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The Magick of Astaroth: High Magick, #4
The Magick of Astaroth: High Magick, #4
The Magick of Astaroth: High Magick, #4
Ebook135 pages1 hour

The Magick of Astaroth: High Magick, #4

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Daemon and Goddess.

This book will present a controversial daemon. First, Astaroth is feminine. Second, she can be both a daemon AND goddess. She is not darkness versus light. She is not left-hand path versus the right-hand path.

Astaroth is simply the divine feminine in all aspects; a complex spirit, representing the duality of nature. She can be summoned as either a goddess or deamon. This book presents rituals that will use Astaroth is all her aspects.

This book also presents powerful magick methods for obtaining both wealth and power in all it's forms. New sigils specifically crafted for this book, which incorporate Astaroth's unique powers. You will also get access to some useful worksheets to assist you in crafting your statement of desire.

Want power in the workplace? Summon Astaroth and be prepared to take over in the boardroom. Power and wealth are both possible when using Astaroth in her daemonic form. Power in the bedroom is assured when asking Astaroth in her goddess form for help.

Along with traditional rituals, you will be given alternative rituals to Astaroth, methods of working that can be done with no props or tools, just a few moments of privacy.  

Release dateApr 20, 2022
The Magick of Astaroth: High Magick, #4

David Thompson

Writer since he was 8, worked in journalism during High School and College. He sold his first story at age 19 to a magazine in Texas.  An accomplished photographer and writer, his screenplays have won awards and as a film maker, he strives for the highest standards. David wrote and directed the Furies Proof of Concept short, which premiered in the Big Easy International Film & Music Festival in New Orleans then in Europe at The Festival de Cannes. The FURIES Book Series is based on one of Dave’s screenplays. 

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Reviews for The Magick of Astaroth

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love how simple this book is he is by far my favorite author regarding high magic. He explains it so easy. I can finally say with confidence I can do this….just saying thank you fails me… I have always known this in the back of my mind in my gut. I always knew if I had to guess this is exactly how I would perform high magic step-by-step but I was not 100% sure I wanted those individuals that I need to know for sure I need to have a professional tell me I’m still not used to, that the messages that I received are actually from Astroth and Prince Orobas who I have been building a relationship with the past couple years… I have asked both to teach me a simple way a modern way how to do this give offerings and activate and basically what this book teaches how to communicate better how to set up altar and the way they want what this book talks about is exactly what I wanted to know and they told me I knew this for whatever reason I don’t know how I knew it, but I just did I guess I just a gut feeling but I wasn’t sure if it was just my mind playing games or it’s actually them. I was just very cautious. I did not do much of this stuff until now anyway well, I will be because I did not want to offend any spirit anyway thank you thank you thank you !!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very good content. Most of the rites work. Excellent research and a very easy book to understand
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    it's informative. worth the read. decent magick symbols. i'm working with it as i write.

Book preview

The Magick of Astaroth - David Thompson

To Lilith - who is patiently waiting for her own book.



How the Book Came To be


Who is Astaroth? A Daemon or a Goddess?


Channeling Astaroth


Your Desire

Crafting your Petition

Preparation for your ritual.


Astaroth’s Sigils

Activating these sigils.

Astaroth’s Daemonic Sigil

Astaroth’s Goddess Sigil

Master Power Sigil

Master Wealth Draw Sigil


Sigils and Talismans


Basic Rituals to Astaroth

Standard Ritual of Astaroth the Daemon




The Ritual

Standard Ritual Astaroth the Goddess


Incense Blends


The Goddess Ritual




Pathworking Astaroth in her Daemonic form

Daemonic Pathworking Ritual


Pathworking Astaroth in her Goddess Form


Rituals for Power


Power Sequence One: The Shield of Protection Ritual

Pathworking Ritual for Shielding

Tracking success


Power Sequence Two: Ritual to Project Charm and Charisma

Ceremonial Charm Ritual to Goddess Astaroth

The Ritual

Pathworking Charm Ritual to Goddess Astaroth


Power Sequence Three: Project the Aura of Power Ritual

Pathworking for Power Aura and Projection


Power Sequence Four: Ritual of the Silver Tongue

Pathworking for Power Aura and Projection


Ritual for Physical Health and Power

Ceremonial Ritual for Power to Goddess Astaroth

The Ritual

Pathworking Ritual to Goddess Astaroth


Wealth Sequence

The Wealth Sequence


Step One: Releasing Inner and/or External Blocks

The Ritual


Step Two: Opening to Receive

Ceremonial Ritual Opening to Receive

Pathworking Opening to Receive


Step Three: Unlimited Income

Ceremonial Ritual for Unlimited Income

Pathworking Unlimited Income


General Purpose Income Ritual

Ceremonial General Income Increase Ritual

Pathworking General Income Increase



Pact to the Daemoness Astaroth.

Pact Ritual


Pact to the Goddess Astaroth

Ritual to Activate the Petition




Astaroth Goddess Sigil


Astaroth’s Daemon Sigil


Master Power Sigil


Master Wealth Sigil


Astaroth’s traditional Sigil


Magick Ink Recipe

Black Salt Recipe


Modified Banishment of the Pentagram

Color Correspondences

About the Author

It's not worth doing something unless you're doing something that someone, somewhere, would much rather you weren't doing. - Terry Pratchett


None of the material in this book is intended to act as medical, financial, emotional, or lifestyle advice. No material, rituals or suggestions in this book replaces the advice of real medical professionals. The techniques and methods in this book can be used for the treatment of any medical conditions, whether physical, psychological, or emotional, direct or indirect or through implication. The material in this book is not intended to replace the advice of professionals. It is only intended to share spiritual information that is speculative in nature. If you choose to use this material, the author cannot accept any responsibility for the misuse of this information. This material can effect powerful change, use it responsibly.

All sigils in this book are original and copyrighted by David Thompson.



In this book, I plan to take a reader from perhaps being a neophyte magician, giving them the knowledge to form an understanding of magick, to a successful magician.

Knowledge which will help you become more knowledgeable about magick itself, and how and why we use spirits in magick, versus simply projecting energy into our reality.

In my previous books on Grecian Magick, I would focus on a single deity. In my High Magick Books, I usually listed multiple spirits in a single book. In this book, I will focus on one spirit, a fascinating spirit known as Astaroth.

The more recent grimoires, such as Ars Goetia and Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, refer to Astaroth as a male spirit. After contact, I saw these books were incorrect, and that Astaroth was very much a feminine spirit. I contacted Astaroth during the writing of my book on Daemons and the Law of Attraction. Since then, I have worked with her many, many times.

In this book, we’ll examine the magick one can work with Astaroth, focusing on the areas of wealth and power.

There will be simple rituals to assist in a fast income boost, and more complex sequences designed to establish and maintain a strong income stream, be it working for yourself or starting your own business.

Interested in attaining a position of power? We’ll look at Astaroth’s abilities to help guide us to be in the right place at the right time, and directing us to meet people we can use to assist us in gaining power, be that power political, corporate, or physical power.

Astaroth will assist the magician using this system to achieve power. Achieve wealth.

Astaroth will be presented in both her forms: Daemoness and Goddess. Each aspect has unique energy when she arrives. In both forms, her energy is soft, loving, and welcoming. As a daemon, there are notes of a sharper energy, ready to help you if others need to be pushed out of your way. As a goddess, her energy is softer and carries an energy more like that of Aphrodite.

You can compare her to another Daemoness/Goddess; Lilith. 

This book will also have examples of worksheets to assist you in defining your desires, and how to word these desires into effective statements, petitions, and sigils. I will have a link at the end of the book to a package to download with the worksheets and the sigils.

How the Book Came To be

I was asked to write this book by Astaroth.

You see, I am gifted. I can communicate with spirits, and occasionally see the future or aspects of the past. I say gifted because many people consider these types of psychic abilities gifts. That’s because someone, somewhere, decided to use the term gifted when it comes to psychic abilities. I’d like to find this person and set them down at my kitchen table and explain to them how disturbing such gifts can be, possibly using edged weapons and major league baseball bats. I know I have thrown astral bricks at my guides on occasions when these gifts raise their collective ugly heads. I need peace. I relish the quiet. The spirits will often provide me with none of that. They wish to be heard. This goes double if the spirit is an elder god or goddess, who wishes to be heard over all the mumbling of the followers of the main-stream deities.

But having these gifts has led me to where I am now. Why I am writing at this stage in my life?

I wanted an income stream independent of daily work. For me, writing isn’t really work. You see, I grew weary of pushing my reading services and trying to market monthly classes on magick, or trying to break into movies during a time when even the most talented people are being ignored by the gate-keepers in Hollywood.

So, I started writing these books. I am also gifted with the ability to write, stringing words together in specific orders to communicate information. And it’s easy for me to write. I’ve written since I was in elementary school. I worked as a sports columnist right after high school and sold

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