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Girl in Ice
Girl in Ice
Girl in Ice
Ebook340 pages6 hours

Girl in Ice

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New York Times Editors’ Choice * Los Angeles Times Best Crime Novels of Winter 2022 * Reader’s Digest Best Fiction Books of 2022

From the author of The River at Night and Into the Jungle comes a harrowing new thriller set in the unforgiving landscape of the Arctic Circle, as a brilliant linguist struggling to understand the apparent suicide of her twin brother ventures hundreds of miles north to try to communicate with a young girl who has been thawed from the ice alive.

Valerie “Val” Chesterfield is a linguist trained in the most esoteric of disciplines: dead Nordic languages. Despite her successful career, she leads a sheltered life and languishes in the shadow of her twin brother, Andy, an accomplished climate scientist stationed on a remote island off Greenland’s barren coast. But Andy is gone: a victim of suicide, having willfully ventured unprotected into 50 degree below zero weather. Val is inconsolable—and disbelieving. She suspects foul play.

When Wyatt, Andy’s fellow researcher in the Arctic, discovers a scientific impossibility­—a young girl frozen in the ice who thaws out alive, speaking a language no one understands—Val is his first call. Will she travel to the frozen North to meet this girl, and try to comprehend what she is so passionately trying to communicate? Under the auspices of helping Wyatt interpret the girl’s speech, Val musters every ounce of her courage and journeys to the Artic to solve the mystery of her brother’s death.

The moment she steps off the plane, her fear threatens to overwhelm her. The landscape is fierce, and Wyatt, brilliant but difficult, is an enigma. But the girl is special, and Val’s connection with her is profound. Only something is terribly wrong; the child is sick, maybe dying, and the key to saving her lies in discovering the truth about Wyatt’s research. Can his data be trusted? And does it have anything to do with how and why Val’s brother died? With time running out, Val embarks on an incredible frozen odyssey—led by the unlikeliest of guides—to rescue the new family she has found in the most unexpected of places.
Release dateMar 1, 2022

Erica Ferencik

Erica Ferencik is the award-winning author of the acclaimed thrillers The River at Night, Into the Jungle, and Girl in Ice, which The New York Times Book Review declared “hauntingly beautiful.” Find out more on her website and follow her on Twitter @EricaFerencik.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wonderful book! Plenty of twists but not confusing. Would recommend!

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Girl in Ice - Erica Ferencik


Seeing the name Wyatt Speeks in my inbox hit me like a physical blow. Everything rushed back: the devastating phone call, the disbelief, the image of my brother’s frozen body in the Arctic wasteland.

I shut my laptop, pasted a weak smile on my face. There would be no bursting into tears at school. Grief was for after hours, for the nightly bottle of merlot, for my dark apartment, for waking on the couch at dawn, the blue light of the TV caressing my aching flesh.

No, at the moment my job was to focus on the fresh, eager face of my graduate student as she petitioned for a semester in Tibet, a project in a tiny village deep in the Himalayas accessible only via treacherous mountain passes on foot and maybe yak, all to decipher a newly discovered language. As I listened to her impassioned plea—trying to harness my racing heart—an old shame suffused me.

The truth was, I’d never embarked into the field anyplace more frightening than a local graveyard to suss out a bit of Old English carved into a crumbling stone marker. And even then I made sure to go in broad daylight, because dead people—even underground—frightened me too. Never had my curiosity about a place or a language and its people overridden my just say no reflex. Citing schedule conflicts, I’d declined a plum semester-long gig in the Andean mountains of Peru to study quipu, or talking knots—cotton strings of differing lengths tied to a cord carried from village to village by runners, each variation in the string signaling municipal facts: taxes paid or owed; births and deaths; notices of famine, drought, crop failure, plague, and so on. I’d even passed on the once-in-a-lifetime chance to deconstruct a language carved into the two-thousand-year-old Longyou caves in Quzhou, China.


Anxiety: the crippling kind. I’m tethered to the familiar, the safe, or what I perceive as safe. I function normally in only a handful of locations: my apartment, most places on campus—excluding the football stadium, too much open space—the grocery store, my father’s nursing home. During my inaugural trip to the new, huge, and sparkly Whole Foods—chilled out on a double dose of meds—a bird flew overhead in the rafters. All I could think was, When is it going to swoop down and peck my eyes out? I never went back.

Ironically, I was the one with the power to give or withhold the stamp of approval for my students’ research trips, as if I were any judge of risk and character. Watching the glistening eyes of the young woman before me, one of my favorite students, I stalled a few moments—tossing out a couple of insipid questions about her goals—an attempt to soak up her magic normalcy. No such luck. I signed off on her trip to Tibet wondering, How does she see me, really? I knew she was fond of me, but—that casual wave of her silver-braceleted hand as she turned to leave, that look in her eye! I swear I caught a glint of pity, of disdain. It was like she knew my secret. Her teacher was a fraud.

I’M A LINGUIST. I can get by in German and most Romance tongues, and I’ve got a soft spot for dead languages: Latin, Sanskrit, ancient Greek. But it’s the extinct tongues—Old Norse and Old Danish—that enrapture me.

Languages reveal what it is to be human. This desire to make ourselves understood is primal. We make marks on paper, babble snippets of sound—then agree, by way of miracle—that these scribblings or syllables actually mean something, all so we can touch each other in some precise way. Sanskrit has ninety-six words for love, from the particular love of a new mother for her baby to one for unrequited romantic love, but it has twice as many for grief. My favorite is sokaparayana, which means wholly given up to sorrow. A strange balm of a word, gentle coming off my tongue.

Though words came easily for me, I tended to miss the patterns that were staring me in the face. The fact that my ex genuinely wanted out didn’t hit me until divorce papers were served. The fact of my father passing from just old to genuinely ill with lung cancer and not-here-for-much-longer didn’t sink in until I was packing up the family home and found myself on my knees in tears, taken down by dolor repentino, a fit of sudden pain. The stark realization that my twin brother, Andy—the closest person in the world to me—had been pulling away for months came to me only after his death and at the very worst times: lecturing in an auditorium packed with students, conversing with the dean in the hallway. When it happened, these vicious, sudden, psychic stabs, I’d briefly close my eyes or turn away to cough, repeating to myself: sokaparayana, sokaparayana, until I could speak again.

I felt safest in my office, alone with my books, charts, runic symbols, and scraps of old text; and when I deciphered a chunk of language—even a word!—a thrill of understanding juddered up my spine. The distance between me and another human being, just for that moment, was erased. It was as if someone were speaking to me, and me alone.

For two decades, these glimmers of connection had been enough to sustain me, but over time, they began to lose their shine. These private revelations no longer fed me, warmed me like they had. I yearned to be drawn closer to the human heart. Not through words—however telling or ingenious—but in the living world.

AT PRECISELY EIGHT o’clock that night—the end of office hours—I got up and locked the door. Squared my shoulders, smoothed my skirt, and sat back down. Outside my window, remorseless late-August sun cast long shadows across the drought-singed grass of the quad.

I clicked open my email. The subject line was blank, but then, Wyatt had never bothered with niceties. My head pounded with end-of-summer-session exhaustion. I was in no mood to hear from Professor Speeks about my brother, his fond recollections of mentoring Andy through the rigors of grad school, or even some funny thing Andy had said or done during their year together on the ice.

I considered deleting the message without reading it, but a tingling buzzed my fingers. Something said: Don’t. Still, I resisted until some darker knowledge swarmed up from the base of my spine, warning me it would be a terrible mistake not to open it.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Hey Val, hope you’re doing well, all things considered. Something’s happened out here. We found a body in the ice out on Glacier 35A. A young girl. We were able to cut through the ice and bring her back to the compound. Val, she thawed out alive. Don’t ask me to explain it, I can’t. She’s eight, nine years old, I’m guessing. And she’s talking pretty much nonstop, but in a language I’ve never heard before. Even Pitak, our supply runner from Qaanaaq, had no idea, and he speaks Inuktun. Jeanne’s stumped, too, so we’re both just keeping the girl fed and nodding our heads a lot and trying to figure out what to do next.

I’ve pasted here one of her vocalizations. Maybe you can figure out what she’s saying? You’re the expert. Give it a try, then call me as soon as you can. And please don’t tell anyone about this.


The MP3 stuttered across my screen like a city skyline. The girl thawed out alive?

Sweat bloomed on my brow, even though the air conditioner was blasting. I got up, walked to my window, sat back down. Checked the time: too early for a pill. I knocked back the remaining swallow of stale coffee in my mug, rattled open my file drawer, extracted a bottle of Amaretto, and filled the cup halfway. The sweet, warm alcohol hit my empty stomach fast. Smoothed away the sharp edges.

I thought about all the times I’d let Andy’s voice play in my head these past five months, how he was still so alive for me in this way. Memories of us as kids chasing each other through the lake house in upstate New York, T-shirts still damp from swimming. Or cozied up with our beloved mutt Frida, playing go fish and Monopoly while our parents got tight and happy on cocktails: a rare glimmer of joy during their disintegrating marriage. And so we were comforted, sharing the delusion that if we were just good enough, they would stay together.

Little by little I’d pored over the photos, letting myself feel everything, as my shrink instructed. Mourning every shirt and shoe, I gave away or got rid of his clothes and belongings; though, there were a few I couldn’t part with, his drawings especially. The only other place he lived on was in my phone: a dozen saved messages remained.

Now, on my screen, the forward arrow on the voice clip throbbed red. My finger trembled as it hovered over the play button. I steadied it, pushing down.

The first slam to my gut was the panic in this high, sweet girl voice that—even if you didn’t understand a word she said—made you want to reach out and wrap her in a hug. The tremulous ache in her utterly foreign words only intensified in the twenty-eight-second clip, as if she was pleading for something. I tried to picture this child trapped in the ice, to imagine what horrors had brought her there.

I played it again.

What language is this?

Of course, West Greenlandic was my first guess, but I heard no correlation. It wasn’t Danish, either—Greenland had been settled by Danes—but no, this was Danish put through a blender and mixed with what, Finnish? Not quite that, either. The vowels were too long, the accent on the last syllable. It wasn’t Norwegian, clearly, and it was too clipped and choppy to be Swedish. I pulled up some Old Norse, the language of the Vikings, and listened alongside the girl’s quavering voice. The cadences were similar in places, but I couldn’t match up a single word. This language was completely new to me.

I was lost.

I listened again.

And again.

My face grew hot. Breath clouding the screen, I leaned in close, as if proximity might help.

Nothing—all I understood was raw emotion.

I sat back. Tried to recall all I knew linguistically about where Wyatt was—where Andy had died.

Three main dialects of Greenlandic were spoken in Greenland: West Greenlandic, East Greenlandic, and Inuktun, which had only about a thousand native speakers. In grad school, I’d been fascinated by this culture built from animal skin, sinew, bone, stone, snow, and ice, but in the end, I became more of a generalist. I deciphered languages quickly—given enough context and clues.

I got up and paced, holding my drink. The reality was, I didn’t have to do anything. I could pretend I never opened the email. Ignore Wyatt’s calls. All I wanted was to crawl back home and hide with my booze and my misery and never come out.

If only I hadn’t heard her voice! I could have forgotten the whole thing. But even after the clip stopped playing I could still hear her, feel the sound, a high thrum in my jaw. Talking to Wyatt—even emailing him—brought back all the horror with Andy, but who was this girl? And why no picture or video—was there something he didn’t want me to see? I turned, taking stock of the four walls of my tiny world. My achingly familiar posters, bookshelves, knickknacks—even my framed honors and awards—both comforted and repulsed me. It’s just a phone call, Val, I thought. For the love of God, you can do this.

I knocked back the rest of my Amaretto and picked up the landline to dial Wyatt halfway around the world at his climate research station on Taararmiut Island, translated land of shadows, off Greenland’s northwest coast. Already my palm was slick with sweat as I listened to the odd dud-dud-dud of the international call. If it wasn’t too cloudy, and the antennae hadn’t been ripped away by the near constant fifty-mile-per-hour winds, the satellite call would go through, and there would be simply no going back.


I pushed through the doors of my father’s nursing home, wondering how many more Saturday mornings I would spend with him—out of a sense of obligation, an old, warped love, or some fantasy that one day he might actually like me. Or, more practically, how many more Saturday mornings he would be here on earth.

Head down, I signed in on a clipboard at the nursing station counter.

Hey, Val, said Carla, the head nurse, sliding the window open and peering out at me. How’s it going?

She knew about Andy and was a good person, but I plastered on a fake smile as an answer because I just didn’t feel like sharing for one second how it was actually going. How’s my dad today? I asked.

He’s good, she said, moving on briskly to business—with relief, it seemed. Hates the new activity schedule. Then again, he hated the old one, too. Skipped breakfast again. She glanced over a form she’d been filling out when I walked in, before looking back up at me. He’s in the lounge.

Thanks, I said, now fully anticipating a dad storm cloud and suddenly glad to be sneaking in a box of caramels, which were his favorite, though forbidden on his diabetic diet.

A rehabbed hotel built in the twenties, the home retained the tang of disinfectant, air barely cooler than the heat-blasted day. Sad zebra fish mouthed dully against the glass of an aquarium as they swam in a fog of their own excrement, exquisite combs fluttering.

As if he’d become part of the furniture, my ninety-one-year-old dad, Dr. Joseph Chesterfield, climate scientist, once a strapping six-foot-four hard charger with a fierce intellect and fiercer temper, the terror of climate research stations around the world, sat motionless, sunk deep in the belly of his favorite wingback chair, knobby knees jutting up higher than its arms, several inches of hairless shin on display between pant cuff and fraying polyester sock. He’d dragged the chair to the window for a view of the outside world, a place I knew he missed desperately.

He was fast asleep. I considered my options. I could catch up on some grading back at the office, Marie Kondo my spice cabinet, ride the stationary bike in my bedroom for precisely three miles—

He opened one aquamarine eye. You said ten o’clock.

I lost track of—

It’s ten past eleven, he stated firmly, with no watch, clock, or phone in sight. I glanced up at the wall clock behind him. Exactly ten past eleven. He hitched himself up to a slightly more organized position, swept back cottony wisps of hair, and gestured to a matching chair. Sit, he said. Contemplate the universe with me.

My escape plans flying away in sad little thought bubbles, I dutifully lugged the chair toward where he sat in full blazing summer sun.

So, why aren’t you eating, Dad? As if I ate like a normal human being anymore, either.

I don’t eat when I’m not hungry.

I handed over the caramels. Side-eyeing the staff, he scratched at the cruel cellophane wrapping.

Hang on, Dad, let me get some scissors or something.

Never mind, he said, gnawing at one end of the box. I got this. Inordinately pleased with himself, he tricked open the flap at one end with an eyetooth and tore off a clear strip of plastic. He popped a piece of candy in his mouth, almost reluctantly holding out the box in my direction.

No, thanks.

Watching your figure? His eyebrows waved, as if he thought this might be a good idea.

They’re for you, Dad.

He chewed aggressively, jaw muscles flexing and dancing. What’s new, kiddo?

A petite, nearly toothless elderly woman, as tall as he was sitting, and wearing an apron with little yellow ducks on it, walked over and gave him a tennis ball.

Not now, Marie, he said, handing the ball back to her, but she thrust it back at him, her face fixed in a fragile smile.

Maybe just take it, Dad, if it makes her happy, I said in low tones. Marie had Alzheimer’s but was clearly in love with my dad. Back when her mind was clearer, they’d discussed playing tennis on their respective high school teams. Some part of her mind had hung on to this fact.

Thanks for the ball, but I’m visiting with my daughter now, he said loudly, as if her problem were her hearing. He took the ball and wedged it next to his bony hip. Marie nodded eagerly and hurried away. He shook his head, muttered, Christ, to think of the women who used to follow me around. World-class beauties. Now I’ve got Marie. It all comes to this. Complete and utter shit. Take note, okay? Take note. He blew his nose into a soggy handkerchief, took me in with watery eyes. What have you got to say for yourself?

I talked to Wyatt last night.

His eyes widened, then dimmed with pain as he squinted into the sunshine. Some kind of what… His voice quavered; he cleared his throat. New information?

Not… about Andy. I sat straighter, considered not telling him a thing. Dad, have you ever heard of someone thawing out alive after being frozen?

He glared at me, blurted, Is this a joke? Several nurses and residents glanced over at us.

No, I said softly, hoping he would mimic my tone. Why would I joke about something like—

Is Wyatt losing his mind out there? God knows I would, after what happened with Andy and wintering over the year before. Asshole didn’t even come home for the funeral.

He couldn’t leave… the research, remember?

He glared at me as if I were too stupid to guess some obvious truth. I never liked him. He tossed the box of caramels on a nearby table. Who called who? He called you?

I called him, because he sent me an email about finding a girl frozen in the ice. I leaned a little closer to him. She woke up alive, Dad. She’s speaking, talking all the time, but Wyatt can’t understand what she’s saying, neither can Jeanne—

Jeanne? That tough old bird’s still out there?

Dad, listen. He sent me an audio clip. I can’t understand a word of it.

"Even you can’t sort it out?"

It’s like nothing I’ve ever heard before.

First of all, I don’t buy this horseshit about thawing out alive, so let’s put that aside for now. Where did he say he found this girl?

Glacier 35A—

He’s hundreds of miles from anything. There is no indigenous population there. Never has been.

I stared through the picture window at a little girl half pulling her elderly grandmother along the sidewalk; the girl looked about seven years old. She looked so small. Dad, Wyatt’s not crazy. He’s a lot of things, but he’s not that.

My father leaned forward in his chair. I glimpsed the old fire in him. We only had his story, Val, you know? Anything could have happened out there.

He wants me to come up. Try to talk to the girl. He’ll pay my expenses, any loss of income. He wants me to come right away.

"Greenland? The Arctic Circle? You? he snorted. You’ve never been out of Massachusetts."

My voice got small. I went on that trip to DC. In high school.

Oh, yes. DC. When you refused to get on the plane home? I had to leave work, drive down to pick you up, then drive you all the way back.

I felt helpless and sad. What good did it do to tell him I’d been on a plane a few times since then—miserable and zonked out—but showing up for exactly one wedding and one funeral before scuttling back home like a hermit crab to its shell? No one had to remind me of my shortcomings, especially my father. I knew which twin had been the favorite, the most charismatic, charming, funny, brave.

But I was the one left alive.

Dad, I’m just telling you what he said. Of course I can’t go. I’ve got school, and I’ve got… I trailed off pitifully. What did I have? No husband, no children, just my father, and my rage-aholic ex, Matt. After our breakup and a few months of reveling in my conviction that I’d done the right thing, I’d begun to miss him and come frighteningly close to drunk dialing. But thanks to Facebook, a few taps of my wine-sodden fingers and there he was, hooked up with some hard-looking blonde with an endless forehead. Work was weird, too—a sabbatical freed me from upcoming fall and spring semesters to work on a project I had, over time, grown to care less and less about. Translating a series of books of Aramaic poetry had lit me up when I applied for the gig months before Andy’s death; now, the idea of spending six months dragging meaning from the texts—which tilted a bit heavy on love poems—felt tedious. I had a great sucking nothing keeping me here, except visits with my father, or coffees with Andy’s bereaved fiancée, Sasha, but I felt her pulling away too. Each time she saw me, she saw Andy, which only cut her to ribbons.

Dad sank deeper in his chair, his long-fingered hands forming a steeple against his forehead. Something’s going on.

Yeah, well, clearly—

No, Val, listen to me. His voice grew deep and gravelly. Wyatt is up to something, and it has to do with your brother. I know it. I’m sure of it. He’s a wily son of a bitch. He levered himself to his feet, his reedy length swaying back and forth until he grabbed his walker.

This resentment over Wyatt’s closeness with Andy was not a new theme with my dad. Sure, he’d been grateful when Andy’s prof had helped him navigate graduate school, keeping on him to finish assignments on time (Andy couldn’t have cared less what day it was), relentlessly mentoring him until, one fine day, Andy earned a doctorate in climate science. Everyone in the restaurant at his graduation dinner could feel their affection for each other. Teacher and student acted like father and son.

Which was the problem.

Come on. My father’s face grew rigid with determination. We’re going for a walk.

Hunched over his walker, he clomped his boxy orthotic shoes down the brightly lit hallway, his sharp shoulder blades slicing at his thin summer shirt like the wings of an extinct bird. I grabbed my purse and followed. At the door, he turned to me and—even though I wanted to—I couldn’t look away. For just a moment, all the rage, grief, and despair I couldn’t bear to feel was etched into his once-handsome face. His son, his heart—the boy who melted him in ways I never could—had taken his own life, and only I was left.

I matched his halting pace out the double doors into the brutal heat, where we made our way along a manicured sidewalk under drooping elms, their slender leaves curled with thirst. Summer on the North Shore of Boston, unrelieved by any trace of rain or sea breeze.

You know, Val, that I don’t believe your brother killed himself.

Yes, Dad. But what are you saying?

The lines of his face drew tight with rage.

Dad, it’s too hot for this—

He banged his walker on the concrete, devolving into a coughing fit. Your brother, he said, pausing to catch his breath, was not depressed. He was not the type—

How can you say that, Dad? Of course he was depressed. He’d been depressed for years. You didn’t know him—

"I knew him! he shouted, blinking, spitting droplets in the sizzling air. His eyes grew wet. The little girl visiting her grandma looked up in alarm. Andy was my son, and I knew him, and I loved him."

I rested my hand on his heartbreakingly thin forearm. I know, Dad. I know.

He pulled his arm free and ran a shaking hand over his skull, patting down wayward tufts. And he would never, ever, do something like that.

Dad. My voice verged on a whisper. Maybe we don’t talk about this now. Sometimes I thought his grief would strike him down, take his last strength, kill him, and I wouldn’t be able to survive it.

Let me talk, for Christ’s sake. He leaned heavily on his walker, which, even with its legs fully extended, wasn’t tall enough for him. "Your brother loved this world too much…. Yes, he was sad about what we’re doing to the planet, but he loved it. He—he would never…"

He wobbled, the walker’s rubber tips catching here and there on the pavement as he tendered small steps forward. I caught his arm. Dad, take a second. Sit.

I held him gently by his narrow torso, torqued him a bit, and he let gravity sink him onto a bench, which was, according to its inscription, dedicated to a Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Waterston.

"Listen, kiddo, if I wasn’t such a decaying old heap of garbage, I’d be on that plane today to pay Dr. Speeks a little visit. Right this second, do you hear me? And goddammit if I wouldn’t get the truth," he said, searching for his handkerchief in all the wrong pockets.

His paranoia about Wyatt’s role

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