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Do You believe in Angels
Do You believe in Angels
Do You believe in Angels
Ebook71 pages1 hour

Do You believe in Angels

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Luke 4:10 For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over

thee, to keep thee:

Before I go any further into this story, I had better share that these are based on real testimonies as related of what really happened in my life and why I was so sure that God heard our prayers. Some names have been changed and this te

Release dateFeb 15, 2022
Do You believe in Angels

Bro. Ken

I was born in 1942 on a rural rock farm in Central Alberta, Canada. There was Dad, Mom, two older sisters and in 1955 my youngest sister, but I'm still the only boy. The reason I call it a rock farm, is because it didn't seem to matter how many rocks the family picked, there was always a bumper crop of rocks next year. We moved into the city of Wetaskiwin in 1949, about 22 miles from the area of Pipestone, Alberta. Dad took a job with the Canadian Pacific Railroad as a night watchmen at the locomotive Roundhouse. Mom took a job cooking in a local restaurant. (we were considered average people now and not poor folk) On the farm, there was no church of any kind in our area, but mom was a Christian and read the bible to us and we had family devotion. Whenever someone would come out to our community hall and have a service we were always there. There were Lutheran, Baptist, Pentecostal and just traveling evangelists. It wasn't till I was 12 years old before I learned that each denomination figured they had the only true teaching. They all preached that Jesus was the Son of God and he died on Calvary's cross for our sins and rose three days later, so we that believe in him and call upon him may rise also to be with him in Heaven. This is what the bible taught, and we were taught to believe the word of God. The first church I attended regularly was The Salvation Army and they preached and lived by the bible. I could never figure out those man made traditions and I still can't. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. I started preaching in 1971 and ministered in almost every denominational church at one time or the other. Had meetings in town halls, Orange halls, IOOF halls, Legion halls and any other place the Holy Spirit would open the door. In 1989 I came up with what they call Multiple Sclerosis and by the year 2000 I was quite limited

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