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My Kundalini Awakening and the Seven Years of Weirdness That Followed
My Kundalini Awakening and the Seven Years of Weirdness That Followed
My Kundalini Awakening and the Seven Years of Weirdness That Followed
Ebook45 pages33 minutes

My Kundalini Awakening and the Seven Years of Weirdness That Followed

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Weird and wild stuff have been a part of my life from a young age. I've had a long an uneasy relationship with mysticism, religion, spirituality, and cults. Since I was a teenager until I was deep in my forties I have dabbled in Astral Projection, Buddhist meditation, mainly Tibetan, Zen, and Shingon, Shintoism, mostly because I've lived in Japan for seventeen years, and a seven year involvement with a Yoga cult and its "guru/teacher".

Currently, I consider myself a fence sitting atheist, meaning there are still a few of my experiences that I haven't found a good neurological explanation for, but essentially both of my ass cheeks are firmly on the atheist's side of the fence at this point.

Nonetheless, I did have these experiences, whatever the cause, and they have had a profound effect on me. I have though since I left the Yoga cult in 2014, tried to find explanations that science would give for these experiences rather than chasing what I consider to be the empty explanations provided by the "mystical traditions".

That being said, for those that read this book and have chosen to follow a traditional path I respect your choice even though it is not the one I believe in at this time. I hope though, that if you have had or are currently having similar experiences to the ones I describe in this book that you at least maybe take some comfort in the fact that you aren't alone on this weird and wonderful ride. I sincerely hope that everyone is able to find their own safe and enjoyable path.

"Steve Howard's "My Kundalini Awakening" is like reading the description of a failed romance by a broken hearted lover. Howard"s richly descriptive storytelling chronicles his search for "Enlightenment" in his younger days which led to mind blowing visions and journeys into altered states of consciousness, only to result in the disillusionment brought about betrayal from the guru and cult-like organization in which he had staked his faith and his future. His comparison of the meditations he enjoys while fly fishing with similar experiences brought on by Buddhist and Yoga practices is particularly interesting. There is some good writing and great insight in this short little book."  Thomas Bauerle author of Kanashibari: True Encounters With the Paranormal In Japan. 

PublisherSteve Howard
Release dateApr 4, 2022
My Kundalini Awakening and the Seven Years of Weirdness That Followed

Steve Howard

Steve Howard has a BA in creative writing from Western Washington University and has published flash fiction, short stories, haibun, and creative non-fiction in numerous literary journals. His novella The Adamantine River Passage was released in 2017. He currently teaches English in Japan and is a semi-professional stand up comedian. He can be reached at [email protected]  

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    My Kundalini Awakening and the Seven Years of Weirdness That Followed - Steve Howard



    Weird and wild stuff have been a part of my life from a young age. I’ve had a long an uneasy relationship with mysticism, religion, spirituality, and cults. Since I was a teenager until I was deep in my forties I have dabbled in Astral Projection, Buddhist meditation, mainly Tibetan, Zen, and Shingon, Shintoism, mostly because I’ve lived in Japan for seventeen years, and a seven year involvement with a Yoga cult and its guru/teacher.

    Currently, I consider myself a fence sitting atheist, meaning there are still a few of my experiences that I haven’t found a good neurological explanation for, but essentially both of my ass cheeks are firmly on the atheist’s side of the fence at this point.

    Nonetheless, I did have these experiences, whatever the cause, and they have had a profound effect on me. I have though since I left the Yoga cult in 2014, tried to find explanations that science would give for these experiences rather than chasing what I consider to be the empty explanations provided by the mystical traditions.

    That being said, for those that read this book and have chosen to follow a traditional path I respect your choice even though it is not the one I believe in at this time. I hope though, that if you have had or are currently having similar experiences to the ones I describe in this book that you at least maybe take some comfort in the fact that you aren’t alone on this weird and wonderful ride. I sincerely hope that everyone is able to find their own safe and enjoyable path.

    Steve B Howard

    Originally I was going to write this book in chronological order, meaning in the order in which each of the experiences happened to me. But since in many ways the seven year period I spent as a member of a Yoga cult is really the heart of all my experiences I decided to open this book with it instead. Though I had had a few experiences prior to this, it was during this time period (2007-2014) that I was actively seeking out these experiences as well trying to find explanations as to why they were happening.

    Though I met some wonderful people during that time period and had some amazing experiences, ultimately I gave up my mystical quest and came to see that science had far better and realistic answers than the mystical traditions did.

    What follows is a description of some of the more spectacular experiences I had during that seven year period as well as a brief conclusion explaining how I feel and why I feel that way now.

    My Kundalini Awakening and the Seven Years of Weirdness that Followed

    The most psychedelic thing that ever

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