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Bailey Jordan, AKA, Trailblazer for Women Everywhere
Bailey Jordan, AKA, Trailblazer for Women Everywhere
Bailey Jordan, AKA, Trailblazer for Women Everywhere
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Bailey Jordan, AKA, Trailblazer for Women Everywhere

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In an ever-changing world, evolution becomes a part of life. From daughter and sister, to wife and mother, Bailey wore many hats. Bounty Hunter, Sheriff, U.S. Marshal and Judge, all seemed to fit for a time. But, there was one legacy this beautiful lady would someday leave behind that would personify her life. Bailey Jordan - Wellmark, AKA, Trailblazer for Women, Everywhere!

Release dateApr 7, 2022
Bailey Jordan, AKA, Trailblazer for Women Everywhere

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    Bailey Jordan, AKA, Trailblazer for Women Everywhere - Jennifer Joseph


    The old west was changing in so many ways. It was not simply changes to the surroundings. Certainly, the structure of buildings such as storefronts and homes had evolved with the connections to bigger cities. The railroad had birthed a whole new world to the Arizona and Texas Territories, which included Mexico. Wanting to bring new people and growth to the west, railroads kept travel affordable.

    As the turn of the century was approaching, history was being made in the west. Three lawmen, Wyatt, Virgil and Morgan Earp, along with Wyatt’s friend, Doc Holiday, made the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Arizona forever famous. A shootout that claimed the lives of some local outlaws, and the eventual murder of Morgan Earp, placed and left Tombstone on the map throughout history.

    Buffalo Bill Cody, an American soldier, bison hunter and a showman, brought his famous Wild West show to the new territories. The west had become the gateway to a new breed of people. They were pioneers, determined to make their way in the vast, promising land along the Colorado and Gila rivers. They were men, women and even children, willing to fight to keep their land, at any cost.

    Although the west seemed to be settling down, there was still violence and killing for things some felt they were entitled to, even if some of those guilty of stealing and killing had not obtained properties or possessions on their own. Yes, the old west was slowly becoming more civilized but, not to a point that law and order were not still needed. Lawmen/women were needed to capture the outlaws. Judges were needed to listen to evidence, free or convict, and to sentence the guilty to whatever punishment was so deemed by the courts and judges.

    In the expanding west, there was the town of Uncomphage. It too was growing like the rest of the world, just at a slower pace. The people of this town were not ready to let go of the serenity that came with the west. The people were satisfied with what they had, for the most part.

    Bailey Jordan, Ben Wellmark and baby Sarah were very much part of Uncomphage. Two years had quietly slipped past for the trio. Bailey was still a U.S. Marshall, though she had taken time off for the baby. Ben was still sheriff and Jess Cook had taken on the role of deputy. He and Annie had married and were expecting a baby soon.

    Sometimes, little dark clouds hang over people and places. Bailey Jordan, the town of Uncomphage, and seemingly anyone or anything associated with any part of the town, enjoyed life while always peeking over their shoulder. Somewhere in the shadows of Uncomphage, there was an adventure waiting to make itself known.

    As the sun set and darkness fell on Uncomphage, a figure walked silently out of the tree line. This is a tree line that had hidden an Indian tribe, a sheriff, a marshal and countless killers. Even a famous writer had made his way through the trees. This figure was not the writer, Percy Gifford. It was not an Indian nor a sheriff. Emerging from the trees, walking slowly towards the saloon, was another part of Uncomphage history. With this person, stories would come to life of a time when Uncomphage was still a new town. Into the saloon he walked, all eyes on this stranger.

    I’ll have a bottle of whatever you have.

    Wade nodded, handed the man a bottle of whiskey and watched as the man sat down, facing the swinging doors.

    Chapter 1

    Bailey smiled as she looked down at Sarah. She was growing so quickly. Bailey wondered who this little girl would grow up to be. She leaned in to kiss her baby girl, whispering as she did.

    There is nothing in this world you cannot be little girl. I know you will excel in whatever you choose to be. I only pray you get fully educated and do something that does not require you to strap on a gun belt every day, for the rest of your life.

    Bailey was startled when a voice whispered in her ear.

    And if she decides to follow her beautiful mother’s footsteps, will she be a United States Marshal or a judge?

    Bailey turned and smiled at Ben. She placed her hand on his face and scratched the shadow of whiskers that had grown throughout the day.

    She can be anything she chooses but, no guns, mister.

    They both laughed as they left her room.

    Are you here for the night or just passing through, my lover?

    "I am afraid I have some papers that need dealt with before I can be done. Jess is doing a walk through and making sure things are good.

    Can you spare a minute for a cup of coffee?

    I would love a cup. Have you decided what you are going to do concerning being a judge or not?

    Sadly, I have not decided what I am going to do. I received a letter today from the government stating I was needed for a search and apprehend. It seems my time away from the open trail is over. If I am going to make a decision that needs to happen in the next few days.

    If you do take this search, what will we do with Sarah? I can watch her in the evening but…

    I was hoping perhaps we could ask your grandmother to watch her a day or two more than she is now. We would pay her more, of course.

    She has been helping out at the restaurant since Annie is so near to delivering. I will talk to her tonight. I guess if you are thinking we need grandmother, you have already decided to take the search.

    Bailey saw the look on Ben’s face when he spoke. She could almost feel his sadness. She leaned in close, taking his hand in hers.

    Ben, please understand, it is something I have to do. I really believe I want the job as a judge but, I want one more chance to ride the open prairie in search of a criminal. After this ride, I promise, I will turn in my badge and settle in as a judge.

    Ben sat silently, drinking his coffee as the coyotes began to call out. He looked over at Bailey and nodded his head.

    They are close tonight. When you are away and I hear their calls, I wonder if you are hearing the same sounds as I am at that very moment.

    Bailey slipped her arms around his neck and shoulders. She kissed him gently on his head.

    I wonder the same thing when I am sleeping out under the stars. I long so much to have your arms around me, making me feel safe and warm.

    Ben stood and tossed his remaining coffee out into the dirt. He allowed Bailey’s hands to slowly slide off of his neck.

    I need to ride back to town. We can talk about this more in the morning. When do you leave?

    I’ll be traveling to Tucson, Tombstone and finally end up in Bisbee.

    You will be able to see Adam on the trail then.

    Yes, I haven’t seen him in a very long time. We will talk more about my travels when you get back this evening, Ben. The sooner you go, the sooner you will be back.

    Once again, he nodded and turned to leave. He kissed her lips deep and slowly. Bailey loved when he kissed her this way. She always felt the kiss travel to every intimate place on her body. The warmth was joined by a need to change her undergarments when he left. Ben breathed in the scent of her desires and smiled at her.

    Save that desire for later, Bailey Jordan. I will be very happy to take you to the mountain peaks tonight.

    Bailey kissed him again. This time, it was her kiss that took them places. Neither wanted the kiss to end but, they both knew it had to for now. Ben stepped back a bit and smiled at Bailey.

    Let us hope this night goes quickly, lover. I will see how calm things are in town. Perhaps I will have Jess keep watch for a while and I will come home to you.

    I will be right here waiting for you, my love. Please be careful and hurry back. Don’t forget to mention to Gretchen what is happening. I love you.

    Ben smiled and tipped his hat towards Bailey. His smile had faded at the mention of his grandmother. Bailey regretted reminding him of her leaving. She hoped she could bring him back to him desiring her later. Bailey watched Ben ride towards Uncomphage until he was completely out of sight. She went back inside and checked on Sarah before settling down near an open window. Sipping her coffee, she looked down at the men and one woman she was going to be searching for. Part of her hoped the search was quick but, there was still that small voice inside that ached to be back out on the prairie again. She hoped she could keep her promise to Ben.

    Chapter 2

    The saloon was quiet for a late-night fill. Normally, deep into the evening, when bellies were full of food and whiskey, voices got louder. The volume of the voices appeared to put men’s fists into motion. Men brawled, often times without truly needing a reason.

    Wade Steading, owner of the saloon, seldom worried about fights breaking out. He normally came out on the winning end of a good fight. Broken chairs and tables meant new barroom furniture, hand-crafted by the poor, drunkard idiots that took in a little too much whiskey.

    Tonight, broken anything did not seem to be on the menu. Wade stood behind the bar, drying glasses and watching the men and women drink their drinks. The only thing different tonight was the stranger that had walked in just as darkness was settling on the town. He had entered and after buying a bottle of whiskey, he found a table near the door, sat down and laid a long-barreled six-shooter on the table in front of himself.

    Katelyn, a wanderer, looking for a place to settle, had seen more life than any twenty-five-year-old should ever see. Born in the middle of the Mexico territory, her mother full blood Mexican and her father not Mexican, she grew up kicking and scratching her way through her childhood. By the time she was fifteen, she had raised her three brothers and two sisters through their baby years. Men had tried to take what was not theirs to take from her. Three would not ever bring a child into the world. Katelyn took care of their ability to do that while they slept off a bad drunk. She gave when she chose to and feared no man. She knew exactly how to take care of herself.

    Wade liked her spunk and, needing a bar gal when she came along, he hired her. She was good with customers and could for sure take care of herself. He watched as she walked over to the stranger. She wanted to know more about this man.

    Is there anything I can get for you? I can rustle up some grub in the back if you are hungry.

    The stranger slowly raised his head to look at her. He reached out and slid his pistol closer to himself. His deep blue eyes looked as if they had lost a spark that had once been there. His cold black hair hung a bit in front of his eyes. Katelyn found him to be a very handsome man. She guessed him to be not much older than she was.

    I meant you no bother, mister. I just thought maybe you could use some conversation.

    He smiled a crooked smile at her. Running his fingers through his hair, he pushed it out of his eyes. The voice that came from him made Katelyn’s knees buckle a bit. When he spoke, she was certain she could feel his words caressing her everything.

    Do you often converse with men you don’t know, miss? I am simply asking a question.

    Katelynn shook her head no while answering yes to him.

    What I meant to say was, yes, I do talk to strangers but no, I don’t engage deep conversations with them. They pay me to make sure the folks who come in here are taken care of.

    How taken care of do you get paid to do?

    Katelyn’s facial expression told the young man he had perhaps said more than he should have. Katelyn leaned in close enough that only she and the man would hear her words. Her finger poked against his vest as tight as she could push.

    I said I get paid to take care of customers, mister. That refers to drinks, food and a kick in the ass, if that is what is needed. I am not some cheap whore who gives herself for a dollar or ten! Insinuate I am again, I will change your voice! Do we have an understanding?

    The man slowly, gently, removed Katelyn’s finger from his vest. He smiled at her and nodded.

    We do indeed have an understanding, young lady. Would you care to join me for a drink?

    I have a break I am due. Let me tell Wade I am going to sit for a few.

    After calling one of the other girls to take her tables for her, Katelyn carried a glass over to the man’s table. She sat the glass on the table, staring at the man.

    Well, are you going to pour me a drink? I am not working right now. I only pour drinks when I am getting paid to do so. What do folks call you?

    You are a bold one, aren’t you? I go by the name Alex.

    Well Alex, what brings you to the booming town of Uncomphage?

    The young man poured them both a drink. He slowly looked around the barroom, never staring more than a second or two at anyone.

    I am looking for a woman.

    I should have known a man like you would not be free for the taking.

    I thought you said you didn’t give yourself away to anyone.

    Actually, I said I don’t sell myself to anyone. Freely giving is a different situation.

    Ahhhh, I see. It seems we both misunderstood each other.

    How did I misunderstand you?

    I never said I was looking for a woman who belonged to me. I only said I was looking for her.

    Perhaps I could help you find her, Alex. Before I do that, tell me why you need your gun laying out on the table that way. Are you not fast enough to draw it from your hip?

    Almost faster than Katelyn’s words could finish, Alex had his gun drawn and leveled across the barroom. The sound of a dozen pistols being slid out of their holsters and a few clicks of rifle hammers being pulled back, echoed inside the barroom. As Alex looked around the room, he slowly slid his pistol back into its holster. He held his hands in the air to show they were empty.

    I might suggest you not do that again. There are a few nervous people in here.

    They are a bit trigger happy, aren’t they?

    If they were, you would be dead right now, Alex.

    I keep it on the table because it usually keeps people from approaching me. I like that just fine. It did not seem to work on you.

    I have seen so much in my life, guns nor men scare me anymore. I figure what I cannot stop will probably kill me so why worry. I am taking someone with me on my way out so…

    Alex poured another drink for the two of them. Katelyn stared into his eyes. She saw what appeared to be her own reflection. His eyes spoke of sorrow and of being alone. Deeper inside the stare, she could see a once happy man.

    Tell me who you are looking for and where you come from, Alex.

    I come from a small town called Sedona Rocks. Okay, that isn’t totally true. I lived in Sedona Rocks for a time. I hailed from a place called Nogales. My father did trading and somehow he and my mother made me.

    It does not sound like you were very fond of him."

    It is hard to be fond of someone you never really knew. He was busy with his young’uns from another woman. My mother and I were happy in Nogales. My father left for a time and when he returned, he was a different man.

    Well, sometimes people change as life passes. Trust me, I do know that to be factual.

    I don’t think you understood me. When I say he was a different man, I mean name, family and person. He left Johnston Michaelson, whiskey runner and returned Paul Jordan, married man with children. He packed my mother and I up and moved us to Sedona Rocks. Mother thought we would live our life as we had in Nogales.

    I assume that was not true?

    We spent our life hidden from his real wife. I did meet and grow somewhat with my half brother and sister but, who I was remained a secret. The twins were free to be exactly who they were.

    Katelyn heard the swinging doors open. She looked up to see Ben and Jess walk into the saloon.

    Listen Alex, I need to go back to work for now. I really want to talk to you more. Will you be around when I am finished working tonight?

    It isn’t as if I have any place to be, Katelyn.

    She placed her hand on his and smiled a soft smile.

    Please, call me Kate. I am looking forward to spending some time with you later.

    Katelyn walked over to the bar. Wade nodded towards Alex and half growled his words.

    Who is the youngster that grabbed your attention?

    Oh, he is just a drifter, Wade. He is here to find some gal he knew. He never mentioned her name.

    Did he say where he knew her from?

    He didn’t really say much at all, to be truthful.

    Ben and Jess walked up behind Katelyn. Jess, being a jokester, grabbed her around her hips and lifted her from the floor. Katelyn screamed out in surprise. As Jess turned to set her down, he felt someone push against him. The force caused him to nearly drop Katelyn as he tried to keep his balance. Ben stepped back to allow Jess room to turn around and face his attacker.

    Mister, I do not know what you are thinking but, you should have thought longer before touching me.

    Alex, without hesitation, swung his fist at Jess. He made contact hard with Jess’ jaw. Jess had no intentions of allowing the stranger to strike him again. Jess swung out himself, his punch causing Alex to stumble backwards into a table. Shattered glass and spilled whiskey covered the floor. Katelyn turned and looked at Ben.

    Are you going to do something, sheriff, or are you just going to let this go on?

    Ben began to smile at her.

    Well. to tell the truth, it doesn’t appear as if either are getting terribly hurt, Katelyn. I think I am going to let this play out.

    But he is new here and Jess might hurt him, sheriff. Please don’t let this carry on.

    The two fighters exchanged punches at what seemed to be an even count. Neither was winning nor losing.

    It’s just a nice friendly fight, Katelyn. Call it free entertainment for the good folks of Uncomphage.

    Ben laughed as Katelyn shook her head.

    Really, sheriff?!

    By the way, did your new boyfriend happen to mention his name?

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