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Human or Not: series1, #1
Human or Not: series1, #1
Human or Not: series1, #1
Ebook60 pages43 minutes

Human or Not: series1, #1

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About this ebook

It's funny how ignorance is not bliss.

Waking up with a flashlight and a gun to your face because you never knew your husband is a blood dealer. Finding out that your dear old mom was never on board with you marrying outside life. Yup, Gigi married a vampire, so technically she married a born-again human, maybe?

If life could not get any more twisted for Gigi, she becomes a talk show host to prove supernatural's are more human than people believe.

Content warning: intended for mature audience, naughty language, may contain nudity and violence

PublisherD.C. Tart
Release dateFeb 6, 2022
Human or Not: series1, #1

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    Book preview

    Human or Not - D.C. Tart

    I cannot believe in my whole, entire twenty-five years of life, to think I would be held in a detainment cell for questioning? Me, Gigi Prior Lamia, the wife of Mitchel Lamia. The owner of the most popular nightclub for vampires.

    The only saving grace I see is that I am alone in this cell. The downside is I’m still in my teddy with a thin robe. The door opened so abruptly that it made me jump.

    ‘Mrs. Lamia, come with me." a female guard said, as she looked at me as if I was criminal number one on their list. I stood up and made sure my robe was tightly wound around me before I left.

    I walked down the hallway thinking, what I could have done to avoid this. I mean, how would I be able to avoid something like this?

    The guard stopped in front of another door and opened it for me to walk through. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that she made this face of disgust as I walked past.

    Mrs. Lamia, please sit. A male voice instructed.

    The typical television detective was sitting in front of a square table with two chairs. He sat there looking at me and I could tell it was going to be bad. You would think being in a cell would give me that clue, right?

    If I had any doubt about how bad things are, that look answered it. I took a deep breath and sat down.

    Mrs. Lamia I am special agent Holms from the international smuggling division.

    I sat there listening and waiting.

    We have arrested your husband, Mitchel Lamia. We have evidence on him showing that he is involved with a drug smuggling deal with Sheppard Miles.

    My heart skipped a beat by the mention of that name.

    Do you know who Sheppard Miles is?

    He is an overseas partner for my husband’s company.

    No, that is a front. Sheppard Miles is the largest blood smuggler in the U.S.

    Blood Smuggling? I asked. ‘Was there such a thing?’

    Yes, ever since the vamps have come out in the open, Sheppard Miles came to be well known. Before then no one knew of him.

    What’s so special about this blood? I mean they can get blood anywhere.

    Not this blood. This blood has an additive chemical H2O3.

    I sat there and thought because I was always good with chemistry in school.

    Isn’t that Carbonic Acid

    He sat up straight in his chair in surprise that I knew this formulation.

    Yes, this seems to give the vamps a high like oxycodone. Very addictive.

    So, what are you telling me?

    I’m telling you that your husband is a drug dealer and the fact he is an immigrant with a visa; we will be extraditing him to his country within the hour.


    I sat there gawking at the agent and honestly, I don’t know how long I did it for but when my brains started to work again the first thought was, I need a lawyer.

    At this time, we are not holding you because it is obvious by our surveillance that you had no idea what your husband was up to.

    Holms stood up this time and took his coat off his chair, offering it to me. I looked down and realized that the sheer robe did nothing for my modesty.

    I accepted it and sat back down and tried my best to process what he said. I was not being held because of the surveillance —Wait surveillance?

    When did you start surveilling him?

    We have been for a while. Can’t divulge how long.

    Who was watching us? Did you watch everything, was it a group? I sat there

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