seem correct and comfortable to you in order to bring to the attention of our waking conscious awareness the energy for us around __________________.

    Thank you for helping me to be more aligned with my Spirit self and for helping me to make you more comfortable.

    The answer,

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