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Fae Fractured
Fae Fractured
Fae Fractured
Ebook275 pages3 hours

Fae Fractured

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Celyse and Julio must find each other before an obsessed queen and her devious witch track them down.

Celyse has been stripped of the Strong name and sent to the dreaded Sublands. Imprisoned with a small band of loyal friends, she plots her escape so she can put a stop to the treachery of the new queen. But trickery and deceit abound, and Celyse finds herself questioning everything she knows.

Julio is ripped away from Celyse moments after he stepped through the portal. With no idea how to get back to her, he must tap into the innate powers that run through him as the descendant of a family of powerful curanderos. If he can trust in himself and his abilities, he should be able to find Celyse. If he fails, he’ll never see her again.

But the new queen’s depravity knows no bounds. She’ll do anything to secure her birthright and throne, including striking a bargain with a bloodthirsty witch who’s more than willing to do her bidding.

Fae Fractured is book two in the Fae Bloodlines Series.

PublisherRose Garcia
Release dateMar 19, 2022
Fae Fractured

Rose Garcia

Rose Garcia is a USA Today bestselling author, screenwriter, and podcaster. She believes that no matter how dark the world may seem, there is always a sliver of light if you look hard enough. This theme permeates every aspect of her being and threads itself through the fabric of her stories.A lawyer turned writer, Rose writes Young Adult fantasy with Hispanic characters, complicated romance, powerful families, and dynamic friendships. She is known for bringing richly diverse characters to life as she draws on her own cultural experiences.Rose lives in Houston with her husband and two needy fur babies. If she's not writing, she's either reading or watching a show. She might even be eating tacos because tacos are life!For more on Rose, visit

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    Fae Fractured - Rose Garcia

    Chapter 1- Malena

    The sky had darkened, yet the sprinkling of fireflies that hovered over the Strong Haven palace grounds, and the moonlight and stars overhead, illuminated the area well enough for me to see the lifeless form of my favorite maid servant on the ground. Maid Rell’s eyes were wide, her mouth open, and an arrow pierced her head. She was devoid of life, looking as if she could have been a statue tumbled over. A statue with blood smeared down its face. I turned away from the sight, hating that I had ordered her death. But I hated even more that she had made me do it.

    She had supported Celyse, the person I thought was my twin sister, and Celyse and Rook and their band of traitors had attempted to overtake my mother and my father. But they were not successful. Rook lay dead in the Great Hall, and Celyse and her rebel survivors had been banished to the Sublands. My father had also been sent, but for different reasons. He had consorted with a human, produced an illegitimate heir, and held her out as my twin.

    My gut twisted tight.

    How could he have done that? And how could my mother have gone along with such a horrific ruse? Humans were our mortal enemy, inferior in every way. If I could, I would ask her why she had tolerated Father’s wrongdoings, but she had fallen into a state of undeath when Rook took her name from her.

    Now, I was alone, my family name thrown under a dark cloud. I was going to do whatever I could to shine a light on it again. And my first step would be claiming my birthright.

    My Lady Malena, what do you want to do with the body of Maid Rell? asked one of the guards.

    With my head held high, I turned to face the guard. I moved slowly and deliberately, keeping my expression smooth and inscrutable, each step filled with foreboding and purpose. If I was to solidify myself in my new role, I would have to start now. It is what Mother would have done.

    You will address me as High Queen, I commanded. Understood?

    The guard bowed low, as did the others around him. Yes, High Queen, he responded, his words laced with fear and apology. I meant no disrespect.

    One of the wolfbeasts licked my hand, then pressed his large body against my legs, as if approving of my decision to put the guard in his place. I slipped my fingers through its thick fur and stroked its head, plotting my next move. I had ordered the execution of Maid Rell. I had obliterated the shimmer Celyse’s vile human had stepped through during his and Celyse’s attempt to escape to the human realm. But I needed something bigger. An overt act to declare my position. Everyone needed to know that I was the High Queen now and ruler of Faevenly. Even with my mother in her current state, and my father turned out, the Strong name would hold.

    I would not let a band of rebels take what was mine.

    But first, I needed to replace Jaid, the former head of security for the Strong palace—a guard to stand over the others. Unlike Jaid, this guard would be loyal above all else. The one before me, with his long dark braided hair and deep emerald eyes, looked younger than Jaid. Perhaps that would make him eager to please. Young guards were always willing to do whatever necessary to move up the ranks.

    What is your name, guard?

    Windon, High Queen.

    I kept my gaze on him but could tell the other guards were waiting to see what I would say next. The tension hung thick between them and me. Which I liked. They needed to fear me. I wondered if Windon was the one whose arrow had lodged through Maid Rell’s head. Something about his stance and attentiveness suggested so.

    Windon, is that your arrow? I asked, motioning to the body at my feet.

    It is, High Queen.

    With a raised brow, I nodded at him with satisfaction. I commend you on your loyalty to the crown.

    He bowed again. Thank you, High Queen.

    I swished the train of my gold-laced dress behind me and faced Strong Haven Palace. Today Celyse was to have wed, and the Strong family had been set to celebrate with all the provinces. Instead, bodies were strewn across the floor of the ceremonial hall. Blood and innards were scattered throughout. Anger swirled inside me at the thought of my beloved home being violated so. Those responsible would pay, and severely.

    But how?

    If my mother were here, she would know just the thing. But she was not here. I had no advisor, no one from whom I could seek counsel. Not that seeking counsel would be easy. Fae were cunning liars, and traitors could still be in my midst. I could only rely on myself. And the quicker I got my house in order, the better.

    I brought my attention back to Windon. Put together a team of guards and gather Maid Rell’s body and the others that have fallen. Ride them into the heart of Strong Haven, to the village center, and burn them. Let the onlookers know that I am now High Queen, and swift punishment will befall those who stand against me and this house.

    The guard nodded. Yes, High Queen. And the prisoners that are being sent to the Sublands? What of them?

    I had banished them until I could think of a suitable punishment for the traitorous group. I did not think them worthy of a quick death. Especially when it came to my father and Celyse. They would need a sentence befitting their wrongs.

    They will remain imprisoned while I contemplate proper punishment.

    Yes, High Queen.

    Windon took no time ordering the other guards into action, and soon they had lifted Maid Rell and were carrying her toward the palace. I stayed behind, letting the guards handle the gathering of the dead. I did not want to see my precious Strong Haven in such a state.

    My wolfbeast stayed close, and another joined us. I kept a hand on each of them, grateful for the comfort and protection they provided me as my thoughts drifted to the melee I had barely survived, shocked at the sheer numbers of those who had turned against House Strong. A proper investigation would have to be launched. A band of rebels was never as small as it seemed. There had to be others involved.

    Malena, a voice called.

    Alexander approached. If not for his house, House Kane, I did not know what would have happened to me. I was beyond grateful but did not wish to overly show it. He too needed to know his place.

    Straightening my posture, I faced him with authority. Alexander, how does it fare inside?

    He placed his hand on my shoulder. It fares well. The bodies are being gathered and placed in a carriage, and a team of maid servants are busy cleaning.

    And my mother?

    The High Queen has been placed in her chambers.

    The High Queen? Did he not know anything? I flicked his hand off me. I am the High Queen now, Alexander. You would do well to remember that. Especially if you still desire to court me.

    He did not miss a beat. Of course, my love. I simply did not know if you were ready to don the title so quickly. That is all. He brushed a strand of silver hair from my face. As for courting you, I desire much more than that.

    The thing about Alexander was that sometimes I thought he was too much like me—consumed with ambition for title and recognition. Not that it was bad to have those things. But I also desired love and affection. Did he? Gazing into his brilliant blue eyes that sparkled in contrast to his jet-black hair, I hoped the answer to my question was yes.

    Well, he prodded, moving in a little closer. I realize this may not be the best time to say so, but will you allow me to take steps beyond courtship?

    Alexander had been my in my heart since I was a little girl. From the first time I met him when he and his family came to the palace for a visit, and every time I saw him after, an affection for him worked its way through me, like a glorious slow-moving sunrise. And this courting season was supposed to have been my time to shine.

    But everything had been ruined.

    Alexander stroked my cheek. Will you let me stand beside you, Malena? Let me care for you and shoulder burdens with you? He cupped my face with his strong hands. Will you let me be there for you in your time of need? Will you please choose me?

    Did he really want me? Or did he only want to be High King? And did it even matter? I placed my hands on top of his. Courting season had long gone, and another season had been thrust upon me. A season of rule and establishment. I would need him and his house to succeed. And he knew it.

    You know I choose you, Alexander. It has always been you.

    His lips parted and he leaned forward for a kiss but was interrupted when a guard approached. High Queen, my apologies. The guard cleared his throat. Windon believes it best for you to inspect the bodies before departure.

    Alexander backed away, putting on an air of duty. I will see to it, High Queen.

    I nodded, grateful for him to take on the task. Thank you, Alexander. I will be there shortly.

    After they left, I closed my eyes and drew in several deep, long breaths, letting the woodsy air fill my lungs as the cool night breeze worked its way through my long silver strands. And as the wind departed, I thought I heard it whisper my name.


    My eyes snapped open. Was an attacker out here? Did a rebel from the wedding slip out undetected? My gaze darted about, but there was no one around. Even my wolfbeasts had gone off somewhere. Strange that they had done that, and I had not noticed.

    Malena, the whisper said again. Come to me.

    My body froze as fear prickled the back of my neck.

    Come, Malena.

    A tug pulled me away from the palace, forcing me to walk into the woods, my body operating on a command that was not my own. And I was powerless to disobey.

    Keep coming.

    With each step, my mind scrambled for ideas on how to escape my course, but I could not slow my stride nor deviate from my path. With the moonlight illuminating my footsteps, I neared the edge of the manicured grounds and crossed into the wild shadowy woods. I was almost upon a cluster of thick trees when I spotted a figure shrouded in darkness.

    Tall. Lean. Dressed in all black with the lightest skin and sparkling white eyes. I came to a halt before Draven the witch.

    I let out a breath I had been holding and uttered, Draven.

    The witch approached, his black cloak drifting behind him. Malena.

    My words failed me for a few seconds as I thought of the human named Julio and how he had used Draven’s name against him and expelled him from the palace. I thought you were⁠—

    Cast out? Of the palace and its grounds, yes. But here, beyond the landscaped borders, no. The fool human had no idea how to wield his gifts. Luckily for me, and luckily for you, I am still around. And when his magic wanes, as it most assuredly will, I will once again have access to Strong Haven. But for now, I am here in the shadow.

    Mother had always trusted Draven, and that meant I could too. At least, I thought I could. Gazing into his sinister yet beautiful face, I pushed my doubts aside because I needed him. With a witch to do my bidding and support my cause, no one could possibly stand against me.

    I am glad to see you, Draven.

    And I am glad to see you.

    I thought of commanding him to address me as High Queen, but thought the better of it. I doubted anyone commanded him to do anything. I clasped my hands in front of me, not knowing what to say, but I did not have to worry about that. Draven knew what to say.

    Listen carefully, Malena. I cannot step foot on palace grounds yet, but I can meet you anywhere else. All you have to do is call me.

    I twisted my hands together in front of me. So when you say I should call you? How?

    However you want. With a word, a thought, or even a wish. I will always hear you.

    It is that easy? I asked, my mind processing what it meant to have a telepathic bond with Draven.

    He moved in closer, his sparkling eyes fixed on me with menacing intensity. I nearly backed away on instinct but caught myself and held my ground. I was the High Queen, and needed to act the part. Besides, he was too beautiful not to behold.

    "Yes, it is that easy . . . if you assume your mother’s role."

    He shifted away from me. This time, I advanced toward him on my own, not needing him to spell me into motion. Do you mean taking on the title of High Queen? If so, I have already done that, as it is my birthright. Unless you mean something else.

    Draven circled me; his steps so soft he made no sound at all. Or maybe he was floating. Have you ever wondered about my relationship with your mother?

    I blinked. I had most certainly wondered but had never asked. Mother kept many things private. But maybe Draven would divulge an answer. I swallowed. I have wondered.

    With his gaze glued on me, he explained, When your mother was your age, she came to me and asked me to help her win your father’s heart. At the time, he was heir apparent of Strong Haven, and she was but a mere lady of the smallest house of Sand Bluff. Trite and meaningless. She desired so much more than her station and set her sights on your father, wanting nothing more than to rule by his side as High Queen. And she was willing to do anything to get what she wanted.

    I sucked in my breath, knowing full well what he was saying. She bargained with you?

    She did.

    Bargains were treacherous. But a bargain with the likes of Draven? That was infinitely worse. Grasping to understand how my mother could have done such a thing, it occurred to me that with my mother’s state, perhaps the bargain was null.

    Calling forth my bravery, I challenged him. She is undead, surely any bargain she struck with you is no longer.

    He kept his crystal stare on me. As long as she breathes air, the bargain holds.

    Oh, I muttered. My curiosity about the bargain mounted with each second. With my new status, I thought I should know. Well, I am High Queen now. You will tell me what it is.

    He smiled; his beautiful face laced with pure evil. I will do what I will. And you will do what I say.

    Our eyes locked. Every inch of me said to defy him, but it also said that I needed him. Did I want his support that badly? I had feared Draven for as long as I could remember. I had considered him like a childhood monster lurking under a bed or in a dark corner- the darkest evil in all the land. Even though my mother had gone to him, it did not mean I had to. I was the High Queen. I had Alexander and the full support of his house.

    I will not enter into a bargain with you.

    His lips tugged into a wicked smile. "I am not asking, Malena. But if you want my assistance, the way I assisted your mother, you must step into her role, and that means assuming her agreements. But you must be the one to ask. It is not for me to do."

    I see, I whispered.

    His face was so close to mine, I could smell his cool breath. It reminded me of a winter morning, the kind that preceded an ice storm.

    Do you have an ask for me, Malena?

    A clatter rang out behind me. Boots pounded against the dirt as voices frantically called out my name. My hands clutched the fabric of my golden dress as I looked back in the direction of Strong Haven Palace, then whipped my head back to Draven.

    What is happening? Do you know?

    He stayed close. Are you asking for my assistance?

    My heart started racing. Heat worked its way up my neck and into my face. I had been groomed to step into the role of High Queen, and now my time had come. I needed to not be afraid. I needed to be more like my mother.


    The shouting increased in urgency. Somewhere in the distance, my wolfbeasts started howling. Something horrible had happened.

    Malena, thank the stars, you are safe! Alexander called from behind me.

    Looking over my shoulder, I saw him and a troop of guards rushing over to me. I turned back to face Draven, but he had vanished. Alexander stepped into his place.

    Safe? What do you mean? I asked.

    It is Rook. He is missing.

    I gasped. Missing? I thought he was dead!

    The guards swooped in, bows and arrows drawn, knives and swords brandished.

    He was, Alexander answered. I checked his body myself. But somewhere between loading the dead and cleaning the palace, he disappeared.

    Fear cascaded inside of me. Rook was the one who had led the attack against me and my family. He was the one who had taken my mother’s name away. He deserved a thousand deaths, but now he was free. And I was probably his next target. If anyone could protect me from Rook’s threat, it was Draven.

    While Alexander and the guards scrambled about, devising their plan to locate Rook, I gazed in the direction I was sure Draven had disappeared to, a dark shadowy spot deep in the trees.

    Alexander, wait here, I said, stepping away from him.

    He held my arm. Malena, I mean, High Queen. It is not safe.

    I placed my hand on top of his. I will be fine. I am only going a few paces. Trust me.

    He dropped his hand and watched as I walked into the woods. As I neared the shadows, I mustered my courage and whispered in my lowest voice. Draven. If you can hear me, I ask for your assistance.

    I detected movement within the darkness, like a shadow within a shadow, as if the trees were moving. Do you step into your mother’s role, Malena? Draven asked, his voice whispering all around me. Do you assume her bargain?

    This was it, my chance to step into greatness, and I needed to take it. Especially now with Rook missing. Pushing my fears aside, I said, Yes, I step into my mother’s role, and all that comes with it.

    Cool air caressed my face. This time, Draven’s voice that floated all around me sounded as if it were at my ear. As if he stood beside me, even though there was nothing there. At least, nothing my eye could detect.

    How may I be of assistance, High Queen?

    In the distance, I heard my guards tramping through the woods, looking for Rook. I knew deep down they would not find him. Rook was too cunning and devious. Draven, on the other hand, could.

    I want you to find Rook Cailean and kill him.

    A few seconds of silence followed before he breathed, As you wish, High Queen.

    Chapter 2- Julio
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