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Abominable Tales: Tales, #2
Abominable Tales: Tales, #2
Abominable Tales: Tales, #2
Ebook222 pages2 hours

Abominable Tales: Tales, #2

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About this ebook

This is the second book of my horror anthology series. Inside are a mixture of fiction and non fiction stories and i also included a cypher, which has a hidden message for those who read closely and can find the clues hidden within. 

Release dateMar 17, 2022
Abominable Tales: Tales, #2

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    Book preview

    Abominable Tales - Steven Bazydlo


    Cover Art

    Lemseh Carothers-Abdullah


    TCT Comics


    Cori Coia

    My family and friends for their continued support.



    Backwoods Bog     6

    Body Theseus        9

    Calendar Girl        11

    Drifter         13

    The Strange Code       22

    Finally Home        31

    Glass Cased Box       35

    Just a Scary Thought      42

    Late Night Break      44

    Not What I Thought      49

    The Box       52

    The Stop Signal     56

    Who Could Do This     59

    Who’s There?       67

    A Conversation with the Devil   72

    Anechoic Chamber       80

    Basement Apartment       89

    Snow Angel        95

    Sadist’s Memories       99

    Mr. Sockman      105

    The Flayed       114

    Polymelia Experiment      119

    Claymation      132

    Hopes and Fears     145

    I Can Explain      153

    She Found Me      155

    The Abduction of a Psychopath   161

    The Icy Grip        168

    The Moon Awoke      170

    Wrong Car        177

    Cabbage Patch        183

    Depths of Sand       185

    Should Have Called Sooner      189

    I’m Scared to Look Outside      193

    The Lovely Garden       195

    Priceless        199

    The Hangman's Game       201

    The Quiet Neighbor       210

    It's Not You, It’s Me       212

    Melting        216

    Shutter Sound        221

    Click Bait        224

    Striptease        228

    Pressure        233

    The Final Joke      240


    8, 13, 27, 22, 10, 23, 23, 27, 13, 14, 23, 9, 27, 15, 19, 14, 24, 27, 19, 9, 27, 8, 13, 27, 14, 13, 8, 27, 22, 23, 1, 10, 27, 5, 20, 1, 8, 27, 19, 8, 27, 25, 1, 12, 1, 26, 16, 23, 27, 13, 22

    Backwoods Bog

    Growing up, we all heard the stories about the swamps.  Every time a body was discovered, it was always chalked up to a gator, a bear, or maybe a mountain lion.  You know the usual suspects.  Anyone from around here knows that if any of those were the culprits, the bodies would have been eaten.

    I knew the local coroner, and he said that all the bodies showed signs of severe trauma, but no animal bites.  At least not until after they were already dead.  They all had signs drowning was the cause of death.

    I'm not the superstitious type.  I may be the, backwoods, type, but I'm not stupid.  The stories of the bog creature were all real.  I've seen it. I was one of the lucky few to escape, however, not unharmed.

    I was twenty at the time.  I was out checking my family's crawfish traps.  I had gotten a late start and I was losing light because of it.  I knew if I didn't get all our pots up, my dad would kick my ass.

    I could see the last marker tied up in the tree.  Not many trapped in this area due to all the stories, but I was young, dumb, and full of bravado, so I didn't believe in all that folklore crap.

    I used my pull hook to grab the rope and started pulling the pot up.  The twilight was just enough for me to see the cage as it neared the surface.  It was heavy, which was a great sign.  The others were pretty light, but enough for dinner that night.  The metal frame broke the surface and, instantly, was pulled back down.  I figured it got caught on a tree root or something.

    I stupidly reached into the murky water, not even considering that it could be an alligator. As I felt around, I found the problem.  It felt like a smooth tree branch.  I grabbed a hold and I froze, as what I thought was wood squished, and I felt it move.

    Before I could snap out of it, I felt a hand grasp my arm and try to pull me down.  I jerked back and could see a greenish, bruised hand, tightly gripping just above my elbow.  The hand was twisted completely around at the wrist, its fingers were long, easily reaching around my bicep.

    I screamed, realizing what I was seeing.  I struggled and finally found my belt knife.  Unsheathing it, I drove it deep into the creature’s forearm,  puncturing straight through into the boat, pinning the arm to the boat.  Its grip loosened and I fell back. I fumbled while reaching for the pull starter on the engine, too scared to look away, as I saw the other arm reach out from over the edge of the boat.

    I found the starter and pulled as hard as I could.  The engine sputtered to life.  Pushing the throttle as hard as I could, I spun the wheel, throwing the creature from where it was pinned to the boat. I rushed back to the dock as fast as I could.

    I told my dad what happened and, as I thought, he called me a liar.  That was until I showed him the slashes on my arm and the chunk of the creature still pinned to the side of the boat.  I no longer trap in those marshes.  I stick mostly to hunting now.  I’m never able to shake that feeling I'm being watched, but it makes me wonder...

    If what I saw was real, are the Sasquatch sightings in the area real?

    Body Theseus

    I don't know what is still, me, anymore.  I have spent millions on surgery, yet, I no longer know what is even original on myself.

    After my diagnosis, I was blacklisted from every hospital.  Those bastards didn't understand.  I needed them.  I paid them to do what I wanted, but now, I have to search back alleys like a wretch to get what I want.  At least those, "doctors' ' understood my imperfections and how they needed to be replaced with better, more fitting parts.

    Body Dysmorphic Disorder, pfft!  I think they just made that up, telling me any more surgery could kill me, but I’ll show them!

    I never asked the surgeons where the parts came from.  They get their money and they do what is asked, just the way it should be.

    I've replaced organs, skin, and even that wasn't enough.  I still felt flawed, however, I think I've found a solution.  I started small...a few fingers at first, then a leg, sections of muscle and bones.  With each procedure, I felt more and more whole again.  I've effectively replaced and fixed every part of my body at this point. Only one surgery left.

    They said this was all in my head, right? It took me years to find a skilled enough surgeon, even longer to get the money together.

    It’s time to fix the last flaw.  My only concern is, will I still be me when it’s all done?  Will I even recognize myself?

    It's too late now to change my mind.  I can feel myself slipping away to that euphoric haze of anesthetic.  It's... ...the flaw.

    Calendar Girl

    The store was cold.  The coolers holding the meat were now next to the aisle for office accessories.  My eyes scanned for a new calendar to add to my wall.  There were very few options today.  I saw a Goth-inspired one next to a more business-type.  The cute puppy one sort of spoke to me as a better selection, though.  Really brighten up the room.  I know I shouldn't be picky, but, hey, you like what you like for this type of selection.

    I'm thinking the puppy one.  Yes, the hat on the cover accentuated by the elegant red trim.  The feeling of joy I get as I think of each new month, peeling the pages back and pressing the pin in to keep it open.  Carving the new month’s plan into each new day, slashing each passing day to mark its completion.

    I could feel my heart racing at all these thoughts, knowing that, like all calendars, they eventually end up just hanging on the walls until a new one for that year is chosen.

    I better act before someone else gets it.

    Hello.  I couldn't help but notice you.  I was thinking, maybe I could offer to buy you a drink some time, see where things go...

    The look in her eyes flickered and after a moment she said, Yes.

    Great, let's make it a date to remember.

    As she walked away I felt my body warm up. She will look beautiful up on my wall with all the others.  A smile crossed my lips as I looked down at her phone number.


    I'm that guy you see going from town to town, looking for small jobs to get by, then moving on.  It’s not really common now, but it's a good way to experience the country.  From its people to its food, it’s sometimes hard to move along.

    I've seen a good portion of this country, from the good in people and their giving nature, to the bad, where honest fear was my only option.  Sometimes it’s hard to tell until it’s too late.

    I just walked into town and was broke as a bad joke.  I had food and drinks, but no place to set up camp, which seems to be a recurring theme in my travels.  I started going around town, Feeling it out, as it were.  The people seemed a bit backwoods, but nothing too out of the ordinary.


    Sorry, sorry.

    The angry woman waved a deformed nub at me as she drove past.  I'm assuming it was her way of giving me the finger.  Maybe this will be one of those towns worth forgetting, or, if nothing else, fuel for a good story.

    Wandering through the town, I came across an old scrap yard.  I could see the guy running it inside; a big, gruff type, but I'm sure I can make a deal. The street was pretty baron of people, and there weren’t many affordable options for me to choose from.

    The scrap guy seemed more intimidating outside, but as I stepped inside, I was greeted by a big toothy smile, much to my surprise.

    Hey there.  What can I do ya’ for?

    "I'm sorry, Sir, I don't have anything to scrap.  I'm actually looking for a place to sleep tonight.

    Well, that is an unfortunate situation ya’ got there.

    Do you, by chance, know of any place willing to let me work off a night for a place to sleep?

    Not in this town, man...But, tell ya’ what.  How about this?  If I let you crash in the yard, as long as you are out before sunrise, I’ll act like I never saw ya’.

    Wow...  This was a new one, but who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth?  Sure.  I’ll take that offer.

    Just one little catch.

    I'm not sleeping with you.

    What? No, ya’ sick bastard.  Follow me.  Walking past shelves of parts we reached the back door.

    If you're gonna stay here, you are sleeping in this car.

    Ummm... Why?

    Because, this will guarantee you are out by sunrise.

    I’m not following.  What do you mean?

    Let’s put it this way:  At sunrise, this car gets crushed.  Get me?

    My stomach sank to my nuts after hearing that, but what option did I have?  And, I doubt he was serious.  No way.

    So... You serious?

    As a heart attack.

    Ok, then.  Dawn it is.

    Have a good night, Cupcake.  The smile he showed with that statement was way too cheerful.  No way he was serious.

    Setting up my little camp, I was glad I at least had something to eat, wouldn't wanna have to hunt down any rats from here.  Taking in my surroundings, I could see this guy was relatively busy.  So much abandoned junk, just piled.  I wonder where it all came from.  The town doesn't seem that big and I didn't see a whole lot of construction or anything on my way in.

    In the morning, I'll ask the guy in charge here, but in the meantime, maybe I can explore.  Who knows I might find? There might be some cool stuff.  Not like this guy would notice if a few pieces of scrap went missing.

    After the oh-so-delicious can of pork and beans, I headed out into the vast junk heaps.  I knew a little about finding precious metals in scrap.  Maybe I could score some in this heap.  Every little bit helps, and from the size of this place, I'm sure I can find some silver or gold connectors, or something.

    The piles just seemed to go on.  From the outside, it looked big, but looking at it now, it seems bigger.  The paths were big enough for a truck to drive through, but sharp, jagged scrap jutted out from random piles.

    I wouldn’t want to get stuck out here at night. I should watch where I step.

    Jackpot!  Coming around a corner, I found a giant pile of old ovens and washing machines.  I knew I had found something to keep me occupied for a few hours.  Grabbing my multi-tool, I started unscrewing and popping the silver contacts off the buttons and switches.  Not worth a lot each, on a one by one type of deal.

    I must have worked for a few hours and was surprised that I found about a pound or two of contacts. 

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