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This best-in-class series 79 exam prep study guide and test bank details everything you need to know to ensure your success on the series 79 exam. Written by the experts at The Securities Institute of America, this exam review guide will make you a master of all things tested on your series 79 exam. This textbook provides extraordinary deta

Release dateFeb 18, 2022

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    SERIES 79 EXAM STUDY GUIDE 2022 + TEST BANK - The Securities Institute of America




    The Securities Institute of America proudly publishes world class textbooks, test banks and video training classes for the following Financial Services exams:

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    Copyright © by The Securities Institute of America, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Published by The Securities Institute of America, Inc.

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    Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

    ISBN: (Paperback) 978-1-937841-60-7

    ISBN ( ePub) 978-1-937841-61-4

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    About the Series 79 Exam

    About This Book

    About the Test Bank

    About The Securities Institute of America

    Chapter 1

    Equity and Debt Securities

    What Is a Security?

    Common Stock

    Preferred Stock

    Types of Dividends




    Futures and Forwards

    American Depositary Receipts (ADRs)/American Depositary Shares (ADSs)

    General partnership

    Grantor Trust

    Joint venture

    Limited Liability Company

    Limited Liability Partnership

    Limited Partnership

    General Partner

    Limited Partner

    Master limited partnership

    Subchapter S Corporation

    Debt Securities/Bonds

    Institutional investors and Investment Strategies

    Delta Neutral / Market Neutral

    Short Sales

    High Frequency and Algorithmic Trading

    Momentum Trading


    Broker Dealer Operations


    Chapter 2

    SEC Reporting, Rules and Regulations

    The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

    The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)


    Preliminary and Special Proxies

    Extension of Credit

    Trading Suspensions

    SEC Reporting

    Rule 135 and Rule 165

    SEC Form 13D, 13G and 13F

    The Insider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1988


    The Trust Indenture Act Of 1939

    Sarbanes-Oxley Act

    SEC Regulation S-K

    SEC Regulation M-A

    The Hart-Scott-Rodino Act

    FINRA Rule 5150 (Fairness Opinion)

    SEC Regulation S-X

    Audit Committee


    Chapter 3

    Mergers and Acquisitions

    Mergers and acquisitions / M&A

    Sellers and sell-side bankers

    Buyers and buy-side bankers

    Strategic Buyers and Financial buyers

    Management-led buyout

    Bilateral Negotiation

    Public and controlled auctions

    The Auction Process

    identifying prospective buyers

    Developing the business profile

    Drafting confidentiality agreements

    Compiling the confidential information memorandum (CIM)

    Creating the bidding procedure letter

    Creating the data room

    Accepting indications of Interest

    Delivering management presentations

    Bid evaluation

    Receiving letters of intent

    Distributing a final bid letter

    Receiving final bids

    Selecting the final buyer

    Executing definitive purchase agreement

    Obtaining a Fairness Opinion

    Closing of the acquisition

    Other M & A Transactions

    Reverse mergers


    Forward triangular mergers

    Reverse triangular merger

    Split offs

    Spin offs


    The structure of the transaction

    Cash and Stock Transactions

    International Implications

    Protective Measures and Takeover Defenses


    Chapter 4

    Tender Offers, and Financial Restructuring

    Tender Offers

    Issuers Buybacks and Going Private Transactions

    The Two Step Merger

    Financial restructuring

    Filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

    Estate Operation and Payment Priorities

    Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

    Distressed Asset Sales


    Chapter 5

    Issuing Corporate Securities

    The Prospectus

    The Final Prospectus

    Free Writing Prospectus

    Providing the Prospectus to Aftermarket Purchasers

    SEC Disclaimer


    Tombstone Ads

    Free Riding and Withholding/FINRA Rule 5130

    Underwriting Corporate Securities

    Types of Underwriting Commitments

    Types of Offerings

    Awarding the Issue

    The Underwriting Syndicate

    Selling Group

    Underwriter’s Compensation

    Underwriting Spread

    Factors That Determine the Size of the Underwriting Spread

    Review of Underwriting

    Agreements by FINRA

    Underwriter’s Compensation

    Unreasonable Compensation

    Offering of Securities by FINRA Members and Other Conflicts

    Syndicate Operations

    Syndicate Short Positions

    Exempt Securities

    Exempt Transactions

    Broker Transactions Under Rule 144

    Registration Rights and Lock up Agreements


    Rule 147 Intrastate Offering

    Research Reports

    Rule 137 Nonparticipants

    Rule 138 Nonequivalent Securities

    Rule 139 Issuing Research Reports

    Rule 415 Shelf Registration

    SEC Rule 405

    Additional Communication Rules

    DPP Roll-UP Transactions

    Nasdaq Listing Standards

    Listing Requirements for the NYSE

    Market Making During Syndication

    Regulation M, Rule 101

    Penalty Bids

    Regulation M, Rule 102

    Regulation M, Rule 103

    Passive Market Makers’ Daily Purchase Limit

    Regulation M, Rule 104

    Regulation M, Rule 105


    Chapter 6

    Financial Analysis

    GAAP Accounting and Reporting

    Balance Sheet


    Changes in the Balance Sheet

    The Income Statement

    Statement of cash flows

    The Impact of Converting Bonds

    Refunding Debt

    Stock Splits and Stock Dividends

    Retained earnings

    Pro Forma Financial Statements

    Inventory Valuation and Accounting

    comparative financial analysis

    Accounting Challenges

    Deferred Tax Issues

    Depreciation and amortization

    Fixed and variable costs

    Restructuring charges

    Market Capitalization


    Chapter 7


    Price to Earnings Valuation

    Earnings Yield

    PEG Ratio

    Enterprise value

    Free Cash flow

    Price to free cash flow

    Price to Book

    Price to sales

    Weighted average cost of capital

    Levered and Unlevered Beta

    Cost of Equity Based on Issuance of New Common Shares

    Cost of Equity Based on Retained Earnings

    Dividend Valuation Models

    Sum of the Parts (SOTP) Valuation

    Discounted Cash flow

    Economic Value Added


    Chapter 8

    M & A Analysis

    How to Determine the Offering Price In M & A

    Accretive and Dilutive Transactions

    Cash and stock transactions

    Determining the Combined Enterprise Value

    How to build An LBO Model

    Employee Stock Options

    The Creation of Goodwill

    Cross Border Complications


    Answer Keys

    About the Series 79 Exam

    Congratulations! You are on your way to becoming a registered investment banking professional, licensed to perform a variety of investment banking functions for a broker dealer. The Series 79 exam will be presented in a 75-question multiple-choice format. Each candidate will have 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete the exam. A score of 73% or higher is required to pass. Your training materials from The Securities Institute will make sure that you have the required knowledge to pass the Series 79 and that you are confident in the application of that knowledge during the exam.

    Taking the Series 79 Exam

    The Series 79 exam is presented in multiple-choice format on a touch-screen computer known as the PROCTOR system. No computer skills are required, and candidates will find that the test screen works in the same way as an ordinary ATM. Each test is made up of 75 questions that are randomly chosen from a test bank of several thousand questions. The test has a time limit of 2 hours and 30 minutes, which is designed to provide enough time for all candidates to complete the exam. Each Series 79 exam will comprise questions that focus on the following areas:

    How to Prepare for the Series 79 Exam

    For most candidates, the combination of reading the textbook, watching the video class lectures and taking practice questions proves to be sufficient to successfully complete the exam. It is recommended that candidates spend at least 70 to 80 hours preparing for the exam by reading the textbook, underlining key points, and answering as many practice questions as possible. We recommend that candidates schedule their exam no more than 1 week after finishing their Series 79 preparation.

    Test-Taking Tips

    Read the full question before answering.

    Identify what the question is asking.

    Identify key words and phrases.

    Watch out for hedge clauses, such as except and not.

    Eliminate wrong answers.

    Identify synonymous terms.

    Be wary of changing answers.

    What Type of Transactions May a Series 79 Investment Banking Representative Engage In ?

    A Series 79 registered investment banking professional may advise on or facilitate a variety of offerings and transactions including:

    Debt and equity offerings (private placement or public offering)

    Mergers and acquisitions

    Tender offers

    Financial restructurings

    Asset sales

    Divestitures or other corporate reorganizations

    Business combination transactions

    What Score Is NEEDED to Pass the Exam?

    A score of 73% or higher is needed to pass the Series 79 exam.

    Are There Any Prerequisites for the Series 79?

    Candidates who wish to take the Series 79 exam must also successfully complete the SIE exam to become fully registered.

    How Do I Schedule an Exam?

    Ask your firm’s compliance department to schedule the exam for you or to provide a list of test centers in your area. You must be sponsored by a FINRA member firm prior to making an appointment. The Series 79 exam may be taken any day that the exam center is open.

    What Must I Take to the Exam Center?

    A picture ID is required. All other materials will be provided, including a calculator and scratch paper.

    How Soon Will I Receive Results of the Exam?

    The exam will be graded as soon as you answer your final question and hit the Submit for Grading button. It will take only a few minutes to get your results. Your grade will appear on the computer screen, and you will be given a paper copy at the exam center.

    If you do not pass the test, you will need to wait 30 days before taking it again. If you do not pass on the second try, you will need to wait another 30 days. If you do not pass on the third try, you must wait 6 months to take the test again.

    About This Book

    The writers and instructors at The Securities Institute have developed the Series 79 textbook, exam prep software, and videos to ensure that you have the knowledge required to pass the test and that you are confident in the application of that knowledge during the exam. The writers and instructors at The Securities Institute are subject-matter experts as well as Series 79 test experts. We understand how the test is written, and our proven test-taking techniques can dramatically improve your results.

    Each chapter includes notes, tips, examples, and case studies with key information, hints for taking the exam, and additional insight into the topics. Each chapter ends with a practice test to ensure that you have mastered the concepts before moving on to the next topic.

    About the Test Bank

    This book is accompanied by a test bank of hundreds of questions to further reinforce the concepts and information presented here. The test bank is provided to help students who have purchased our book from a traditional bookstore or from an online retailer such as Amazon. If you have purchased this textbook as part of a package from our website containing the full version of the software, you are all set and simply need to use the login instructions that were emailed to you at the time of purchase. Otherwise to access the test bank please email your purchase receipt to [email protected] and we will activate your account. This test bank provides a small sample of the questions and features that are contained in the full version of the exam prep software.

    If you have not purchased the full version of the exam prep software with this book, we highly recommend it to ensure that you have mastered the knowledge required for your exam. To purchase the exam prep software for this exam, visit The Securities Institute of America online at: or call 877‐218‐1776.

    About The Securities Institute of America

    The Securities Institute of America, Inc. Helps thousands of securities and insurance professionals build successful careers in the financial services industry every year. In more than 25 years we have helped students pass more than 400,000 exams. Our securities training options include:

    Classroom training

    Private tutoring

    Interactive online video training classes

    State-of-the-art exam prep test banks

    Printed textbooks


    Real-time tracking and reporting for managers and training directors

    As a result, you can choose a securities training solution that matches your skill level, learning style, and schedule. Regardless of the format you choose, you can be sure that our securities training courses are relevant, tested, and designed to help you succeed. It is the experience of our instructors and the quality of our materials that make our courses requested by name at some of the largest financial services firms in the world.

    To contact The Securities Institute of America, visit us on the Web at: or call 877‐218‐1776.

    Chapter 1

    Equity and Debt Securities


    The first chapter will lay the foundation on which the rest of the text is built. A thorough understanding of this material will be necessary in order to successfully complete the Series 79 exam. Because Series 79 investment banking professionals advise on the issuance and the valuation of equity, debt, and derivative securities, it is an important starting point.

    What Is a Security?

    A security is any investment product that can be exchanged for value and involves risk. In order for an investment to be considered a security, it must be readily transferable between two parties and the owner must be subject to the loss of some or all of their invested principal. If the product is not transferable or does not contain risk, then it is not a security.

    Securities are broken up into two major categories for the Series 79: equity and debt. Let’s begin by comparing the two different types of securities:

    Equity = Stock

    The term equity is synonymous with the term stock. Throughout your preparation for this exam, as well as on the exam itself, you will find many terms that are used interchangeably. Equity or stock creates an ownership relationship with the issuing company. Once an investor has purchased stock in a corporation, he or she becomes an owner of that corporation. The corporation sells off pieces of itself to investors in the form of shares in an effort to raise working capital. Equity is perpetual, meaning there is no maturity date for the shares and investors may own the shares until they decide to sell them. Most corporations use the sale of equity as their main source of business capital.

    Debt = Bonds

    A bond, or any other debt instrument, is actually a loan to the issuer. By purchasing a bond, the investor has made a loan to the corporation and becomes a creditor of the issuing company.

    Debt instruments, unlike their equity counterparts, have a time frame or maturity date associated with them. Whether it is 1 year, 5 years, or 30 years, at some point the issue will mature, and the investor will receive his or her principal back and will cease to be a creditor of the corporation. We will examine how investors may purchase stocks and bonds, but first we must look at how the corporation uses the sale of these securities to meet its organizational goals.

    Common Stock

    There are thousands of companies whose stock trades publicly and that have used the sale of equity as a source of raising business capital. All publicly traded companies must issue common stock before they may issue any other type of equity security. The two types of equity securities are common stock and preferred stock. Although all publicly traded companies must have sold or issued common stock, not all companies may want to issue or sell preferred stock. Let’s take a look at the creation of a company and how common stock is created.

    Corporate TIMELINE

    Authorized Stock

    Authorized stock is the maximum number of shares that a company may sell to the investing public in an effort to raise cash to meet the organization’s goals. The number of authorized shares is determined arbitrarily and is set at the time of incorporation. A corporation may sell all or part of its authorized stock. If the corporation wants to sell more shares than it is authorized to sell, the shareholders must approve an increase in the number of authorized shares.

    Issued Stock

    Issued stock is stock that has been authorized for sale and has actually been sold to the investing public. The total number of authorized shares typically exceeds the total number of issued shares so that the corporation may sell additional shares in the future to meet its needs. Once shares have been sold to the investing public, they will always be counted as issued shares regardless of their ownership or subsequent repurchase by the corporation. It is important to note that the total number of issued shares may never exceed the total number of authorized shares.

    Additional authorized shares may be issued in the future to:

    Pay a stock dividend.

    Expand current operations.

    Exchange common shares for convertible preferred or convertible bonds.

    Satisfy obligations under employee stock options or purchase plans.

    Outstanding Stock

    Outstanding stock is stock that has been sold or issued to the investing public and that actually remains in the hands of the investing public.

    Treasury Stock

    Treasury stock is stock that has been sold to the investing public and that has subsequently been repurchased by the corporation. The corporation may elect to reissue the shares or it may retire the shares that it holds in treasury stock. Treasury stock does not receive dividends nor does it vote.

    A corporation may elect to repurchase its own shares to:

    Maintain control of the company.

    Increase earnings per share.

    Fund employee stock purchase plans.

    Use shares to pay for a merger or acquisition.

    To determine the amount of treasury stock, use the following formula:

    issued stock − outstanding stock = treasury stock

    Values of Common Stock

    The market value of a common stock is determined by supply and demand and may or may not have any real relationship to what the shares are actually worth. The market value of common stock is affected by the current and future expectations for the company.

    Book Value

    The book value of a corporation is the theoretical liquidation value of the company. It is calculated by taking all of the company’s assets and subtracting all of its liabilities. To determine the book value per share, divide the total book value by the total number of outstanding common shares.

    Because intangible assets such as goodwill, patents and copyrights are difficult to value, investors will sometimes exclude them from the assets and calculate the company’s tangible book value. The tangible book value represents a more conservative valuation which may be substantially lower than the book value if the company is carrying a large amount of intangible assets on its balance sheet.

    Par Value

    Par value, in a discussion regarding common stock, is only important if you are an accountant looking at the balance sheet. For investors, it has no relationship to any measure of value that may otherwise be employed.

    Rights of Common Stockholders

    As an owner of common stock, investors are owners of the corporation. As such, investors have certain rights that are granted to all common stockholders.

    Preemptive Rights

    As a stockholder, an investor has the right to maintain a percentage interest in the company. This is known as a preemptive right. Should the company wish to sell additional shares to raise new capital, it must first offer the new shares to existing shareholders. If the existing shareholders decide not to purchase the new shares, they may be offered to the general public.

    A shareholder’s preemptive right is ensured through a rights offering. The existing shareholders will have the right to purchase the new shares at a discount to the current market value for 45 days. This is known as the subscription price. Once the subscription price is set, it remains constant for 45 days, while the price of the stock is moving up and down in the marketplace. The three possible outcomes for a right are that it is exercised or sold or that it expires.


    The investor decides to purchase the additional shares and sends in the money as well as the rights to receive the additional shares.


    The rights have value, and if the investor does not want to purchase the additional shares they may be sold to another investor who would like to purchase the shares.


    The rights will expire if no one wants to purchase the stock. This will only occur when the market price of the share has fallen below the subscription price of the right and the 45 days have elapsed.


    A common stockholder has the right to vote on major issues facing the corporation. Common stockholders are part owners of the company and, as a result, have the right to say how the company is run. The biggest emphasis is placed on the election of the board of directors.

    Common stockholders may also vote on:

    The issuance of bonds or additional common shares.

    Stock splits.

    Mergers and acquisitions.

    Major changes in corporate policy.

    Methods of Voting

    There are two methods by which the voting process may be conducted: the statutory and cumulative methods. A stockholder may cast one vote for each share of stock owned, and the statutory or cumulative method will determine how those votes are cast. The test focuses on the election of the board of directors, so we will use that in our example.

    The statutory method requires that the votes be distributed evenly among the candidates the investor wishes to vote for.

    The cumulative method allows the shareholder to cast all of their votes in favor of one candidate if they so choose. The cumulative method is said to favor smaller investors for this reason.

    Limited Liability

    Stockholders’ liability is limited to the amount of money they have invested in the stock. They cannot be held liable for any amount that exceeds their invested capital.

    Inspection of Books and Records

    All stockholders have the right to inspect the company’s books and records. For most shareholders, this right is ensured through the company’s filing of quarterly and annual reports. Stockholders also have the right to obtain a list of shareholders, but they do not have the right to review other corporate financial data that the corporation may deem confidential.

    Residual Claim to Assets

    In the event of a company’s bankruptcy or liquidation, common stockholders have the right to receive their proportional interest in residual assets. After all other security holders, as well as all creditors of the corporation, have been paid, common stockholders may claim the residual assets. For this reason, common stock is the most junior security.

    Why Do People Buy Common Stock?

    Capital Appreciation/Growth

    The main reason people invest in common stock is for capital appreciation. They want their money to grow in value over time. An investor in common stock hopes to buy the stock at a low price and sell it at a higher price at some point in the future.


    Many corporations distribute a portion of their earnings to their investors in the form of dividends. This distribution of earnings creates income for the investor. Investors in common stock generally receive dividends quarterly.

    The investor in this example is receiving 10% of the purchase price of the stock each year in the form of dividends.

    What Are the Risks of Owning Common Stock?

    The major risk in owning common stock is that the stock may fall in value. There are no sure things in the stock market, and even if a company seems great, an investor may end up losing money.

    Dividends May Be Stopped or Reduced

    Common stockholders are not entitled to receive dividends just because they own part of the company. It is up to the company to elect to pay a dividend. The corporation is in no way obligated to pay common shareholders a dividend.

    Junior Claim on Corporate Assets

    A common stockholder is the last person to get paid if the company is liquidated. It is very possible that after all creditors and other investors are paid there will be little or no money left for the common stockholder.

    Preferred Stock

    Preferred stock is an equity security with a fixed-income component. Like a common stockholder, the preferred stockholder is an owner of the company. However, the preferred stockholder is investing in the stock for the fixed income that the preferred shares generate through their semiannual dividends. Preferred stock has a stated dividend rate, or a fixed rate, that the corporation must pay to its preferred shareholders. Growth is generally not achieved through investing in preferred shares.

    Features of Preferred Stock

    Par Value

    Par value on preferred stock is very important because it is what the dividend is based on. Par value for preferred shares is $100. Companies generally express the dividend as a percentage of par value for preferred stock.

    Payment of Dividends

    The dividend on preferred shares must be paid before any dividends are paid to common shareholders. This gives the preferred shareholder a priority claim on the corporation’s distribution of earnings.

    Distribution of Assets

    If a corporation liquidates or declares bankruptcy, the preferred shareholders are paid prior to any common shareholder, giving the preferred shareholders a higher claim on the corporation’s assets.


    Preferred stock, unlike bonds, is perpetual, with no maturity date. Investors may hold shares for as long as they wish or until they are called in by the company under a call feature.


    Most preferred stock is nonvoting. Occasionally, if the company has been in financial difficulty and has missed preferred dividend payments for an extended period of time, preferred shareholders may receive the right to vote.

    Interest Rate Sensitive

    Because of the fixed income generated by preferred shares, their price

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