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Dating is For Suckers: V-Date: A Bratva Vampire Mini Series, #1
Dating is For Suckers: V-Date: A Bratva Vampire Mini Series, #1
Dating is For Suckers: V-Date: A Bratva Vampire Mini Series, #1
Ebook72 pages38 minutes

Dating is For Suckers: V-Date: A Bratva Vampire Mini Series, #1

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What do you do when you suddenly find yourself alone on Valentine's Day?

Bad decisions, fueled by one too many drinks and a sketchy dating app, take me way further than I'm prepared to go.

Whispers of seduction pull me into an underground world I'm not supposed to know anything about.

A world of darkness. Pleasure. Vampires.

At first, I thought I could handle it.

Until I saw him.

My ex.

Now, I'm trapped between to virile, potent vampires as they wager between each other to prove who can wrest the most pleasure from my helpless body.

The prize? My soul.

Release dateFeb 14, 2022
Dating is For Suckers: V-Date: A Bratva Vampire Mini Series, #1

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    Dating is For Suckers - Vivian Murdoch







    Is agony even part of the stages of grief? I can’t even tell, and I sure as hell don’t want to look it up. Instead, I stare at the phone, Joe’s words blurring as tears fill my eyes.

    Honey Bunny: I think we should go ahead and break things off. I don’t mean to hurt you, but I just don’t see a future in us.

    My hand shakes as I hold the phone closer, my fingers poised over the letters. What would I even say that wouldn’t sound like a whiny, desperate plea for him to not leave? I know we’d only been going out for about five months, but in that time, I’d grown closer to him than anyone else. In fact, the draw was downright scary.

    Setting my phone to the side, I force that text out of my brain and instead concentrate on girl's night. What was going to be a fun night with my bestie to celebrate our friendship before Valentine’s Day is slowly becoming a binge and rant fest. Wiping my eyes, I activate my screen lock and shove the phone in my bra, wishing I could shove Joseph out as easily.

    What the hell? The day before Valentine’s Day? Like, he couldn’t be a normal man and just wait one more freaking day? Shaking my head, I storm over to my kitchen and yank open the pantry. Perhaps if I allow myself, I can get back to anger and be done with it. I’m tired of just moping around and being pitiful, but my heart still hurts. With a hard pull, I grab a large bag of chips and stuff it into a travel bag on the counter. I don’t even bother with the wine since Stacy will have that in spades.

    Throwing in a few more snacks, I yank the bag onto my shoulder and head out. Anger. That’s what I need to keep burning inside me right now. Indignation. I know we hadn’t been dating longer than most, but that wasn’t the point. The point was his timing more than sucked.

    No, girl! Stacy holds up her wine glass, the pinks glinting in the light of the nameless romcom we put on. I don’t even know what we’re watching. It’s all background noise to me.

    With a sigh, I reach over and grab a chip, waving off her offer of yet another glass. I don’t need to get that drunk. Getting drunk leads to bad decisions and late-night desperate calls. I’m already tipsy enough to do things I probably shouldn’t. Yeah. Over text, I mumble around the chip. Freaking day before Valentine’s Day.

    Wanna go over tomorrow really early and shave his head bald? I can do that! With a giggle on her lips, she leans over the couch and picks up her purse, and rummages around for a few minutes before pulling out a battery-operated shaver.

    Are you serious? You just carry one around? Despite the hurt slamming into my chest, I can’t stay depressed with Stacy’s antics. It’s just impossible.

    Hell yes, I’m serious. And Nate will be missing an eyebrow or two if he decides to act up.

    I place my hand over my heart and draw back in mock horror. Oh no. Not the eyebrows. After a bout of giggles, I stare back down into the potato chip bag as if it somehow has all the answers I’m looking for. Still doesn’t make any of this feel better.

    Stacy gathers me into a hug and holds me, her grip firm about my shoulders. For the moment, it helps glue the pieces of my heart together and holds them in place. For the moment, I can breathe.

    You know what you need? A fuck buddy.

    Excuse me?

    You know, someone to pound his memory away.

    Look, if I wasn’t going to just hop into bed with Joe, there’s no way I’ll just let some stranger sleep with me. You know I’m not like that. I need a -.

    Connection, she finishes for me with a roll of her eyes. And a connection is great, but look where it got you. Alone on Valentine’s Day. She stares at me for a moment as if to whittle me down. Fine. Maybe not sex, but you don’t need to be alone tomorrow. Here.

    She grabs my phone from off the table and starts fiddling with it, ignoring me as I swipe at her to get it back. With a smile, she hands it back, and I stare at the screen. It looks like some weird dating app, but not one I recognize.

    It’s V-Date! She explains, pressing a few buttons to bring up a menu screen. I used this last year before I met Nate. I don’t remember much of what happened that night, but I will say it rocked my world. There are no pictures. You match based on likes. Usually, you upload your info, then, by the end of the night, you have a date! It’s only active the day before and the day of Valentine’s. After that, the app is inactive until the next year.


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