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Comforted From Heaven
Comforted From Heaven
Comforted From Heaven
Ebook109 pages1 hour

Comforted From Heaven

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I opened my eyes to find I'm lying flat on my back on a strange bed. Everything I see is unknown except for my family gathered around the bed looking down at me. I have no idea where I am or what day it is. I try to speak but I can't make a sound. I try to remember what happened, but my thoughts are foggy. I move to reach for my face, only to find my hands are tied to the bed rail. My family tries to calm me as memories start rushing back of collapsing at home. Tears begin to fill my eyes. My daughter wipes them away because I can't. This is my story and how I began to understand why this happened. Where had I been during the five days I lost? Why couldn't I remember anything past collapsing at home except for a dream ...or was it a dream. For the past several years with help of family and friends I've been trying to fit together all the pieces. One thing I am sure of is I was Comforted From Heaven.

Release dateFeb 22, 2022
Comforted From Heaven

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    Comforted From Heaven - C. Deanne Rowe


    This book is dedicated to the Urbandale Iowa Fire Department Paramedics, the Doctors and Nurses of Iowa Methodist Trauma Center and the Doctors and Nurses of Iowa Methodist Critical Care Unit. Without your exceptional care and dedication to your profession, I would not be here to share my story.


    I struggled with the idea of writing this book, how to write it, what message should I leave with the people who read it? I wanted to know what happened to me and why, but there was also a part of me that didn’t want to delve into the details. The wanting to know side won out. I wish to acknowledge the people who helped me get there.

    My family, who endured and still endures endless questions and conversations about the events surrounding those days.

    Maggie Rivers, my good friend and writing partner, who patiently gave me time, space and support to find the answers I needed. Also, the encouragement to use my writing skills and put my story down on paper.

    Darrel Day, author and friend, who has also dealt with pulmonary embolisms and with his own near-death experience which hopefully he will share with all of you some day. Darrel, along with Maggie, gave me the support I needed to finish my story.

    Mike Manno, Deacon, attorney and author, who took the time to listen to my story embellished with sobs and tears and then told me Jesus visited me and comforted me, which is where my title came from. He also encouraged me to write my story down.

    Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, who never gave up on me. I gave my life to you as a young girl and you have been on my right side ever since. I’ve not always been the most obedient of servants, but you still showed me your unconditional love and comforted me when I needed you most.


    Two Years Later

    I’ve decided now is the time for me to finish my story. If there ever was a time for inspiration, it would be now. I’m in a room filled with friends and fellow authors, each working on their current work in progress. These friends have been there with me and for me as I try to find my new normal. It’s been two years and I’m still searching. What I’m searching for, I’m not really sure. There have been days of ups and days of downs. The ups have not been euphoric highs, but more of an ability to handle what the day brings. The downs have been so deep in the depths of despair I didn’t know if I could or wanted to make it through.

    The only way I can describe this feeling of being lost in your own reality is if you move into a new house bringing all your belongings with you. You are surrounded by familiar things, but the shell that holds them has changed. Everything belongs in a new place. Attempting to make places for what you know, what made you comfortable before, can prove impossible. This feeling can overwhelm you. Imagine waking to begin your day and knowing the responsibilities that lie in front of you don’t hold the same fulfillment as they did before. You don’t look forward to engaging in anything. You are just making it through your day, checking each responsibility off your list and retiring at night, wondering why and if you can do it again the next day. This is my day-to-day existence now. I know the only way to change this is to let go of everything I knew before, jumble them up like pieces of a puzzle. If they belong, they will fit back into place. If they don’t, then it’s time to let them go.

    Serenity Prayer - Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. *

    No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow,—Euripides

    In early April 2011, I stood at my patio door, taking in the beauty of the grass beginning to green; the trees beginning to bud. My three dogs were enjoying sniffing out all the scents which had reappeared from underneath the snow cover of winter.

    Spring is my favorite time of the year. The world is coming alive after several months of freezing temperatures and cabin fever. This spring was one I was looking forward to and embracing the feeling that everything in my life was good. My family was growing, my job was fulfilling, and a dream of mine was coming true. In May 2011, my first book would be published. Two friends and I had each written a short story and we put them together in a novella titled ‘Blue Jeans and Stilettos’. We had our first book signing coming up in the next month. All was right with the world. Or at least I thought. I had no idea how my world would change in the next few weeks. No one could have convinced me nothing would ever be the same.

    My yearly mammogram was scheduled for the end of April. I was sure I would have a normal reading like all the others had been. I was wrong. The doctor saw something he didn’t like, so I was scheduled for a second mammogram and an ultrasound. On Friday, April 13, 2011, I had a surgical biopsy because the spot they saw was too close to my chest wall to do a needle biopsy. On April 18, I waited to receive a call from my surgeon. Waiting until midafternoon, I still had heard nothing from his office, so I called. My world came crashing down. I thought someone had pulled the floor out from under me. I could hear him speaking, but all I remember him saying was Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). I had cancer.

    The next four months of my life were physically filled with doctor appointments, surgery, radiation treatments and more doctor appointments. Mentally, they were filled with questions about what was happening to my body. Would my body be disfigured? How would the radiation treatments affect me? I was determined to fight this disease, and I knew it would not be easy. Most of all was the fear of what my future held. Would this cancer come back?

    As the next four years passed, with each doctor appointment and clear mammogram, my future was getting back to normal. I was released from my surgeon and my doctor

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