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Down The Rabbit Hole: The Elsewhere Series
Down The Rabbit Hole: The Elsewhere Series
Down The Rabbit Hole: The Elsewhere Series
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Down The Rabbit Hole: The Elsewhere Series

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Nyssa's life, the last few years, was far from sunshine and rainbows with her fiancé, Nate, between his temper and punishments. It varied on the day of the week. During the day, she is consumed with appeasing Nate but at night in her dreams, she's in the arms of her mysterious lover, the Mad Hatter. As she sleeps, she is loved and cherished like a precious jewel.

On the day she is going to marry Nate, she is stunned to discover that she is pregnant. After catching her groom in an act of infidelity just hours before their wedding, Nyssa flees for her life with the help of her sister, Siri. Nyssa hopes escaping to the Happy Ending Resort with Siri will be the answers to her prayers. She yearns for the love and freedom she's never known.

The Happy Ending Resort isn't just any old resort. At this resort, unexplainable things happen both good and bad. Reeling from her heartbreak, she is surprised to meet the handsome stranger, Maddox, but things aren't always what they seem. Maybe her dreams weren't just dreams, maybe there's more to them than she thought.

Release dateFeb 27, 2022
Down The Rabbit Hole: The Elsewhere Series

Kristen Collins

I'm a Native Texan, born and raised close to the heart of the great Lone Star state. I was born in January of 89’ and got to grow up during a great time, I honestly don’t consider myself a Millennial, and really hate that title. I Co-Own INDIE/pendent Book Services and a full-time mother/housewife, as well as a Lupus Warrior. Having Lupus, means a life of inside living, and the sun is known as my arch-nemesis, my personal kryptonite. I wanted to leave a legacy behind, sometime my kids could one day look back on and say, yeah my mom did that. Thanks to the encouragement of friends and family, I found a passion in writing paranormal romance books. Anything fantasy usually suits my novels and me tend to be able to reach anyone in multiple genres. Most of my story ideas come to me in the most unexpected time and places, such as my dreams. They will plague me non-stop until I get my rear up and write it out. I like to explore to new types of characters such as Sandmen and Boogeymen for example. I really wanted to give them their own world, such as A Sandman’s Forbidden Love. God has granted me success that I never imagine was possible, which lead me to my obsession with the paranormal. Now, I know shifter aren’t real but Angels are another story. So Angels are also a part of my obsession, I will sit on the computer doing extensive research on both Sandmen and Angels trying to get my facts straight. Then, on the side, I create Art Journals that can be cross generational from thirteen to sixty years younger, My goal with these types of books are to reach people who need that extra feel good in their lives.

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    Book preview

    Down The Rabbit Hole - Kristen Collins


    I would like to thank a very hardworking single mama who designed this beautiful cover for me! She has such a talent! Rachel, you did a spectacular job!

    Thank you Suzette with Essential Proofing for all the hard work you put into the editing of this story! You never disappoint

    Finally, to my fans, thank you for believing in me and continually reading my stuff. I love creating these worlds for you and I hope that you love entering them with me.


    This book goes to my Bestie! Jamie, you really encourage me to express all these crazy other worlds floating around in my head. You’re my moral compass and I don’t know what I would do without you sometimes.

    My #AmazingHusband who listens and lets me drive him insane! When it came to the madness and passion of love, I thought of you.

    Prologue: Wedding Bells

    The squad car pulled up to the church as Siri and I jumped out quickly. Dan, still in uniform, looked dashing as he smiled at Siri whose hair was already done for the wedding. Siri popped the trunk as we started retrieving our dresses before we took off towards the church doors.

    Siri, can you grab my make-up bag, please? I said, with my arms full of dresses and to-go bags.

    Oh crap! Yes, if I can manage to grab it without setting off my Taser on my belt She joked.

    Well, I can...

    No, no, you don’t! I was kidding, Nyssa! Siri looks back at Dan in the police cruiser. Thanks Dan, I’ll see you at the reception. Be sure to grab me a drink, Siri winked playfully at him as we dashed through the church doors.

    We quickly made our way towards the bridal room as I made my way to the bathroom with bag in hand.

    I need a few moments alone, please.

    Siri just laughed and waved me off as I shut the door.

    I walked impatiently back and forth in the bathroom. Hasn’t it been three minutes yet?! Just then, the timer on my phone buzzed on the sink as I rushed to pick up the stick and my mouth dropped to the floor. Two pink lines stared back at me. I am pregnant... A million different emotions rushed through my mind.

    My head snapped to the left when someone started banging on the door. Quickly, I hid the test away in my makeup bag. I had to tell Nate the news fast. Excitedly, I opened the door and ran past Siri out the door and down the hallway. The excitement died down the further down the hall I went. How would Nate feel? Would he love me more or would he hate me? Would he want me to get rid of the baby or want it? Indecision started to crawl up my spine.

    Nyssa, you’re not supposed to see him till the wedding! It’s bad luck! Siri said, following me, trying to stop me from going to the groom’s quarters.

    I just want to talk to him really quick. I won’t look, I’ll stay on the other side of the door, We giggled with excitement, but the knot twisted tighter in my stomach. I was supposed to be the happiest girl in the world, or I should be, but the truth was, I wasn’t sure I could go through with this. I was about to marry my boyfriend of the last three years. Nothing could ruin today for me, or could it?

    Flashes of my dream boyfriend, what I called him, flashed in my mind, his touches and love made my heart swell. He’s who I wanted but he wasn’t even real. Nate was real and here, waiting to marry me. The thoughts of Nate and his anger sent a chill of fear down my spine.

    I could hear his voice still, No one wants you, without me you are nothing. You will be alone forever, and if any man does come along, then he’ll only use you for the one thing you’re good at, He’d snickered as his eyes had roamed down my body. But you’re good for something, at least. More doubts filled me, and confusion of what to do ate at me.

    I shook off the memory, feeling worthless like usual. Siri watched me closely, she was suspicious of Nate and our relationship. She really didn’t like him, but I could tell she had been trying hard to hold her tongue so we wouldn’t fight today.

    What’s that noise? It sounds like moaning? Siri asked, as we slowed down getting closer to the room at the end of the chapel hallway.

    It’s probably Bree and Johnny, they’ve been flirting nonstop this whole week that we’ve been here. She’s been MIA for the last hour. Anyway, you know Johnny, always the playboy. I warned her that he would try and get in her pants.

    I still don’t know why you invited her, especially after she slept with your prom date in high school. I would have cut all ties with her long ago, Nyssa, Siri said, shaking her head.

    Yeah, but we made up in college about that. Just let the past stay in the past, Siri. Besides, she would never do something like that to me again, I said, rolling my eyes. Yet, a feeling of uncertainty gnawed at me, but I brushed it off. Siri always worried too much about me.

    The moaning was getting louder and we giggled as a male voice shushed her, but the knot squeezed tighter in my stomach. Why, I didn’t know, maybe my intuition was screaming at me and as always, I was just choosing to ignore it.

    Wow, Johnny sure has some stamina... Siri joked beside me.

    We were leaning into the door and whispering, when a voice behind us made us jump out of our skins.

    Dang! I didn’t know you two were into voyeurism, that’s pretty hot. As Johnny’s voice rang out loud, my heart dropped from my chest.

    I slowly turned around as Johnny’s eyes practically bulged out of his head before me. I froze in shock.

    If you’re out here, then who’s in...?

    Son of a... Siri kicked the door in as she yanked me into the room with her.

    Bree let out a scream and Nate struggled to pull his pants up. Siri didn’t even waste time as she yanked Bree by her blonde hair and dragged her to the window.

    I was just reminding my sister that you were a whore and you just proved me right. Nobody hurts my sister and gets away with it. She didn’t even hesitate or stop to think as she shoved Bree, naked as a jaybird, through the tall glass window.

    My clothes! Bree squealed, trying to get back inside.

    What clothes? Siri yelled, as she threw them into the fireplace. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion as my eyes and Nate’s locked, in that moment my whole world fell apart. Siri was throwing every glass thing available at Bree, keeping her from coming back in the window. All our family and friends who were gathered outside were watching the scandal unfold first hand.

    Hey Dan! We have a streaker here! Why don’t you call the boys and take her in, and book her for public indecency, giggled Siri.

    What? You’re forcing me to be out here! You threw my clothes in the fire!  Bree shot back, panic evident in her voice.

    Already on it, Partner, Dan said with a wink, as a couple of uniformed officers handcuffed Bree and took her away in the squad car.

    Dan leaned into the window, You know, that’ll probably never stick.

    Yes, but it will teach that slut not to mess with the Liddell sisters, Siri fired back. Dan shook his head, laughing at my sister. He walked off to do, what I assumed, was crowd control.

    Nate came up to me, trying to take my hand but I yanked it back while stepping away from him, as Siri stepped between us. Don’t you even think about touching her! I hesitated, unsure of what to do as I watched Siri face off, protecting me from Nate’s hidden wrath.

    My mind was blank. What do I do? Something broke inside me, thinking about the baby growing and the pathetic man before me. It was time for me to walk away.

    Baby, it was nothing. Just a last hoorah before we are bound to each other for the rest of our lives.

    Disgusted, I turned to walk away as Siri wrapped her arm around me to usher me out of the room.

    Hey! I’m talking to you! Maybe if you’d put out more I wouldn’t have to find other means to satisfy myself, Nate snarked angrily at me as I continued to walk away.

    I paused in the doorway, his jab stung and he knew it.

    Maybe if you could get it up without hitting me, I would be more inclined to want you, I said, raising my head high but not turning to look back at him, I knew that if I did, I would cower like the weak fool I am and give into him.

    Nate, furious, stepped up behind me and yanked my shoulder back. I knew what was coming but this time I was done being his victim. I swung a right hook clipping him in the nose. A loud crunch sounded and pain shot up through my knuckles.

    Shit... Shit... Oh my god, that hurt! I said, curling my hand to my chest.

    He did what to you?! Siri asked, infuriated as she kicked her foot right into his ball sack. Nate squealed about ten octaves higher than I had and dropped to his knees.

    Let’s get that hand looked at and then we’re getting you far away from this hellish nightmare, Siri soothed. I numbly nodded my head in agreement allowing her to lead me away from the room.

    Welcome to

    The Happy Endings Resort


    Nyssa! Earth to NYSSA!! Siri yelled at me from the driver’s seat.

    What?! I’m right here! I grumbled irritably, we had been trapped in the car for two days, sightseeing and blowing off steam. Even though only a few days had passed, the nightmare of what I had almost done to my life haunted me.

    I’ve been talking to you nonstop for the last twenty minutes and you’ve been in la-la-land doing only who knows what again, She said sternly but then she added more with concern,

    "Are you okay? I mean really, I thought...well, I don’t know what I thought, but you’re rather calm, all things considering. I’m not mad at you anymore, for not telling me about how much

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