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Shadow Walker Complete Trilogy: Shadow Walker Trilogy
Shadow Walker Complete Trilogy: Shadow Walker Trilogy
Shadow Walker Complete Trilogy: Shadow Walker Trilogy
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Shadow Walker Complete Trilogy: Shadow Walker Trilogy

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She will go to great lengths to get justice…including risking her heart.

Denai Witch Charlie McCray's life turns upside down when her enforcer teammates are massacred in a bust gone wrong.
The grief and guilt so great, she struggles to continue her work without them. Getting justice is the key to her reclaiming her life and regaining her footing on the job, but to get that, she must employ her ability to speak with the dead.

The only clue as to what happened involves a mysterious orb with a deadly reputation. Everyone wants to get their hands on it. But all Charlie wants answers, she must rely on the dark and sexy demon from her past—the one who's convinced she's his life mate.

With nothing but tension between them, can they work together to root out the truth or will their undeniable connection create a distraction?

PublisherTiffany Shand
Release dateApr 26, 2022
Shadow Walker Complete Trilogy: Shadow Walker Trilogy

Tiffany Shand

Tiffany Shand was born in Essex, UK and started writing short stories when she was a child. She has always done writing in one form or another and started writing novels in her early teens. She writes both non-fiction and fiction, but mostly fantasy and paranormal romance. After doing a creative writing course in her early 20s she is now a freelance writer and professional proofreader. Tiffany lives in Essex with her two spoiled cats and one very nutty hamster.

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    Shadow Walker Complete Trilogy - Tiffany Shand


    Charlie McCray looked at her watch for about the thousandth time and glanced down into the gloom on the floor below. The warehouse felt cold and smelt of dampness. Cracks of light shone down through the splintered glass windows casting eerie white pools onto the floor. Hell, she couldn’t wait to catch these guys in the act, find out what illegals they were trading and get the hell out of there. Her best friend and her fellow enforcer, Natalia, grinned at her.

    What’s taking so long? Nat groaned in thought.

    Tell me about it. I want this over with so I can have a drink and we can give Simon a proper retirement send-off. Charlie shifted in an effort to get her stiff limbs more comfortable.

    Natalia’s smile widened. Sure it’s not because you’re dying for your promotion?

    Charlie rolled her eyes. Yes, the big promotion where she’d become a lieutenant at just twenty-four years of age since their team leader, Simon, was retiring. She finally had the chance to lead their team and get to where she’d been wanting to be for the past six years. Running her own team. But first, they had a gang to deal with.

    Working as an enforcer often meant waiting around and working undercover. But Charlie loved the good she could do enforcing justice. She kept a close watch on Simon as he waited for his contact to arrive. Catching one of the Tears, a gang of ruthless criminals who liked to trade illegal artefacts and drugs had been something her team had been working on for months.

    Be patient, Charlie told herself. You can’t afford to blow this.

    She glanced over at their fellow teammate, Louis, who flashed her smile from where he perched on the other side of the upper floor of the warehouse. Ready to celebrate, lieutenant?

    I’m not an LT yet, she reminded him.

    I could kill for good beer! Lou turned his attention back to their boss.

    Shush, we need to focus.

    Aye, aye, LT. He gave her a mock salute.

    Charlie just shook her head, tried to focus on the job. Hell, she couldn’t wait to celebrate but the job hadn’t been completed yet. They’d spent months setting up this operation. Plus, her boyfriend, Scott, was coming home too, so she had even more to celebrate. Everything was coming together. She’d finally oversee her own team and had her boyfriend home. After weeks apart it would be great to finally spend some time together. But she knew she’d have a lot of work to do after her big promotion.

    The sound of the warehouse door creaking open made Charlie grip her gun tighter. A man dressed in a black hoodie came in with Simon’s informant. She couldn’t make out the man’s face. Lou, do you have a visual?

    Not yet.


    Negative, her partner replied.

    Charlie crawled along the floor, feeling the cold metal against her skin. She had to be careful, quiet or she risked giving them all away.

    Simon, his informant, and the newcomer gathered, talking in low voices. She tried to listen in on them through the comm link in her ear but couldn’t make out much of their conversation.

    Charlie, that’s him. That’s our guy, Lou said.

    Her heart started to beat faster and she aimed her rifle at their target. The man pulled a small wooden box out of his jacket. Lou, can you see what that thing is? she asked.

    Nope, nothing showing up on my scanner.

    Charlie held up her own scanner with her free hand and searched for what might be inside.

    This is the device, Simon’s voice echoed in her ear.

    Charlie bit her lip. This was it. The moment they’d been waiting for. She stared through her rifle scope, making sure her recorder was working.

    The man flipped open the box. A brilliant burst of blue light blinded Charlie as a roar of thunder shook the air. The floor beneath her gave way. She screamed as she felt herself falling through space. Then darkness swallowed her up.

    Chapter 1

    Charlie tucked a lock of brown hair behind her ear. I thought transferring to a new unit would mean less stake-outs. She glanced over at her new partner, Kaz. Kazia Snowden. With her flaming red hair and sharp green eyes, she looked and acted the opposite of her former partner, Natalia.

    It’s not a stake-out, we’re waiting for the artefact to be handed over to us, Kaz replied. Of course, you could always go back to the office and get through that pile of paperwork you’ve been avoiding.

    Hey, that’s your job, officer.

    Kaz rolled her eyes. What’s the matter, McCray? Grunt work too much for you?

    Charlie snorted. No, I just can’t believe the Arts, Antiquities and Collectables Division involves so much damned paperwork.

    You could always go back to Major Crimes. I heard the chief left the position open for you, right?

    Charlie winced. Yes, she could still become a lieutenant and lead a team the way she’d always dreamed of, but how could she lead any team when her own was dead now? Deep down, she knew she couldn’t do it. It had even forced her to turn down her coveted promotion.

    She felt a familiar ache rise in her chest and fought to stay calm. It had been six months since she’d lost them, and the pain still felt just as raw. No, I told you I don’t work with Major Crimes anymore. That part of my life is over. Hell, she’d only been working with ACC Department a couple of weeks. She had to give it a chance.

    Charlie knew Kaz, an Ashrali fey, back from her days at the Enforcers Academy and decided it might be fun working with her again. She spotted a man in a black hoodie striding towards them. Her mind flashed back to the man standing next to Simon. Charlie gritted her teeth. Not now! Stay calm. She took a deep breath. One, two, three. Breathe.

    Hey, are you... Charlie started to ask.

    The man’s dark eyes widened, and he pulled out a gun. Bloody hell!

    Charlie knocked it away with a sharp kick. He lunged at her; she blocked and shoved him to the ground. Stay down, she snapped, pulling out her cuffs and yanking his arms behind his back. Jeez, Little. What the hell are you doing here? She knew the low-level street thug from her early days of working in Setara City. She hadn’t expected to bust him while working in ACC.

    God, McCray, why the fuck did it have to be you?

    Kaz only stared. Nice moves, McCray, her partner remarked. Does he have the painting on him?

    Charlie patted down Little’s body and pulled a piece of parchment out of his jacket.

    Kaz examined it. It’s fake.

    Jeez, McCray, I heard you’d gone soft, but I can’t believe you’re working in ACC, Little remarked as she dragged him into the station. Aren’t you bored out of your freaking mind?

    No, it’s peaceful. Catching you reminds me how much I don’t want to go back to my old job. Charlie took him through booking. Plus, my new job doesn’t get people killed.

    Walking through the small station brought back memories too, but she forced them down. The small red brick building had been used as a school before the country’s revolution but had since been turned into an enforcer’s station. Kaz and Charlie took Little through the security scanner, showing their badges for ID then took him through to booking.

    Little fiddled with his cuffs then stared at Charlie. Seriously, McCray, I used to enjoy seeing you around. You’re cool, well, cool for a cop anyway, Little said with a grin.

    She flinched; she really didn’t want to be reminded of the old days. That was a long time ago, Little.

    Charlie handed him over to the desk sergeant and headed back to the cluttered office she now shared with Kaz. She slumped into her rickety desk chair and scowled at the pile of paperwork.

    You did good out there, sarge. Doesn’t it make you miss Major Crimes? Kaz asked.

    Charlie sighed. She knew Kaz had just been biding her time until she could join Major Crimes herself. It was the dream for a lot of enforcers. She hadn’t had an office when she’d worked in her old unit and this looked more like a cupboard than an office. With its skinny window, desks that looked like they’d been through a war zone and the endless piles of books and paperwork, it was a far cry from her old life.

    Look, no one really wants to work in ACC, I’m only doing it because the experience looks good for when I tried to apply Major Crimes, Kaz told her.

    Charlie tried not to wince. She’d been just like Kaz a few years earlier. Young, eager to join the newly formed Major Crimes Unit. Setara hadn’t had much in the way of law enforcement before and the city had needed a lot of help. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be, she muttered and gulped down the station’s foul coffee.

    Kaz slumped into her desk chair, shoving paper to one end of her own desk. I still don’t get why you want to be here. I mean you’re a Denai witch, for crying out loud. Denais were immortal witches who used their gifts to enforce and ensure justice with their powers of telepathy, empathy, compulsion, divination and being able to sense the truth. Charlie had been born Denai medium, her powers worked on the dead, not the living.

    I’m a medium, she corrected. Or at least I was.

    A gangly looking man with a mop of brown curls tapped on the door. Charlie smiled when she saw Nigel with his chequered shirt and cargo pants. The third unofficial member of her new team. He’d joined ACC like Kaz—for experience.

    Hey, sarge, the chief wants to see you in his office, he told her.

    Charlie groaned. Now what?


    Charlie headed up to Chief Whitely’s office. She still had no idea why the chief had decided to work in Setara City after the country’s revolution. Maybe he had felt pushed out after the Excalibar team—her aunt’s investigation team—had moved to Elaris years earlier. Setara City wasn’t the place it had once been. She took a deep breath as she knocked on the door. If he wanted to talk to her about moving back to Major Crimes again he’d be wasting his time.

    Charlie opened the door and saw Jason Talbot there instead of Chief Whitely. He had short dark hair, and silver eyes, towering over her at six-and-a-half feet. Uncle Jason, she gasped. I mean, er, chief. What you are doing here?

    Jason smiled, moved around the desk and wrapped his arms around her. Goddess, I hope no one sees this! One of the reasons she’d come to Setara in the first place was to get away from her family’s influence in Elaris.

    Hey. He gave her a warm smile.

    She groaned, closing the door behind her so no one else would see the exchange. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. What’s Chief Whitely gonna think with the commander being here? Well, Jason is his boss so I suppose he can’t object. "Please tell me Aunt Cate didn’t send you to check up on me again."

    No, but she still worries about you—we both do.

    She’d spent a few weeks with her family after losing her team, although she loved them, and they knew the downsides that came with being an enforcer it hadn’t helped. I’m fine, she insisted, resting a hip against the visitor’s chair. Is that what you came all this way for? Please don’t ask more questions about how I’m feeling, I just want to get back to work.

    No, I came to talk about your case. Jason leant back against the desk and folded his arms.

    Charlie’s heart skipped a beat. After the bombing Excalibar Investigations, the team of enforcers led by Jason and her aunt, Cate, had investigated but hadn’t found the people responsible. Have you found something? she asked, wringing her hands together.

    Maybe. I know someone who can help you get close to the Tears, but—

    Tell me, Charlie snapped. She’d do whatever it took to find the people responsible for killing her teammates. Come on, just tell me, I didn’t expect you of all people to keep things from me.

    You don’t have the clearance to work with Major Crimes’ files now and you broke all ties with them.

    Charlie gritted her teeth and shoved her hands into her pockets. This had better not be a trick to get me back with them, she hissed. Since when does clearance matter? You’re the chief, plus the Grand Master. You and Aunt Cate are the highest legal authority over Magickind. Why wouldn’t you just give me the clearance?

    Charlie, you know I’d never trick you. I won’t force you back either but there are rules in place...

    Ha, since when do you care about rules? Cate and Jason were famous among the enforcers for breaking the rules and forming their own investigations team separate from the traditional enforcer’s constabulary.

    Jason sighed. I can’t hold out on reforming your team. I’ve left the position open because I know how much you wanted to lead them.

    Charlie looked away and felt the sting of tears but held them back. Crying did nothing. I told you, I don’t want that. I don’t care about any of it. Charlie folded her arms, hugging herself. Reform the team. I know there’s a lot of enforcers who’d kill to join.

    It had been her dream too. Once.

    She turned to face her uncle. Tell me about the lead.

    It’s not much to go on, I think he can help you find some answers.

    Give me the details. I’ll go right now. Paperwork could wait a little longer. Finding her team’s killers trumped everything. Who is it?

    You’re not going to like it.

    Chapter 2

    Charlie pulled up outside the club Nocturne, a large red brick building with darkened windows and black double doors. Unbelievable! She couldn’t believe Jason would send her here of all places. She sat staring at the club for several minutes, gripping the steering wheel so hard her knuckles turned white. Maybe Drake wouldn’t be there. Hell, his main club was in Elaris so there was a good chance he wouldn’t be around. She’d spent the past six years trying to avoid seeing him again and had hoped this day would never come.

    Get a grip. You’re here because of your case—okay, not officially my case, but they were my team. Nothing will stop me from getting justice for them. She took a deep breath, pulled on her leather jacket and glanced at herself in the rear-view mirror. With her brown locks pulled back in a loose knot and only a tinge of makeup, she wondered what Drake would think of her now. She’d been just shy of eighteen when they’d last seen each other.

    Her deep brown eyes had dark circles under them from lack of sleep. Why should I care what Drake thinks? She clipped her badge onto the belt of her dark black jeans and strode towards the club. She wasn’t an awkward teenager anymore; she was a woman, an enforcer. Plus, it wasn’t as if anything would happen between her and Drake. She was only here to find out what he knew, then they’d go their separate ways again. Besides, she had Scott.

    Charlie took a deep breath, pushed the doors open, and stepped inside. She put on her Denai face to show a neutral expression. Denais never gave away their true emotions and she didn’t want him to see hers either.

    Bright glaring white lights broke through the dark interior of the club with its black and white chequered floor and black and white tables and stools.

    Definitely Drake’s style. If demons have style.

    She spotted a giant of a man with a spattering of ginger hair and a short beard by the door. His dark eyes fixed on her she walked in, eyeing her badge. Hi, I’m... she said.

    I know who you are. The boss is expecting you, he’s in his office. He motioned to a door at the back of the club. Her eyes widened. Expecting her? How had he known she’d come? Had Jason told him?

    Ah hell, no backing out now. Part of her wanted to turn around and run back out. If she walked through that door, she’d be inviting Drake into her life again and she didn’t think she was ready for that. Charlie took another breath, counted a few times to stay calm. Here we go.

    She hesitated when she reached the door. Should she just go barging in there? She knew how to handle people, even criminals—but Drake? Nope, no amount of experience or training could help with that. What was she supposed to say?

    Hi, long time no see; is there any way to break the connection you created between us when you saved my life? Or, Hi, have you gotten over your ridiculous idea that we’re supposed to be life mates yet?

    No, she was here for work, for her team. Nothing else mattered but that.

    As she reached the door handle, her senses tingled, feeling the warmth of his presence. Charlie shook her head to shake off the feeling, then pushed the door open. Inside a large desk took up one corner of the room with a console unit stacked high with a neat pile of paperwork.

    Behind the desk sat the man himself. He rose and moved around the desk when he saw her. Charlotte. He made her name sound exotic.

    She didn’t know what she’d expected but he looked different from what she remembered. His rich long black hair was now cut short, but his jet-black eyes looked the same. Same strong masculine body that looked damned good in his sharp grey suit.

    Despite only being a few inches taller, he dwarfed over her, his massive body seeming to take up the entire space. Damn, the man looked good.

    Drake. Charlie felt her heart beat faster. Goddess, she would not feel any kind of insane attraction to him, even if he did look like sin itself.

    How are you?

    She blinked, surprised by the question. His face remained neutral; she’d never been able to read his expressions. Er—I’m fine.

    It’s been a while.

    Yeah. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, biting her lip with uncertainty. I’m an enforcer now. She brushed her hair back, struggling to find the right words. The strange magnetic pull tugged at her senses. Bloody connection!

    So I’ve heard. He folded his arms. I’m sorry about what happened.

    About what? She stared at him, losing herself in the dark pools of his eyes. Demon, she reminded herself. You can’t have lusty thoughts about a demon, but hell, who am I to judge? I’m part demon.

    About the loss of your team.

    Oh, that. She’d almost hoped he’d apologise for the damn link between them. I mean, that’s why I’m here. Jason said you have info about the Tears.

    Please, sit. He motioned to the leather visitor’s chair.

    Charlie shook her head. This isn’t a social call. Just tell me what you know, she insisted. I have to get back to work.

    Very well. The Alliance is interested in the gang suspected of killing your teammates.

    The Alliance was an organisation created after the revolution of Setara to deal with the aftermath. Setara had gone to hell for a while after the downfall of the tyrant who once ruled it. So together the Alliance made up of five leaders of the original races of Magickind. Together the Alliance became a separate entity from the United Magickind Council, their main goal was to ensure justice and make sure a group like the infamous Covenant never came to power again. Along with the council, they created new laws to make sure each race was treated equal and no one had the power to control others. From what she’d heard Drake had joined the Alliance too and become a representative of Demonkind.

    Why is the Alliance interested in the Tears? Charlie asked, folding her arms.

    We have our reasons. His face remained cool and calm, not betraying any emotion.

    Right. There it was. Somehow she doubted she’d ever get the whole truth from him. Which are? She arched an eyebrow.

    Look, if we work together, I believe we can bring down the gang, Drake said. The Alliance has suggested we work together to find the gang’s true leader.

    She scowled, wondering what kind of game he was up to now. You’re civilian; I’m an enforcer. The two don’t go together. Hell, that’s an understatement.

    I’m not a civilian. I run my own private black-ops unit for the Alliance. If you agree to work with me, I can make you a Division agent.

    Charlie’s mouth fell open. Of all the things she’d been expecting him to say, that hadn’t been one of them. Drake, look. I appreciate you trying to help me, but... She’d heard of the elusive Division before but had never had any encounters with them. She hadn’t been interested either. Being an enforcer had been all that mattered to her, but Division went way beyond normal law enforcement.

    I’m not just doing it for you, little witch. The Alliance believes the gang is using ancient weapons and that they were after one the day your team was killed. Ancient tech is dangerous in the wrong hands. I’ll do everything I can to stop them.

    She shook her head. I work alone now on my team’s case. It’s personal for me.

    It would only be for a few weeks at most. I’m sure we can solve this together.

    Charlie sighed. Maybe Drake could prove to be a valuable source of intel, but she had other reasons for not wanting him around. You know nothing has changed between us. I still won’t be your life mate, she said. We should break the link between us. She saw something flicker in his dark eyes but couldn’t read what.

    Drake shook his head. The link between us can’t be undone, little witch. I brought you back from death; that kind of connection can’t be broken. He reached out to touch her, but Charlie took a step back.

    Fine, just so you know where we stand. Charlie turned back to the door. I’d better go.

    Will you work with me or not?

    She groaned. What could she say? She’d do whatever she had to do to find her team’s killer, even if it meant working with Drake. Fine, like I said, nothing is going to change between us. I’m with Scott. He’s my future, she insisted. Come by the station later. We can go over details then.

    Very well, we’ll meet again tomorrow morning.

    Have this all planned out, don’t you?

    Fine, see you then. Charlie turned and left. She had to get out of there. Just being near him made her feel uncomfortable. It had awoken the connection she’d spent years ignoring. I’m not attracted to him, she told herself as she headed back to her car.

    Once at home, Charlie poured herself a beer and settled in front of her computer. Stacks of paperwork covered her living room with its wooden floor and whitewashed walls. A board sat in one corner pinned with all the info she’d managed to gather about the case and boxes were scattered in every room from where she’d moved in the year before. She’d never gotten around to unpacking. Her mind wandered back to Drake again. She swore she could feel his presence too—something that both annoyed and confused her.

    What had changed? The link between them had been something she’d put to the back of her mind over the years. Had seeing him again brought it back to the surface?

    Her laptop chimed and she clicked on to see the grinning face of Scott there. Hey, babe. Scott waved.

    Charlie’s lips curved when she saw him. His goofy grin always made her feel better. Hi.

    God, I’ve missed you! Scott’s job as a tech consultant meant he travelled a lot, but she’d grown used to his absences.

    I miss you too. She touched the screen, part of her wishing he’d teleport back right now. She needed a distraction from all thoughts of Drake. When are you coming home?

    Not sure yet. Maybe another week. How you’ve been? he asked. Still having nightmares?

    She winced. She hated the nightmares, being forced to relive her team’s last moments. Damn, he knew her too well, and it made her uncomfortable. He’d only learnt of the nightmares by accident when she’d woken up screaming. Not so much.

    See, the therapy is helping.

    Right. Therapy. She’d had a few sessions with Marina Talbot—Jason’s mother—since the bombing but had stopped going. Therapy hadn’t helped; only justice would. Only that would bring closure.

    Char, are you still listening to me? Scott’s voice brought her back to reality.

    She shook her head, trying to clear it. Yeah.

    Maybe we should take a holiday when I get home. It’d be good for us to get away for a while and finally spend some quality time together.

    She tried not to cringe as a familiar panic set in and gripped the arms of her chair for support. Scott, you know I can’t. I just started working in a new department. Plus you have to work too.

    He frowned. ACC is just a side gig, right? I thought we agreed you were going to retire?

    Charlie looked away. Despite what happened, she couldn’t imagine ever walking away from the job. Being an enforcer was in her blood; it’s what she’d always wanted to be. I didn’t say that, and I can’t walk away. Not until I find out who did it.

    It’s not your case, right? We agreed we’d talk when I get back, remember? he said. About moving in together.

    Charlie tried not to wince. Despite dating for a few months in college and then hooking up again a year ago, their relationship had been long-distance for most of that time. The idea of taking the next step by moving in together felt like a big deal and one she didn’t think she was ready for. We’ll talk, she promised.

    Great, it’s a date. I love you, Char.

    She opened her mouth to say the same as an image of Drake popped into her mind again. You too. The screen went black.

    Charlie grabbed a bottle of sleeping potion, gulped it down. She hated the stuff, but it was the only way to avoid the nightmares.

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