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The Gospel of a Witch
The Gospel of a Witch
The Gospel of a Witch
Ebook349 pages5 hours

The Gospel of a Witch

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The 200 angels who procreated with human women and fathered the Nephilim were cast out of Heaven. God ordered that their Nephilim children be destroyed because of their destructive and corrupt behavior on earth, but not before they fathered children of their own. The children of the Nephilim became the witches, vampires, and werewolves of lore. It was generally believed by these supernatural beings that God disapproved of them, although they were three-fourths human and were left untouched by the purge.
Lena's parents were Nephilim offspring. They suffered under the same assumption until they met Jesus when he was physically among humankind. They became a part of his discipleship and Lena was born in his presence. Jesus charged them, and, in turn, Lena, with the mission of spreading the message among the Nephilim decedents that they were loved by God and would be welcomed in Heaven upon their death, contingent on the life they had lived. The Gospel of a Witch is a part of Lena’s story as she endeavours to complete her mission.

Release dateMar 7, 2022
The Gospel of a Witch

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    Book preview

    The Gospel of a Witch - Diana Bishop


    To Mom and Dad




    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-one

    Chapter Twenty-two

    Chapter Twenty-three

    Chapter Twenty-four

    Chapter Twenty-five

    Chapter Twenty-six

    Chapter Twenty-seven


    About the Author

    Other Publications from Castle Carrington Publishing Group

    Genesis Chapter 5:18-24

    When Jared was 162, he had a son, Enoch, and then lived another 800 years. He had other children and died at the age of 962.

    When Enoch was 65, he had a son, Methuselah. After that, Enoch lived in fellowship with God for 300 years and had other children. He lived to be 365 years old. He spent his life in fellowship with God, and then he disappeared, because God took him away.

    The Book of Enoch

    Chapter 6:1-3

    And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.

    Chapter 7:1-6

    And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. (WITCHES) And they became pregnant, and they bore great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, (WEREWOLVES) and to devour one another’s flesh, and drink the blood. (VAMPIRES) Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.

    Chapter 10:9-11

    And to Gabriel said the Lord: ‘Proceed against the children of fornication: and destroy the children of the Watchers from amongst men: send them one against the other that they may destroy each other in battle: for length of days shall they not have. And no request that they make of thee shall be granted unto their fathers on their behalf; for they hope to live an eternal life, and that each one of them will live five hundred years.’

    Chapter 10:15-16

    And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers because they have wronged mankind.


    Josiah speaks with a thick Aramaic accent.

    Licenius, we were there with you at the beginning. It may have caused some pleasant diversion for us to be worshipped as Gods by humans but after so many thousands of years, it did become dull. Did you not find it so? We wanted something more. And we found it. We returned to the service of God. And look about you, living in the squalor of an old, abandoned church. You are sitting on a throne where an alter once stood. You are trying to live as you once did. But you are not worshipped. Those days are gone. Our kind has faded into legend. We are stories that are pulled out of old trunks to frighten people. Tell me you have not grown tired of this existence.

    Alma adds, Yes, Licenius. We can show you a different way to live the remainder of our years together. And when our time eventually comes, we will go to Heaven instead of Hell as our fathers and all the fallen from Heaven did. Please, you and your sons, take the gift we offer you. Join us in heaven.

    Licenius stands up from his throne and looks at his sons, Marcus, Loren, and Justin, who smile deviously back at him.

    He smiles and says, Yes, we will receive your gift. Share with us what this Christ has given you.

    Josiah and Alma grab each other’s hands and stand in a prayerful mediation. Quickly, they begin to glow with a radiance unmatched by the light from any human source. They begin to levitate into the air above the floor of the old church sanctuary, and their radiance begins to envelope the four other witches who are with them in the room. When they are in deep meditation, Licenius reaches his hand toward the only source of electricity available to him from a light hanging overhead in the middle of the area. As sparks fly from it, a stream of electricity shoots out at Josiah and Alma, causing them to arch back in


    Loren lights a match and draws the fire up into a large flame and shoots it at the couple as well. Marcus reaches his hands out in front of him and squeezes them together in the air causing Josiah and Alma to slam into each other from the force of his magic. Justin shakes his head to clear the euphoria that he has fallen into from the luminescence emanating from the couple and, unable to hide the pain it is causing him, he reaches out and pulls all the oxygen away from the two.

    The four hold Josiah and Alma in this state for a while until they are certain that they are dead. Sidios comes through the front door of the old church just in time to see Josiah and Alma fall to the floor.

    Licenius looks up and says, Good timing. I was waiting for you.

    Before any of the killing party can move, Sidios turns, steps back out the door, and shoots into the sky.

    Chapter One

    It is hard to believe that they are this difficult to find, she thinks in frustration, feeling the challenge of keeping herself aloft in the air for so long. Lena searches the horizon for some sign of their location. She finally sees the glow of firelight among the trees in the distance.

    Encouraged that her destination is in sight, Lena says to herself, I hope they have not started their ritual hunt. I need a little time to discern the best way to approach them.

    After she arrives at the site where the werewolf nation is holding their annual gathering, Lena rests on a high branch as if she were the size of a bird. She stays crouched behind the foliage trying to go unnoticed so she can analyze what she is seeing and formulate a plan. With long dark hair and dressed in a black tunic top with loose fitting black pants, Lena looks as dark as the sky behind her.

    There must be more than 1000 down there, Lena estimates.

    She remembers the words of Jacko, the young wolf she met.

    Every pack on the North American continent will be there.

    As she watches, one of the pack masters is delivering an address of some kind. His tone is very angry. The content of his speech is what intrigues Lena as he is speaking of a vampire raid on their compound and that a witch had been with the attackers. The crowd responds to the passion of his words. As she surveys the mass of those gathered below, she sees a gruff-looking man standing on a high rock as if it were a platform. The one speaking seems to be directing most of his statements toward this man. She suspects that he must be the one called Rolf, the first one that Jocko suggested she speak with and try to convince. He looks like he has survived a few hard winters. He is an older man with stringy white hair, a frown showing through his long white beard, a stout build, and skin that looks like leather that has been stretched and shrunk a few times. He has the appearance of a man you would find living off the land in a small crude cabin somewhere deep in the mountains with a small bed draped in animal skins. In all the centuries she has been visiting the Americas, Lena has often seen this type in this part of the world.

    Since the fire is already licking the tops of some trees, Lena suspects that they may not notice if it slowly climbs higher. If she gets it to reach up to her, she can lower herself down slowly surrounded by the flames for protection. Wolves don’t like any of the other supernaturals, and a witch interrupting their annual gathering will probably provoke them to attack.

    So long as I stay in the flames, I should be safe, she tries to convince herself.

    She knows she will need to make a move soon. She remembers Jocko telling her that they will start their hunt as soon as their meeting is over, and she has no desire to approach them after they have all transformed.

    No one seems to notice the fire rising toward her as Lena puts her plan into motion. She reaches out with her hand as if she is grabbing the top of the flames and pulls them up toward her. She repeats the action over and over, gradually making the fire climb higher and higher toward the tops of the trees till it reaches a height even with her position. She straightens up from her crouched position and floats into the top of the flames so that they surround her. Looking down, she lowers herself and the flames just as slowly as she brought them up. The glow of concentrated heat surrounds her without consuming her. Lena floats down through the flames as though she were in an elevator until she is hovering still unseen above the pile of burning timbers. The fire light that immediately surrounds her form is glowing more intensely.

    A few children are chasing each other around the bottom of the pyre and one of the little girls stops suddenly and starts staring at Lena with an innocent wonder. Tugging on the dress of a woman standing by her, the child points and asks, What’s that?

    The woman looks at the child, then up in the direction the child is pointing and screams like an eagle jetting toward the earth after prey. Her scream brings the meeting to a sudden halt. Everyone starts to look at the woman and then up into the fire toward which her fearful expression is cast.

    Someone shouts, A witch!

    A few more screams ring out and panic starts to grip the crowd. The children are grabbed and pulled behind parents for protection. A few of the congregation begin to transform in order to protect the collective. Strangely shaped fierce animals begin to appear before her as Lena looks about. They look like a combination of large cat, dog, and ape, with dangerous fangs showing through the long snouts protruding from their faces. Their legs are large to hold the weight of their equally large upper bodies. Their knees bend backward like most four-legged animals, but their feet appear to be lost somewhere between paw and human. They have thick hair around their legs and upper torsos that tapers down their arms to become quite short as it reaches their hands that still maintain their opposable thumbs but have large talon-like claws on each finger. They create a menacing presence with so many transforming before her.

    Lena looks around nervously spinning slowly in the fire and proclaims aloud, Do not be afraid! I am not here to harm or attack any of you. I am here to deliver a message to you from God.

    Through menacing teeth, Cane, the pack leader from the eastern region of the United States and the one who was just delivering his speech growls, Your kind never comes in peace! And as far as I ever heard, God uses angels as messengers, not witches! You need to leave now.

    Desperate to reassure the ominous brood on the ground below that she means them no harm, Lena pleads with them.

    I am here to share some good news. Please, if you will only let me explain. I really do just want to talk with you. I have a message for all of you.

    Now completely transformed, Cane snarls, You can use those flames against us. If you mean us no harm, then come out of the fire and meet us so we at least have a chance to defend ourselves.

    With desperation increasingly apparent in her voice, Lena pleads again.

    Why would I take my life into my hands by coming amongst so vast a group alone if I only mean to start a fight? Many of you have completely transformed already, and there is no way I can take on such a multitude. You must be able to see that.

    Cane replies, There’s probably more of you in the woods!

    This sudden realization grips the crowd pushing them into a deeper panic as they start to turn around looking in all directions for an impending attack. Cane shouts orders to others who have transformed.

    Look out in the woods! Attack anyone you come across! Travel in packs! And watch for vampires!

    Just then, two of the young adult males who have transformed start to jump through the fire to knock Lena out on their way through. Lena whirls around in the fire and jets her right hand out toward them, catching them in the air before they reach the fire. She elevates her hand raising the two youths over the top of the fire, allowing them to land safely back down on the ground on the opposite side of the fire. She looks at Cane and then at Rolf in desperation. She knows that if she cannot convince them to listen to her, she may have to fight her way out of the forest, which is not her goal in coming to the gathering, and she will lose any chance to convert wolves in this part of the world for generations.

    Rolf, who has not transformed, slowly and calmly approaches Lena as she hovers above the burning timbers so he can study her face more closely. He is remembering a young wolf who came to see him to tell him goodbye. The youth stated that he had met a witch who had shown him a new path, one that is brighter than he had been taught to believe in. He was going away with her to learn about Christ and God’s mercy because he now believes that what he was taught about all the descendants of Nephilim going to hell is not true. Instead, he now believes that he can go to Heaven. Seeing the near-panicked expression on her face makes him believe that this might be that same witch. Lena looks at Rolf and fearfully pleads.

    I really am here to share a message with you. Please believe me.

    Both curious and cautious, Rolf commands the group.

    Stand down. I wanna hear what she has to say.

    Are you kidding! Cane shouts, thinking his leader has gone mad. It was a witch that was with those vampires that took out almost a whole pack in my area for no reason. And they kidnapped one of the young girls to do who knows what to her. You know that. You were on the mountain when we got the report. You helped bury our dead and have been there with our pack since to hear the pain and anguish caused by her kind.

    Lena turns her whole body toward Cane in an instant reaction to this news. The expression of confusion that flashes across Lena’s face betrays her thoughts. All witches are typically loners, living in familial groups in very secluded rural areas. They hardly ever mix with other witches much less any other species. To hear of a witch working with vampires to attack a wolf pack is extremely out of the norm in her experience.

    Rolf notices the surprised and confused expression on Lena’s face at the news she has just heard and reaches a hand up for Lena to take.

    He exclaims, That was a group. She is alone. Besides we still don’t know fer sure that the attack weren’t vampires alone. Most of the victims were drained of blood. And unthinkin’ acts of aggression is more their way when they get addicted to the blood of other supernaturals. Now, I want to know what made her come here like this. Even a group of witches wouldn’t have tried that with the numbers we have here. Not to mention one all by herself. There’s too many of us.

    Cane growls at Rolf, We still ain’t sure she is alone!

    Keeping his hand raised but turning his gaze to Cane, the elder leader gives him a steady unwavering stare. Nervously looking around for a potential attack from any direction, Lena looks back at Rolf’s out-stretched hand. He turns his gaze back to her and lifts his hand a little higher to beckon her out of the fire. She slowly lowers herself and reaches through the flames to cautiously take the elder man’s outstretched hand. Surprised at the normal temperature of her skin, Rolf forces a half smile onto his weathered face, trying to reassure the young witch. Lena lowers herself out of the fire, looking anxiously around her at the conglomeration of human, animal, and combination of both, all prepared to pounce on her.

    They won’t attack you so long as you’re with me, but I warn ya. Don’t make any sudden moves.

    Rolf’s suspicions that this is the witch he heard about are somewhat confirmed by the nervous expression on her young face. He knows how many of his people she could kill with very little effort, and she is acting as nervous as a human who has wandered mistakenly into their gathering.

    Rolf leads Lena off to a group of stones just steps away from the crowd and invites her to sit. He then steps away to speak to a few of the leaders at the assembly. She sits looking around her for fear of a sneak attack from behind while she is separated from the elder wolf. She listens to the sound waves coming from the small group gathered several yards away from her as if they were a whisper in her ear and hears Rolf tell them to start the hunt while he talks with her.

    As expected, the leaders disagree with Rolf, trying to convince him the witch isn’t to be trusted. As an attempt to reassure them, he tells them, We already have a few to stay behind and tend to the young cubs so you can pick out a few more for tonight. They can keep watch and sound the alarm if need be.

    Cane interrupts, insisting sternly, If you think we are gonna leave you and the cubs alone with her with only a few of us behind to protect y’all you’re wrong.

    The others start to snarl and grumble in agreement. Rolf makes his commanding presence felt by roaring at them with a volume that only comes from a creature of substantial size and strength. They reluctantly back away with angered expressions, growling at Lena in a threatening manner while Cane keeps his eyes fixed on Rolf, his teeth bared and clenched.

    As they walk away, Cane says to the other leaders, We won’t go deep into the woods. Leave some of your people close to the fire, but out of sight. We need to be ready to take her and any others out.

    After watching the packs take off glancing behind them at the few left by the fire, Rolf turns to look at Lena, who gives him a slightly relieved smile. He walks over and sits down beside her.

    With his thick mountain man accent, he says, I heard about you ain’t I?

    Lena replies, I assume you have.

    You took a big risk comin’ here this way. He pauses studying her. Since you knew where to find us, I gotta think you had a notion of how many of us would be here. Whatever your business is, I hope it’s worth it. The attack on our commune has us all on edge. We’re all affeard the wars like in the old days will come back.

    Lena says, I have lived only a bit over 2000 years. I was not here for the wars myself, but my parents told me of them

    Rolf replies, If there is anyone left from the time of the wars, then they are old for sure.

    Bewildered, Lena, responds, I was astounded to hear about this attack. I have never heard of witches working with vampires in the manner of which Cane spoke. Most of us are incredibly reclusive.

    Rolf looks at her with a heavy-hearted expression and says, This witch was different. There was a lot of evidence left at the site that it was more than just a vampire attack. They were tryin’ to send some kind of message. I’m from the old country. We were raised with the stories of the wars. But I believe you said you have a peaceful message you’d like to share.

    A peace comes across Lena’s face as she begins to share her story with the centuries old wolf.

    "I hope it will be. I have never before tried to bring my message to so many at one time. To tell you why I am here, I must share my story with you. My parents were both first generation children of Nephilim. They watched as civilizations and cultures developed, flourished, then disappeared. They saw first-hand, as the world climates changed and shifted. They told me that after many thousands of years, they began to wonder if they were meant for more than just walking through time. As you must have been taught, God punished the fallen ones for trying to be Gods and He rid the world of all our Nephilim ancestors. But he did not rid the world of their children. So, every time my parents heard of a prophet, they would seek them out hoping they could get an answer as to why God chose to keep us here. Obviously, discerning this information from humans without revealing their nature was difficult.

    "They met with every person throughout history who had communicated with God. They were successful in keeping their secret from them. All save one. Jesus. They saw him teaching a large group of people on a hillside. At first sight, they knew he must be divine because he radiated a brilliant light, a light even more brilliant than that of any human they had ever seen who was touched by God. They sat on the grass and watched with amazement as Jesus said a blessing and fed a mass of people with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. My parents told me that it was the first time they ever met anyone who could perform magic such as that. When eye contact was made between Jesus and my parents, he looked at them with an expression of familiarity. It was as if he already knew them and their whole story.

    "My parents told me how puzzled they were that he would look at them in such a manner. It took them a while before they were able to talk with Him as every witness of His miracle was anxious to meet with Him as well. In fact, He had to get away from them because they would not leave Him alone. When they noticed that He was trying to go off to pray, my parents followed and hid amongst the trees. They said he knelt on the ground for a short time, and then, without even turning to look at them, He called them by their names.

    They were surprised that He even knew they were there, let alone that He knew their names. They descended from the treetops and stood before Him. He received them with a hug. Suddenly, they just knew that He was the creator, here on earth as a human. They were both astounded and confused. Jesus then told them not to be surprised. He opened their eyes to understand that since He is the author of creation, He can write Himself into the story at any time of His choosing. The Lord told them that they were to join his discipleship because He had need of their help to spread a message to the descendants of the fallen.

    Lena continues, "My parents spent almost three years with the Christ until His ascension back to heaven. They lived with Him and His disciples. In fact, I was born during this time and named after Mary Magdalene who was one of the disciples of whom my parents had become quite fond. My parent’s supernatural abilities were kept a secret from the human discipleship because the Christ did not want any distraction from his message. And, additionally, humans need faith to have an attachment to God, but we, as the descendants of angels, know the truth of God’s existence.

    "He gave them a gift before He left. Instead of a baptism in the Holy Spirit that the humans would receive, my parents told me of how He gave them the ability to feel the ecstasy of being in front of the Creator in all His divinity. They said they started to glow with a brilliant light as Jesus Himself did.

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