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The Angel Chronicles: True Stories of Angelic Experiences
The Angel Chronicles: True Stories of Angelic Experiences
The Angel Chronicles: True Stories of Angelic Experiences
Ebook235 pages8 hours

The Angel Chronicles: True Stories of Angelic Experiences

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A memoir of the author's personal, often humorous Angelic experiences which were chronicled in a diary for 25 years.
Her eye-opening near-death experience, and her mother's courageous battle with cancer which ended in a beatific death, were both surrounded by mysterious and miraculous events involving Saint Michael the Archangel.
Do you believe that we are in the midst of a spiritual warfare between God's Holy angels and Satan's army of fallen angels?
Does Saint Michael the Archangel fight for our souls when we die and protect them from Satan's evil attacks?
Does Divine Intervention, encounters with God's Holy angels or fallen angels sound familiar? If so, this book is for you.

These stories are about observed, unexplained events that are beyond human comprehension.

They are dedicated to those who believe, have faith and hope,

And for those who are about to.
Release dateDec 24, 2021
The Angel Chronicles: True Stories of Angelic Experiences

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    The Angel Chronicles - Starr Rae Knighte


    The Angel Chronicles: True Stories of Angelic Experiences

    Copyright 2021©. Starr Rae Knighte

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    ISBN: 978-1-09838-804-1

    ISBN eBook: 978-1-09838-805-8


    To those who believe, and to those who are about to.

    Angels. Raffaello Sanzio. (Detail of The Sistine Madonna).1512-1514. Public Domain.

    Editor's Note

    The Angel Chronicles

    May 2021

    This is a book about the author’s multiple encounters with angels of God. It is a moving, awe-inspiring group of stories. The author shows an awareness of the world around her that is amazing, and she willingly and openly helps readers to learn to recognize the interactions they may be having themselves on a daily basis.

    This book has a powerful message about the love of God, the power and helpfulness of angels, and the importance of sharing with and loving our fellow human beings and animals. This is an important message for our time.


    Dr. Zal and Josie, your encouragement is the reason why my stories are no longer sitting on a shelf. You believed they could be brought to life one day and taught me to believe in myself.

    Deacon Bill, your guidance helped place me in the driver’s seat for this long, incredible journey.

    Steven, for encouraging me to Never lose sight!

    Peggy, for putting up with the electronic madness and for your patience, advice, and guidance.

    My beloved cousin Angel, for shielding what was left of my sanity. I can’t thank you enough for your patience and for the many hours you guided me through this labyrinth. I have been twice blessed and am grateful that God directed us back together after all these years.

    Earth Angels in my stories. Without you, these pages would be empty. Because of you, my mission was not only educational but healing as well: Angelina, Ashithra, Rita, Dan and Pam, Charlene, Moms and Dads, Donna, Ally and Evan, Rose, Sophia, Clement, Chris, June and Pedro, Mr. and Mrs. J, Ric, Larry, Cat-man Bob, Jim, Kelly, Kim and Pat, Daria and Melissa, Donna, Fely, April, Colleen, Diane, Linda and Wes, Cathy, Carmela, Marie, Heather, Richie, and Janet.

    My intercessory prayer group: Linda, Tina, Luisa, Denise, Linda, Mary, Betty, Gerry, Diane, Ann, Anne, and Wink for your acceptance, love, guidance, support, and wisdom.

    Monsignor Tom, for your permission to use the Church and statue photos, and especially for all of your hard work and dedication to our wonderful parish.

    Tommy, my number one Earth Angel, for your love and great sense of humor, which keeps me grounded. Thanks for helping me carry my cross when I could not carry it alone.

    Photo: Angel statue/planter.

    With much sadness, we were informed that Dr. Zal had passed away during the last stages of publishing this book. Another one of God’s Earth Angels was called home.

    May he forever rest in peace.

    Table of Contents


    Feathers and Block Party Angels

    The Beginning Days

    An Engagement Ring and Monarch Butterflies

    My Near-Death Experience and Devotion to Saint Michael

    Looking Back with Some Help from Saint Michael

    My Mother's Remarkable Hospital Experience

    Our Saint Michael Statue

    The Salad Bar Angels

    Angel from India

    Shopping with the Angels

    My Mother's Move

    Downtown Angel Signs

    Electronics and Angels

    A Brown, Furry-Tailed Angel

    God Answers in Mysterious Ways

    Hurricane Sandy Angels

    A Message to Comfort

    An Angel Feather for a Neighbor

    Angels at the Rainbow Bridge

    Bicycle Angels

    The Angel Bracelet

    Angel in the Church Pew

    Cemetery Angels

    Orchids and Angels

    Heavenly Patio Furniture

    A Warning Sent

    God's Time Is Always Right

    Larry the Homeless Angel

    Do Angels Have Backups?

    My Saint Michael Poster for the Women's Retreat

    ADORO Angels

    Rooftop Angels

    Messages on Facebook

    A Message from Heaven

    Footsteps on a beach

    Saint Michael's Approval

    Message on a Sidewalk

    An Angelic Eternity Scarf

    Heart-Shaped Boxes and Angel Feathers

    My Husband's Work Van

    An Angel Kiss During the Night

    Angels at the Wheel

    Lost and Found

    Cat-Man Bob

    If You Listen, You Can Hear the Angels Sing

    The Snow Angels of Manitoba

    A Man and a Pillow

    Angels Watching over Us

    Saint Michael on the Internet

    Feathers, Woodpeckers, and Good Friends

    My Mother's Battle with Cancer and Beatific Death

    Bagpipes and Grasshoppers

    Message from a Cardinal

    The Copper Bracelet

    Message in the Sky

    Angel in the Waiting Room

    Lest You Dash Yourself

    The Mysterious Angel Card

    Various Occurrences

    A Visit to Saint Michael's Basilica

    In Loving Memory of Pam

    Feathers and Block Party Angels Revisited

    In Loving Memory of Janet and Richie

    The Saint Michael Prayer

    The Chaplet of Saint Michael (Rosary of the Angels)

    Angel of God Prayer

    About the Author


    Have you ever felt a presence, or experienced a situation that could not be logically explained? How about mysterious happenings surrounding you or your loved ones? Have you heard that angels can bring us messages in dreams, visions, and signs?

    Do you ever wonder if there is a way to recognize them in your own daily life situations, and if there is a way to safely discern between the good and evil spirits who are competing to get your attention?

    Many years ago, I had a near-death experience, and my life was miraculously saved with no logical explanation of what happened to me. I am still here for reasons I believe are beyond human understanding. Someday, God will provide us with a thorough explanation of why it happened.

    This collection of stories is made up of my experiences, experiences that, to most, would seem like casual, everyday events. But for myself, whether through some type of heavenly intervention or an openness of mind and heart, these life circumstances have given me such things as faith, hope, comfort, inspiration, warning, discernment, and peace. When visual signs materialize during a specific time, within the boundaries of a particular event, the ordinary can no longer be seen as coincidental. Our senses tell us that something profound is underway.

    By sharing these various occurrences, I hope to stimulate an awareness of the spiritual realm that either guides or misguides us. From what I have witnessed, I believe, acknowledge, and am grateful for having an awareness of the presence of Almighty God and for the miraculous intervention and protection of His Holy Angels and their Chief Commander, Saint Michael the Archangel.

    Originally, this book came about because I felt inclined to share these personal and spiritual encounters with angels with my friends and family. However, I seriously believe God had another plan. He sent me on a mission to expand and share these experiences with many others, to bring them closer to Him as they did for me. They helped me to cope with our many earthly challenges, through observations and miraculous appearances of dispensed heavenly grace. The messages we receive in daily life or dreams that some would call coincidental or unexplained happenings are at times simply events that are just beyond our human comprehension. Nonetheless, if these messages are received with faith in God’s will, they can relieve us of stress and build up our strength in knowing that help is not far beyond but is indeed within reach. Reading these stories may enable you to relate to your own personal experiences and bring some realization of the graces that are sent from God, especially during times of tribulation. God’s Holy Angels want to be acknowledged and called upon for assistance, in God’s name. We oftentimes forget or neglect to be grateful for the many blessings we receive from our Almighty Creator. May these stories remind you that you are children of God and that His benevolence and love is everlasting. May they lift your spirit and send joy into your heart.

    I am not an expert on angelology. My goal is to witness and share what I have received through these events, sometimes using quotes from scripture that I felt directly applied to what I experienced at the time. These are stories from my personal life, which were kept in a diary for twenty-five years, of my experiences of good and evil spirits surrounding us.

    These displays have left no doubt in my mind that these spirits cross our paths daily. It is important to know that if we call upon either, they will hear and eagerly respond. Countless times, the good angels have intervened in my life to direct, warn, or comfort me, especially when the evil ones were doing their best to influence me to turn from integrity.

    Hatred for man’s unity is the root cause for the evil spirits to do anything in their power to separate us and make us hate one another. Their goal is to make mankind sink into total despair and bring an end to brotherly love and goodness. Only God’s Holy Warrior Angels will guide, protect, and inspire us to perform the work God has so lovingly created us to do.

    It is crucial, particularly in these unsettling times, to cultivate an awareness of the evil spirits among us. They will do anything they can to steer us away from God’s love and to influence us to not live a life of virtue.

    Unfortunately, many of us are still innocently blind to the dangers out there. Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light, and his evil cohorts can easily manipulate the truth to deceive us while appearing to be good, friendly, and helpful. There are many ways they can lead us into a trap of demonic activity and even full demonic possession, if we allow it. This can happen mostly when we try to foretell the future or try to contact the dead. They know that, as humans, we have weaknesses they can take advantage of, knowing we can effortlessly be fooled into believing we have contacted the dead when they can disguise themselves as our deceased loved ones. The evil spirits, just like the Holy Angels, possess the ability to be present, but to be unperceived, felt, or heard.

    We need to be aware of how easy it can be to open a portal by calling out to spirits other than God. Once they gain access, these unwelcomed guests are hard to get rid of, because we have unknowingly invited them in. Both sides await, eager to answer our call.

    Other ways evil spirits can snare us are fortunetelling, tarot/angel cards, palm readings, crystal balls, séances, Ouija boards, or anything spiritual. We must remember that God is in control, and only he knows what lies in the future.

    When I was growing up, some kids thought a Ouija board was one of the coolest things to own. They thought doing séances and levitations, going to fortune-tellers, and reading tarot cards were fun. Few families knew much about the spiritual world back then or comprehended the danger it invited into their homes. If parents were warned about it, they may have laughed or shrugged it off as just silly superstition. Totally unaware, they thought their kids were just getting together to have some innocent fun. Unfortunately, their lack of knowledge could come with a price.

    Scripture states, Let there not be found among you anyone who causes their son or daughter to pass through the fire, or practices divination, or is a soothsayer, augur, or sorcerer or who casts spells, consults ghosts and spirits, or seeks oracles from the dead. Anyone who does such things is an abomination to the Lord, and because of such abominations the Lord, your God, is dispossessing them before you. (Deuteronomy 18:10) (NABRE).

    A woman who was involved in a few of these occult practices during her early teen years revealed something frightening that went on inside her parent’s house: strange occurrences began as time went on. Preferring to remain anonymous, I will refer to

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