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How To Conquer Your 20s - A Decade To Be Selfish
How To Conquer Your 20s - A Decade To Be Selfish
How To Conquer Your 20s - A Decade To Be Selfish
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How To Conquer Your 20s - A Decade To Be Selfish

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Adulting! The most anticipated time in everyone's life.
Your 20s are the Baby steps in Adulting and, this book will help you feel better about your twenties. As a modern-day twenty-something-year-old, this book is going to highlight so much in different aspects in being in your 20+ years. it is both a scary and fun time of our lives. if you are anxious, afraid you are the only one that hasn't figured their life out and so many scary things running through your mind, longing and really in need of guidance, this book is percent for you.

At the end of the book, there are a few journaling lined pages for you to write down your very own personal lessons and experiences you are learning or you have learned being on the journey or your 20s.

PublisherFaith Amadi
Release dateMar 13, 2022
How To Conquer Your 20s - A Decade To Be Selfish

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    How To Conquer Your 20s - A Decade To Be Selfish - Faith Amadi


    People usually think me included, that our 20s are all about freedom, being grown up, and having everything figured out. With the passing years personally being in my mid-20s, I am realizing that the 20s are all about changes, learning, and unlearning. This is the most interesting period of your time. You are continuously learning, changing, and evolving as a person with each year in this new decade of your life. Let’s think of our life as a river. When you are born, you start out by the shore ready to sail into the waters and as you go through school and learn how to make friends and be social, you start to venture out into the waters more and the flow of the river pushes you further away from the shore (years pass by). When you eventually get to your 20s, you are at a unique spot in the river away and far from the shore that you cannot swim back. The river’s currents push your boat further each time but still far away to the end of the river and here is where you have the decision to decide how you are going to sail your boat in the right direction for the remaining distance (your life). There is so much awaiting you in this decade where you have all the time and energy in the world.

    This is the time when you need to be selfish as a person. It’s all about choosing yourself, putting yourself first before anyone else, and letting go of the past and old. It is about gaining your marks and shedding layers of yourself.

    So many people stumble in their 20s because they took so much time making sure that they get that bright future forgetting the aspect of living life in the present. Learn to live in your present as tomorrow is not promised. Do plan and work for the future, yes, but do not get lost in working for the coming days and not be in the present moment. Take advantage of being in this moment and analysis yourself. For example, how you want to set yourself up for the rest of your life, what skills do you want to learn, what kind of relationships you want, what countries and places you want to visit, and the kind of life you want to live.

    Personally, I cannot speak for other decades since have just completed one of the decades and I did get to learn a little bit in my 20s, there are lessons have learned in my early 20s and additional ones being learned in my mid-20s about who I am as a person and what really matters. Even though I am not fully out of my 20s yet, I have taken the time to document the lessons I have learned and still learning, that I wish someone would had sat me down and told me some years back as I was getting into ‘adulting’. Our 20s are such a crucial time in our life as it’s the time that sets us up for all other things we are planning to accomplish in life that I am going to discuss in this book in the following chapters. Hopefully, you get sprinkles of knowledge that will help you if you are just getting into your 20s or if you are already mid-twenties.


    Love yourself, love your body and be kind to yourself. Your happiness is up to you.

    Stay true to who you are, you will win faster. Never change just because someone wants you to change. Change only when you feel like the change within you wants to or needs to.

    ‘Take care of you’ is something that we are always told all through our lives since young. We are always told to look after ourselves by making sure we are safe wherever we go, take care of our body(body care), exercise, consume healthy meals, look after our mental health and sanity, and make sure to consume the right constructive information from different

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