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Essential Uses: Baking Soda, Salt, Vinegar, Lemon, Coconut Oil, Honey, and Ginger
Essential Uses: Baking Soda, Salt, Vinegar, Lemon, Coconut Oil, Honey, and Ginger
Essential Uses: Baking Soda, Salt, Vinegar, Lemon, Coconut Oil, Honey, and Ginger
Ebook615 pages4 hours

Essential Uses: Baking Soda, Salt, Vinegar, Lemon, Coconut Oil, Honey, and Ginger

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About this ebook

Learn the secrets of better health, beauty, and wellness for you and your home using common, inexpensive, all-natural ingredients!

Essential Uses reveals new ways to use baking soda, salt, vinegar, lemons, coconut oil, honey, ginger, and a myriad of other natural items. With these easy-to-follow recipes and instructions, you can make your own face masks, bath salts, herbal teas, cleaning products, and much more!

Discover how to take better care of your skin, your health—and your home—all while saving money and using eco-friendly products. With a focus on personal wellness, home cleaning, and pet care, Essential Uses provides simple and effective options to live a healthier, more natural life.
Release dateJul 16, 2019
Essential Uses: Baking Soda, Salt, Vinegar, Lemon, Coconut Oil, Honey, and Ginger

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Essential Uses - Tricia Swanton


There are a thousand man-made products you can buy to deal with just about any problem you might come across, from cleaning your house to exfoliating your skin. Some of those products might even work! But, when it comes down to it, the costs almost always outweigh the benefits. When you buy a synthetic household cleaner or body wash, you might get the job done, but you’ll also be spending far too much money and using a product that introduces harsh, environmentally harmful chemicals into your home and your body.


There is, of course, another option. Instead of wasting your money, damaging the environment, and putting your own health at risk, you can get the same—or better—results out of things that you probably already have around the house for a fraction of the cost. With nothing but the liberal application of common household items like lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and coconut oil, you can make great improvements to all aspects of your life.

Detox drink made of water, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda

Coconut oil and coconuts

Fresh and ground ginger root

In this book, you will learn new ways to use baking soda, salt, vinegar, lemons, coconut oil, honey, ginger, and a myriad of other natural items. Baking soda makes a perfect alternative to most man-made cleaning solutions, and is gentle enough to avoid damaging surfaces. Salt is rich in vitamins and minerals that are vital for your body’s health, and also makes a great exfoliant to help soften and rejuvenate your skin. Apple cider vinegar can help cure dandruff, improve your digestive health, and even remove warts. Lemon juice can be used to freshen your breath and whiten your teeth, while both coconut oil and honey are great for you skin, hair, and overall health. Ginger is as close as you can get to a superfood; you can add it to your diet to help fight off disease, or add it to a face or body mask to cleanse and soften your skin.


Also included in this book are countless recipes, instructions, and tips to help you create your own DIY face masks, bath salts, and soothing herbal teas, all using nothing but these natural ingredients that you can find around the home or in any store near you. By making use of the information in this book, you can start to take better care of your skin, your health, and your home—all while saving money, getting better results out of your products, and reducing the overall harm you do to the environment.

Every one of these natural items has its own benefits, and once you learn the best ways to put them to use, you will be able to start cutting out toxic and expensive chemical products from your life, replacing them instead with green, natural solutions that provide all the same benefits with none of the harmful side effects or carbon footprint. From using dark chocolate to help kick your caffeine addiction to using ground cloves to prevent wrinkles and liver spots, there’s something here for anyone who wants to start taking steps towards living a healthier, more natural life.

Lemon balm tea with honey

Honey, honeycomb, honey candles, and bee pollen


Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a mineral found and mined around the world. Throughout history, baking soda has been used as a leavening agent in baking, as it causes batter to rise. Baking soda has a variety of uses that can benefit your health, home, and general wellness. A popular addition to most kitchen cupboards, it has invaluable uses in cooking and cleaning, as well as being an inexpensive remedy for many common ailments.

Baking soda in your baby’s bathwater

Soothe poison ivy rash

Paste of baking soda and water for bug bites

Hand scrub with baking soda and honey

Baking soda toothpaste

Polish tarnished jewelry


Aside from its uses in baking, baking soda is best known for its natural cleaning abilities. While it is an incredibly effective, inexpensive, and versatile cleaning agent, it also boasts a wide variety of wellness benefits.

From calming irritated skin to upset stomachs, baking soda can go a long way in keeping your family healthy. Baking soda is very alkaline, meaning its makeup has the properties of an alkali and is very basic. It is this alkalinity that makes it such an effective levener in baking Because of its basic pH level, baking soda can neutralize stomach acids quickly to counter any digestive issues. Additionally, baking soda is lightly abrasive and is therefore a gentle way to clean your teeth and body.


Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply to your skin. Apply the paste up to three times a day. This is an effective method to combat itchy bites as well as painful bee and wasp stings.

Baking soda and water paste for itchy bites


Rinsing your mouth with baking soda mouthwash daily helps to treat and prevent halitosis, discourage the formation of plaque, prevent gum disease, and maintain a healthy oral pH balance. If you have a canker sore, rinsing your mouth every few hours with this solution will help to heal the sore faster and alleviate some of the pain.

To make the mouthwash, mix 1 teaspoon baking soda into a glass of water and stir until the baking soda is dissolved.

Baking soda and mint to make mouthwash


Baking soda is a safe antacid—it can help to neutralize acid buildup and improve pH balance in the body. To help heartburn from eating acidic foods, slowly drink 1/4 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in a glass of water to neutralize the acid and correct your body’s pH balance.


Add 1 cup baking soda to bathwater to soften your skin and relieve irritation. Two tablespoons baking soda added to your baby’s bathwater can relieve diaper rash.

To counter more aggressive irritations, make a paste of equal parts baking soda and water and apply it to skin affected by poison ivy and poison oak to reduce discomfort. Do not use this method on broken skin. The paste also works for skin affected by sunburn and rashes caused by allergic reactions. Leave this mixture on the skin for several minutes before rinsing. Repeat a few times per day as needed.

Add baking soda to bath water


When it comes to ingesting baking soda, less is more! Consuming too much baking soda can cause an increase in acid production.


If you have a stubborn splinter, try soaking the area in baking soda and water. Mix 1 tablespoon baking soda with warm water and soak the area twice a day. Using this method, splinters will come out naturally after a few sessions.


You can use baking soda before and after your workouts in order to get the most out of them. Some studies indicate that baking soda reduces post-workout fatigue and potentially enhances athletic performance when taken before a workout. The ideal dosage of baking soda as a pre-working supplement is 135 mg of baking soda per pound of body weight.

Mix the baking soda with warm water and stir until the baking soda is completely dissolved. Drink the mixture slowly, about 90–120 minutes before your workout for best results.

Tip: Combine with 0.3 ounces creatine per pound of body weight in order to enhance its benefits. Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid that is found naturally in muscle cells and is a popular supplement amongst athletes.


Baking soda is SODIUM bicarbonate; be aware of its effects if you are avoiding sodium for health reasons


Baking soda buffers acids in the body and helps to keep pH levels balanced. Consuming baking soda can help with removing acid from the body and research has suggested it may slow the progress of chronic kidney disease in some cases.

Be sure to speak to your doctor if you are interested in any baking soda treatment for kidney disease.


Always consult a doctor before drinking baking soda and water.


Baking soda is an antifungal and an antiseptic, making it a wonderful natural answer to many beauty questions.

Baking soda is mildly abrasive and will gently exfoliate your face, feet, hands, and body. Additionally, baking soda’s ability to absorb and prevent odors makes it a natural alternative to deodorant on its own, as well as being the perfect main ingredient for DIY deodorants. Its antifungal and abrasive qualities also make it an important element of maintaining good oral hygiene. Whether you’re in pursuit of white teeth, healthier hair, or smoother skin, baking soda is the inexpensive and natural ingredient that can help you achieve your beauty goals.


Mix 3 parts baking soda with 1 part water, rub gently in a circular motion, and rinse clean.


Create a footbath with 1 tablespoon baking soda and warm water. Soaking your feet in this mixture will remove bacteria and odors, can help prevent toenail fungus, and can also soften calluses that cause pain or discomfort.

Soak your feet in baking soda


Soak your brushes in a solution of 1 teaspoon baking soda and 1 cup water. This will remove any oils, buildup, and residue on your brushes.

Tip: This process will also work for your hairbrush and combs!


Many commercial toothpastes contain potentially harmful ingredients such as triclosan and sodium lauryl sulfate, as well as others that are more controversial, such as fluoride, propylene glycol, and sodium hydroxide. If you would like more control over what goes into your body, making your own toothpaste is incredibly easy and is beneficial both for yourself and the environment.

Using natural ingredients in your toothpaste is an easy way to guarantee good oral hygiene while controlling what’s going into your body. Here are two recipes for natural toothpaste you can make at home.

Coconut Oil Toothpaste

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1 tablespoon baking soda

1 tablespoon sea salt, finely ground

1–2 drops essential oil, or to taste (optional)

Place coconut oil into a glass bowl. Set that bowl in hot water to liquify the coconut oil. While the oil is melting, measure dry ingredients into a separate bowl and mix. Add coconut oil and essential oils to your dry ingredients and mix thoroughly until blended. Store the finished product in a lidded glass jar at room temperature.


There is some concern that baking soda can be too abrasive for everyday use, so find the balance of baking soda and salt that’s right for you!

Hydrogen Peroxide Toothpaste

2 tablespoons baking soda

1 tablespoon 3% hydrogen peroxide

1/2 tablespoon sea salt, finely ground (optional)

1–2 drops essential oil, or to taste (optional)

Combine dry ingredients in a small bowl and mix. Add essential oil and hydrogen peroxide. Stir until a smooth, thick paste forms. Store your finished product in a lidded glass jar at room temperature.

Tip: Try adding 1/2 teaspoon activated charcoal powder for an extra whitening boost.

The antibacterial properties of coconut oil help reduce plaque and stains, while baking soda alkalizes acid in the mouth and helps to remove plaque and stains, and activated charcoal’s natural adhesive qualities let it bind with surface-staining culprits and take them off your teeth. Add a drop or two of essential oils for that minty-fresh taste to create a cheap, easy-to-use toothpaste that’s made up of natural ingredients.

Charcoal powder


Many deodorants and antiperspirants contain ingredients that are detrimental to your health, including aluminum, parabens, propylene glycol, phthalates, and triclosan. Aluminum in particular has been the subject of several studies on antiperspirants; it is suggested that the chemicals in your antiperspirant are absorbed into the skin and a few studies have theorized that aluminum-based antiperspirants may increase the risk for breast cancer.

Luckily, there is a healthy, cost-effective alternative that you can make yourself! Make your own deodorant using baking soda to keep yourself smelling fresh without harming your body.

Mix your ingredients to make deodorant

FYI: Going Camping?

Ditch your old toothpaste. The mint flavoring in commercial toothpaste can attract bears! Bring your newly-made toothpaste to keep your teeth clean and keep you safe (but hold off on the essential oils).

Natural Deodorant

1 cup coconut oil

2 tablespoons baking soda

1 cup arrowroot powder or organic cornstarch

10–15 drops essential oils, or to preference

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and mix until blended. If you have sensitive skin, apply your new deodorant on a small patch of skin to test for any allergic reactions. Apply deodorant to your underarms with your fingers and wait for it to dry to avoid getting any on your clothes.

Tip: You can purchase empty deodorant sticks to fill with your natural deodorant, but be sure to store it in the fridge during the warmer months to avoid the coconut oil melting.


Your hair contains natural oil, which gives your hair its shine and keeps it healthy and conditioned. Many commercial shampoos contain chemical additives such as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, fragrance, and cocamide DEA, all of which have been linked to hair damage as well as other more serious side effects. These will strip healthy oils from your hair, leaving it dry and brittle. Additionally, overwashing your hair combined with the use of shampoo can actually worsen dandruff and cause an overproduction of oil, making your hair greasy much faster.

Scrub your scalp

Baking Soda and Vinegar Shampoo

1 cup baking soda, 3 cups water

2 cups apple cider vinegar, 4 cups water

Mix the baking soda and water together and store in a squeeze bottle. Mix the apple cider vinegar and water mixture and store in a separate squeeze bottle. Apply baking soda mixture to dry or wet hair, starting at the roots and working towards the ends. Let sit for 1–3 minutes then rinse with water. Rinse hair with vinegar mixture, then rinse with water.

Tip: If the vinegar mixture is too harsh for your hair type, try adding an extra cup of water to dilute the mixture further.


Avoid getting vinegar mixture in your eyes!


Baking soda can damage your hair if used too regularly. It is recommended that you use this shampoo mixture once a week, with more regular vinegar rinses.


Remove tarnish from your silver jewelry by making a paste of three parts baking soda to one part water. Apply with a lint-free cloth and rinse.

Tip: Avoid using paper towels to apply the mixture, as they can scratch the surfaces of your jewelry.


If your skin is feeling tired, try making a natural face mask with baking soda, honey, and lemon. Baking soda can be anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, while honey can moisturize your skin and lemon juice can be slightly antibacterial and exfoliating.


Avoid getting vinegar mixture in your eyes!

Citrus-Honey Mask

1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1 tablespoon honey

Mix ingredients until smooth. Apply to face and gently spread on the skin, do not rub. Rinse after 15 minutes.

Baking soda with honey and lemon


Mix a small amount of baking soda and water to make a thick paste. Apply to the pimple, let it sit for 15 minutes, and rinse off with warm water.

Tip: Apply with a cotton swab to avoid touching your face and potentially worsening the breakout.

Baking soda and water paste


Don’t use this method too often, as it can dry the skin.


Many commercial cleaning agents—whether it be window cleaner, kitchen cleaning products, furniture polish, or even fabric softener—can contain chemicals that are harmful

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