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Vadim: Social Rejects Syndicate
Vadim: Social Rejects Syndicate
Vadim: Social Rejects Syndicate
Ebook246 pages3 hours

Vadim: Social Rejects Syndicate

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Social Syndicate Rejects

A Dark Mafia Suspense Romance
Vadim was the second born but his brother believed in equality... of power and responsibility. Vadim, his sister, Vanya, and the eldest, Arian, leaders of the Guzun Bratva, ruled Moldova as a team.

Sabira Kovalyova
How the hell I ended up on the plane of the very man I conned must have been fate’s attempt at humor. Believe me, I wasn’t amused when I recognized Vadim Guzun, the most feared of Bratva Leaders in the EU. Except I refused to back down. He got me into trouble, he will damn well help me escape the hounds hunting me... he had no choice. Not with my gun against his head!

Vadim Guzun
If there was one thing I abhorred, it was to have my authority mocked. The little Koval Bratva chit did just that by stealing my latest gun consignment. When I find her, she would realize the Guzun family took those who overstepped the Thieves’ Code seriously. How nice of her then to stow away on my plane, placing her right where I wanted her... under my power... or body, whichever would give me the most pleasure.

Retribution always came with a price. Something the seductive little Bratva realized when I conceded to her demand for protection. Of course, as a gentleman I conceded; as a ruthless mafioso I gave her the only choice I was prepared to offer... her freedom or her life.

Except there were larger problems at play that threatened the Guzun Bratva's authority. Now, all bets were off. Those who dared rise against the most feared Mafia group in the EU, would soon realize they made an error in judgement... or die trying.

PLEASE NOTE: Although the blurb is in first person, the book is written in third person.

PublisherLinzi Basset
Release dateFeb 24, 2022
Vadim: Social Rejects Syndicate

Linzi Basset

“Isn’t it a universal truth that it’s our singular experiences and passion, for whatever thing or things, which molds us all into the individuals we become? Whether it's hidden in the depths of our soul or exposed for all to see?” Linzi Basset is a South African born animal rights supporter with a poet’s heart, and she is also a bestselling fiction writer of suspense filled romance erotica books; who as the latter, refuses to be bound to any one sub-genre. She prefers instead to stretch herself as a storyteller which has resulted in her researching and writing historical and even paranormal themed works. Her initial offering: Club Alpha Cove, a BDSM club suspense series released back in 2015, reached Amazon’s Bestseller list, and she has been on those lists ever since. Labelling her as prolific is a gross understatement as just a few short years later she has now been published forty-one times; a total which fails to take into account the three other published works of her alter ego: Isabel James who co-authors—nor does it include the five additional new works marked for imminent release. “I write from the inside out. My stories are both inside me and a part of me so it can be either pleasurable to release them or painful to carve them out. I live every moment of every story I write. So, if you're looking for spicy and suspenseful, I'm your girl... woman... writer... you know what I mean!" Linzi believes that by telling stories in her own voice, she can better share with her readers the essence of her being: her passionate nature; her motivations; and her wildest fantasies. She feels every touch as she writes, every kiss, every harsh word uttered, and this to her is the key to a never-ending love of writing. Ultimately, all books by Linzi Basset are about passion. To her, passion is the driving force of all emotion; whether it be lust, desire, hate, trust, or love. This is the underlying message contained in her books. Her advice: “Believe in the passions driving your desires; live them; enjoy them; and allow them to bring you happiness.” Follow Linzi everywhere:

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    Vadim - Linzi Basset

    Author’s Note

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    Dear Reader,

    It is such an honor to be part of the Social Reject Syndicate collection. My trilogy is all about the mafia family in Moldova.

    Vadim was the second born but his brother believed in equality... of power and responsibility. Vadim, his sister, Vanya, and the eldest, Arian, leaders of the Guzun Bratva, ruled Moldova as a team.

    Sabira Kovalyova

    How the hell I ended up on the plane of the very man I conned must have been fate’s attempt at humor. Believe me, I wasn’t amused when I recognized Vadim Guzun, the most feared of Bratva Leaders in the EU. Except I refused to back down. He got me into trouble, he will damn well help me escape the hounds hunting me... he has no choice. Not with my gun against his head!

    Vadim Guzun

    If there was one thing I abhorred, it was to have my authority mocked. The little Koval Bratva chit did just that by stealing my latest gun consignment. When I find her, she would realize the Guzun family took those who overstepped the Thieves’ Code seriously. How nice of her then to stow away on my plane, placing her right where I wanted her... under my power... or body, whichever would give me the most pleasure.

    Retribution always came with a price. Something the seductive little Bratva realized when, as the gentleman I am, I conceded to her demand for protection. As a ruthless mafioso I gave her the only choice I was prepared to offer... her freedom or her life.

    Except there were larger problems at play that threatened the Guzun Bratva's authority. Now, all bets were off. Those who dared betray the most feared Mafia group in the EU, would soon realize they made an error in judgement... or die trying.

    PLEASE NOTE: Although the blurb is in first person, the book is written in third person.

    I hope you will enjoy this story.

    Warm regards,

    Linzi Basset

    Chapter One

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    Jeneč, Prague-West District in the Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic...

    Something’s up, Vadim Guzun said as he scanned the main square through night vision goggles from their concealment. Although a small village with only a thousand-three-hundred inhabitants, it was a Saturday summer’s eve when street-cafes and restaurants teamed with patrons and local inhabitants strolled languidly along the sidewalks. That there was absolutely no one about was too obvious.

    It was a prearranged meeting, so why the complete absence of any life anywhere? This looks like a hit. Someone was concerned about collateral damage.

    Yeah, I have the same feeling. We’ve been set up. Arian, the eldest of the three siblings and the leader of the Guzun Bratva followed suit by studying their surroundings. He lowered his binoculars. Your gut instinct was spot on, Vanya. Someone is using this meeting to get rid of us... all three of us.

    After their father died, Arian succeeded as Pakhan of the Guzun Bratva and immediately changed the way the family business was run. For one thing, he believed in sharing power and responsibility with his siblings. Along with Vadim and Vanya, they now ruled Moldova’s criminal world as a triumvirate.

    As the oldest, Arian maintained primary control as the Pakhan but each of them had autonomy with their own responsibilities. As triumvirs, they grew stronger and became one of the most feared criminal syndicates in Eastern Europe.

    It’s more than my gut instinct, big brother, Vanya said. The tall blonde woman leaned a shoulder against the wall and studied her nails, a bored expression on her face. Or did you happen to forget that there have been two assassination attempts on all three of us over the past couple of months? Not to mention that prior to that, every deal we made with new clients went south because of outside interference.

    Which tells me that whoever wants us out of the way is getting impatient. They’re obviously after our territory. Hence, meeting us here, Vadim grunted as he straightened. Someone is really desperate to get rid of us to set up such an elaborate scheme to draw us out.

    Not a scheme, brother dear, this is another assassination attempt and whoever it is, they have the resources and money to silence an entire community from the streets on a Saturday night.

    Yeah, it’s so pathetic, it’s laughable, Vadim smirked. We should thank them for the heads-up. Clearing the streets of patrons on a warm Saturday night as if that wouldn’t stick out like dog’s balls? Even a blind man could see through that.

    Which tells me they have no idea what we are capable of. With a raised hand, Arian signaled left and right, a sign to a squad of soldiers that remained hidden, to flank the village from both sides.

    Either that or they’re just incredibly stupid if they thought we’d come alone. Vadim checked his Russian Makarov semi-automatic. Whoever it is, I'm after the mastermind, not the goons sent to off us. He tapped his ear to activate the comms to the teams. I want the leader alive. Make sure you find him first.

    Copy that, Boss, Andrei Balan, the Underboss of the Guzun Bratva, responded in a dark voice. Alpha team to the right, Charlie to the left, and Bravo center behind the Boss. We’re a go, Vadim.

    You know the drill. Shadow tactics until you make contact. Silencers on and use knives where possible. I don’t want the bastard alerted that we’re early. Give no quarter. Good hunting, everyone. Let’s move. Vadim led the way toward the tavern where the meeting was supposed to be held with Boris Sidorov, the supposed head of a Russian international weapons syndicate. Their suspicion had been triggered when he had demanded that all three leaders attend the meeting, even though all communication to date had only been with Vadim, who was the Guzun Bratva leader in charge of weapons smuggling.

    Stay low, he whispered as he hugged the dark shadows of the narrow alley, knowing that his brother and sister would guard his back.

    As part of forming a rock solid facade, Vadim had spent part of his life in the Russian elite Spetsnaze, the foreign military intelligence agency of the Soviet Armed Forces. As a lieutenant colonel, he knew there was a mental disconnect between perception and reality. Experience came from every encounter and prevented one from being lulled into a dangerously complacent mindset. It was that first moment of contact; the mad minute when the veil of calm was suddenly ripped away by an overdose of adrenaline dumped into one’s veins that slammed the brain’s amygdala into overdrive to warp one’s sense of time and saturated every memory in surreal technicolor.

    All the training in the world couldn’t prepare one for what was to come. Every encounter was different, offering up its own set of challenges to overcome. Vadim had learned to be alert and outwit his enemy. This time would be no different.

    There was no way of knowing how many of the numerous heat signatures that their thermal imaging cameras had picked up might be locals being used to obscure the real number of players who were there to kill them.

    Heads up, Vadim. Heat sensor is picking up two bodies to the left at the entrance of the alley, Vanya warned in a hushed voice.

    Vadim didn’t hesitate as he pivoted around the corner. His sharp gaze immediately homed in on the automatic weapons they carried. Using the laser sight to acquire the target, he fired two rounds from the suppressed barrel. The first key-holed on impact, ripping away the upper thorax of the assassin. As his weapon recoiled up, the second round hit the philtrum just below the nose, blowing tooth and jawbone through the back of the skull, severing the brain stem. Before he dropped forward, the serrated blade of Vadim’s K-bar was embedded up to the hilt in the second man’s heart. His mouth gaped open as he stared at the widening red bloom spreading over his shirt and then he dropped dead to the ground.

    Vadim tapped the comms in his ear. Stash the trash, Andrei, and plant two of your men to take their places. Be sure to keep up appearances. Vadim gestured to the opposite side of the street. Let’s move. He didn’t wait, secure in the knowledge that his order would be carried out.

    Vadim ducked into the shadow of an alley across from the restaurant where the meeting was supposed to be and listened. Inside, the soft glow of incandescent lights complimented the melodic sound of Smooth Jazz. He stiffened as the murmur of voices and the tinkling laughter of women floated toward them.

    There are numerous people inside, he muttered.

    Locals? Arian squinted in the dark but from their position it was impossible to see inside the restaurant.

    Used as a screen. Vadim closed his eyes to visualize their next move, then tapped his ear. Change of plan Andrei. The three of us will go in first through the side entrance and use stun grenades to create a distraction. When you hear them detonate, that will be your cue to toss a couple of flash bangs through the front door. All hell will break loose inside. Pass the word. Our ceramic vests are embedded with blue LED light strips so you can identify your own team members. Wait for my command.

    Copy that, Boss.

    Balaclavas on. Vadim moved down the narrow alley, scanning left to right. This was going to be a surgical strike to limit any collateral damage. They might be mafiosos but he always made use of his military background to ensure successful raids.

    He stopped at the door and looked at Vanya. How many heat signatures?

    She pointed to the little screen. There are a lot of people sitting around, I assume, having dinner. But then, look at this. There is a row of heat signatures at the back of the room, near the bar. I count about six. And here, too, just behind the side entrance. Must be a storage room of some kind. I count another six signatures. We’ve got at least a dozen bad guys, maybe more.

    They’re expecting us to walk through the front door, unaware, then get cut down as they pop up from behind the bar and out of the back with guns blazing. Fucking cowards are going to use the locals as shields, Arian sneered.

    Everyone listen up, Vadim’s voice clipped over the comms. Time on target is crucial. Our goal is to get in, neutralize the motherfuckers then make a hard exit. Alpha and Charlie teams go through the side door. Alpha, you hit the bar while Charlie neutralizes the storage room. Bravo will enter through the front to concentrate on the tables. Let’s make some noise and see who wants to come out and play.

    Two flashes of light preceded the sharp explosions as both teams stormed through the side entrance. Two more short-fused grenades exploded inside the storage room, catching the assassins flat-footed. In an instant, an explosive breaching device blew the front door off its hinges immediately followed by two more flashes and explosions.

    The two teams entering through the back quickly disarmed both the gunmen behind the bar and in the storage room. It was a clever move to arrive an hour early. The ones seeking personal glory by engaging were killed. The others were quickly disarmed and zip-tied.

    Vadim turned to take stock. All of the unsuspecting diners were cowering under several tables, some whimpering, others in the clutch of each other. His eyes narrowed as he studied the men, easily identifying those who were locals and others who weren't. One man, in an act of desperation, charged with a knife drawn. Vadim unsheathed his Marine Ka-Bar and with a pronated grip, slashed from right to left, severing the man’s carotid artery. He then thrust hard in a downward motion into the base of the man’s neck, fileting the spinal cord from the brain stem.

    Remove the locals, he snapped as his sharp gaze searched the faces watching them. One in particular drew his attention; a man sitting at a table in the center of the room. His eyes, red from the smoke, glared at Vadim. Disarm that man and cuff his hands to the chair.

    Get off of me, fuckface, the man shouted as Andrei grappled with him.

    Are you going to behave like a gentleman or will I have to break both your fucking arms? You decide. He looked around before confirming, All the locals are out, Boss. The rest of these shitheads are with this asshole.

    Finding a brief interlude to distract themselves from the disquiet that ensued, Arian produced a relatively young bottle of Chateau Margaux from behind the bar.

    Look what I found, he said, planting himself next to Vanya at a table somewhat removed from the action.

    Good fortune does smile on us occasionally. You are so resourceful, dear brother. A very large splash, if you please, to help fortify me against the morbid theater that’s about to unfold.

    Knowing you for as long as I have taught me what might help assuage your intrepidation. Observant, that’s what I am.

    You are, indeed. I am so lucky to have you as my flesh and blood!

    Arian forced a smile and toasted. C’mon, sis. Let’s attend to this messy business, even if with one eye shut, so that we can report back at a later date to gauge whether or not Vadim’s methods have borne fruit. Hold fast. The curtain is about to rise.

    Overhearing their banter, Vadim snorted at their intimate sideshow, rendered with perfect pitch and expression befitting of British royalty—all in reference to his skills as a modern day inquisitor.

    Who are you? Vadim's voice turned gravelly.

    Fuck you! The curse was interrupted as the business edge of the blade sliced into the subcutaneous tissue of his chin. The neat patch, newly flayed raw, bloomed bright red with oxygenated blood to drip, as if from an abused faucet, its crimson stain upon a pristine, white silk shirt.

    Let’s try again, shall we? Vadim drawled lazily as he circled the chair. Your name.

    And I said fuck—what are you doing?

    I’m going to show you what I think of little men with big mouths. Give me his right hand, Andrei.

    "Wait a minute. Jesus Christ! You can’t do this!

    I can and I will. Hold his hand flat on the table. This pest has taken up valuable time. This was supposed to be a hard exit and we’re still fucking around with this lot. Hold the motherfucker tightly around his neck.

    As the seated man squirmed helplessly, Vadim produced a Fairbairn Sykes from a slim leather sheath tucked under his left arm and forcefully drove it through the top of the man’s hand to impale it firmly against the wooden table. His screams turned to whimpers as Andrei struck with a hard fist to break the man’s nose with a sharp crack.

    I’m going to ask you who you are again and every time you refuse or lie to me, I will remove a finger one phalange at a time starting with the distal, then the middle and finally, the proximal, beginning with your pinky.

    No! Fuck, wait!

    I’ve already waited long enough.

    As the man looked on in horror, screaming like a banshee, Vadim cleanly severed the distal phalange with his Ka-Bar.

    Just like cuttin’ up carrots, Boss, Andrei snorted as he watched the man writhe in pain.

    Who are you? Vadim asked again as he positioned the Ka-Bar over the middle phalange.

    You bastard!

    Wrong answer, fuckface.

    No! A raw scream exploded from his lips.

    Yes. Right through that buttery, fat little knuckle of yours, my friend. The blue carbon blade sliced with the ease of a surgeon’s scalpel as Vadim looked at the remaining stub.

    Holy Fuck! All right! All right! Stop! Please!

    Did you know that most of our sensitive nerve endings are located in our skin, the primary tool we use for touch? Vadim leaned in closer. I am in no hurry, so believe me when I tell you that I can filet long strips off you right down to your subcutaneous tissue and keep you alive for days while slowly removing your identity. Who do you think is going to give in first? Me... or you?

    Boris. I’m Boris Sidorov, he spat through thin lips.

    Vadim bellowed out a laugh as he looked at his brother. Did you hear that, Arian? He says he’s Boris Sidorov.

    Impossible. Boris is a burly Russian, as big as a fucking bear. This little rat wouldn’t even fit in his shoes, Arian mocked while watching the man turn ashen.

    Just as I thought. I’ll start here. A quick slash down the center of his chest produced a blood curdling scream. There. Two more perpendicular incisions and I will tear away the skin covering your left pectoralis major. Vadim’s dulcet tones made a mockery of the pain he was eliciting. At a guess, I’d say he's Italian, or maybe Greek? What do you think, Vanya?

    Hmm, I’d go with Italian. She took another sip of wine. Wrap this up quickly, brother dear. I have a hot date waiting for me back home.

    Vadim turned to the man, trembling with pain. You heard my sister. She has an itch that needs to be scratched and she gets grumpy when her time is wasted. Again, fuckface. Your name.

    Matteo R-Romano, he stammered.

    Now why would a Russian Syndicate be involved with an Italian? Vadim mused aloud.

    I don’t work for him. He... He swallowed the words back, suddenly realizing he was about to spill out information that would get him killed should he make it out alive. Ahh! he screamed as Vadim stabbed the knife through his other hand, pinning it to the arm of the chair. "Fanculo! Fuck! Gesù Cristo!" he panted as his eyes rolled back in their sockets.

    I suggest you start talking, Matteo. My patience is wearing thin. Vadim left the knife in his hand and pulled out a thin rapier from the inside of his jacket. This little beauty will cut deep little holes. You might not even feel it as it goes in but you will bleed like a pig. That said, he quickly jabbed the blade twice into his side.

    Matteo jerked in horror with each puncture. "He works for

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