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Hamid Bey: Mind over Mystery
Hamid Bey: Mind over Mystery
Hamid Bey: Mind over Mystery
Ebook52 pages30 minutes

Hamid Bey: Mind over Mystery

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About this ebook

This eBook is in the genre of creative nonfiction. It is based on the autobiography of Hamid Bey which was written by Hamid Bey titled..."My Life Preceding 5,000 burials." So, my eBook is my creative imagination in telling the dramatic story of the life of Master Hamid Bey who could control his heartbeat to 3 beats per minute and could put himself in a trance, "Suspended Animation." This is how he was able to be buried alive and come out breathing just like you and me. Bey also was able to stick pins in his body with no visible marks to be left and he appeared on old "Ed Sullivan Show" to demonstrate his ability to withstand weight when he had Mr. Sullivan stand on his body while he laid on a bed of nails.

I am hoping that this eBook will reach millions of listeners so that people will know of the power of the mind as performed by Master Hamid Bey. This also available in audiobook format, please visit
Release dateMar 10, 2022
Hamid Bey: Mind over Mystery

Peter Wehle

My name is Peter Michael Wehle. I am the author of this audiobook which has been a true labor of love. I grew up in the midwest, in Illinois to be precise. I love Lincoln and I love Hamid Bey's lessons. I graduated from Western Illinois University in 1973 and as Hamid Bey has said..."You are never too old to succeed." I'm a follower of the COPTIC Fellowship philosophy. If you want to learn more about the fellowship, please visit

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    Hamid Bey - Peter Wehle

    © 2022 Peter Wehle. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse   03/03/2022

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-5379-7 (e)

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    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine



    Narrator: His name was Hamid Bey. He will become one of the greatest metaphysical writers and lecturers of the 20th century. Hamid Bey was trained in the Egyptian Mystery School as did Jesus the Christ earlier. It was there, in that mystical school, that Hamid Bey learned the art of suspended animation that enabled him to control his physical body with mind power, a power that is available to everyone. Jesus the Christ availed himself of this power when he was crucified. Jesus could control his heartbeat and the blood flow to his organs and bodily functions so that he would appear dead. But he was not physically dead, simply in a state of suspended animation. Hamid Bey utilized this same power throughout his earthly life. That is why he was able to be buried over 5,000 times in an air- tight coffin and come out breathing, just as you and I breathe today.

    But, let us go back in time. . . The year is 1905. The place: Cairo, Egypt. Young boys are playing a hotly contested game of football, better known in the West as soccer. There is a young lad, Hamid, kicking the ball with a mighty grunt.

    Hamid: …Humph!

    Narrator: The ball rolls down the dusty Cairo street and stops at the feet of a man wearing white robe garments and a headdress. In time, this striking man would become a mentor to Hamid at the Egyptian Mystery School. He picks up the ball and looks into Hamid’s eyes for just an instant before he realizes he has just witnessed a great mystical moment. Hamid would describe this moment years later:

    Hamid: It seemed like

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