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Shipping Container Homes for Beginners: An Introductory Guide Pros & Cons Of DIY Building An Eco-Friendly, Cargo, Storage House. Practical Guidebook.
Shipping Container Homes for Beginners: An Introductory Guide Pros & Cons Of DIY Building An Eco-Friendly, Cargo, Storage House. Practical Guidebook.
Shipping Container Homes for Beginners: An Introductory Guide Pros & Cons Of DIY Building An Eco-Friendly, Cargo, Storage House. Practical Guidebook.
Ebook127 pages1 hour

Shipping Container Homes for Beginners: An Introductory Guide Pros & Cons Of DIY Building An Eco-Friendly, Cargo, Storage House. Practical Guidebook.

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Shipping Container Homes for Beginners: An Introductory Guide Pros & Cons Of DIY Building An Eco-Friendly, Cargo, Storage House. Practical Guidebook.
You know how curious you are about shipping container homes?
This in-depth yet brief guidebook explains the advantages and disadvantages and many more questions.
Is it Safe to Build a House Out of Shipping Containers From Scratch?
What Is a Shipping Container House's Standard Size?
What Is the Best Way to Insulate a Shipping Container House?
Can a Shipping Container House Have a Roof?
Which states permit the construction of homes made out of shipping containers?
How Much Do Container Homes Cost?
How Long Does It Take To Build A House Out Of A Shipping Container?
Do Container Homes Rust Over Time?
Do Container Homes Appreciate in value?
How does it compare to a tiny house?
Plus lots of other aspects you may never have considered.
Check this book out first before you think of purchasing a shipping container home.

Find out more about sustainable green living.

What is living off the grid?


Useful reference book, great value.


Release dateFeb 18, 2022
Shipping Container Homes for Beginners: An Introductory Guide Pros & Cons Of DIY Building An Eco-Friendly, Cargo, Storage House. Practical Guidebook.

Stirling De Cruz Coleridge

Stirling De Cruz-Coleridge is a published author, philanthropist and entrepreneur. He studied Psychology, Social Sciences, Biology, Neuroscience, Brain & Behaviour. Stirling writes from the heart and he is able to reach out to all kinds of different people in a genuine way to inspire, motivate and help them improve their lives for the better.

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    Shipping Container Homes for Beginners - Stirling De Cruz Coleridge


    My mission in this guidebook for beginners is to inspire, motivate and educate people to change their environment by using resources around them. But, it is vital to be aware of both disadvantages and advantages concerning storage container homes.

    Please feel free to provide your feedback after reading this book or like and share.

    We have a Facebook Group you can also join named: storage container homes.


    You will find information, plans, etc. on building your shipping container home. Please take a look, like and share our FB Page.

    Shipping Cargo Storage Container Homes

    If you've been thinking about building a storage container house, now is the time to jump on board with this adaptable and cost-effective construction option.

    This section will present some useful suggestions for beginners and those just starting with their storage container journey.

    Simply put, a storage container home is an entire house built using one or more containers—from manufactured ones like those used in shipping and construction to recycled paint buckets or surplus military bunkers.

    If you haven't heard much about the storage container home, it's no wonder. But unfortunately, their popularity has generally been limited to off-grid and prepper lifestyles.

    But that's starting to change.

    They're ideal for building in areas that are prone to flooding or severe weather, as well as remote locations with little or no access to utilities such as water and electricity. However, some have stressed out about being so far from any neighbours or utilities will choose for themselves.

    But as society becomes more environmentally conscious and the demand for affordable housing grows, the storage container home is becoming a widely discussed alternative to traditional construction methods.

    And they're more popular than you might think. Since 2011, sales of these containers have increased by at least 15 per cent each year. And that's just in the US Overseas, the demand for these containers is equally as high.

    For those interested in working with a storage container company, you'll want to keep all of this in mind. It's why we wrote this short section to provide you with some helpful tips for beginners.

    But for now, let's take a look at what it takes to build your storage container home!

    Here the top 5 things to know if you're new to DIY storage container construction:

    1. Size Matters:

    The single most important thing you need to know about your container home is the average size of the container. You wouldn't put a size ten foot in a size seven shoe. It just wouldn't fit. And that's why you need to make sure that the container you choose is large enough for your needs before you sign on the dotted line.

    If it's not, then it doesn't matter how much you love your new home—you aren't going to be able to build it there.

    2. Constructing the Foundation:

    This one is just common sense. Without foundation, your storage container home will not have a home. So make sure you have a solid foundation before you start building your home.

    That said, if you have access to solid soil and a good soil slope, then you're already good to go for up to two containers. If not, don't worry about it—you can still build an ideal container home as long as you keep things in perspective.

    3. How to Build the Foundation:

    Again, this is just common sense, but the more you know about building your storage container home materials, the easier it'll be to get a good foundation! For example, if you're building a container home out of concrete blocks or precast concrete slabs, it's best to make it on a solid basement base.

    Then, you can add additional footings for support underneath your container after it's up.

    You can use sandbags to fill the holes from your foundation to help compensate for the uneven ground for other containers.

    4. How to Build the Walls:

    The walls of your container home are where you'll spend the most time and money. Sure, it might be cold out when you're trying to get started, but building them correctly will affect everything that comes later in life.

    You need to make sure that your walls are strong enough to withstand the harsh weather and cold temperatures. If you don't, then your insulation is going to be useless. And that's one of the scariest things about building

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