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Nightmare Magazine, Issue 115 (April 2022): Nightmare Magazine, #115
Nightmare Magazine, Issue 115 (April 2022): Nightmare Magazine, #115
Nightmare Magazine, Issue 115 (April 2022): Nightmare Magazine, #115
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Nightmare Magazine, Issue 115 (April 2022): Nightmare Magazine, #115

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NIGHTMARE is a digital horror and dark fantasy magazine. In NIGHTMARE's pages, you will find all kinds of horror fiction, from zombie stories and haunted house tales, to visceral psychological horror.


Welcome to issue 115 of NIGHTMARE! We have original short fiction from Shannon Scott ("Synchronous Online") and Shaoni C. White ("Where the Heather Grows"). Our Horror Lab originals include a creative nonfiction piece ("Homeless Ghosts") from Victor T. Cypert and a flash piece ("Drill") from Martin Cahill. We also have the latest installment of our column on horror, "The H Word," plus author spotlights with our authors, and a book review from Terence Taylor.

PublisherAdamant Press
Release dateApr 1, 2022
Nightmare Magazine, Issue 115 (April 2022): Nightmare Magazine, #115

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    Book preview

    Nightmare Magazine, Issue 115 (April 2022) - Wendy N. Wagner

    Nightmare Magazine


    Issue 115 (April 2022)


    Editorial: April 2022


    Synchronous Online

    Shannon Scott

    Where the Heather Grows

    Shaoni C. White


    Martin Cahill


    Homeless Ghosts

    Victor T. Cypert


    The H Word: Pacing in Horror

    Richard Thomas

    Book Reviews: April 2022

    Terence Taylor


    Shannon Scott

    Shaoni C. White


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    © 2022 Nightmare Magazine

    Cover by Chainat / Adobe Stock

    Published by Adamant Press

    From the Editor

    Editorial: April 2022

    Wendy N. Wagner | 514 words

    Welcome to Nightmare’s 115th issue!

    A few days ago I was writing something about the 1980s, and a bit of mental math made me stop in my tracks. Somehow, despite all the birthdays I’ve celebrated over the years, I hadn’t put it together that the ’80s are now forty years ago. Yes, Fast Times at Ridemont High is officially middle aged, as is The Thing, Poltergeist, Beastmaster, and The Dark Crystal. If there had been a Nightmare Magazine forty years ago, readers of the April editorial would have probably been rocking out to Joan Jett’s I Love Rock ’n Roll, as it was crushing the charts at the time.

    I was only four years old in 1982, so I don’t have a strong sense of the zeitgeist. But it was definitely a different era. No internet, no social media—heck, ninety percent of Americans didn’t even own a VCR. I’ve watched Stranger Things, and I’m pretty sure it’s only showing me the frosting of nostalgia.

    In forty years, what will we remember about our current time? When I’m in my mid-eighties looking back on the late 2010s and early 2020s, what will spring into my mind? Will it be specific disasters and wars or the endless school shootings and strip malls? Will I remember the first time I entered my pronouns beneath the black box of my Zoom icon? Will I remember going to the grocery store wearing a mask and following the directional arrows on the floors so I wouldn’t cross paths with any contaminated strangers?

    If I ever have grandkids who want to know what life was like in 2022, I think I would hand them this issue of Nightmare. Each of these pieces uniquely captures the flavor of this particular moment in time, even Shaoni C. White’s story of a historical evil communicated through song (Where the Heather Grows). Prepare to be horrified by what unfolds in a Zoom classroom in Shannon Scott’s unsettling short story Synchronous Online. In the Horror Lab, we’ve got a creative nonfiction piece (Homeless Ghosts) from Victor T. Cypert, which explores the importance of local geography and the way our communities lose their identities to big box stores. Our flash piece this month is "√i," by Nightmare alum Martin Cahill. It’s about a wholly irrational experience in one high school’s math class, and it’s particularly current.

    For nonfiction, we’ve got the latest book review column from Terence Taylor, plus an H Word column from Richard Thomas (it’s about recent trends in horror films). Our spotlight interview team has put together some great interviews with our authors, too.

    It’s all very, very au courant, and I hope you will enjoy it.

    And who knows? Maybe this issue will inspire you to make your own little time capsule. You’ll need some way to terrify your grandkids, after all.


    Wendy N. Wagner is the author of the horror novel The Deer Kings and the gothic novella The Secret Skin. Previous work includes the SF thriller An Oath of Dogs and two novels for the Pathfinder Tales series, and her short stories, poetry, and essays have appeared in more than fifty venues. She also serves as the managing/senior editor of Lightspeed Magazine, and previously served as the guest editor of Nightmare‘s Queers Destroy Horror! special issue. She lives in Oregon with her very understanding family, two large cats, and a Muppet disguised as a dog.

    FictionDiscover John Joseph Adams Books

    Synchronous Online

    Shannon Scott | 5704 words

    It could have been ketchup. Or sriracha sauce. V8 or cranberry juice or pinot noir. It could have been Karo syrup with food coloring as it had been in Carrie or Bosco Chocolate Syrup as in Psycho. It didn’t matter. My dissertation had been on suspension of disbelief in scripted violence, and I knew that as long as the audience agreed that the red scarf pulled from Juliet’s breast was her blood dripping from Romeo’s dagger, it didn’t matter that it was a scarf. The scarf becomes what we expect it to be. Want it to be. What matters is Juliet’s despair, the culmination of dramatic irony that has built to this moment of violence, of catharsis. Not the violence

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