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Into Wild Sherwood: Wild Sherwood
Into Wild Sherwood: Wild Sherwood
Into Wild Sherwood: Wild Sherwood
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Into Wild Sherwood: Wild Sherwood

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Into Wild Sherwood ~ Dangerous Faeries Lurk in the Forest


Pursued by the Sheriff of Nottingham and his guards, five people take refuge in the wilds of Sherwood Forest ~ only to encounter the Faeries of British legend.


~ ~ ~


"Tod the Fox and the Faeries in the Ring"

Never enter a Faerie Ring. The Faeries like to play.

With the guards of Nottingham on his heels, Tod flees to wild Sherwood Forest. Frightened in the night, he falls into a Faerie Ring.

Faeries play with their catch, whether in the Ring or on the Wild Hunt. How can he escape them?


~ ~ ~


"The Poisoner and the Faerie Huntsman"

Never reveal weakness to a Faerie.

Escaping a false accusation of poisoning, Melly and her hound seek refuge in Sherwood Forest ~ yet the Nottingham guard who accused her is on her trail.

That night, she encounters the black hounds of the Wild Hunt. Then the Hunstman arrives.

Has she fallen into greater trouble?


~ ~ ~


"Three Yule Feasts for Faeries"

Will the cook become the final dish?

Yule, the worst time of year for Ellen Best. Few buy her breads at Market. No one will hire her for their Winter Feast.

Then a Faerie knocks at her door. Two dinners, he proposes, and a final feast for his duchess. After each, she'll receive three purses, copper and silver and gold.

What did the Faerie mean by final feast?


~ ~ ~


"Friar Tuck and the Faerie at the Pool"

No one escapes from Faeries.

After visiting the hermit of Sherwood, Friar Tuck seeks the coolness of a forest pool. There he encounters a Faerie.

She is wondrous and strange and deadly. How can he convince her that he is a man of peace, unlike the guards and rangers who hunt in the forest?


~ ~ ~


"Alan-a-Dale and the Harp of Elandrielle"

Who can trust a Faerie?

The song competition at Nottingham's Winter Feast offers a purse that will pay Alan-a-Dale's debts. He wins the first night's round … offending his competitors who take revenge.

At his lowest point, a Faerie finds him. She offers him a bargain—yet who can trust a Faerie?


~ ~ ~


Both Edie Roones and M.A. Lee love to mix fantasy with history. Their newest endeavor combines the legends of Robin Hood with Faeries of British myth.

If you love the historical legends surrounding Robin Hood and you're intrigued by perilous Faeries, then explore the world of Wild Sherwood.

Release dateApr 26, 2022
Into Wild Sherwood: Wild Sherwood

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    Book preview

    Into Wild Sherwood - Edie Roones

    Into Wild Sherwood


    Edie Roones and M.A. Lee

    Tod the Fox and the Faeries in the Ring

    The Poisoner and the Faerie Huntsman

    Three Yule Feasts for the Faeries

    Friar Tuck and the Faerie at the Pool

    Alan-a-Dale and the Harp of Elandrielle

    Logo Description automatically generated with low confidence

    Tod the Fox and the Faeries in the Ring

    The Poisoner and the Faerie Huntsman

    Three Yule Feasts for the Faeries

    Friar Tuck and the Faerie at the Pool

    Alan-A-Dale and the Harp of Elandrielle

    All Copyright © 2022 Writers Ink Books

    First publishing rights: April 2022

    All rights are reserved.


    No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded, or distributed via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without written permission from the authors or Writers’ Ink Books.


    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental. The author does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for third-party websites or their content.

    First Published in the United States of America

    Cover Illustration by Deranged Doctor Design

    [email protected]

    Into Wild Sherwood ~ Dangerous Faeries Lurk in the Forest

    Pursued by the Sheriff of Nottingham and his guards, five people take refuge in the wilds of Sherwood Forest ~ only to encounter the Faeries of British legend.

    Tod the Fox and the Faeries in the Ring

    Never enter a Faerie Ring. The Faeries like to play.

    With the guards of Nottingham on his heels, Tod flees to wild Sherwood Forest. Frightened in the night, he falls into a Faerie Ring.

    Faeries play with their catch, whether in the Ring or on the Wild Hunt. How can he escape them?

    The Poisoner and the Faerie Huntsman

    Never reveal weakness to a Faerie.

    Escaping a false accusation of poisoning, Melly and her hound seek refuge in Sherwood Forest ~ yet the Nottingham guard who accused her is on her trail.

    That night, she encounters the black hounds of the Wild Hunt. Then the Hunstman arrives. Has she fallen into greater trouble?

    Three Yule Feasts for Faeries

    Will the cook become the final dish?

    Yule, the worst time of year for Ellen Best. Few buy her breads at Market. No one will hire her for their Winter Feast.

    Then a Faerie knocks at her door. Two dinners, he proposes, and a final feast for his duchess. After each, she’ll receive three purses, copper and silver and gold.

    What did the Faerie mean by final feast?

    Friar Tuck and the Faerie at the Pool

    No one escapes a Faerie.

    After visiting the hermit of Sherwood, Friar Tuck seeks the coolness of a forest pool. There he encounters a Faerie.

    She is wondrous and strange and deadly. How can he convince her that he is a man of peace, unlike the guards and rangers who hunt in the forest?

    Alan-a-Dale and the Harp of Elandrielle

    Who can trust a Faerie?

    The song competition at Nottingham’s Winter Feast offers a purse that will pay Alan-a-Dale’s debts. He wins the first night’s round ... offending his competitors who take revenge.

    At his lowest point, a Faerie finds him. She offers him a bargain—yet who can trust a Faerie?


    Into Wild Sherwood

    Into Wild Sherwood ~ Dangerous Faeries Lurk in the Forest


    Tod the Fox & the Faeries in the Ring

    The Poisoner & the Faerie Huntsman

    Three Yule Feasts for the Faeries

    Note for the Reader

    Friar Tuck and the Faerie at the Pool

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    Titles by Edie Roones

    Fiction by M.A. Lee

    Tod the Fox & the Faeries in the Ring

    GOT YA! THE GUARD crowed his triumph, but Tod twisted in his grasp. He aimed a fist where it would hurt. The boy’s punch wasn’t hard, but the big man flinched. Tod jerked away, and his tunic tore. He staggered but quickly caught his feet and darted into Nottingham’s market day crowd.

    Hi ya! Stop that imp!

    Tod dodged away from a farmer, slithered between two foresters, and bounced off a hand cart, spilling early-season apples to the mud. The apple seller shook his fist.

    He saw two guards ahead, talking to a brown-robed clerk in scarlet stockings. They heard the shout and spotted his guilty dash. The men shifted position to block the street.

    Tod gambled and dove under a passing wagon. The mud softened his fall but slicked under his feet as he scrambled out the other side. He came up between two market booths and bear-walked to reach the building behind them. There he crouched, panting like a dog.

    Where to run? Where to go? His ma and sisters were gone, smuggled away in a cart three days after his pa’s arrest for stealing, when they all realized no one would help his pa. The sheriff’s captain had confiscated their wagon and the cob, along with all their possessions, from the Golden Arrow inn. They were homeless. Pa faced charges for stealing, and the guards had harassed Tod’s sisters for the fifth time.

    Tod had remained in Nottingham while his ma and sisters escaped. He had vowed to help his pa, no matter what his punishment. Pa hadn’t robbed anyone. They earned that coin with their minstrel act.

    He had hung around the keep’s entrance, hoping to catch a glimpse of his pa or discover when the annual assize would occur. The guards hadn’t liked him hanging around the keep’s gate and ran him off—until they guessed that he knew where his ma and sisters had gone, bound for another town where his ma had people.

    His family had come for the big market day. They intended to make coins with his sisters’ songs, his pa’s fire-breathing, his ma’s juggling. Tod did tumbling. They’d made the coins, a pouch full, and planned to leave with the dawn. Then the captain came with his accusation of theft. The guards arrested Pa. And the harassment began with the next dawn.

    For a week he had run free on the streets. He encountered urchins, slippery eels with no more protection than Tod himself had. The host at the Golden Arrow had already risked himself, finding a way to get Ma and Else and Frenny out of Nottingham. He knew no one else.

    Tumbling had saved him ever since they began chasing him this morning. The guards wanted to catch him, and the only reason he could figure was to discover the location of the coins they had earned or to discover where his pretty sisters were hidden.

    Pressed against the wall of the building, Tod shoved a knuckle in his mouth to smother a sob. He was a big boy, Pa said, no longer a little boy who cried. He earned good coin with his tumbling. He’d helped Ma and Else and Frenny escape. He’d promised he would lie low until Pa came to the assize court. That thrice-bedamned captain had no reason to charge Pa. Every coin in that pouch they’d earned. God’s Grace that Ma kept the bulk of their earnings, and the coins they’d taken off Pa were just takings since noon.

    The double-stacked barrels obscured his view of the street. They also hid him, giving a few minutes of safety. As soon as the cooper moved one of the barrels, though, Tod would be exposed.

    He shoved his knuckle deeper as another sob threatened.

    The salty smell of frying pork tempted his stomach to growling. Market talk was the same here as anywhere. He used to like hearing the noise, the hawking, the bargaining, the gossip. He didn’t like it now.

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